4th of July Challenge!! Please join me!



  • Sebastiansmommy

    Question of the day: So, folks, what are you eating today?

    On the menu today, I'm making a healthy stir fry loaded with veggies and I plan to indulge in a little chocolate frozen yogurt cuz I've been working my butt off:bigsmile:
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member

    Question of the day: So, folks, what are you eating today?

    well i have toast and melon for breakfast
    small egg and cress sandwich for lunch
    and home made chicken curry for dinner
    delicious and under my calories!
    going to do the 30 day shred later on aswell :)

    weighed myself today and i've lost 1lb!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    red snapper with sundried tomatos, kalamat olives, goat cheese and capers for dinner with spinach and goat cheese potatos.
    Lunch was leftover meatloaf from last night and breakfast was a peanut butter and jelly (sugar free) sandwich. Here's to a healthy eating day.:wink:
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
  • ransingh
    ransingh Posts: 1
    I am new to the site and motivated to lose weight.
    consider me in.
    I wan to lose approx. 1 lb./week so by july 4th 5-6 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    sounds exciting.
    lets do it togather.
    my goals-
    -eat more fruits and veges
    -not to eat after 7pm
    -drink 8 glasses of water
    -physical activity every day 45-70 mins.
    -stay away from the sugary food items.
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Good morning everyone from a dazzling sunny but bankrupt :explode: Athens!
    I want to thank all those who replied to yesterday's question. Some GREAT ideas there and I think I want to try some of them!
    Well, it seems that yesterday's weight gain was (as I suspected) water weight because it's gone today. :bigsmile:

    rjadams, are you sure you are not Greek? LOL :flowerforyou:

    hdelamore, congratulations for the loss!! :drinker: :drinker:

    sebastiansmomj, keep working out and that butt WILL come off! :tongue:

    All newbies, welcome!! :flowerforyou:

    All the rest of you, keep up the good work and let's contnue to encourage and motivate each other until we reach our goals!!!

    Question for the day: Are you an emotional eater, and which emotions are most likely to drive you to disregard your dietary guidelines and seek refuge in "comfort food"?
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning!!

    To answer the question of the day. I have far less emotional eating since I decided nothing is off limits with a little planning. The one thing that can really knock me off balance and pull me toward the kitchen against my better judgment is being anxious due to some sort of worry, real or imagined.. Since I joined MFP, I have also had periods where instead of driving me to eat, anxiety drove me to have no interest in food, in which case I had to force myself to eat.

    Bankrupt or not, Greece is still a beautiful place.

    Have a good day, all.

  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Question for the day: Are you an emotional eater, and which emotions are most likely to drive you to disregard your dietary guidelines and seek refuge in "comfort food"?

    I find that I eat, or over-eat (usually sweets), when I'm down about something or stressing/worrying about something. I also find myself over-snacking (also usually not planned so just what ever happens to be around which is not usually healthy stuff, vending machine, etc.) when I'm tired and have to stay awake (at work or driving).

    I've been trying (not as successfully as I would like) to get more sleep and make sure I plan my meals and have some healthy snack options around. I've also been trying to stay busy at home instead of plopping down on the couch at night (even when I do I try to stay busy planning next weeks meals, etc.) so that I keep my mind busy and don't give myself the time to stress/worry about things or to think about the junk food that might sound good at the time. So far so good the last few days...
  • wyckedoll
    wyckedoll Posts: 10
    Good Morning,Afternoon,or Night,
    I hope everyone's weekend is terriffic!!
  • simplykim419
    simplykim419 Posts: 25 Member
    Question for the day: Are you an emotional eater, and which emotions are most likely to drive you to disregard your dietary guidelines and seek refuge in "comfort food"?

    I have been an emotional eater and will reach for anything I can find that I think will help. Normally it does not. In fact I did this on Wednesday because I was upset about our financial situation. But last night, after hubby and I had a fight, I did not reach for things to eat that I shouldn't. I told myself it does not help anyhow.

    But I have been keeping up with my goals and I feel good. Hubby says it is suppose to rain this weekend so that will keep me from walking outside but I always have the Wii to work out with.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am not s muc an emotional eater as I am an emotional drinker. When I am stressed or sad I want a drink, when I am incredibly happy I like to celebrate with a drink. Now if it were only "a" drink it probably wouldn't be a problem. Before I started MFP I would go tthru a 1.75 litre bottle of vodka and several bottles of wine per week. since joining MFP and changing my life I only drink on Fridays and Saturdays (maybe champagne on sundays) and I measure how much and really keep in in tow. tonight is only half a bottle of wine. okay so I rambled. sorry. I hope you all have a great weekend.

    Amalia - I think I may have been Greek in a past life. I hope to visit there someday.
  • dawnangell1
    I am attending the same wedding as mltchel on July 4th. It would be great to be in tip top shape, but my biggest goal is to establish more healthy, sustainable living habits. Food is my main problem. I am pretty active, and stay relatively thin, but I tend to eat a lot of garbage. These foods make me feel sluggish, the processing & packaging are bad for our environment, and there are inevitable negative long term impacts of eating unhealthy foods, even though my age may disguise them now. I am going to be starting a very grueling work schedule in July that will last three years, and I am hoping to avoid the stress eating, and binging on junk when I am starving and exhausted that I tended to do when I had this type of schedule in the past. I also have three children that I hope to teach healthy habits to.

    Nutritional Goals:
    1) Drastically decrease processed food intake
    2) Learn more about & incorporate sustainable eating (i.e. eating seasonally, choosing the right fish, etc.)
    3) Find a repertoire of quick, easy, unprocessed, yummy meals
    4) Track my food intake every day
    5) Drink my water & take my vitamins every day

    Fitness Goals:
    1) Weight loss: ~5 pounds. all my clothes are just a wee bit too tight, and I will NOT buy bigger clothes!
    2) Endurance: run half marathon with pace </= 9 min mi
    3) Toning: Tighten up my belly & lose some extra thigh mass, so that when I move to California I feel comfortable in shorts & swim suits
    4) Be able to attain and hold all poses in my bikram yoga class

    Mental/Emotional Goals:
    1) Lower stress with positive thinking and relaxation instead of food and anxiety
    2) Regular bed time for me & my kids so we ALL are ready for each day
    3) Re-discover my formerly very optimistic, cheerful self

    (thanks sroseber for including mental/emotional goals- sooo important!)
  • Kalamitykate
    Kalamitykate Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone! So I'm a few days late but I'm hoping there's room in the group for one more. I'd love a support group to share motivation with. :smile:

    My stats:
    SW - 185
    CW - 161
    Challenge GW - 145 (healthy BMI)
    Ultimate GW - 130

    I'll probably have to work on the 4th of July but the week before we're going rafting. I want to feel comfortable hanging out in a bathing suit all day.

    -I've been doing C25K and am up to running 1-2 miles without a break. My first goal is to finish the program and start improving my 5K time.
    -I need to work on upper body, core strength and flexibility. I've been thinking about doing the 100 pushups/200 situps challenges but haven't started yet. Is anyone doing this or interested?

    My goal is to keep up the diet changes I've made so far and keeping finding new recipes I love. My diet dilemma is chocolate. I love dark chocolate and have a small piece most days. I feel like allowing myself a little treat keeps me from freaking out and overindulging. I know there are lots of different opinions on this so I'm really torn between feeling like it's OK as long as I log it and feeling like I need to stop eating it.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi everyone! So I'm a few days late but I'm hoping there's room in the group for one more. I'd love a support group to share motivation with. :smile: .....

    -I've been doing C25K and am up to running 1-2 miles without a break. My first goal is to finish the program and start improving my 5K time.
    -I need to work on upper body, core strength and flexibility. I've been thinking about doing the 100 pushups/200 situps challenges but haven't started yet. Is anyone doing this or interested?

    My goal is to keep up the diet changes I've made so far and keeping finding new recipes I love. My diet dilemma is chocolate. I love dark chocolate and have a small piece most days. I feel like allowing myself a little treat keeps me from freaking out and overindulging. I know there are lots of different opinions on this so I'm really torn between feeling like it's OK as long as I log it and feeling like I need to stop eating it.

    Hi Kate-

    In regard to the pushups-- I will cheer you on in your endeavors, but at 56, I will leave the pushups to the younger crowd-- I wish you well.:flowerforyou:

    As for the chocolate, as long as you factor it in to your calories and don't overdose on it, I see no reason to give it up. This is a LIFE you are building--it shouldn't be about constant deprivation. Besides, my 94 year old mother eats a square of dark chocolate everyday, and she is together enough to go on to her computer and search for a quinoa recipe and tell me about it later, and I am impressed, since she has only been on the interet since she was 88, and not very often at that.

    Having that chocolate, and KNOWING you are going to have that chocolate can help you resist other temptations that otherwise might overwhelm you. Happy Chocolate!!!!

  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Another beautful day in sunny Greece and since it's May Day, hubby and I will be going out somewhere to find some nature and enjoy the spring a little later.:smile:
    I'll admit that I haven't been too good this week. Although I kept my calories within my parameters, I haven't been eating as healthily as I should. Things like M&M's, potato chips and chocolate have squeezed past my defenses and found their way into my mouth! :sad: Tomorrow is my official weekly weigh-in day and I'm afraid the news won't be so good. I hereby resolve to do better next week!!

    To answer my own question yesterday, I do seek comfort in food when I feel badly. I've tried to combat this and I believe I have been successful for the most part. What I have been unable to combat is eating when I'm bored! I can't fight this very well, because I believe I do it unconsiously. My hand will stray to the food and the food will be popped into my mouth before I realize what's happening! I now have a "no food at my desk" policy, which helps a bit. If I have to make the trip to get food, chances are that it wil sink in that I'm doing it. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.

    Kate, I'll happily cheer you on in your exercises but as I'm disabled, I'm afraid I can't join you. It's OK to have a piece of dark chocolate every day. Make sure it's the purest, best chocolate you can find. Dark chocolate has tons of antioxidants that are good for your body, plus, it's an antidepressive as it releases endophrines (the feel-good hormones) in the brain! The same is not true for milk chocolate, though, so watch out for it. Welcome to the group! :flowerforyou:

    Barb, you are doing really well. WTG! :flowerforyou:

    dawnangel, welcome! :flowerforyou: Adopting a healthy life style is what MFP is all about. The weight loss is only a part of the bigger picture. You seem to have thought a lot about your goals, just as sroseber did. Working in tandem, achievement of all these goals will certainly lead to a better quality of life.My only advice for you is take it one step at a time. Slow change is permanent change!

    rjadams, I'm not qualified to address your drinking problem, however, recognizing that you do have a problem is an important first step. Are you also willing to solve this problem? If so, I'd suggest seeking immediate help, cause this problem is often not something you can resolve on your own. If I can provide a further incentive - did you know that alcohol actually STOPS weight loss? Even a glass of wine a day will slow down weight loss considerably. This happens because the liver can't process both alcohol and fat at the same time. It's priority is alcohol, becuse it's a toxin and must be cleaned out, so fat is put on hold until the body is clean. Think about it.

    Kim, you said it yourself. Eating because you are upset doesn't solve anything anyway. What dies help is to identify the problems and situations that upset you and to take action to resolve them. :smile:

    To the rest of you: Keep up the good work! Drop in and report your triumphs or your difficulties and touch base with us. :smile:

    Since it's the weekend, I have a relevant question for you today: Do you find that you eat differently on the weekend than you eat on the weekdays?

    Have a great day everyone!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Since it's the weekend, I have a relevant question for you today: Do you find that you eat differently on the weekend than you eat on the weekdays?

    I definitely eat differently on the weekends. I'm usually running errands and doing things I dont have time for during the week. Sometimes I end up grabbing fast food but try to keep it in my limits. Like a small hamburger, no fries or a regular arby's roast beef sandwich, or salad from chic filet. And I"m bad about skipping breakfast on the weekends too. This weekend is different so we're taking it easy. Had a late brunch with all the stuff I haven't been eating. Eggs, englilsh muffin & ham but still stayed around 400 calories so not really that bad.

    I also tend to exercise a little more on the weekends since I have more time in the afternoons.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I eat a little differently on the weekends because I don't plan as much since I don't know what DH wants to do.

    Amalia - I have my drinking under control. I have proven that. It is no longer a problem. I have gone thru some very stressful things even in the past week and I didn't reach for alcohol. I don't need help and I like wine. I will continue to enjoy it in moderation. In fact it has health benefits. and yes it gets processed before fat loss but I have steadily lost 1.5 pounds per week since Febrary so I am happy with that. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    I eat a little differently on the weekends because I don't plan as much since I don't know what DH wants to do.

    Amalia - I have my drinking under control. I have proven that. It is no longer a problem. I have gone thru some very stressful things even in the past week and I didn't reach for alcohol. I don't need help and I like wine. I will continue to enjoy it in moderation. In fact it has health benefits. and yes it gets processed before fat loss but I have steadily lost 1.5 pounds per week since Febrary so I am happy with that. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    rjadams, if I offended with my post, I apologize. I didn't mean to be critical, I thought you were asking for help and I was only trying to do that (perhaps wrongly so). Best of luck with your weight loss efforts.

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Here's my first weekly check in. I lost 3 lbs this week. My official weigh-in day is Friday so I'll be posting my weight loss from Friday.

    I did check my measurements yesterday as it had been one month and was very happy with the results.
    I lost 1 inch each from my arms, chest and waist.
    1 1/2 inches each from my hips and thighs.

    I did good with the calories this week and managed to get in 17 total miles of the WATP workouts.

    Starting weight: 211
    Current weight: 188
    Goal weight: 150
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    In the month of April I lost 10.6 lb got past week four in my c25k about to start week 5. How did every one else do in April?