Convince me Pop Tarts & ice cream are bad.



  • KellyRUNS2Bthinner
    KellyRUNS2Bthinner Posts: 13 Member
    I personally think your calorie intake given your life style and your fitness level is fine, I eat almost 3000 a day and i am a 41 year old 133 pound female. Now as far as your diet is concerned the only issue I can see being a possible problem down the ROAD is a sugar issue. Back in my early 30's I could knock bag a BIG tootsie roll daily and a dark chocolate bar for fun. Daily and this did NOT affect my weight, I am OCD and when you follow a routine most of the time everything falls into place. My weight wasn't a factor in why I took majority of the sugary sweets out of my diet. I started a new job 5 years ago, very physical.... now already doing physcial activity I found myself needing some extra energy. Long story short.... seemed like every time I had sugar, within an hour I was exhausted. I was having sugar spikes ~ NOW YOUR CASE is a little different in that your ice cream actually isn't that bad for you, in all other areas (proteins, carbs exc.) frankly if you were to compare your poptarts to a chocolate bar you are still ahead of the game. If I was YOU..... listen to your body. If you want the sugar and have no medical NEED to NOT eat it......then EAT it! You live once, live for yourself. I try to live a clean healthy life style but that is what I WANT. If you want your poptarts....and by all your info you are healthy then eat the damn things!!!!
  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    u can bite out the shape of a gun with a poptart and be a threat to the comunity
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I will not. You got it right bro! hahaha I too enjoy these things and have done so while losing nearly as much weight as yourself...unfortunately without exercise they caught back up to me, so I gotta work my way back down! lol

    i think this is my point in a nutshell. if you eat primarily whole foods, what you experienced is much, MUCH less likely to happen. eating the types of foods I eat and in the quantities I eat them, even if I stop exercising I won't gain weight, or not significantly.

    Okay, quick question. You are only 24 years old, you have "0" pounds to lose. I am curious. Were you ever overweight? If so, how overweight were you? Do you have pictures of this? Have you ever had issues with food at all? Sometimes, if we have not walked in a person's shoes, we don't understand everything they deal with. It's easy to tell people how to eat or how not to eat, but if you have never lived this life - you really have no true idea what it takes to succeed. Not critizing you at all, just curious.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I will not. You got it right bro! hahaha I too enjoy these things and have done so while losing nearly as much weight as yourself...unfortunately without exercise they caught back up to me, so I gotta work my way back down! lol

    i think this is my point in a nutshell. if you eat primarily whole foods, what you experienced is much, MUCH less likely to happen. eating the types of foods I eat and in the quantities I eat them, even if I stop exercising I won't gain weight, or not significantly.

    Okay, quick question. You are only 24 years old, you have "0" pounds to lose. I am curious. Were you ever overweight? If so, how overweight were you? Do you have pictures of this? Have you ever had issues with food at all? Sometimes, if we have not walked in a person's shoes, we don't understand everything they deal with. It's easy to tell people how to eat or how not to eat, but if you have never lived this life - you really have no true idea what it takes to succeed. Not critizing you at all, just curious.

    YOUR ability to control that goes into YOUR mouth does not make foods bad. It means you simply have an inability to stop eating.

    That does not make the food bad per se, it makes your own behavioral issues apparent.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I personally think your calorie intake given your life style and your fitness level is fine, I eat almost 3000 a day and i am a 41 year old 133 pound female. Now as far as your diet is concerned the only issue I can see being a possible problem down the ROAD is a sugar issue. Back in my early 30's I could knock bag a BIG tootsie roll daily and a dark chocolate bar for fun. Daily and this did NOT affect my weight, I am OCD and when you follow a routine most of the time everything falls into place. My weight wasn't a factor in why I took majority of the sugary sweets out of my diet. I started a new job 5 years ago, very physical.... now already doing physcial activity I found myself needing some extra energy. Long story short.... seemed like every time I had sugar, within an hour I was exhausted. I was having sugar spikes ~ NOW YOUR CASE is a little different in that your ice cream actually isn't that bad for you, in all other areas (proteins, carbs exc.) frankly if you were to compare your poptarts to a chocolate bar you are still ahead of the game. If I was YOU..... listen to your body. If you want the sugar and have no medical NEED to NOT eat it......then EAT it! You live once, live for yourself. I try to live a clean healthy life style but that is what I WANT. If you want your poptarts....and by all your info you are healthy then eat the damn things!!!!

    ... yeah... this just changed my mind.

    I eat "clean" because I WANT to and I really enjoy it. I think that's what a lot of folks throwing out the orthorexic term don't understand. But that said, obviously the same things don't make everyone happy, and... yeah as long as you're really truly listening to your body and are honest with yourself and your health markers show no risks... I guess it makes sense to do whatever it is that makes you happy and helps you reach your personal goals. If you would hate eating the way I do, then it makes no sense to do it.

    So... im still going to advocate for whole foods and the cleaning up of diets - because for the majority it's still medically necessitated - but in your case magerum, do your thang. You know what you're doing. And if it reached a point where your health markers DID start to drop, it's not like you don't have the knowledge and tools to fix it.

    But damn it Pop Tarts are STILL empty calories! I have to hold on to something. :tongue:
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I will not. You got it right bro! hahaha I too enjoy these things and have done so while losing nearly as much weight as yourself...unfortunately without exercise they caught back up to me, so I gotta work my way back down! lol

    i think this is my point in a nutshell. if you eat primarily whole foods, what you experienced is much, MUCH less likely to happen. eating the types of foods I eat and in the quantities I eat them, even if I stop exercising I won't gain weight, or not significantly.

    Okay, quick question. You are only 24 years old, you have "0" pounds to lose. I am curious. Were you ever overweight? If so, how overweight were you? Do you have pictures of this? Have you ever had issues with food at all? Sometimes, if we have not walked in a person's shoes, we don't understand everything they deal with. It's easy to tell people how to eat or how not to eat, but if you have never lived this life - you really have no true idea what it takes to succeed. Not critizing you at all, just curious.

    YOUR ability to control that goes into YOUR mouth does not make foods bad. It means you simply have an inability to stop eating.

    That does not make the food bad per se, it makes your own behavioral issues apparent.

    Was this aimed at my comment, because if so, it makes no sense. I don't believe I said anything about food being bad or good or having an inability to control what goes into my mouth.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I will not. You got it right bro! hahaha I too enjoy these things and have done so while losing nearly as much weight as yourself...unfortunately without exercise they caught back up to me, so I gotta work my way back down! lol

    i think this is my point in a nutshell. if you eat primarily whole foods, what you experienced is much, MUCH less likely to happen. eating the types of foods I eat and in the quantities I eat them, even if I stop exercising I won't gain weight, or not significantly.

    Okay, quick question. You are only 24 years old, you have "0" pounds to lose. I am curious. Were you ever overweight? If so, how overweight were you? Do you have pictures of this? Have you ever had issues with food at all? Sometimes, if we have not walked in a person's shoes, we don't understand everything they deal with. It's easy to tell people how to eat or how not to eat, but if you have never lived this life - you really have no true idea what it takes to succeed. Not critizing you at all, just curious.

    YOUR ability to control that goes into YOUR mouth does not make foods bad. It means you simply have an inability to stop eating.

    That does not make the food bad per se, it makes your own behavioral issues apparent.

    Was this aimed at my comment, because if so, it makes no sense. I don't believe I said anything about food being bad or good or having an inability to control what goes into my mouth.

    You were saying about do you know what it is like to be fat?

    I was saying that this is a behavioral issues, and not to be labeled at food. There are plenty of people who don't get fat because they do not create a behavioral or emotional link (one of the same really) to food.

    We all know what it is like to succeed, just because one has been overweight does not mean they know more about diet and control, it shows the opposite - the thinner person has actually shown the ability to control intake and take their problems away from food and behavioral or emotional issues with it.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I will not. You got it right bro! hahaha I too enjoy these things and have done so while losing nearly as much weight as yourself...unfortunately without exercise they caught back up to me, so I gotta work my way back down! lol

    i think this is my point in a nutshell. if you eat primarily whole foods, what you experienced is much, MUCH less likely to happen. eating the types of foods I eat and in the quantities I eat them, even if I stop exercising I won't gain weight, or not significantly.

    Okay, quick question. You are only 24 years old, you have "0" pounds to lose. I am curious. Were you ever overweight? If so, how overweight were you? Do you have pictures of this? Have you ever had issues with food at all? Sometimes, if we have not walked in a person's shoes, we don't understand everything they deal with. It's easy to tell people how to eat or how not to eat, but if you have never lived this life - you really have no true idea what it takes to succeed. Not critizing you at all, just curious.

    YOUR ability to control that goes into YOUR mouth does not make foods bad. It means you simply have an inability to stop eating.

    That does not make the food bad per se, it makes your own behavioral issues apparent.

    Was this aimed at my comment, because if so, it makes no sense. I don't believe I said anything about food being bad or good or having an inability to control what goes into my mouth.

    You were saying about do you know what it is like to be fat?

    I was saying that this is a behavioral issues, and not to be labeled at food. There are plenty of people who don't get fat because they do not create a behavioral or emotional link (one of the same really) to food.

    We all know what it is like to succeed, just because one has been overweight does not mean they know more about diet and control, it shows the opposite - the thinner person has actually shown the ability to control intake and take their problems away from food and behavioral or emotional issues with it.

    Possibly. However, there are many issues related to being overweight. I understand that mine were related to emotional issues and also not moving enough. That's all changing. It's just that sometimes, it's beneficial to have overcome a problem when trying to teach others. I'm not saying that someone who has been a healthy weight can not teach about nutrition & other healthy habits. But you will concede that some of the best helpers are people who have walked the walk. I'm thinking about people who counsel on domestic violence, rape, illnesses such as cancer. And speaking from the perspective of having been overweight, I relate better to someone who has been successful in losing weight and keeping it off. They TRULY understand the challenges, the slips, and how to keep going. I find people who have been thin and in shape all their lives, the last people I want to hear advice from. That's just me - probably another issue to work on (lol). But, there it is.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I will not. You got it right bro! hahaha I too enjoy these things and have done so while losing nearly as much weight as yourself...unfortunately without exercise they caught back up to me, so I gotta work my way back down! lol

    i think this is my point in a nutshell. if you eat primarily whole foods, what you experienced is much, MUCH less likely to happen. eating the types of foods I eat and in the quantities I eat them, even if I stop exercising I won't gain weight, or not significantly.

    Okay, quick question. You are only 24 years old, you have "0" pounds to lose. I am curious. Were you ever overweight? If so, how overweight were you? Do you have pictures of this? Have you ever had issues with food at all? Sometimes, if we have not walked in a person's shoes, we don't understand everything they deal with. It's easy to tell people how to eat or how not to eat, but if you have never lived this life - you really have no true idea what it takes to succeed. Not critizing you at all, just curious.

    I'm 26, and no, I've never been overweight. Genetics. It isnt fashionable, but being super skinny isn't really the most exciting thing in the world for a guy in his late teens and early 20s. It's tough for me to put on muscle/weight, but I've done it and will continue to do it as healthily as I can. Not all struggles look the same, though I won't go so far as to equate mine completely with yours. But regardless, that doesn't mean I don't understand it, having worked with many people to help them lose significant amounts of weight. I get it. It ain't easy.

    And as far as "not knowing what it takes to succeed" - I'm a decent lookin kid with a bit of talent living in NYC trying to make it as an actor not having the connections others have, not having a big theatre school on my resume, not having my daddy pay my rent, and having lost my ability to sing and even speak normally while dealing with mysterious hoarseness for over a year and a half. There were already a million guys like me - now Im fighting my own nervous, muscular and digestive system just to be able to audition confidently again and live a normal life where I can go out with friends and not worry about not being able to even speak over the bar noise.

    Sory for going OT, but we all have our ****.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I will not. You got it right bro! hahaha I too enjoy these things and have done so while losing nearly as much weight as yourself...unfortunately without exercise they caught back up to me, so I gotta work my way back down! lol

    i think this is my point in a nutshell. if you eat primarily whole foods, what you experienced is much, MUCH less likely to happen. eating the types of foods I eat and in the quantities I eat them, even if I stop exercising I won't gain weight, or not significantly.

    Okay, quick question. You are only 24 years old, you have "0" pounds to lose. I am curious. Were you ever overweight? If so, how overweight were you? Do you have pictures of this? Have you ever had issues with food at all? Sometimes, if we have not walked in a person's shoes, we don't understand everything they deal with. It's easy to tell people how to eat or how not to eat, but if you have never lived this life - you really have no true idea what it takes to succeed. Not critizing you at all, just curious.

    YOUR ability to control that goes into YOUR mouth does not make foods bad. It means you simply have an inability to stop eating.

    That does not make the food bad per se, it makes your own behavioral issues apparent.

    Was this aimed at my comment, because if so, it makes no sense. I don't believe I said anything about food being bad or good or having an inability to control what goes into my mouth.

    You were saying about do you know what it is like to be fat?

    I was saying that this is a behavioral issues, and not to be labeled at food. There are plenty of people who don't get fat because they do not create a behavioral or emotional link (one of the same really) to food.

    We all know what it is like to succeed, just because one has been overweight does not mean they know more about diet and control, it shows the opposite - the thinner person has actually shown the ability to control intake and take their problems away from food and behavioral or emotional issues with it.

    Possibly. However, there are many issues related to being overweight. I understand that mine were related to emotional issues and also not moving enough. That's all changing. It's just that sometimes, it's beneficial to have overcome a problem when trying to teach others. I'm not saying that someone who has been a healthy weight can not teach about nutrition & other healthy habits. But you will concede that some of the best helpers are people who have walked the walk. I'm thinking about people who counsel on domestic violence, rape, illnesses such as cancer. And speaking from the perspective of having been overweight, I relate better to someone who has been successful in losing weight and keeping it off. They TRULY understand the challenges, the slips, and how to keep going. I find people who have been thin and in shape all their lives, the last people I want to hear advice from. That's just me - probably another issue to work on (lol). But, there it is.

    I'll concede there are some very good points in there.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I will not. You got it right bro! hahaha I too enjoy these things and have done so while losing nearly as much weight as yourself...unfortunately without exercise they caught back up to me, so I gotta work my way back down! lol

    i think this is my point in a nutshell. if you eat primarily whole foods, what you experienced is much, MUCH less likely to happen. eating the types of foods I eat and in the quantities I eat them, even if I stop exercising I won't gain weight, or not significantly.

    Okay, quick question. You are only 24 years old, you have "0" pounds to lose. I am curious. Were you ever overweight? If so, how overweight were you? Do you have pictures of this? Have you ever had issues with food at all? Sometimes, if we have not walked in a person's shoes, we don't understand everything they deal with. It's easy to tell people how to eat or how not to eat, but if you have never lived this life - you really have no true idea what it takes to succeed. Not critizing you at all, just curious.

    I'm 26, and no, I've never been overweight. Genetics. It isnt fashionable, but being super skinny isn't really the most exciting thing in the world for a guy in his late teens and early 20s. It's tough for me to put on muscle/weight, but I've done it and will continue to do it as healthily as I can. Not all struggles look the same, though I won't go so far as to equate mine completely with yours. But regardless, that doesn't mean I don't understand it, having worked with many people to help them lose significant amounts of weight. I get it. It ain't easy.

    And as far as "not knowing what it takes to succeed" - I'm a decent lookin kid with a bit of talent living in NYC trying to make it as an actor not having the connections others have, not having a big theatre school on my resume, not having my daddy pay my rent, and having lost my ability to sing and even speak normally while dealing with mysterious hoarseness for over a year and a half. There were already a million guys like me - now Im fighting my own nervous, muscular and digestive system just to be able to audition confidently again and live a normal life where I can go out with friends and not worry about not being able to even speak over the bar noise.

    Sory for going OT, but we all have our ****.

    Hey, I appreciate you for sharing that. Yes, we all have our struggles. Would you say that in overcoming your fears of the stage it would be helpful to get advice from someone who has maybe been successful at acting and can understand where that fear is coming from? Maybe they also had similar problems when they were starting out? My choice of wording about being successful was probably misplaced. I realize that we are all successful at some things - not so much at others. I was just saying that it's easier for me to take counsel from a person who has been where I was. Maybe it's something in my head. But they just make more sense to me. I truly wish you success in your career. Many great people overcame obstacles related to their voices. I wish the same for you.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I will not. You got it right bro! hahaha I too enjoy these things and have done so while losing nearly as much weight as yourself...unfortunately without exercise they caught back up to me, so I gotta work my way back down! lol

    i think this is my point in a nutshell. if you eat primarily whole foods, what you experienced is much, MUCH less likely to happen. eating the types of foods I eat and in the quantities I eat them, even if I stop exercising I won't gain weight, or not significantly.

    Okay, quick question. You are only 24 years old, you have "0" pounds to lose. I am curious. Were you ever overweight? If so, how overweight were you? Do you have pictures of this? Have you ever had issues with food at all? Sometimes, if we have not walked in a person's shoes, we don't understand everything they deal with. It's easy to tell people how to eat or how not to eat, but if you have never lived this life - you really have no true idea what it takes to succeed. Not critizing you at all, just curious.

    I'm 26, and no, I've never been overweight. Genetics. It isnt fashionable, but being super skinny isn't really the most exciting thing in the world for a guy in his late teens and early 20s. It's tough for me to put on muscle/weight, but I've done it and will continue to do it as healthily as I can. Not all struggles look the same, though I won't go so far as to equate mine completely with yours. But regardless, that doesn't mean I don't understand it, having worked with many people to help them lose significant amounts of weight. I get it. It ain't easy.

    And as far as "not knowing what it takes to succeed" - I'm a decent lookin kid with a bit of talent living in NYC trying to make it as an actor not having the connections others have, not having a big theatre school on my resume, not having my daddy pay my rent, and having lost my ability to sing and even speak normally while dealing with mysterious hoarseness for over a year and a half. There were already a million guys like me - now Im fighting my own nervous, muscular and digestive system just to be able to audition confidently again and live a normal life where I can go out with friends and not worry about not being able to even speak over the bar noise.

    Sory for going OT, but we all have our ****.

    Hey, I appreciate you for sharing that. Yes, we all have our struggles. Would you say that in overcoming your fears of the stage it would be helpful to get advice from someone who has maybe been successful at acting and can understand where that fear is coming from? Maybe they also had similar problems when they were starting out? My choice of wording about being successful was probably misplaced. I realize that we are all successful at some things - not so much at others. I was just saying that it's easier for me to take counsel from a person who has been where I was. Maybe it's something in my head. But they just make more sense to me. I truly wish you success in your career. Many great people overcame obstacles related to their voices. I wish the same for you.

    it's not fear of the stage... it's having medical problems related to an illness a year and a half back that messed up my larynx.

    but in any case, I'm sorry that you only feel that someone who's gone through your EXACT situation has any credibility, because like it or not, all struggles are the same. You feel inadequate. You feel inferior. You keep asking yourself "why me"? Why did this happen to ME? How did I let myself get here? I know, because I ask myself the same questions. My voice problems are MY FAULT. The fact that I didn't take care of myself - the fact that I would do shows then go out and scream Journey at the top of my lungs while drinking and eating bad food. That lifestyle screwed me over in a big way. I did this to me. Just like you did it to yourself too. The guilt, the beating yourself up? I'm there. I've been there. I'm still dealing with it too.

    Just because the exact circumstances aren't the same, doesn't mean a person can't understand what you're going through.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I personally think your calorie intake given your life style and your fitness level is fine, I eat almost 3000 a day and i am a 41 year old 133 pound female. Now as far as your diet is concerned the only issue I can see being a possible problem down the ROAD is a sugar issue. Back in my early 30's I could knock bag a BIG tootsie roll daily and a dark chocolate bar for fun. Daily and this did NOT affect my weight, I am OCD and when you follow a routine most of the time everything falls into place. My weight wasn't a factor in why I took majority of the sugary sweets out of my diet. I started a new job 5 years ago, very physical.... now already doing physcial activity I found myself needing some extra energy. Long story short.... seemed like every time I had sugar, within an hour I was exhausted. I was having sugar spikes ~ NOW YOUR CASE is a little different in that your ice cream actually isn't that bad for you, in all other areas (proteins, carbs exc.) frankly if you were to compare your poptarts to a chocolate bar you are still ahead of the game. If I was YOU..... listen to your body. If you want the sugar and have no medical NEED to NOT eat it......then EAT it! You live once, live for yourself. I try to live a clean healthy life style but that is what I WANT. If you want your poptarts....and by all your info you are healthy then eat the damn things!!!!

    ... yeah... this just changed my mind.

    I eat "clean" because I WANT to and I really enjoy it. I think that's what a lot of folks throwing out the orthorexic term don't understand. But that said, obviously the same things don't make everyone happy, and... yeah as long as you're really truly listening to your body and are honest with yourself and your health markers show no risks... I guess it makes sense to do whatever it is that makes you happy and helps you reach your personal goals. If you would hate eating the way I do, then it makes no sense to do it.

    So... im still going to advocate for whole foods and the cleaning up of diets - because for the majority it's still medically necessitated - but in your case magerum, do your thang. You know what you're doing. And if it reached a point where your health markers DID start to drop, it's not like you don't have the knowledge and tools to fix it.

    But damn it Pop Tarts are STILL empty calories! I have to hold on to something. :tongue:

    Credit where credit is due. This is the most sensible well thought out post I think I've ever seen you post. Truth be told, other than wine or beer with dinner, my personal diet is probably closer to yours than magerum's. I am 5'9", 200, about 22 or 23% body fat, down from about 35% 2 years ago, 61 about to turn 62 with a TDEE of around 2500. I eat about 90% of calories from whole, nutrient dense foods. If I save a little at the end of the day, it's to have wine with dinner. Hey I'm Italian. It's a thing. I don't sweets very often. When I do, ice cream is my choice. Or maybe some dark chocolate.

    I eat the way I do this because that's what I like within the bounds of my eating plan. My health markers are great and there are very few people my age that I've seen whose 1RM for squats and deadlifts are over 300 lbs. I also bike 15 to 20 miles at a clip (hybrid not road bike) and run an occasional 5K in the warm weather.

    If you like eating very "clean" that good on you. It's the judgmental peachiness of many of your post that draws such fire and calls of orthorexia. The conclusion you came to above is pretty much what magerum's original point was. Obviously, if someone has poor health markers and is very overweight, the amount of indulgences they include would have to be modified, but reasonable indulgences as part of a healthy overall eating plan can substantially help long term compliance.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I will not. You got it right bro! hahaha I too enjoy these things and have done so while losing nearly as much weight as yourself...unfortunately without exercise they caught back up to me, so I gotta work my way back down! lol

    i think this is my point in a nutshell. if you eat primarily whole foods, what you experienced is much, MUCH less likely to happen. eating the types of foods I eat and in the quantities I eat them, even if I stop exercising I won't gain weight, or not significantly.

    Okay, quick question. You are only 24 years old, you have "0" pounds to lose. I am curious. Were you ever overweight? If so, how overweight were you? Do you have pictures of this? Have you ever had issues with food at all? Sometimes, if we have not walked in a person's shoes, we don't understand everything they deal with. It's easy to tell people how to eat or how not to eat, but if you have never lived this life - you really have no true idea what it takes to succeed. Not critizing you at all, just curious.

    I'm 26, and no, I've never been overweight. Genetics. It isnt fashionable, but being super skinny isn't really the most exciting thing in the world for a guy in his late teens and early 20s. It's tough for me to put on muscle/weight, but I've done it and will continue to do it as healthily as I can. Not all struggles look the same, though I won't go so far as to equate mine completely with yours. But regardless, that doesn't mean I don't understand it, having worked with many people to help them lose significant amounts of weight. I get it. It ain't easy.

    And as far as "not knowing what it takes to succeed" - I'm a decent lookin kid with a bit of talent living in NYC trying to make it as an actor not having the connections others have, not having a big theatre school on my resume, not having my daddy pay my rent, and having lost my ability to sing and even speak normally while dealing with mysterious hoarseness for over a year and a half. There were already a million guys like me - now Im fighting my own nervous, muscular and digestive system just to be able to audition confidently again and live a normal life where I can go out with friends and not worry about not being able to even speak over the bar noise.

    Sory for going OT, but we all have our ****.

    Hey, I appreciate you for sharing that. Yes, we all have our struggles. Would you say that in overcoming your fears of the stage it would be helpful to get advice from someone who has maybe been successful at acting and can understand where that fear is coming from? Maybe they also had similar problems when they were starting out? My choice of wording about being successful was probably misplaced. I realize that we are all successful at some things - not so much at others. I was just saying that it's easier for me to take counsel from a person who has been where I was. Maybe it's something in my head. But they just make more sense to me. I truly wish you success in your career. Many great people overcame obstacles related to their voices. I wish the same for you.

    it's not fear of the stage... it's having medical problems related to an illness a year and a half back that messed up my larynx.

    but in any case, I'm sorry that you only feel that someone who's gone through your EXACT situation has any credibility, because like it or not, all struggles are the same. You feel inadequate. You feel inferior. You keep asking yourself "why me"? Why did this happen to ME? How did I let myself get here? I know, because I ask myself the same questions. My voice problems are MY FAULT. The fact that I didn't take care of myself - the fact that I would do shows then go out and scream Journey at the top of my lungs while drinking and eating bad food. That lifestyle screwed me over in a big way. I did this to me. Just like you did it to yourself too. The guilt, the beating yourself up? I'm there. I've been there. I'm still dealing with it too.

    Just because the exact circumstances aren't the same, doesn't mean a person can't understand what you're going through.

    I'm not sorry that I feel this way. It's what works for me. My original point. It's not that I feel like you lack credibility, it's just that I have listened to healthy, fit people for years tell me what it takes to be healthy. I get that. To me, it's from the people on MFP who have actually done this work, that I glean the most credibility. There has to be a reason for this website being so successful. The majority of people are learning from the people who are ahead of them on this road. It's like I can visualize the success because I can see how they are succeeding. Maybe that's just the way I learn.

    One thing we do agree on: Journey is just AWESOME!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Options did I miss this the other day?
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    The red velvet pop tarts are no more...pop tarts are dead to me now.

    You should have stocked up. Rookie mistake.

    Got me two boxes yesterday...
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I like Ice Cream more than Pop Tarts every now and then I will crave a pop tart but my weakness is ice cream
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I will not. You got it right bro! hahaha I too enjoy these things and have done so while losing nearly as much weight as yourself...unfortunately without exercise they caught back up to me, so I gotta work my way back down! lol

    i think this is my point in a nutshell. if you eat primarily whole foods, what you experienced is much, MUCH less likely to happen. eating the types of foods I eat and in the quantities I eat them, even if I stop exercising I won't gain weight, or not significantly.

    Okay, quick question. You are only 24 years old, you have "0" pounds to lose. I am curious. Were you ever overweight? If so, how overweight were you? Do you have pictures of this? Have you ever had issues with food at all? Sometimes, if we have not walked in a person's shoes, we don't understand everything they deal with. It's easy to tell people how to eat or how not to eat, but if you have never lived this life - you really have no true idea what it takes to succeed. Not critizing you at all, just curious.

    YOUR ability to control that goes into YOUR mouth does not make foods bad. It means you simply have an inability to stop eating.

    That does not make the food bad per se, it makes your own behavioral issues apparent.

    Was this aimed at my comment, because if so, it makes no sense. I don't believe I said anything about food being bad or good or having an inability to control what goes into my mouth.

    You were saying about do you know what it is like to be fat?

    I was saying that this is a behavioral issues, and not to be labeled at food. There are plenty of people who don't get fat because they do not create a behavioral or emotional link (one of the same really) to food.

    We all know what it is like to succeed, just because one has been overweight does not mean they know more about diet and control, it shows the opposite - the thinner person has actually shown the ability to control intake and take their problems away from food and behavioral or emotional issues with it.

    Possibly. However, there are many issues related to being overweight. I understand that mine were related to emotional issues and also not moving enough. That's all changing. It's just that sometimes, it's beneficial to have overcome a problem when trying to teach others. I'm not saying that someone who has been a healthy weight can not teach about nutrition & other healthy habits. But you will concede that some of the best helpers are people who have walked the walk. I'm thinking about people who counsel on domestic violence, rape, illnesses such as cancer. And speaking from the perspective of having been overweight, I relate better to someone who has been successful in losing weight and keeping it off. They TRULY understand the challenges, the slips, and how to keep going. I find people who have been thin and in shape all their lives, the last people I want to hear advice from. That's just me - probably another issue to work on (lol). But, there it is.

    I'll concede there are some very good points in there.

    Agreed. Excellent points.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I personally think your calorie intake given your life style and your fitness level is fine, I eat almost 3000 a day and i am a 41 year old 133 pound female. Now as far as your diet is concerned the only issue I can see being a possible problem down the ROAD is a sugar issue. Back in my early 30's I could knock bag a BIG tootsie roll daily and a dark chocolate bar for fun. Daily and this did NOT affect my weight, I am OCD and when you follow a routine most of the time everything falls into place. My weight wasn't a factor in why I took majority of the sugary sweets out of my diet. I started a new job 5 years ago, very physical.... now already doing physcial activity I found myself needing some extra energy. Long story short.... seemed like every time I had sugar, within an hour I was exhausted. I was having sugar spikes ~ NOW YOUR CASE is a little different in that your ice cream actually isn't that bad for you, in all other areas (proteins, carbs exc.) frankly if you were to compare your poptarts to a chocolate bar you are still ahead of the game. If I was YOU..... listen to your body. If you want the sugar and have no medical NEED to NOT eat it......then EAT it! You live once, live for yourself. I try to live a clean healthy life style but that is what I WANT. If you want your poptarts....and by all your info you are healthy then eat the damn things!!!!

    ... yeah... this just changed my mind.

    I eat "clean" because I WANT to and I really enjoy it. I think that's what a lot of folks throwing out the orthorexic term don't understand. But that said, obviously the same things don't make everyone happy, and... yeah as long as you're really truly listening to your body and are honest with yourself and your health markers show no risks... I guess it makes sense to do whatever it is that makes you happy and helps you reach your personal goals. If you would hate eating the way I do, then it makes no sense to do it.

    So... im still going to advocate for whole foods and the cleaning up of diets - because for the majority it's still medically necessitated - but in your case magerum, do your thang. You know what you're doing. And if it reached a point where your health markers DID start to drop, it's not like you don't have the knowledge and tools to fix it.

    But damn it Pop Tarts are STILL empty calories! I have to hold on to something. :tongue:

    Credit where credit is due. This is the most sensible well thought out post I think I've ever seen you post. Truth be told, other than wine or beer with dinner, my personal diet is probably closer to yours than magerum's. I am 5'9", 200, about 22 or 23% body fat, down from about 35% 2 years ago, 61 about to turn 62 with a TDEE of around 2500. I eat about 90% of calories from whole, nutrient dense foods. If I save a little at the end of the day, it's to have wine with dinner. Hey I'm Italian. It's a thing. I don't sweets very often. When I do, ice cream is my choice. Or maybe some dark chocolate.

    I eat the way I do this because that's what I like within the bounds of my eating plan. My health markers are great and there are very few people my age that I've seen whose 1RM for squats and deadlifts are over 300 lbs. I also bike 15 to 20 miles at a clip (hybrid not road bike) and run an occasional 5K in the warm weather.

    If you like eating very "clean" that good on you. It's the judgmental peachiness of many of your post that draws such fire and calls of orthorexia. The conclusion you came to above is pretty much what magerum's original point was. Obviously, if someone has poor health markers and is very overweight, the amount of indulgences they include would have to be modified, but reasonable indulgences as part of a healthy overall eating plan can substantially help long term compliance.

    I'm with ya. Took me a while, but I'm with ya.

    Here's the remaining issue I see, however. In just about every single thread where the OP asks about a certain food group or ingredient, about half the posters are in there demonizing them for considering cleaning up their diet. Obviously it's the internet, and people are gonna be ****s and say whatever they want. But while I agree that people need to do what makes them happy, that's a two way street. If someone's asking about wheat or dairy or cutting out meat or only eating grass fed, or whatever else, I think a little more respect could be a good thing. Me being dairy free is the same thing as magerum eating his pop tarts. He wouldn't do what I do, and I wouldn't do what he does, but we're happy doing it our way, and at the end of the day, as long as our health markers are good, that should be acceptable to everyone. Fair?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I will not. You got it right bro! hahaha I too enjoy these things and have done so while losing nearly as much weight as yourself...unfortunately without exercise they caught back up to me, so I gotta work my way back down! lol

    i think this is my point in a nutshell. if you eat primarily whole foods, what you experienced is much, MUCH less likely to happen. eating the types of foods I eat and in the quantities I eat them, even if I stop exercising I won't gain weight, or not significantly.

    Okay, quick question. You are only 24 years old, you have "0" pounds to lose. I am curious. Were you ever overweight? If so, how overweight were you? Do you have pictures of this? Have you ever had issues with food at all? Sometimes, if we have not walked in a person's shoes, we don't understand everything they deal with. It's easy to tell people how to eat or how not to eat, but if you have never lived this life - you really have no true idea what it takes to succeed. Not critizing you at all, just curious.

    I'm 26, and no, I've never been overweight. Genetics. It isnt fashionable, but being super skinny isn't really the most exciting thing in the world for a guy in his late teens and early 20s. It's tough for me to put on muscle/weight, but I've done it and will continue to do it as healthily as I can. Not all struggles look the same, though I won't go so far as to equate mine completely with yours. But regardless, that doesn't mean I don't understand it, having worked with many people to help them lose significant amounts of weight. I get it. It ain't easy.

    And as far as "not knowing what it takes to succeed" - I'm a decent lookin kid with a bit of talent living in NYC trying to make it as an actor not having the connections others have, not having a big theatre school on my resume, not having my daddy pay my rent, and having lost my ability to sing and even speak normally while dealing with mysterious hoarseness for over a year and a half. There were already a million guys like me - now Im fighting my own nervous, muscular and digestive system just to be able to audition confidently again and live a normal life where I can go out with friends and not worry about not being able to even speak over the bar noise.

    Sory for going OT, but we all have our ****.

    Hey, I appreciate you for sharing that. Yes, we all have our struggles. Would you say that in overcoming your fears of the stage it would be helpful to get advice from someone who has maybe been successful at acting and can understand where that fear is coming from? Maybe they also had similar problems when they were starting out? My choice of wording about being successful was probably misplaced. I realize that we are all successful at some things - not so much at others. I was just saying that it's easier for me to take counsel from a person who has been where I was. Maybe it's something in my head. But they just make more sense to me. I truly wish you success in your career. Many great people overcame obstacles related to their voices. I wish the same for you.

    it's not fear of the stage... it's having medical problems related to an illness a year and a half back that messed up my larynx.

    but in any case, I'm sorry that you only feel that someone who's gone through your EXACT situation has any credibility, because like it or not, all struggles are the same. You feel inadequate. You feel inferior. You keep asking yourself "why me"? Why did this happen to ME? How did I let myself get here? I know, because I ask myself the same questions. My voice problems are MY FAULT. The fact that I didn't take care of myself - the fact that I would do shows then go out and scream Journey at the top of my lungs while drinking and eating bad food. That lifestyle screwed me over in a big way. I did this to me. Just like you did it to yourself too. The guilt, the beating yourself up? I'm there. I've been there. I'm still dealing with it too.

    Just because the exact circumstances aren't the same, doesn't mean a person can't understand what you're going through.

    I'm not sorry that I feel this way. It's what works for me. My original point. It's not that I feel like you lack credibility, it's just that I have listened to healthy, fit people for years tell me what it takes to be healthy. I get that. To me, it's from the people on MFP who have actually done this work, that I glean the most credibility. There has to be a reason for this website being so successful. The majority of people are learning from the people who are ahead of them on this road. It's like I can visualize the success because I can see how they are succeeding. Maybe that's just the way I learn.

    One thing we do agree on: Journey is just AWESOME!

    Haha truth. :drinker: