4th of July Challenge!! Please join me!



  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks Barb, that was fantastic advice! I definitely don't mind unsolicited advice. We're all here to help and receive help.

    My husband made chili with rice last night and 1 serving was plenty so I didn't need to snack afterward. My 5 year old son always wants to go for a walk so we did. It's only a 15 min walk so maybe I can get them to go around twice next time.

    This weekend will be the real challenge but I think I'm ready for it!
  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    Hey Ladies I haven't been on here in the past two weeks because I was unexpectedly out of town to help my mother with some rental property in another state. But I tried the best I could to eat right and I couldn't excerise because I had a limited about of clothes and no workout shoes, but I did go line dance a few nights which i knows burns alot of calories since I dance literally most of the 6 hrs I'm there :) So I only lost one lbs over two weeks, but atleast I didn't gain any back :)

    Manda B!
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Well here I am for my mid-week check in :) I have decided to check in here mid-week as to help me to be more accountable. This week has been a busy one but not to bad. I have been keeping within my calorie goal all week long ...so far so good so I am happy with that.

    Today I did notice that I was hungrier than I have been all week and I am really not sure why since I about eat the same things most weeks. Although I have decreased my water intake this week because I just HAVE NOT been thirsty for some reason so maybe that is why I feel hungrier today but not sure!! So I am going to force the water down and see if that helps :)

    Overall I have been doing pretty good and I am very proud of my progress so far. I have been going over a little on carbs which I don't like but I am trying although I have stayed under 100 carbs a day which is PROGRESS since before I was eating 500+ carbs per day , no wonder I couldn't lose weight!!!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful week and see ya'all on Sunday :)

    Soon2beskinny, you are doing great! :flowerforyou: Checking in twice a week is a good idea. That way we can help you save the rest of the week if things are going wrong - which they won't, I'm sure!

    Sometmes we mistake thirst for hunger and this could be true for you, especially if you are not taking all your liquids. One way to kill two birds with one stone is to drink hot beverages. Clear soups are good, just watch out for the sodium. If you stay low on carbs and high in proteins you will be less hungry.

    Keep us posted! :smile:


    Thanks so much ...I feel great :) I couldn't stay away until Sunday though so here I am :)

    Yep I figured out that decreasing my water was what was going on with being more hungry ....so I increased my water intake from 64 oz. (which is minimum) back to 100 oz. per day and not hungry in between meals now. My nutritionist told me that I need a lot more water than just 64 oz. due to my weight and I believe it!! The reason why I decreased it down to the minimum in the first place was because I was not feeling thirsty but he told me to drink up no matter if I am thirsty or not. And he did say that I need to drink pure water for at least half of my water intake and then the rest with clear broths and other liquids as you have suggested :) So I will do that!!

    I can't believe another week has flown by and tomorrow is my weigh in day again! I am really anxious to see what is happening scale wise so I can't wait LOL. I feel I have lost more weight cause everything is getting looser on me like rings , tops and pants so I am excited. I need to really measure for inches lost since it's been three weeks since the last I did that. It will be interesting to see how many inches I have lost too :)

    Any ways just wanted to pop in and say hi :) Thanks for all the good advice and making me feel good with your compliment!! See you all Sunday with my weigh in results!!
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    I'm In..


    Try to loose a pound a week
    Get creative on good for you healthy foods, but FILLING
    Exercise 4X week
    and the most important thing.....TO KEEP SMILING NO MATTER THE OUTCOME!

    We CAN DO IT (sorry...I'm watching the water boy!)

    Welcome and awesome goals!!
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Let's do this! My goals are mainly for working out and weekend eating.

    1. Workout 5 days/week for 30 min.
    2. Go for walks with the kids and dog, 3-5 days.
    3. Drink 6-8 glasses of water, especially on the weekend.
    4. Eat smaller portions at home.
    5. Cook more meals (healthy of course).

    Welcome ....good goals. Although I am interested in why only the weekends?
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Checking in. I had an awesome week and the scale was kind to me. I lost 2.8 pounds this week. And my husband can't take his eyes off me. He keeps telling me how good I look. I wonder what he will be like when I lose the other 23 pounds. I have still been exercising like crazy but I toned it down a bit this week las Sunday the week ended with 8450 calories burned. This week I am at right around 6000. I think that is a little better.

    This week I have to work really hard until Thursday. Then I party hearty. I will be celebrating fifty years on this earthly plain and I think that deserves the ability to throw the rules out the window for a day or two.

    I hope you all have a great week.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Let's do this! My goals are mainly for working out and weekend eating.

    1. Workout 5 days/week for 30 min.
    2. Go for walks with the kids and dog, 3-5 days.
    3. Drink 6-8 glasses of water, especially on the weekend.
    4. Eat smaller portions at home.
    5. Cook more meals (healthy of course).

    Welcome ....good goals. Although I am interested in why only the weekends?

    Soonto be...,

    You must have missed her later post where she explains why the weekends were what she was concentrating on. It does make sense. If you can't find it, look for my last post in which I quote her answer to this same question and give some suggestions about how to be successful.

    BTW, EboniA,
    I'm glad my comments helped. It sounds like there is some interest and support among your family and that will help. Good luck.

  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Ladies... you are doing great!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Such wonderful advice too! I'm learning A LOT from all of you.

    I've been "good" this week, but I slipped a bit tonight by having a bit too much sugar - mostly in the form of hard candy. Well... it's my first sugar slip-up in 4 months, so I hope my body is in a forgiving mood! To tell he truth, my official weigh-in is Sunday, and I'm nervous, because so far the scale is not budging (in my UNofficial weigh-ins). I suppose it's insane to expect that the scale will show a loss EVERY week, but I'm only human. :ohwell:

    Well, keep up the good work.

  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86

    This week I have to work really hard until Thursday. Then I party hearty. I will be celebrating fifty years on this earthly plain and I think that deserves the ability to throw the rules out the window for a day or two.

    HAPPY (BELATED) BIRTHDAY rj. :flowerforyou: I hope you are having a GREAT time!!:drinker: :drinker:

  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Checking in well my good news is that my P.T gave me the go ahead to work out agine and I only lost a week due to pull a mucles in my back. Today I went to my yoga class and it went well could not do all the moves but I could do about 95% of them. Now for the bad news I went over on my calories almost every day. And this weekend I don't have healthy stuff plan. I also have my TOM so that really dose not help. I have learded when I am not working out it is harder to say no to thoes food that are not to healthly and I also want them more to. VS when I work out I just don't seem to want to eat them.

    Monday is a new week and hopeful I will get back to where I was soon and next week will be a better week.

    I hope every one elas had a better week then I did.
  • donya35
    donya35 Posts: 166
    Count me in!!!

    Since I'm a teacher, school for us will end in 2 weeks giving me even more time to concentrate on losing some poundage. My goal for the 4th of July is to lose 8 more pounds, putting me at my half way marker. Ideally I hope to lose more than that, but I don't want to set a high number and be disappointed if I don't reach it.

    My goals:

    1. lose at least 8 more pounds
    2. Increase my water intake from 3 liters to a gallon.
    3. Increase my veggie intake as well.
    4. Oh..and of course, to keep off the junk food too!
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Good morning everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Today (Sunday) is my official weigh-in-day and I think I should start reporting in a more organized way so I can keep better track of where I'm heading in this challenge. Here then, are my stats according to my records:

    Challenge starting weight: 108 kilos (238 lbs.)

    Today's weight: 106 kilos (233 lbs.)

    Total loss to date (May 23) : 2 kilos (5 lbs.)

    May 30 -

    June 6 -

    June 13 -

    June 20 -

    June 27 -

    JULY 4TH -

    4th of July GOAL: 100 kilos (220 lbs) - or as close as possible!!

    I will be posting this report every Sunday from now until the end of the challenge and I encourage all of you to do somethng similar. My goal of 13 lbs in the 6 weeks left in this challenge is a bit of a stretch, but I believe it's doable if I stay within my healthy eating parameters, so I'm shooting for it! If I DO reach my goal of 100 kilos by the end of this challenge - I'm warning you - we will have a PARTY :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: in this thread!!! :laugh: Considering that the last time I was 100 K was in 1995, I believe I'm entitled!!

    Have a GREAT day everyone and remember: swim suit weather is almost here!!

  • mimi_i
    mimi_i Posts: 10 Member
    im just new from last monday abd i just saw this challenge!so i'd like to be join y'all!
    next week i start my examens for a whole month so the studying and watching the food combination is not that great but i'll try.
    my current weight is 87,7kg(193 lbs) and i'd like to be at least 75kg by 14 august(wedding of my cousin!!) so that's 12kg to go!!
    wish me luck and all tips are welcome.

    my goals for the 4th of july are:
    -drink 2,5l /day
    -lose between 8-10kg(that's about 17 to 22lbs)
    -no more junk food or max. once a week
    -go to the gym for an hour everyday or at least 5 times a week
  • mimi_i
    mimi_i Posts: 10 Member
    oh n by the way my name is michelle :)
  • Kalamitykate
    Kalamitykate Posts: 34 Member
    Welcome Michelle! :flowerforyou:

    It's so good to see that folks are starting to feel better!

    For my check-in:

    MFP Starting Weight: 185
    Challenge Starting Weight: 160
    Current Weight 5/23 - 158.3

    The scale is finally starting to drop again after a three week plateau. It's moving slower than molasses in January, but it's moving in the right direction :bigsmile:

    Have a great Sunday!

  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    oh n by the way my name is michelle :)

    Welcome Michelle ....my name is Michelle too :) You have some great goals!! This is an awesome thread!!
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Good morning everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Today (Sunday) is my official weigh-in-day and I think I should start reporting in a more organized way so I can keep better track of where I'm heading in this challenge. Here then, are my stats according to my records:

    Challenge starting weight: 108 kilos (238 lbs.)

    Today's weight: 106 kilos (233 lbs.)

    Total loss to date (May 23) : 2 kilos (5 lbs.)

    May 30 -

    June 6 -

    June 13 -

    June 20 -

    June 27 -

    JULY 4TH -

    4th of July GOAL: 100 kilos (220 lbs) - or as close as possible!!

    I will be posting this report every Sunday from now until the end of the challenge and I encourage all of you to do somethng similar. My goal of 13 lbs in the 6 weeks left in this challenge is a bit of a stretch, but I believe it's doable if I stay within my healthy eating parameters, so I'm shooting for it! If I DO reach my goal of 100 kilos by the end of this challenge - I'm warning you - we will have a PARTY :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: in this thread!!! :laugh: Considering that the last time I was 100 K was in 1995, I believe I'm entitled!!

    Have a GREAT day everyone and remember: swim suit weather is almost here!!


    Amalia - Your doing wonderful :) And you deserve a party for all that hard work ....YOU CAN DO IT!!! I am up for a party too whether I get to my goal or not LOL!!!
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Count me in!!!

    Since I'm a teacher, school for us will end in 2 weeks giving me even more time to concentrate on losing some poundage. My goal for the 4th of July is to lose 8 more pounds, putting me at my half way marker. Ideally I hope to lose more than that, but I don't want to set a high number and be disappointed if I don't reach it.

    My goals:

    1. lose at least 8 more pounds
    2. Increase my water intake from 3 liters to a gallon.
    3. Increase my veggie intake as well.
    4. Oh..and of course, to keep off the junk food too!

    Welcome to the challenge. I completley understand about not wanting to set to high of a goal , I have done that and have been disappointed so learning from that I now try to give myself reasonable goals so I know I will achieve it :) You have some wonderful goals!!!
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Let's do this! My goals are mainly for working out and weekend eating.

    1. Workout 5 days/week for 30 min.
    2. Go for walks with the kids and dog, 3-5 days.
    3. Drink 6-8 glasses of water, especially on the weekend.
    4. Eat smaller portions at home.
    5. Cook more meals (healthy of course).

    Welcome ....good goals. Although I am interested in why only the weekends?

    Soonto be...,

    You must have missed her later post where she explains why the weekends were what she was concentrating on. It does make sense. If you can't find it, look for my last post in which I quote her answer to this same question and give some suggestions about how to be successful.

    BTW, EboniA,
    I'm glad my comments helped. It sounds like there is some interest and support among your family and that will help. Good luck.


    Barb - Thanks for letting me know , yes I did miss it , not sure how but I did :) Again thank you for letting me know!!
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    I am here to check in , kind of late in the day but I have not been feeling well today and just trying to take it easy!! My weigh ins are on Saturdays and I lost another 2.4 lbs. this past Saturday so I am very happy about that!! A total of 9 lbs. gone in three weeks time so not to bad!! I sometimes wish I could see a faster weight loss since I have a lot to lose but slow and steady wins the
    race :)

    I honestly can't remember what week I started this challenge and I really wish I would have written it down in my ticker so I can't remember what my starting weight was at the start of me starting this challenge :( But right now I am at 348.8 lbs. so I am FINALLY under the 350's which is HUGE for me since that has been a hard thing to do in the past but I FINALLY did it :) I have started and re-started weight loss so much that it's ridiculous but I always seemed to have issues getting below 350 lbs. but I have done it so I am VERY HAPPY with that!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful evening and a wonderful week ahead :)