4th of July Challenge!! Please join me!



  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Well, my weigh in for the week is satisfying...finally. I lost 3 lbs...after losing nothing for weeks. So, I'm doing good with that goal. And I'm really doing well with my exercise goals too. I have been on target every week! Hope next week's check-in goes as well!

    Excellent! WTG!! Keep up the good work, :flowerforyou:
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86

    Starting weight when started this challenge: 355
    Current weight : 347
    This past week I didn't lose anything but only maintained so I am really not that unhappy with that. It's better than gaining :) Question is am I going to make my goal by July 4th? I don't think so :( But I think I might have over estimated my goal in the first place. I have to lose 12 more pounds in order to meet my July 4th goal and I just don't think that is attainable at this point. I will be happy with 6 more pounds lost though and that I think is attainable. So I am aiming for at least 6 lbs. off by July 4th , so kind of re-adjusting my goal some. Not sure if it's allowed but I am doing it LMAO :)

    I was feeling sick on Sunday and Monday of this week but some really weird symptoms , headache with nausea and it just would NOT go away for two days so my calories on those days were way under so not sure how that is going to affect my weigh in this Saturday but we will see. Hope everyone is doing well . Welcome to the newbies!!

    Hey you are not doing badly at all!! 8 lbs is 8 lbs and they are gone and good riddance! It's more than OK to readjust your goals as you go along, as a matter of fact, it's required. Goals are not written in stone, they are guidelines we try to achieve, but we benefit lots by feedback and readjstment. Learning to set realistic, achievable goals in our lives is just as important as achieving these goals.
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Sorry for being so M.I.A. lately just have not had much time for the computer thereis always so much to do. Well here is my update my back is feeling better and can workout agine which I love but it made me stop working out for a bit and when igot back to it I need go backwards in it. So I will not be able to run my 5k on July 3 unless for some reason a mircal happens. Oh well I will run a 5k sometime this summer I hope. We will need to see how the back hold out. As far as weight loss I am doing really good I have reach my 2nd goal and am now under 200 lb. So my new goal is to get as far as I can in my c25k as I can and find a new 5 k to run in.
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hey All :)
    so i looked at my starting weight and current weight on this challenge,
    starting 10'7
    and i'm now 10'2!
    only 2lbs to go until i reach my july2nd target and only 5lb till i reach my overall target
    im exstatic =D
    hope you are all doing well with your weight loss

    just did my first a-level exam today! eeep xxx
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Michelle, I know what it's like to have to adjust your goal ~ and as long as we're realistic about our goals as we're moving along and still making progress, I think it's all good. :heart:

    Mine was to be at 199 by the 4th and I'm at 211 right now (and I lost 2 lbs last week). I just don't think it's gonna happen. :frown: I didn't really get serious about this challenge until this month, so it's my own fault... also, I'm not as dedicated as I should be, I haven't worked out since Sunday. I just don't wanna do it if it isn't Zumba... so I'm getting spoiled. :noway: I need to suck it up and trek out to the gym or whip out a workout video/dvd.

    Keep up the great attitude and you'll do very well. Remember, there's no point in beating yourself up for the past when you can change the present and the future. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you ....you have made me feel better! I was second guessing myself on changing that goal but I just know it's not realistic in thinking I can drop 12 lbs. by July 4th. Any ways I need to learn how to make more realistic goals from the start so I won't have to readjust anything.

    Oh I haven't worked out since Sunday either and I hate using excuses but this week has been CRAZY with kids getting lice to me cleaning house , washing everything in sight and trying not to go nuts at the same time LOL. The joys of owning a home day care :) Hope your weekend is good!!
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member

    Starting weight when started this challenge: 355
    Current weight : 347
    This past week I didn't lose anything but only maintained so I am really not that unhappy with that. It's better than gaining :) Question is am I going to make my goal by July 4th? I don't think so :( But I think I might have over estimated my goal in the first place. I have to lose 12 more pounds in order to meet my July 4th goal and I just don't think that is attainable at this point. I will be happy with 6 more pounds lost though and that I think is attainable. So I am aiming for at least 6 lbs. off by July 4th , so kind of re-adjusting my goal some. Not sure if it's allowed but I am doing it LMAO :)

    I was feeling sick on Sunday and Monday of this week but some really weird symptoms , headache with nausea and it just would NOT go away for two days so my calories on those days were way under so not sure how that is going to affect my weigh in this Saturday but we will see. Hope everyone is doing well . Welcome to the newbies!!

    Hey you are not doing badly at all!! 8 lbs is 8 lbs and they are gone and good riddance! It's more than OK to readjust your goals as you go along, as a matter of fact, it's required. Goals are not written in stone, they are guidelines we try to achieve, but we benefit lots by feedback and readjstment. Learning to set realistic, achievable goals in our lives is just as important as achieving these goals.

    Amasot ,
    Thanks sweetie ....I appreciate that! I guess I just lose so slowly that sometimes it makes me anxious! Any ways my average is 3 lbs. per week so not bad but sometimes because of my size I feel that I should be losing more each week but everyone is different.
    Yes I feel much better about readjusting my goal since everyone here seems to agree that is ok to do!! Hope you are well. Tomorrow is my weigh in day and I am excited LOL , never thought I would be excited to get on the scale but I am for the first time and I believe it's because I know I am doing things right this time. Hope your weekend is good.
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Hello everyone!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Well, it's been a very quiet 2 days in this thread! What's happening? Where is everybody?

    Me, I've been in a funk. The cortisones are doing a number on me and all I can think of is food and eating! My mood is irritable too - another side effect I think. I hate it and can't wait to be rid of these meds, but I still need to take them for 6 more days! :grumble: :grumble:

    Yes, I've been eating :sad: I can't keep away from the carbs and not good carbs either. I don't dare get on the scale because I'm sure I've gained. My legs are swollen and I feel bloated and miserable. : sick: Talk about the cure being worse than the disease!!! :angry:

    I refuse to weigh-in today, it will only make matters worse. I need lots of support and motivation to get back on track. I - MUST - STOP - EATING !!!!!

    Amalia reporting from Athens, Greece amidst a heat-wave!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Amalia, Just hang in there for 6 more days. Then you'll be off and moving again.

    Week 7 check-in!

    Been another bad week for me. Had a little minor problem that has kept me from working out for the last 5 days! :sad: I'm going to give it a try tomorrow though. Did manage to drop one pound so not a total loss. Just hope I don't gain any back. Been eating fairly good for not exercising but not great.

    I only got in 7 miles this week before I was put out of commission and I still havent' made it into the 170's. But I"m almost there. Maybe next week.

    Everyone have a great week!

    Starting weight: 211
    4/25/10 Challenge starting weight 191
    4/25/10 Challenge start pants size 18
    Current weight 180
    Current size 16
    Challenge goal size 14

  • Sebastiansmommy
    Hey everyone checking in for week 7. Just like you Sandra I had a rough week too. I gained 1/2lb, no excuse just haven't been exercising as much and had a couple cheats this week. Not to mention I gave up coffee this week and have absolutely no energy although I know its all in my head.

    5/2~ 144
    July 4th goal~ 135
    Actual goal ~123

    Well hope week 8 is better and good luck to everyone else:flowerforyou:

  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    SW: 174
    CW: 172
    July 4 GW: 160 (would love to be 150 by then but not sure that's even possible in 9 weeks, so maybe by the 31st for the party!)
    Ultimate GW: 125 (preferably by Aug. 2011 at the latest)

    CW (5/30): 169.4
    CW (6/6): 168.8
    CW (6/13): 167.4

    My goal for yesterday was 165.8....this is coming off slower than I wanted/expected. I guess losing more than my goal the first week kinda set my expectations high. I guess I'm really doing ok, and I feel better about it when I check in here each week. I'm a daily weigher in order to keep myself accountable. I know weight fluctuates so I try not to stress to much if it goes up a pound or so as long as it doesn't stay there for more than a couple days. I hit 167.4 sometime mid week last week (then went up and down daily but never below that.) I was hoping to be a little below that, maybe even 166.something but no 167.4 was my official weigh in weight this week. So that puts me down 6.6 lbs and 7.4 to go by July 4th....that's beginning to seem like an impossible goal. Thinking if there is ANY chance of that I'm going to really have to step up the working out. I didn't do much this last week (other than my usual non-stop running around after work trying to get everything done!) because last weekend I ended up getting the tops of my feet sunburnt – OUCH! (Tip: Don't put sunscreen on and then change your mind about what shoes you are wearing when gardening for 3 hours in the sun. I went from Crocs to flip flops and now have a triangle shaped tan on the tops of my feet!) So, I spent the week in flip flops which aren't the best for taking long walks. My sunburn is better this week though so I'm hoping to get more activity in in the evenings this week.
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    I think I'm going to add a challenge for myself. A 1000 sit-up/crunch challenge. I'm going to try and do 1000 crunches by July 4th. That's less than 50 a day or just over 100 at a time if I only do it 3 days a week. As you all know I'm not big on "working out" I like to incorporate my activity into my daily life because I'm so busy it's hard to find time to set aside just for working out. But my abs aren't getting a workout and I know from past experience that I can start seeing a difference there pretty quickly and I really don't mind doing ab exercises, strange as that may sound. Also, I think I need to step in up somewhere in the exercise area if I want this weight to come off a bit faster (I'd be happy with 2lbs/wk but I'm averaging just over a lb. the last few weeks) I think doing exercises that build muscle would help me out there since muscle burns more calories than fat.

    Does anyone want to join me in the 1000 sit-up/crunches challenge as part of this 4th of July challenge? We'll just add it to our weekly updates, how many we did this week out of 1000 (ex. 350/1000). I'm thinking about possibly adding a number of miles or minutes walked/ran by July 4th challenge too but not sure yet. Would that interest anyone else? I might be more likely to do it if there were others interested in joining me.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Checking in. Stayed the same from last week's weigh in. At least I am not going up.

  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Hi everyone ....
    Sorry for the late check in but yesterday was nuts and I was away from the house and computer all day and didn't get in until late evening.

    Any way this past week was a good one for me , I lost 2.8 lbs bringing me to 344.8 lbs :bigsmile: I am very happy with that!! Nothing much else happening in my world. I do need to step up the water intake though , kind of been slacking in that area a little bit. As far as eating I have been doing well.

    I am kind of trying to adjust to my calories since MFP took away 70 calories after losing 13 bs total ....not struggling to bad there but it is a little adjustment that I had to make but not to bad. And the positive side is in order to go lower in calories you have to lose so that is how I am looking at that :laugh:

    Amalia -Sorry to hear your having some struggles. Once your off the meds everything will go back to normal , don't worry to much about it although I understand where your coming from . Keep your chin up , your doing awesome!!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I have a BBQ to go to(actually on the 3rd) and there will be lots of the BF's family there. I want to wear a super cute outfit. My goal was to lose some weight before then anyways, so I'm glad I found this post to have some 4th of July buddies!

    CW: 153
    Week 1: 153
    GW for 7/4: 145
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Hello everyone! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Three more days to go with my cortisone therapy and this morning I bushed myself off, took a deep breath and got on my scale. NO I haven't lost! I am exactly the same weight I was 2 weeks ago. I count that as a VICTORY!! :drinker:

    This little "health adventure" cost me 2 weeks from this challenge and the 2 kg I believe I would have lost if I had not gone through this, On the other hand, it could have been much worse. I could have gained back everything I lost. (And I truly thought I would, given my uncontrollable eating these past few days.) :sad:

    The good news is that I feel better now. I'm more in control of my appetite and today I was back to eating almost properly give or take a few carbs. I look forward to returning to this challenge full-force for whatever time is left and fighting the good fight with the lard! :laugh:

    I look forward to "seeing" you all on the way to the end of the line!! :happy:

  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Amalia - That is wonderful that you stayed the same weight and that sure is one great VICTORY ....congrats and I am glad that your back to eating right and getting back on track :happy: That is absolutely wonderful. It's funny how when we think the very worst everything turns out better than what we originally thought!! I am happy for you!! And we will get there :wink:

    This is my mid week check in and so far everything has gone GREAT!! I have been so busy with work that I don't even think about eating or food , well except when I need to think about it :laugh: Any ways I thought for sure that I was going to have a problem with fewer calories but in all honesty I have not had any issues with it , YET but I am sure at some point it will get harder but I am prepared!!

    I hope everyone else is having a good week. The board hasn't been as chatty as usual. I will see everyone at Sunday's check in!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am just checing in. I am having a rough week. I am really feeling down. I am just tired of trying to maintain a happy outlook when things really really suck. I know I will get thru this but it is making things hard this week. I will check in with a weight loss over the weekend. last Saturday I was at 150.6 so close to my July goal but this week may undo some of that progress. I will let you know.
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    I am just checing in. I am having a rough week. I am really feeling down. I am just tired of trying to maintain a happy outlook when things really really suck. I know I will get thru this but it is making things hard this week. I will check in with a weight loss over the weekend. last Saturday I was at 150.6 so close to my July goal but this week may undo some of that progress. I will let you know.

    I'm so sorry you are feeling depressed, rj. I know where you are coming from because i've been there many times. I also know it's no good to tell you that this too will pass, you already know that. All I can do is give you a tight hug and let you know that it's OK, it's normal for us women to visit that dark place every so often. We love you and support you and believe in you. :smooched:

  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Well, the last two weekends I've been off of my weekly goals by about a pound to a pound and a half. But I may have caught myself up this week. Not the best way to do it but I got sick and lost about 3 1/2 to 4 lbs in 1 day. So I ended up meeting my 2nd milestone goal this morning (goal date was yesterday but I was so sick I didn't weigh in) My milestone goal was to be under 165 and this morning I was 164. My weekly weigh-in goal for this week is supposed to be 163.8 on Sunday. Last Sunday was supposed to be 165.8 but I was only down to 167.4. As I said, not the way I wanted to get there but now I feel like there could be a chance to reach it whereas before I was thinking there was no chance and I was going to have to go back and adjust all my future goals. If I felt better I would be really excited right now. :happy: :sick: I just hope I can feel normal soon and get back to normal eating (I still feel pretty blah today so I'll probably be way under on my calories again) and hopefully eating normal again doesn't make me gain back ALL of the weight I lost being sick...I mean as bad as I felt there should be some sort of good come out of it right?
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Well, the last two weekends I've been off of my weekly goals by about a pound to a pound and a half. But I may have caught myself up this week. Not the best way to do it but I got sick and lost about 3 1/2 to 4 lbs in 1 day. So I ended up meeting my 2nd milestone goal this morning (goal date was yesterday but I was so sick I didn't weigh in) My milestone goal was to be under 165 and this morning I was 164. My weekly weigh-in goal for this week is supposed to be 163.8 on Sunday. Last Sunday was supposed to be 165.8 but I was only down to 167.4. As I said, not the way I wanted to get there but now I feel like there could be a chance to reach it whereas before I was thinking there was no chance and I was going to have to go back and adjust all my future goals. If I felt better I would be really excited right now. :happy: :sick: I just hope I can feel normal soon and get back to normal eating (I still feel pretty blah today so I'll probably be way under on my calories again) and hopefully eating normal again doesn't make me gain back ALL of the weight I lost being sick...I mean as bad as I felt there should be some sort of good come out of it right?

    I hope you are already feeling better hon. :flowerforyou: Don't worry so much about the diet, getting well is the most important thing. That being said, congratulations on your loss!! :happy: