4th of July Challenge!! Please join me!



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Thank you Sherrell for your kind words.

    I am having a good week so far. Tonight I am supposed to go to a dinner meeting so I will have to order carefully.

  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hey I joined this challenge when it started and then forgot to check back silly me! Well I had a bad couple of weeks (last few weeks at college... Lots of parties and snacks) but knuckled down and lost 2.5lb in 2 weeks I'm exstatic
    I might fit in my summer ball dress now!
    Hope you are all doing okay xxx
  • Sebastiansmommy
    Hi all, first off welcome aboard iwillweighlessoned:flowerforyou: and Congrats hdelamore on your weight loss, keep up the good work:smile:

    This week has had its up and downs. It started out great, I lost 2.5 lbs and my size 6 shorts zipped up, I was so excited! Then the other night I injured my knee, and not by exercising wich I'm surprised, but playing with my son. I know I'm being hard on myself and I shouldn't, but I went from working my butt off on the treadmill to being barely able to do a light walk. And now my hubby is sick and I think he gave his cold to my son, so what little excercise I do attempt has been thrown off because I'm needed. I just feel very frustrated, want to grab that bag of chips.........but I know it will pass. Thanks for listening, I just needed to vent.

    Well, I hope everyone else is having a better week. I'll check in Sunday.

  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Hang in there Jessica, life happens. I'm so impressed at how much you work out. I'm sure that will carry you through the next few days.

    Well, yesterday was my official weigh in but I messed it up. I tried to do the Skinny Wednesday challenge and drank double my water but didn't get to exercise it off. It looked like I gained a pound but this morning I had actually lost a pound. I won't make that mistake again. I guess as long as I lose 7 or 8 lbs by the 4th, I'll be good.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. Be good!
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    Just checking in.. today is day 4 without chocolate and I'm wearing some capris that I couldn't zip up a month ago. The scale might not be moving but the clothes are helping me stay focussed and encouraged. I hope everyone has a great and successful weekend! :bigsmile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Well, I am down 3 lbs. from Tuesday, so that puts me back to 1.5 lbs. from my lowest weight and from where I was on May 27th. Didn't go to the dinner meeting after all, but have a lunch meeting today. Fortunately, the restaurant has lots of healthy options.

    Everyone hang in there. The weekend is almost here!!

  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Hellooo everyone!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    First of all, my humble apologies for not checking in much this week. My health problems saga unfortunately, continues. Just when thought I was finally rid of the UTI and as I took the last antibiotic pill, I turned red, swelled up and starting itching like I was being bitten by a million mosquitos! Not being familiar with allergies, since I have never been allergic, I ignored it and prayed it would go away. Alas! Within 48 hours I was red, swollen and trying to rip my skin off!! I was fast going into allergy shock and just barely made it to the hospital on time. The doc gave me a cortizone shot, ordered pills and creams for me and sent me home with instructions and stern warnings.

    Now, I have a hate-hate relationship with cortizone. I have taken huge amounts in my life, due to my MS, and I blame it directly for the first fatal 30 kilos I gained that sent me off to the weight gain spiral I'm now trying so hard to shake off. The truth is that the thought HAD crossed my mind that the itching etc might be due to an allergy, and I also knew that the only cure for it would be cortizone. Such is my hate for the drug, however, that I pretended it wasn't so. Thus, the worsening condition.

    To lay your minds at rest, I do feel better now. I continue taking cortizones and will be taking them for the next 2 weeks. :sick: I'm NOT thrilled!! On the other hand, my INformal weigh in today showed a loss of haf a kilo, the second weight loss noted this week, so if I manage to stay away from the salt (which I didn't today :huh: ) I hope to be all right. Oh, and the cortizone seems to be helping my sciatica too, because for the first time today I was able to get up and wak around the house with very little pain! All is not lost! :tongue:

    I'm so happy to see that everyone has been posting and a few new faces too :happy: To those of you showing the results of your hard work, CONGRATULATIONS!! :drinker: To those of you still struggling, remember... the only way you can fail is if you give up! This is the last month of our challenge and I challenge you once more to get up, get active, throw away the junk food and redouble your efforts until you reach that gold pot in the sky! (LOL TALK ABOUT MIXED METAPHORS!! :laugh: )

    I wish you all the best of luck from the bottom of my heart.


  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Amalia, so sorry to hear about all your recent health problems. Hopefully they will all be healed soon! Congratulations on the weight loss. Hang in there, you can do it, even with the health issues!
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Happy Sunday everyone!! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    It's a not-so-beautiful day in Athens, since the skies are overcast and it's actually chilly. Definitely not June weather, but hey, I can wait for the summer heat a bit longer!

    "Official" weigh-in day today and after all that happened last week, I didn't expect to be overjoyed. As it turns out, I feel pretty good, not so much because I lost, but because I didn't gain as I expected to with all the cortisones etc! (At least not yet). Here then, is my report:

    Challenge starting weight: 108 kilos (238 lbs.)

    Today's weight: 106 kilos (233 lbs.)

    Total loss to date (May 23) : 2 kilos (5 lbs.)

    May 30 - 105.5 kg (232 lbs)

    Total loss to date: 2.5 kg (6 lbs)

    June 6 - 104.4 kg (229.7 lbs)

    Total loss to date: 3.6 kg (8.3 lbs)

    June 13 -

    June 20 -

    June 27 -

    JULY 4TH -

    4th of July GOAL: 100 kilos (220 lbs) - or as close as possible!!

    One month to go on the challenge and only 4.4 kilos left. Getting there at an almost steady rate, despite allergies, sciatica and the carb fest I've been in for the past couple of days! :laugh:

    For the first time I'm starting to think this is doable.

    Best of luck with all your weigh ins this week!:flowerforyou:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Amalia congrats on the weight loss. I am sorry about your allergy episode but I am glad you are feeling better.

    Well I am quickly approaching my goal. Even though I lowered it. My goal was originally 153 and I lowered it to 150 and as of this morning I weighed in at 151.8 so I am sure I will make my goal unless I hit an evil plateau. good luck to everyone. Have a great Sunday.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Week 6 check-in! The scales finally moved after 2 weeks with no weight loss. I use my Friday weights so officially I have lost 4 lbs this week. I think the extra water weight is finally gone. That gives me a total of 10 lbs since starting the challenge. Not too bad considering the 2 week stall.

    I still need to up my walking a bit more. I got in 14 miles this week and that's an improvement over last week too. I'd like to have at least 15 a week. I also need to start working on toning a little more. I hope to see the 170's by next check-in date.

    Looks like everyone has had a good week so far.

    Amalia I'm glad to see you are feeling better.

    rjadams, Congrats on being so close to your goal.

    Everyone have a great week!

    Starting weight: 211
    4/25/10 Challenge starting weight 191
    4/25/10 Challenge start pants size 18
    Current weight 181
    Current size 16
    Challenge goal size 14
  • Kalamitykate
    Kalamitykate Posts: 34 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Amalia, glad you're feeling better. Jessica, I hope you heal quickly.

    I'm sitting in my office doing the happy dance. I just got on the scale and it was 153!!!! Yeah, my 160 plateau is finally well behind me. So, my weight loss for this week was 4 pounds, partly due to getting past TOM, I think.

    Challenge starting weight 160, last week 157, this week 153 :bigsmile:

    Have a great day!
  • Sebastiansmommy
    Hi everyone:bigsmile:

    First off Congrats Katie, Sandra, Amalia and Robin(my workout mentor:laugh: :laugh:) on your weight losses! Yay! And congrats to everyone else who lost weight this week! And thanks Ebonia for the words of encouragement.

    Well my week had its ups and downs as I babbled in an earlier post but things have been looking up. First off and more importantly my baby and hubby are feeling much better........and so is my knee.:smile: And to top the week off, I lost another 2lbs (my official weigh in is tomorrow though):drinker:, even though I toned down my exercise the latter part of the week. Here are my totals so far:bigsmile:

    5/2~ 144
    July 4th goal~ 135
    Actual goal ~123

    Good luck to everyone in week 7!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    ~ Jessica
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,:flowerforyou:

    Amalia, glad you are feeling better, and you at least maintained.

    Robin, congrats on exceeding your original goal. Not surprising, as you are an exercising fiend!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    As for me, I have a net loss since last week of a pound. It should have been two, but I at out at lunch and dinner on Firday, and went to dinner last night, and I think the sodium is still with me, but at least I am NOT where I was earlier, and I am 2.5 lbs. from my lowest weight.

    It is raining here, AGAIN, so I guess it will be a quiet day.

    Have a good week everyone.

  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member

    SW: 174
    CW: 172
    July 4 GW: 160 (would love to be 150 by then but not sure that's even possible in 9 weeks, so maybe by the 31st for the party!)
    Ultimate GW: 125 (preferably by Aug. 2011 at the latest)


    CW (5/30): 169.4

    CW (6/6): 168.8

    :( Missed my goal for the week by a pound and only lost 0.6 for the week. I'm hoping it's due to lack of almost any activity for 2 days this week when I was home with a migraine and TOM deciding to show up today. I'm hoping when that passes there will be a decent jump on the scale. My goal for the week is to really watch my sodium and make sure I get enough protein. I was having a little trouble with both last week, one too high and one too low...and not the right ones. Got me some greek yogurt, some protein powder and some other quick fix protein "snacks" for those days when I'm either in a hurry or running short on my protein goal. Hoping it helps. Also going to try and get more walks in this week and MAYBE I'll try doing some ab work or weights...if I get ambitious. :laugh:

    A positive note about my weight loss this week...I'm a daily weigher (don't always log it but I weigh almost every morning just to keep myself on track) and usually there is a day or two when the weight fluctuates up a little...not this week. I either went down (only a little obviously but it was down) or stayed the same. And I'm at the lowest weight I've been for probably a couple months now at least. Didn't lose as much as I wanted this week but still lost and still going in the right direction, we'll see if I can catch up next week. :wink:
  • Sebastiansmommy

    A positive note about my weight loss this week...I'm a daily weigher (don't always log it but I weigh almost every morning just to keep myself on track) and usually there is a day or two when the weight fluctuates up a little...not this week. I either went down (only a little obviously but it was down) or stayed the same. And I'm at the lowest weight I've been for probably a couple months now at least. Didn't lose as much as I wanted this week but still lost and still going in the right direction, we'll see if I can catch up next week. :wink:
    A loss is a loss and you're right at least the number is going down. And Congrats on the fact you're at your lowest weight....thats a great accomplishment:bigsmile: You're doing wonderful, keep it up. We're rooting you on:flowerforyou:

  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member

    A positive note about my weight loss this week...I'm a daily weigher (don't always log it but I weigh almost every morning just to keep myself on track) and usually there is a day or two when the weight fluctuates up a little...not this week. I either went down (only a little obviously but it was down) or stayed the same. And I'm at the lowest weight I've been for probably a couple months now at least. Didn't lose as much as I wanted this week but still lost and still going in the right direction, we'll see if I can catch up next week. :wink:
    A loss is a loss and you're right at least the number is going down. And Congrats on the fact you're at your lowest weight....thats a great accomplishment:bigsmile: You're doing wonderful, keep it up. We're rooting you on:flowerforyou:


    Thanks Jessica! I feel like I need the extra support this week. The lowest weight I've been in years was last summer (almost a year ago now) and I got down to 144. Getting below that will be a great thing but since last June my weight has just gone up and up and up I think I hit 175 a couple months ago. Got it back to 174 before starting this challenge but when I started my weight loss last year I started at 165 and I'm still a few pounds from that but as I said it is still the lowest I've been in the last few months. Unfortunately how I was excited that all last week the scale never went up on my daily weigh ins, well today it did (but I'm not recording it, it would only depress me) but I'm hoping it's just TOM and will go away in a couple days. Anyways I'm keeping my sodium low today and hoping I can get all my water in and I'm doing good on my protein today too. Hope I can get a little exercise walking the dog or something tonight too. Although when I was gardening yesterday I put sunscreen on and then changed my mind about my shoes and put flip flops on so now the tops of my feet are sun burnt! Ouch! and wearing any shoes other than flip flops hurts, especially when walking but I can still walk in the flip flops, not the best for my feet but I still get the walking in.
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Sorry for the late check in but since Memorial Day I have been kind of off track. Not really off track calorie wise but way off track carb wise (which is not good for a low carber lol) but any ways I am not doing to badly.

    Starting weight when started this challenge: 355
    Current weight : 347
    This past week I didn't lose anything but only maintained so I am really not that unhappy with that. It's better than gaining :) Question is am I going to make my goal by July 4th? I don't think so :( But I think I might have over estimated my goal in the first place. I have to lose 12 more pounds in order to meet my July 4th goal and I just don't think that is attainable at this point. I will be happy with 6 more pounds lost though and that I think is attainable. So I am aiming for at least 6 lbs. off by July 4th , so kind of re-adjusting my goal some. Not sure if it's allowed but I am doing it LMAO :)

    I was feeling sick on Sunday and Monday of this week but some really weird symptoms , headache with nausea and it just would NOT go away for two days so my calories on those days were way under so not sure how that is going to affect my weigh in this Saturday but we will see. Hope everyone is doing well . Welcome to the newbies!!
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    Michelle, I know what it's like to have to adjust your goal ~ and as long as we're realistic about our goals as we're moving along and still making progress, I think it's all good. :heart:

    Mine was to be at 199 by the 4th and I'm at 211 right now (and I lost 2 lbs last week). I just don't think it's gonna happen. :frown: I didn't really get serious about this challenge until this month, so it's my own fault... also, I'm not as dedicated as I should be, I haven't worked out since Sunday. I just don't wanna do it if it isn't Zumba... so I'm getting spoiled. :noway: I need to suck it up and trek out to the gym or whip out a workout video/dvd.

    Keep up the great attitude and you'll do very well. Remember, there's no point in beating yourself up for the past when you can change the present and the future. :flowerforyou:
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Well, my weigh in for the week is satisfying...finally. I lost 3 lbs...after losing nothing for weeks. So, I'm doing good with that goal. And I'm really doing well with my exercise goals too. I have been on target every week! Hope next week's check-in goes as well!