4th of July Challenge!! Please join me!



  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Ok hear are my goals

    Fitness goals
    1. to run a 5k by July 3rd
    2. to work out 5-6 times a week

    Weight goals
    3. to loss weight not sure on how much yet but I am think of about another 33 lbs at least
    4. to make it out of the obese BMI and in to the over weight BMI
    5. to loss another 7 lb before I get pregnant aging (not that I want to anytime soon but I am married and sometimes things happen)

    Nutrition goals
    6. to log all food that pass my lips
    7. to drink more water
    8. to stay under my calories goal every day

    Wow this a lot but some of these I am all ready doing daily and have been for awhile now it's just the first time I have but it down on paper or post. I know not all of these goals will be done by July 4th and some will last along time after the 4 th too but theses are my fitness, weight loss and nutrtion goals for now.
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Today was pretty good. I stopped at the store on my way to work and got some healthy foods to have at the office to snack on. I get a horrible case of the munchies when I'm at work, I don't know if it's boredom being on hold so long, or staring at the computer or what... So, I got fresh fruit, carrots, reduced sodium cheese sticks, 100 calorie bags of popcorn, and 60 calorie cups of sugar free pudding for when I want something sweet. I think I'm set. LOL I discovered that I don't really like carrots unless they're covered in ranch dressing, but they satisfied the desire to crunch for only 35 cals and made me feel full for awhile.

    Then I went to the gym and worked out for about 45 mins. I rode 10 miles on the recumbent bike then hit the circuit for some upper body strength training. I really want to learn how to jog, am thinking about trying the C25K program too.

    For the first time in a long time, I'm starting to feel confident again, and starting to want to make better choices. I'm even spending a few minutes doing the visualization activities... where I see myself where I want to be. Funny thing, I always see myself jogging in my neighborhood and I look great! Toned and in control. I want to make that happen! :heart:

    That's AWESOME!!! It sounds like you are on the right track! You might want to try bringing some protein to work too. Veggies are great, but proteins will hold you satisfied for longer. One easy thing that comes to mind is jerky.
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Just checking in. So far this week has been excellent. Pushing myself harder, probably cuz I have a drs appt on Thursday and I know they're gonna weigh me:grumble: .....and I'm working on that push up:bigsmile:

    Excellent! Keep up the good work.
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Hello ,I don't have a problem, with staying under my numbers but I seem to go over what I am allowed for my sugar intake. Any idea's ?

    What are you eating? Are you keeping a log? You can rarely go over your sugar intake if you are eating fresh, uprocessed foods. Read the labels! If a product lists "sugar" or "corn syrup" put it back on the shelf and back away slowly!! :bigsmile:

    Make sure your log tracks the sugar in the food you are eating (you can adjust the settings and include it if it doesn't) and keep an eye for foods that it says are high in sugar. Avoid these foods in the future.

  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    A warm "hello" to the newcomers to this challenge! :flowerforyou:

    This challenge is all about support. We are here to help each other meet our goals by dealing with the obstacles that seem to get in our way and stop us from completing the effort. It's a 10 week (well, 9 1/2 now LOL) challenge, so there is plenty of time to catch and correct our mistakes. This is not a sprint it's a marathon,so pace yourselves. 10 weeks is plenty of time to learn and adopt different food and exercise behaviors, to learn a little bit more about ourselves and to set orselves firmly on the road for a better life.

    I don't want to come off sounding like a know-it-all. i don't. I will be learning from you and I hope to have your support, cause I need it.I didn't reach the weight I am by eating healthy food and exercising! I DESPERATELY need to get over my addiction to carbs.

    Anyhow, I have a question for you today: Are you doing this on your own, or are you following a structured diet/health plan and which one? How do you plan to lose the weight?
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238

    Anyhow, I have a question for you today: Are you doing this on your own, or are you following a structured diet/health plan and which one? How do you plan to lose the weight?

    I had the lap band a year and a half ago, but I am now really starting to count calories. Luckily my band prevents me from eating certain foods that would normally be hard for me to resisit (bread and pasta), so that is a good thing. I strive to eat lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and limit my refined sugars. Having said that, I have a horrible sweet tooth, in fact I'm sure that sweet tooth is what has hindered my loss thus far, I am sure I could have lost much more by now if I weren't addicted to the sweets. That TOM is also horrible for me to say no to the chocolate cravings. Now I try to make substitutions... high protein bars, sugar free chocolate pudding, etc. I figure they're better for me that the pack of Reese's cups I'd LOVE to eat, but would totally regret later.

    Thanks for posting this challenge... I believe we are going to make our goals! Support is one of the keys to success in my opinion. I have a great husband who cheers me on, but he's not as focussed on getting healthy as I'm trying to be, so thank you for everything!!
  • kpark
    kpark Posts: 8
    I Joined th site about a month ago and was following another thread. There hae been no posts for about weeks so I am in search of a new support team. Sounds like you all are doing GREAT! Every year on the 4th of July we have a big family get together so that date is a good goal date. I want to be able to run a 5K by then. I was training to run on June 9 but when I got up to runnung a mile my knees did not like it. So I had to back off. Now after a week off I am having a hard time getting motivated again. So I am so glad that I found this thread. My goals are to exercise 5-6 times a week and drink 100oz. of water or atleast decaf tea. Thye water will be harder than the exercise because I drink a lot of diet soda.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Anyhow, I have a question for you today: Are you doing this on your own, or are you following a structured diet/health plan and which one? How do you plan to lose the weight?

    I am doing this on my own. I used the tools to calculate what my BMR would be at my goal weight. I use that to determine how much I eat. Then I exercise to loose extra weight. So far so good. I am getting very fit and I am losing about 1.5 pounds per month. My body fat percentage .has gone from 40.1% in February do 33.5% yesterday. ( based on my Tanita scale so not completely fool proof but a good guide) I have the support of my husband and my daughter is living a new lifestyle and has lost 45 pounds so we talk about it all the time. (she is in Vegas) anyway, I have a 100 calories to burn today. talk to you all later.
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member

    Anyhow, I have a question for you today: Are you doing this on your own, or are you following a structured diet/health plan and which one? How do you plan to lose the weight?

    I started this site while I was pregnant I had gestational diabetes so I need something to help me with counting carbs and also I was way over eating to so I need help staying within my calorie. After I had the baby the 1 st 2-3 months I didn't count my calories and we ate fast food almost every day well to say the least I didn't loss any weight and stilled weight the same that I did as before I had Caia. So I knew I need to do something I went back to how I was eating when I was pregnant and have never look back. Caia is now 10 1/2 months old she is still nursing about 7-8 times a day I only eat 1750 calories max a day and I work out for 45 mint 6 day a week. 3 days a week I do my C25K training and weights 2 days a week I do the elliptical and one day a week I do yoga. I have a really good support system in my husband he is my biggest cheerleader (even tho I can't get him to where the outfit) he is my rock in life and with out his support I would not be to the point of where I am at today. He is also trying to loss weight but not as much as I am. He only eats healthy food but doesn't exercise he works a ton and watch Caia when I go to the gym 6 day a week when he gets home from work.
  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    Anyhow, I have a question for you today: Are you doing this on your own, or are you following a structured diet/health plan and which one? How do you plan to lose the weight?

    I am doing this all on my own! I'm trying my hardest to get my mom on board....right now I TRY to watch what I eat...we went out to Shoney's today :grumble: not my choice! So they did not have any health fruit!!! they had fruit but it was either covered in syrup or in powder...so I decided to off of the breakfast bar:devil: ....and i eat more than I should have, but I will work majority of it off when i exercise later today :wink:

    So anyways I try to eat right and I work out literally everyday...I don't do the same thing everyday otherwise I'd go mad...one day i'll do the biggest loser cardio dvd and walk about 3 miles or i'll go swimming in the lake and play the wii...my mom told me that the local college has a gym that I can go to for FREE!!!!:love: so i am going to start doing that to add more things to my workout schedule. I have my fiance's support but with him being away training I feel like I'm all alone in this, but I'm not going to let that stop me.

    Manda B!
  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    BUMP!!! :heart:

    Good news i got my mom to join the site and start eating right and working out!!!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    A person should not be as busy as I am this week! Still no time to chat, and it's getting annoying! Anyway, I really will be back someday . . .
    Answer to today's question: I am doing this on my own. Later - really - I mean it -
  • Sebastiansmommy

    Anyhow, I have a question for you today: Are you doing this on your own, or are you following a structured diet/health plan and which one? How do you plan to lose the weight?
    Well, I did the pills, prepackaged foods, and pretty much every diet out there in the past but this time its all on my own. Eating right and lots of exercise. :bigsmile:
  • mltchel
    mltchel Posts: 6 Member
    Great idea. I have a wedding to attend July 4 followed by a week beach vacation so I'm very motivated to lose at least 10 lbs in the next 10 weeks. I've been losing very slowly for months, but I'm going to crack down more.
    I only weigh on Sundays right now. I think it's time to take some more photos to inspire me.
    Good luck on your challenge!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Amalia and Everyone Else!!

    I have been on MFP since April 2009. There are some other familiar faces on here, almost like a mini 50+ thread: reunion bigsmile:

    I started using MFP as soon as I joined and lost 18 lbs. in 6 weeks and another 12 in the following 4 weeks. It took me less than 8 months to lose 50 lbs. :drinker: :drinker:

    By the end of the year personal issues and an illness had slowed my rate of loss, but I did continue to lose. My lowest weight to date was reached on Jan 8, 2010, and I am within 2 lbs. of it as of my last weigh in. An accidental head injury at the end of January proved to be a life-changing event.

    Fortunately, the effects on my cognitive function and short term memory have subsided. Amazingly, I didn't backslide too far during the two months I was not really trying to lose. (I did lose one thing after my accident--a stressful job that I couldn't stand.) I am now in the midst of studying to pass the licensing requirements to go back into the insurance business--something I probably should have done long ago.

    Now I am back to feeling most of the time like "me" again, and since July 4th was one of the goal dates I already had been shooting for, this seems like the right place to be, so here are my goals:

    1) Lose 25 lbs.
    2) BMI in "overweight" category/out of "obese" FOREVER;
    3) Maintain healthy eating habits/focus on fresh and minimally processed food options; avoid HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup);
    4) Fit in to size 12 Jeans purchased in January;
    5) Use new strength training equipment 3 times per week and cardio the other three days;
    6) Take measurements on Monday May 3rd; Friday June 4th; and Sunday July 4th;

    I will post all my weight statistics after my weigh in this coming Monday. I started MFP at 245 on April 13th, 2009.

  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86

    I had the lap band a year and a half ago, but I am now really starting to count calories. Luckily my band prevents me from eating certain foods that would normally be hard for me to resisit (bread and pasta), so that is a good thing. I strive to eat lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and limit my refined sugars. Having said that, I have a horrible sweet tooth, in fact I'm sure that sweet tooth is what has hindered my loss thus far, I am sure I could have lost much more by now if I weren't addicted to the sweets. That TOM is also horrible for me to say no to the chocolate cravings. Now I try to make substitutions... high protein bars, sugar free chocolate pudding, etc. I figure they're better for me that the pack of Reese's cups I'd LOVE to eat, but would totally regret later.

    That sweet tooth has been my downfall too in the past! This is why this time I'm trying very hard to stay as far away from sweets as possible. If I REALLY need to have something sweet, I'll try some golden raisins. They are yummy! I don't do protein bars, because they are mostly candy bars in disguise - with the exception of Atkins, which I can't get here. If I REALLY, REALLY have to have that sweet, I give in and have it and try to not repeat it for the rest of the week.

    The problem is that eating carbs will only make you want to eat more carbs. Only protein will give you lasting satisfaction and make you feel full for a long time.

    I wish you the best of luck on your journey and keep us posted on your progress!
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    I Joined th site about a month ago and was following another thread. There hae been no posts for about weeks so I am in search of a new support team. Sounds like you all are doing GREAT! Every year on the 4th of July we have a big family get together so that date is a good goal date. I want to be able to run a 5K by then. I was training to run on June 9 but when I got up to runnung a mile my knees did not like it. So I had to back off. Now after a week off I am having a hard time getting motivated again. So I am so glad that I found this thread. My goals are to exercise 5-6 times a week and drink 100oz. of water or atleast decaf tea. Thye water will be harder than the exercise because I drink a lot of diet soda.

    Drinking a lot of water is the ONE MOST IMPORTANT THING you can do for yourself, not only for this diet, but for your entire life. I was a heavy addict of diet soda. I used to drink 1-2 liters every day! This time, I decided to quit. I stopped the soda and started drinking water. I drink 1-2 liters of water a day and I rarely miss the diet soda any more.

    The problem with diet soda is the sugar substitute. Not only isn't it good for your health, as many articles claim (do a search on the net), it also tricks your body into thinking it's getting sugar. i.e., calories. When those calories aren't there, it will push you into eating things that HAVE the calories it's craving after!
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Welcome to those who just joined us! :flowerforyou: We are very happy to have you here and I want to encourage you to post as often as possible, help others having difficulties and get the help YOU need to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way beween you and a healthy life!

    Congratulations to everyone who is doing well, following healthy nutrition habits and exercising! :happy: You are the shining example for the rest of us!!

    And I'm saying "us", because I'm having problems too! My scale didn't budge for several days, then this morning it moved - the wrong way! :grumble: I've been very careful about my nutrition goals and logging in. I even got my physio machine fixed and I'm back to doing my physiotherapy exercises (this doubles as exercise for me, since I'm disabled), so I don't know what the heck is wrong! Oh well! Maybe my body is just taking "a break" from losing, or maybe it's water retention from that chinese food I had last night... who knows? :ohwell: I'll just stick to my plan and the fat won't have a choice, but to come off! :wink:

    Question of the day: So, folks, what are you eating today?

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Amalia and All--
    Regarding the question of the day.....So far today I have had 1/2 a cup of Kashi Go Lean Crunch with a 1/2 cup of Kashi High Protein High Fiber (both cereals) and 1/4 cup of skim Milk, a can of "Joint Juice," and a Clementine tangerine. I haven't figured out what is for lunch today. It will depend on whether I am home or out.

    BTW, regarding artificial sweeteners: I have found that my desire to "graze" was eliminated when I started avoiding their use. I can do a little (Joint Juice has a sugar substitute in it; also I sometimes have a Starbucks with some Splenda in it) and have it not affect me. I was not sure about the connection until I realized that during the dead of Winter, when I started having a cup of no added sugar Swiss Miss in the afternoon because our office was cold, I found that I caught a bad case of the "nibbles." As soon as I stopped my afternoon ritual w/Swiss Miss--end of cravings.

  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    I think I need this challenge!

    From Jan. '09 - mid June '09 I used MFP nearly every day and lost 21 lbs. then I went on vacation and decided I wasn't going to worry about my diet & workouts while on vacation. But when I came back I was instantly thrown into life being busy, busy, busy and kept telling myself I'd get back to my diet and workout routine tomorrow, or next week, or just "later". So, from mid-June '09 to March '10 I never did find that "later" time but did manage to gain that 21 lbs back plus about 10 more!!! (my use of MFP was nonexistent during this time as well or I probably wouldn't have gained it all back!) I also was feeling really (I mean REALLY run down). Went to the dr. and found out my thyroid was functioning a little on the low side so I've been on meds for that for a couple weeks now and feel a lot better (still don't know if the dose is quite right yet but a little is better than nothing right now) I have a mental clarity that was missing for months! I have a little more energy when I'm awake and have started planning my meals again and have successfully tracked all my food the last couple days. I've even lost a couple pounds already with the diet changes alone. I know I need to get the workouts in there too...I'm working on that one....mentally.

    My youngest daughter's birthday is the end of July and I would love to look and feel so much better about myself by then for her party (the 31st) so setting a goal for the 4th is great and then I still have a couple week buffer before her party!

    My fitness goals are:

    1. exercise AT LEAST 30 mins a day AT LEAST 3 days a week
    2. play golf (walking) with my husband every chance I get (exercise that doesn't feel like exercise)
    3. use my dog for an excuse to walk every chance I get

    My weight loss goals are:

    1. Lose at least 10 lbs by July 4th but preferably be down to at least 160 by then.
    2. Be back to a comfortably fitting size 12 by then.
    3. Try to lose another 5-10 lbs by the birthday party July 31st (weight = 150-155)

    My nutritional goals are:

    1. Plan and track my food EVERY day
    2. Drink all my water and get all my fiber in EVERY day
    3. Find healthy options of food/restaurants that I can eat when we go out so that weekends don't ruin all the work I did all week

    My mental/emotional goals are:

    1. Stay positive about what I'm doing and what I can achieve
    2. Get to bed earlier at night so I can get enough sleep and get up on time and start my day right
    3. Work on getting/keeping everything else in my life in order so it will reduce my stress levels

    SW: 174
    CW: 172
    July 4 GW: 160 (would love to be 150 by then but not sure that's even possible in 9 weeks, so maybe by the 31st for the party!)
    Ultimate GW: 125 (preferably by Aug. 2011 at the latest)
