4th of July Challenge!! Please join me!



  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    4th week check in

    Hi Everybody! I got in 14 miles this week so that was good and I did well on my eating. The scales did not move this week but I usually have one week out of the month that it doesn't Hopefully it will show a good loss next week.

    Have a good week!

    Starting weight: 211
    Current weight: 185
    Goal weight: 150

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I am here to check in , kind of late in the day but I have not been feeling well today and just trying to take it easy!! My weigh ins are on Saturdays and I lost another 2.4 lbs. this past Saturday so I am very happy about that!! A total of 9 lbs. gone in three weeks time so not to bad!! I sometimes wish I could see a faster weight loss since I have a lot to lose but slow and steady wins the
    race :)

    I honestly can't remember what week I started this challenge and I really wish I would have written it down in my ticker so I can't remember what my starting weight was at the start of me starting this challenge :( But right now I am at 348.8 lbs. so I am FINALLY under the 350's which is HUGE for me since that has been a hard thing to do in the past but I FINALLY did it :) I have started and re-started weight loss so much that it's ridiculous but I always seemed to have issues getting below 350 lbs. but I have done it so I am VERY HAPPY with that!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful evening and a wonderful week ahead :)


    I can tell you the thread was started 4 weeks ago today, Sunday April 25th. Your first post was two weeks later on May 9th. Perhaps this will help you figure out where you were when you started the challenge.

    I am finally back on track, partly due to this challenge. On April 26, I weighed 197. As of today, I am 191.5--my lowest weight since joining MFP, so 5.5 lbs. lost in 4 weeks. This is not a super fast result, but with my limited exercise schedule in the past 4 weeks, it is not bad at all. I would rather be down 5.5, than UP!!! If the weather will ever stop misbehaving, I can start doing my exercise walking at the same level I was doing before Winter set in.

    Hope everyone has a good week. BTW, We have 6 weeks until July 4th!!!

  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Hi I am not sure if my posts go here or where? But my weight today is 168.2 I am losing but slow
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Hi I am not sure if my posts go here or where? But my weight today is 168.2 I am losing but slow

    Your posts are fine right here :smile: Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself and how you are doing wih this challenge?

  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    I am here to check in , kind of late in the day but I have not been feeling well today and just trying to take it easy!! My weigh ins are on Saturdays and I lost another 2.4 lbs. this past Saturday so I am very happy about that!! A total of 9 lbs. gone in three weeks time so not to bad!! I sometimes wish I could see a faster weight loss since I have a lot to lose but slow and steady wins the
    race :)

    I honestly can't remember what week I started this challenge and I really wish I would have written it down in my ticker so I can't remember what my starting weight was at the start of me starting this challenge :( But right now I am at 348.8 lbs. so I am FINALLY under the 350's which is HUGE for me since that has been a hard thing to do in the past but I FINALLY did it :) I have started and re-started weight loss so much that it's ridiculous but I always seemed to have issues getting below 350 lbs. but I have done it so I am VERY HAPPY with that!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful evening and a wonderful week ahead :)


    I can tell you the thread was started 4 weeks ago today, Sunday April 25th. Your first post was two weeks later on May 9th. Perhaps this will help you figure out where you were when you started the challenge.

    I am finally back on track, partly due to this challenge. On April 26, I weighed 197. As of today, I am 191.5--my lowest weight since joining MFP, so 5.5 lbs. lost in 4 weeks. This is not a super fast result, but with my limited exercise schedule in the past 4 weeks, it is not bad at all. I would rather be down 5.5, than UP!!! If the weather will ever stop misbehaving, I can start doing my exercise walking at the same level I was doing before Winter set in.

    Hope everyone has a good week. BTW, We have 6 weeks until July 4th!!!


    Barb- Thanks for that information ....I will take that information and figure it out!! Congrats on the 5.5 down , that is awesome!! Whether the weight comes off fast or slow it is still coming off and that is what needs to happen to get to goal :)
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    Hi everybody! My main goal was to be at 199 by July 4th. As of this morning, the scale read 214. I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it unless I really go cold-turkey cutting out the sweets. I'm such a chocoholic that it's killing me. I have switched to dark chocolate, but I find I'm wanting some type of chocolate candy every day. I limit it, and account for it in my calories, but those calories could be used better than chocolate candy, kwim? I also need to kick up my water intake. I'm so bad about drinking enough water. I think I had 1 bottle yesterday (about 2 cups)... yikes! So, while I'm not doing too great, I'm still here, admitting my weaknesses and staying accountable. This is a new week and I will make the most of it! =)
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Hi everybody! My main goal was to be at 199 by July 4th. As of this morning, the scale read 214. I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it unless I really go cold-turkey cutting out the sweets. I'm such a chocoholic that it's killing me. I have switched to dark chocolate, but I find I'm wanting some type of chocolate candy every day. I limit it, and account for it in my calories, but those calories could be used better than chocolate candy, kwim? I also need to kick up my water intake. I'm so bad about drinking enough water. I think I had 1 bottle yesterday (about 2 cups)... yikes! So, while I'm not doing too great, I'm still here, admitting my weaknesses and staying accountable. This is a new week and I will make the most of it! =)

    I have the same problem if water tasted more like A&W i be in the clear. And also I love chocolate it should be one of the food group or it is atleast it is for me.
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Hi everybody! My main goal was to be at 199 by July 4th. As of this morning, the scale read 214. I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it unless I really go cold-turkey cutting out the sweets. I'm such a chocoholic that it's killing me. I have switched to dark chocolate, but I find I'm wanting some type of chocolate candy every day. I limit it, and account for it in my calories, but those calories could be used better than chocolate candy, kwim? I also need to kick up my water intake. I'm so bad about drinking enough water. I think I had 1 bottle yesterday (about 2 cups)... yikes! So, while I'm not doing too great, I'm still here, admitting my weaknesses and staying accountable. This is a new week and I will make the most of it! =)

    I have the same problem if water tasted more like A&W i be in the clear. And also I love chocolate it should be one of the food group or it is atleast it is for me.
  • Sebastiansmommy
    Hi everyone, checking in for week 4 a day late. Was outta town and I was very bad eating wise (family get together), so I'm quite happy I maintained. Gonna step it up this week!

    Here is my week 4 weigh in

    5/2~ 144
    July 4th goal~ 135
    Actual goal ~123

    Good luck to everyone in week 5!:flowerforyou:

  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm so glad the weekend is over. It was extremely difficult. I was hungry because I snacked on unhealthy things and used up all my calories. At least I didn't go over my limit though. Exercise was not as much as I hoped but burning 200 calories each day is not bad either. I could have had more water too... :( It's nice to see everything I ate and be able to figure out where I went wrong or what I can change for next time. I'll be better prepared next weekend.

    Welcome to our newcomers. This is a great mini goal. Maybe we can mark each holiday as a new goal.

    Sra, dark chocolate has great antioxidants and if you need a small piece every day, I don't see a problem with that. Once you feel like you don't need it as much, it will be easier to resist. Besides none of us needs another thing to feel guilty about!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi everybody! My main goal was to be at 199 by July 4th. As of this morning, the scale read 214. I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it unless I really go cold-turkey cutting out the sweets. I'm such a chocoholic that it's killing me. I have switched to dark chocolate, but I find I'm wanting some type of chocolate candy every day. I limit it, and account for it in my calories, but those calories could be used better than chocolate candy, kwim? I also need to kick up my water intake. I'm so bad about drinking enough water. I think I had 1 bottle yesterday (about 2 cups)... yikes! So, while I'm not doing too great, I'm still here, admitting my weaknesses and staying accountable. This is a new week and I will make the most of it! =)

    I have the same problem if water tasted more like A&W i be in the clear. And also I love chocolate it should be one of the food group or it is at least it is for me.

    Ok Ladies, here is my "Water Seminar"--things I do to make sure my water intake is where it ought to be, as well as some hints from others.

    For myself, when I am home, I have a covered cup that carries 16 oz, and I fill it up when I wake, and make sure I get one cup down before I eat anything. That is easy for me, because I usually have it in the bathroom and sip from it while I am bathing. The biggest challenge I have to succeeding in completing this task is a "Yorkshire Terror" named :heart: "Bradley":heart: who likes to come and put his paws on the edge of the tub and knock the mug in there with me!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I fill it up the second time and take my supplements and the one med I take in the morning, and that usually takes care of at least 1/2 to 3/4 of another mug, so now I have had almost 32 oz of water. I finish the rest of it with my breakfast and fill it up for the third time to sip on for the morning. This means that by lunch time, I have usually already had 6 glasses of water (48 oz)!! and the day isn't even 1/2 way over!!

    By doing this, I can have all my water drank by dinner time, and that means at night I SLEEP--rather than waking up multiple times to pay a visit to the bathroom.

    Another thing I do when I go out is always make sure I have a bottle of water in the car (it holds about 24 oz). This is great insurance against snacking also, as I can often take a drink and keep from needing to eat something right away.

    Another MFP member said she made a rule that she couldn't sit down and post on a thread until she drank 8 oz of water!! Hey, whatever works, right?

    Now for tips to deal with the flavor of water. I don't mind drinking plain water, but I know other people have an issue, and some regions' water tastes better than others. You can add sliced lemons or limes to your water, or even a splash of lemon juice, if you don't have the fresh fruit available. There is Crystal Light. Some people prefer to use tea as part of their fluid allowance. As long as it isn't too strong, and you don't add milk to it, I don't see a problem. Let's face it, tea is made with water!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    So, drink up!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Your body needs water to function best, and it helps you flush out toxins and excess sodium, so "Bottoms Up!!":drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    A few days late posting, but no matter, as my weight has stayed the same for the past week. I'm at 107! But, I've decided to stop being fixated on the scale for the next 2 weeks and to focus on exercise. I'm running 3 days a week (ie, running slowly with some walking thrown in), and doing the first 2 weeks of the hundred pushup challenge. So, either I'll lose weight in the next weeks, or I will just be in a much better shape at 107. Either one would be acceptable in my book!
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    My fitness goals are:

    1. exercise AT LEAST 30 mins a day AT LEAST 3 days a week
    2. play golf (walking) with my husband every chance I get (exercise that doesn't feel like exercise)
    3. use my dog for an excuse to walk every chance I get

    My weight loss goals are:

    1. Lose at least 10 lbs by July 4th but preferably be down to at least 160 by then.
    2. Be back to a comfortably fitting size 12 by then.
    3. Try to lose another 5-10 lbs by the birthday party July 31st (weight = 150-155)

    My nutritional goals are:

    1. Plan and track my food EVERY day
    2. Drink all my water and get all my fiber in EVERY day
    3. Find healthy options of food/restaurants that I can eat when we go out so that weekends don't ruin all the work I did all week

    My mental/emotional goals are:

    1. Stay positive about what I'm doing and what I can achieve
    2. Get to bed earlier at night so I can get enough sleep and get up on time and start my day right
    3. Work on getting/keeping everything else in my life in order so it will reduce my stress levels

    SW: 174
    CW: 172
    July 4 GW: 160 (would love to be 150 by then but not sure that's even possible in 9 weeks, so maybe by the 31st for the party!)
    Ultimate GW: 125 (preferably by Aug. 2011 at the latest)


    CW: 171

    I kinda did a redo on Sunday, I "started over" with a new eating plan (and "diet" is no longer in my vocabulary! because this is for life....a diet is temporary, which for me means so is the weight loss!) and so far so good. I initially kind of jumped in head first without a plan of what or how or when I was going to eat/exercise and playing it by ear each day wasn't getting me far. I took a couple days "off" last week though I still tried to be fairly good, and spent the time figuring out what my new eating plan was going to be and started over on Sunday. I felt great the last two days and feel great this morning too! I'm eating good foods and I've gotten to the end of the day and hadn't reached the low end of my calorie goal AND wasn't hungry. I made myself eat a small snack since it had been a few hours since I had eaten and I wasn't even to 1200 calories yet to get myself there so my body wouldn't go into starvation mode. But I had to MAKE myself eat something. I wasn't craving anything and haven't been since I started! I'm loving this and hope it continues to go so well!

    Also, I have been trying to walk my dog more, now that it's finally gotten warm here and the rain has stopped. Didn't get a chance to play golf this past weekend but hoping to this coming weekend. I think I'm still on track to lose a total of 10 lbs by the 4th of July. And now that I have the offline version of MFP for my iPod touch I have been doing much better about tracking all my food every day. I've also been trying harder to drink more water and doing better on that each day. It feels good to be making my body feel so good! I hope to be under 170 by the weekend and I hope that milestone and the way I'm feeling will soon energize me to start doing more exercising (I need a lot of motivation in that area! :blushing:)
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Sherrell, keep us updated on your exercise because that will motivate me too.

    I've been doing MFP for a week but I haven't gotten serious about exercise yet. I am hoping tonight will be calm enough at home to do the Biggest Loser Boot Camp. We'll see.
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Good morning everyone!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    A beautiful, bright Saturday dawned over Greece and I, for one, hope to be able to enjoy this spring day! My spirits, which have been kind of heavy in the past week have lifted and I took my own advice and decided that today is a new day, the first day of the rest of my life, etc, etc, and anyway the slate is clean. I wil forget the fact that my weight remains unchanged (again!) and start anew! Hey, at least I'm not gaining!! Tomorrow I weigh in officially, so i'll let you know if the scale is broken or what! :tongue:

    A warm welcome to those who joined last week. :flowerforyou: I hope you are having an easy and enjoyable time taking back control of your life and working for a healthier, more attractive and more energetic you!

    This thread has been TOO quiet lately and I want to start things jumping again. After all, only when we share, discuss and yes, even complain can we put things behind us and go on to a better future.

    So, here is my question for the day: What ONE thing did you eat yesterday that you vow NEVER to put in your mouth again?

    Have a wonderful day!

  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Sherrell, keep us updated on your exercise because that will motivate me too.

    I've been doing MFP for a week but I haven't gotten serious about exercise yet. I am hoping tonight will be calm enough at home to do the Biggest Loser Boot Camp. We'll see.

    My exercise this week has consisted of taking my dog for a walk every chance I get. One night I walked about 1 1/4 miles. Taking her with me makes me forget that I'm exercising and only think about how I'm wearing her out so she'll be calm when we get home :laugh: I'm hoping to go play golf with my husband sometime this weekend, possibly tomorrow, I make him walk when I play with him (he does a lot of the time anyway) so I can get as much exercise out of it as possible.

    I feel like I've been eating pretty good but the last few days I've ended up over my low end calorie goal (sometimes by a lot) but my stomach will still be growling! Don't know if somehow I'm burning more calories than I think (haven't a clue how) or what. But it's a physical hunger not pschological because I'm not craving anything, I don't really want to eat but my stomach ends up growling so much I feel like I could get sick if I don't eat so I end up getting something. And, yes I am drinking my water, over 10 glasses today! I don't know, this week has been a bit confusing. My official weigh in is Sunday so I'll try to post another update then.

    Good luck with your exercising (and motivation to do so...I know for me it's usually more about the motivation than actually doing it! :laugh: )
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Amalia, I love the question. I didn't plan on the breadsticks at our company lunch today. I ate one because I thought it would be so good and worth the calories. It wasn't!!! It wasn't that good and sooo not worth it. I will never eat another Round Table Garlic Parmesan Breadstick again.

    I really like posting daily, it motivates me but maybe that's just because I'm new. I still think there are daily struggles with food, exercise, kids, significant others, work, etc. that sometimes get in the way of our MFP goals. Blogging helps me a lot too.

    I have a question for everyone. Once you meet your 4th of July goal, what will be different in your life?

    For me, I hope to have a new job. I just started looking but I feel self-conscience about how my clothes fit. By the 4th, I hope to look and feel better in the clothes I currently wear, especially my work clothes.
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Once you meet your 4th of July goal, what will be different in your life?

    Once I reach my goal I will be under the weight I was when I started this process last year when I lost 21lbs. Then I gained it all back and then some so getting under that previous weight will make getting back to where I was seem more possible and much closer. So I guess the overwhelming feeling of how far away the goal is will be less.

    Also, I hope around that time we will know if my husband will get the new job he's trying to get (which could make it possible for me to eventually quit my job and stay home with the kids like I want SO badly. I've always carried our health insurance (too expensive or unavailable where he's worked) so I had to work. If he gets the new job they provide affordable health insurance so that's no longer what would be tying me to my job. We are both pretty miserable at our jobs right now so getting that change, at least right now seems like it will be such a stress relief! Please pray that he gets it, he's one of 350 trying to get one of 10-15 slots!!
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Sherrell, keep us updated on your exercise because that will motivate me too.

    I've been doing MFP for a week but I haven't gotten serious about exercise yet. I am hoping tonight will be calm enough at home to do the Biggest Loser Boot Camp. We'll see.

    My exercise this week has consisted of taking my dog for a walk every chance I get. One night I walked about 1 1/4 miles. Taking her with me makes me forget that I'm exercising and only think about how I'm wearing her out so she'll be calm when we get home :laugh: I'm hoping to go play golf with my husband sometime this weekend, possibly tomorrow, I make him walk when I play with him (he does a lot of the time anyway) so I can get as much exercise out of it as possible.

    I feel like I've been eating pretty good but the last few days I've ended up over my low end calorie goal (sometimes by a lot) but my stomach will still be growling! Don't know if somehow I'm burning more calories than I think (haven't a clue how) or what. But it's a physical hunger not pschological because I'm not craving anything, I don't really want to eat but my stomach ends up growling so much I feel like I could get sick if I don't eat so I end up getting something. And, yes I am drinking my water, over 10 glasses today! I don't know, this week has been a bit confusing. My official weigh in is Sunday so I'll try to post another update then.

    Good luck with your exercising (and motivation to do so...I know for me it's usually more about the motivation than actually doing it! :laugh: )

    Hi Sherrel, are you following a specific diet plan? If you are not, I suggest increasing your proteins and decreasing your carbs. Carbs get metabolized quickly and leave us hungry soon after we have eaten. Proteins on the other hand, last much longer and keep you full longer. For satiety, fats are the best but I don't recommend overdosing on them! LOL Just make sure you have not cut them out of your diet completely.

  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86

    I have a question for everyone. Once you meet your 4th of July goal, what will be different in your life?

    For me, I hope to have a new job. I just started looking but I feel self-conscience about how my clothes fit. By the 4th, I hope to look and feel better in the clothes I currently wear, especially my work clothes.

    Nothing will be different in my life. :smile: I only want to look a little more "human" during our vacation in July! :laugh: I intend to go on and lose another 30 kilos after July 4th, so Im here to stay!!

    Best of luck finding that new job!
