4th of July Challenge!! Please join me!



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    I am hanging in, hoping my being good will payoff with next Monday's weigh in.

    I noticed Amalia hasn't posted on a thread since yesterday (5/4 USA Pacific time). Since she is in Greece and there is a lot of unrest going on there now due to the financial situation, it is possible there may have been a disruption of internet services, or perhaps she is busy just dealing with the here and now. Hopefully, she will pop in soon and let us know she is ok.

    Best wishes to all...

  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Good morning everyone :)

    Don't worry, Barb, I am fine! Our neighborhood is far away from the demonstrations and I didn't even see what was happenning unti this morning, cause the Press was on strike yesterday and we had no news. It's very sad about the 3 people who died in the fire, they were just working people doing their job. :cry: We are going through some hard times in Greece and it's effecting all of us, more or less. The anger is understandable, but the violence is not!

    Well, I DO have some good news today! i've been on an carb-detox diet for the past three days as I told you. The results are amazing!
    The measurable result is that I lost almost a kilo in just 3 days!! The results that can't be measured but are even more important are that I have NO cravings for carbs any more, I am NOT hungry and I feel better than I have felt in weeks! It wasn't easy. The second day was especially hard but i made it and I'm glad! Now, I will do another magic trick and make all "bad crbs" disappear fromj my home!! LOL

    Welcome to all the newbies! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Best of luck in acheving your goals for the summer and for the rest of your life! This site is such an inspiration and everyone here is helpful and wonderful. We can all do it together!

  • PecanTan
    PecanTan Posts: 47
    I'm in thanks for the invite I too like others have a family reunion on the 4th of July so I would like to loss 25lbs by then.

    My goals are:

    1. Loss 25lbs
    2. Stay under my calorie intake
    3. Log in everyday
    4. Drink at least 2 liters of water daily
    5. Exercise at least 5 days a week

    SW 235 lbs as of 5/06/10
    GW 210 lbs by 7/04/10
  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks Ladies for all your support :) I was a tough day...the worst of it was having his bus pass me on the way out of the gate...it was so defeating to feel so helpless and the one person who I needed the most was passing me on a bus....but i agree it's in the past and no sense in dwelling on it.

    I haven't been eating all that well this week since I'm visiting family and they don't eat like I do..I have no money to go out and by food only enough in gas money to get me back home...so I'm trying my best to eat right...I've forgotten what I've ate over the past few days so I can't log it properly, but I have been walking more and last night I went out with my girlfriends for ladies night and line danced literally all night :) so I'm very sure I burned plenty of calories!!!

    I just love the feeling I get when I put on my size 22 jeans and they are very very loose!! I look like a poor person who can't afford the right sized jeans...lol but that is ok with me..I even put on an old pair of 20 jeans that I found in the bottom of my dresser and they are even loose!!! so though I may have had some bad days and haven't ate like I should I'm still losing little by little and I am looking forward to the day that I can look down at my boobs and no longer see my tummy sticking out :) (which I'm hoping will be in time for the fourth of July!)

    So good luck ladies :)
  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    I am sooo in! :smile:

    Here are my goals:
    1. Put myself first. I deserve to be fit and healthy and I need to start taking better care of myself. :heart:
    2. Find healthy recipes that my kids will enjoy. (cook less pasta!)
    3. Drink 10 glasses of water a day.
    4. Exercise every day...even if it is just a 15 minute walk.
    5. Log my food every day.
    6. No snacking after 8pm.

    Good Luck, everyone! We Can Do It!!!

    The easiest way I find to get your glasses of water in is everytime you eat a meal drink two glasses of a normal sized cup...thats what I do and it helps me :) Good luck!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I am in....I am going to a wedding in New York for the July 4th weekend.....and I also want to look nice at the wedding

    Also when roaming the city of NY want to wear some shorts...because i expect it to be very hot and I want to be shorts ready and be sexy
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Okay I am nervous about tomorrow work out I have been doing the c25k program and well tomorrow is my frist 20 min run and my frist run where I don't have walking time during the run. Maybe I am makei g it out to be a much Niger deal in my
    mine then it is. I just can't belive I am running for any amount of time never would have image that I could do this at all. Well tak with you all latter.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Glad to hear all is well and safe with you and that your detox went well. Would you mind posting exactly how you went about doing your carb detox? I am sure it would be of interest. I am thinking I may need to give my system a "shock" to get back in the groove, so I may do the same as you.

    We are supposed to have 70 degree (F) w/sun over next two days, so maybe I will finally get back out on my walking path tomorrow. Have missed doing 2-3 hour walks, sans doggies, so I can keep my pace up.

  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    It seems we keep posting within hours of each other, Barb! :laugh:
    The carb de-tox is simple, really, Just keep carbs as low as possible for 3 days! I used the Atkins rule of 20 gr carbs per day as a general guideline and the MFP log to determine how many carbs my food contained.I posted my meals daily in another support website, so I do have an analytical log. Here it is:

    day #1 :

    Breakfast: coffee w/sugar substitute and skim milk, protein drink made with 1 cup skim milk. Proteins: 28 gr, carbs: 14 gr., calories: 240

    Lunch: 1 soft-boiled egg, 1 Laughing Cow cheese triangle, 1 slice beer salami. Proteins: 10 gr, carbs: 2 gr, calories: 135.

    Afternoon Snack: protein drink made with 1/2 cup skim milk and water. Proteins: 23 gr, carbs: 7 gr, calories: 140.

    Dinner: 2.5 oz beef chuck oven roasted with a trace of tomato sauce 'cause I took it from my family's dinner and it was cooked in tomato sauce. Did not eat sauce or ziti.
    Proteins: 22 gr, carbs: 0 gr, calories: approx. 150.

    Day #2

    Breakfast: Coffee (as yesterday), 1 soft boiled egg, 1 slice beer salami, 1 cream cracker. Proteins: 11, Carbs: 14, Calories: 202.

    Morning Snack: 1 oz pistachios. Proteins: 6, Carbs: 8, Calories: 160

    Lunch: 2 oz chicken thigh, meat only. Proteins: 13, Carbs: 0, Calories: 105.

    Afternoon: Protein drink with 1 cup skim milk. Proteins: 26, Carbs: 12, Calories: 186.

    Dinner: 2 oz Beef (same as yesterday). Proteins: 15, Carbs: 0, Calories: 100.

    Day #3

    Breakfast: my usual coffee, 20 gr cheddar cheese, 15 gr beef pastrami.

    Lunch: 3 large shrimp in a mustard and cream sauce.

    Dinner: same as lunch.

    Snack: 1 Greek yoghurt.

    If you do this, make sure you take at least 1 multivitamin every day!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Thanks Amalia,

    I am a night owl, now that I no longer punch a time clock. Not sure what time it is in Greece, but it is the same time for me that shows in the thread posting time.(USA Pacific Time Zone)

    Thanks for posting your menu. No wonder you lost a kilo....very low calorie in addition to low carb. I already take a multi-vitamin, as well as other supplements. I think I will give this a shot--may not start until after Saturday. Supposed to take a friend out for her 50th birthday and we are probably going to an Italian restaurant. They have an excellent Caesar salad, but also legendary pasta--not sure I can resist, LOL.

    Hope you are having a good day. Mine is about to end. A little late even for me.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    removing duplicate post
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Thanks Amalia,

    I am a night owl, now that I no longer punch a time clock. Not sure what time it is in Greece, but it is the same time for me that shows in the thread posting time.(USA Pacific Time Zone)

    Thanks for posting your menu. No wonder you lost a kilo....very low calorie in addition to low carb. I already take a multi-vitamin, as well as other supplements. I think I will give this a shot--may not start until after Saturday. Supposed to take a friend out for her 50th birthday and we are probably going to an Italian restaurant. They have an excellent Caesar salad, but also legendary pasta--not sure I can resist, LOL.

    Hope you are having a good day. Mine is about to end. A little late even for me.


    My calories may seem low over the 3-day detox, but I assure you, the calories on Day #1 and #2 were about the same amount as I always eat. This is due to my very small stomach now. I ate 3 shrimp for lunch and dinner on Day #3, because that's all my stomach fits. If I ate 1 more, I would throw up. Sorry, TMI.
    I never go above 1000 calories and still on that low cal diet, I was having a problem losing weight when it was composed of 50% carbs! If my stomach were bigger I would eat bigger portions. I'm convinced that I still would have succeeded. But you don't have to believe me, just try eating the exact same calories you are presently eating but make it all protein and see!


    PS I'm a night owl too now that I no longer punch a clock!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I forgt you had surgery, so of course you eat smaller portions. And, I was not implying I didn't believe you--just making an observation that the calories were low. Probably a good thing for me as I have been overdoing the calories the past few days.

    Take care all.

  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    I'm in.

    My goals are:
    - to lose 1lb per week
    - to exercise at least 3 x a week
    - to not go over my calorie intake at least twice a week
    - to drink more water
    - to choose healthier foods
  • Tootie1318
    Tootie1318 Posts: 1
    Hi I'm new to MFP. Only joined 30 mins ago so I love the idea of a challenge.
    You can count me in.

    OK Goals uuuummmmmm

    1) lose 20lb by the 4th July.
    2) increase my water in take to at least 6 glasses a day.
    3) at least 3 pieces of fruit a day (shame the juice in my vodka doesn't count)
    4) exercise at least 3 times a week
    5) stop munching on cheese every time I make a cuppa.
  • fitnessgal13
    Hasn't been a great week for me.... Went over my calories quite a bit, and wasn't able to exercise as much as I normally do. Hoping I will get back into it over the weekend and stay focused.
  • Sebastiansmommy
    Hi everyone, hope all is well.

    I'm just checkin in. This week hasen't been so great. The diet part I've been great on, but I haven't got in as much exercise as I've wanted to. My little boy is sick right now :frown: and all my focus is on him. As soon as he gets better I'll be able to cocentrate more on my workouts.

    ~ Jessica
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am tired. I had a great exercise week. 6050 calories burned Monday thru Friday. Now its Friday evening and I get to relax. I hope you all have a great weekend.
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Good morning everyone! It's a warm Sunday here in Athens. Yesterday was our 16th wedding anniversary and hubby took me out to dinner :smile: I haven't done "Athens by night" in a long, long time and I was almost surprised to rediscover how beautiiful Athens is after dark. We went to an especially nice area of Athens, where the restaurant overlooked the Acropolis, brigtly lit as usual. The neoclassic architecture of the buildings in the area, cleverly spotlighted to showcase their best features made me wonder why I haven't been doing this more often!

    We had a good dinner of sirloin steak and red wine, and although it was waaaay overpriced and cost us a small fortune, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
    Wish you were here! :laugh: :drinker:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy Mother;s day to the mothers in the US. Happy anniversary Amalia, I hope to spend most of the day outside as it is beautiful today. Have a good one.