Things that suck about losing weight...



  • candieprayz
    candieprayz Posts: 29 Member
    Hmmm....the things that suck about losing weight in my experience is that I can't tell where I am losing it at except when I look at the sides of my torso. I am top heavy and I wish my boobs would shrink! If anyone knows of any work out that will help me shrink them please let me know! Also I have loose skin on my upper arms and my tummy and I just don't know if crunches will get rid of this tummy by the time I reach my goal weight! I am working my butt off doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred work out. My upper arms look so fat. Also, I hate the stretch marks that I have in various places. I asked my cousin a question a few weeks ago. I said to her "If you lost a bunch of weight and you could finally get into a bikini, would you still wear the bikini even if you had stretch marks on your stomach, legs and arms?" She said Hell yeah she would! She said I should not care what other people think if I can get into a bikini because she knows how hard I have been working. I often wonder are we ever going to get to the point in society where people learn to accept stretch marks and wont make fun of people who have them?

    And I am with many of you on the whole pizza thing! Everyone around me eats it! It is one of my favorite things to eat. Usually I just like a cheese pizza but with EXTRA cheese! and light sauce and sometimes pineapple. Once in a blue moon I love to eat chicken alfredo pizza. However since I have been losing weight and exercising and been on here tracking my calories and carbs and all that jazz, I dont allow myself to have no more than 1 or 2 pieces if it is around me. It is so hard to say no to things you really love and I have to tell myself positive things so that I do not indulge. Especially when it comes to Taco's! My weakness when it comes to food! I found a new way to have HEALTHY Taco's but I skip breakfast and lunch just so that I can have an extra one or two since having 3 is only 380 calories! lol But I am doing good so far and I keep telling myself to stay strong...that it will be worth it when all is said and done!

    As for clothing, everything is really big on me now. I don't even know what size I wear anymore and I can not yet afford to go shopping just yet. So I practically float in everything I wear and it makes me look way bigger than I really am. It is frustrating! I so far have lost about 32 lbs since Thanksgiving...I still have ways to go but I am making 20 lbs goals and making sure I am reaching them! When I am through I can't wait to see what I will look like and what size I end up wearing! I just hope it dont take forever to get there. I know it takes time but I am so excited to see what my body looks like months from now! My 35th Birthday is coming in September so I hope I am looking good! I have not taken any pics of me showing my whole body in years! I would love to be confident enough to take a good picture for my 35th birthday rocking a nice outfit!
  • amysue1971
    amysue1971 Posts: 36 Member
    The stomach skin. :( And my boobs went from 40DD to currently 38C... and that is ok for me! :)
  • n0shitsherl0ck
    "you don't need to lose weight you're not fat!!"

    1. yes I do, I can hide it well, but once the clothes come off I can see the full shabang that you don't see

    2. My BMI is horrid, yes I do realise that BMI is really off and shouldn't be relied on, but unfortunately doctors and surgeons still DO rely on it, and I must comply in order to get some much needed surgery (that I can't afford) on the NHS

    3. I really do need surgery, so weight loss IS necessary in order to achieve that

    4. Just because I'm not the biggest one in the group of friends, doesn't mean I don't have to lose weight.
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    LOOKING at fast food can make you gain weight, while my Fiance eats a whole McDonald's meal, a pizza, and a large shake and is still all buff and 15% body fat...

    Making a salad because you are trying to loose weight, while hubby eats what ever the hell he wants right next to me :(
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    Here's mine- people telling me that I "don't need to lose any more weight."

    They don't know my body, I do!

    I know that I was a knockout at a solid, awesomely toned 135-138lbs, and I want that back! Right now I'm at 147. Just because I don't have a lot to lose doesn't make my goals frivolous or less important.

    Rant completed, and thank you for the thread :-)

    Totally This! Today a coworker was "you don't need to lose any more skinny!" Then I always say 30 more pounds and then they'll ask from where?!
    They don't see me in regular clothes! Scrubs hid a lot!!!!
  • sriley721
    sriley721 Posts: 68 Member
    A good tailor is your best friend! I've often had things taken in to fit on my way down the scale. Sometimes he'll tell me it's not possible because of the shape of the garment or it's too big. There is no reason to live in frumpville while losing weight and inches. Besides, when clothing fits right, it makes you feel pretty awesome which is just as important as getting fit.

    I was just thinking the same thing. I have bought things too big because the price was great and for $12 had it custom fit. I hope to find myself going to the tailors often over the summer!
  • n0shitsherl0ck
    I am top heavy and I wish my boobs would shrink! If anyone knows of any work out that will help me shrink them please let me know!

    If you're like me, no amount of weight loss will budge them boobs! some people just naturally have a large chest no matter how much they weigh.

    I don't know any workouts but generally ab workouts would would I expect. I hope you get there!
  • debk68
    debk68 Posts: 140 Member
    For the clothes part, you should go to a thrift store. Goodwill has 50% off sales almost every other Saturday. I found a pair of pants with the tags still on for $3.00.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    Here's mine- people telling me that I "don't need to lose any more weight."

    They don't know my body, I do!

    I know that I was a knockout at a solid, awesomely toned 135-138lbs, and I want that back! Right now I'm at 147. Just because I don't have a lot to lose doesn't make my goals frivolous or less important.

    Rant completed, and thank you for the thread :-)

    Agree with people not knowing and still saying that no more weight loss is needed. When you're able to see your body, full out in the mirror and they aren't, that comment gets annoying.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    It's all abou you. You gotta keep the mantra of "Watch me do me" You are the most important. Don't let anyone else disuade you from your goal!
  • lailahmed
    lailahmed Posts: 38 Member
    What scares me is the excess skin and stretch marks!!!

    Haven't got this, but have seen people who lose so much weight and do, HOW can we prevent it? Any suggestions, please share....
    p.s. I can never go under the knife! For religious reasons. So don't suggest that!
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    And I'm cold. All the time.

    I noticed this too. I was always warm in the winter but THIS year, I am always cold....hands, feet and nose. With the extra weight and hot flashes, I was happy to see winter hang on as long as possible. Not now. I want it GONE. Ready for spring temps....which the weather people say are another 2 weeks away, probably.

    Yep same problem here gone from a hot bod to freezing all the time and I no like it ????
  • pink_adrenaline
    AND FINALLY some people to relate to! This has been the main reason for my ups and downs.. despite the fact that right now I am more motivated than ever, it doesn't help that my hubby eats like a BULL and looks like superman without any effort at all.... he kind of thinks my goals are silly because he insists that I am "fine just the way that I am" because he "likes them thick" that's fine, and THICK I am. BUT I REFUSE TO BE JELLY. If I am thick I accept that- but I choose to be leaner. I choose to live healthier and enjoy fitness. He isn't on the same page and sometimes it is unmotivating.. I also have to cook twice- you know, huge steaks and rice and beans for him... and then tiny chickens and veggies galore for me. IT IS DIFFICULT being Cuban and on a diet. We LOVE food. NOT to mention my kids eat pizza, mac n cheese, all sorts of "goodies" and so.... my house is FILLED with temptations. UGH =(
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    1. Running out of money to constantly buy new clothes.
    2. People always asking you if you're on a diet.
    3. People always saying " you can't eat that, aren't you on a diet?"
    4. People assuming you workout all day long or only eat salad because you're on a "diet"
    5. People saying "why do you go to the gym? You're already fit. Don't lose anymore weight"

  • LovesDoctorWho
    1) People saying you can't do it
    2) Working out
    3) Drinking 8 glass's of water
    4)Keep it up after one week...
    5) My boobs.....bye bye.
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    boobs.. they go fast
  • Surisaddai
    Surisaddai Posts: 142 Member
    Here's mine- people telling me that I "don't need to lose any more weight."

    I get this all the time and it drives me crazy.

    Totally this, and it is usually overweight people too. I am also always cold, and I do not like having my veins on my hands show :grumble: I am very happy with my overall look though :bigsmile:
  • PicNic00
    PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
    Still "feeling" huge in my mind. Insecure about my body even with the weight loss.
    I'm working on this though...
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    boob loss. I don't have a lot to begin with.
    snobbery from others when I have to run errands in my workout clothing.
  • tlbwillbefit
    tlbwillbefit Posts: 3 Member
    I completey agree wtih your rant....I especially get the "you don't need to lose any more weight" from my husband...

    I just tell people (especially my husband), that I can't afford to buy a new wardrobe to fit my heavier weight. I need to fit into my clothes! I don't look very good squeezing into clothes that fit much better 10 lbs lighter and I have very very few next-size-up clothes for a reason.

    The plateaus are really really killing me, doing everything right but this last 10 lbs is coming off so slow.
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