4th of July Challenge!! Please join me!



  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    I forgot to post my weight this morning. Somehow I thought yesterday was Monday. Anyways I weighed 170. Good Luck everyone.
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    You are doing great. Stick with it you can see the end.
  • natharkham
    natharkham Posts: 3
    I'm in too!
    I have a wedding on the 25th of July and I'm sick of being the fat one in the family!
    So I want to loose 20 pounds by then!
    My goal:
    Loose 20 pounds
    Look slim and sexy
    Workout 5 times a week
    Eat very healthy and light every day including week-ends
    I want everyone to say a big WAAAAAAA when they see me a cute and sexy dress!
    Plus I want to be able to wear a sexy bikini and not look like an elephant !
  • DanielleBryan
    I know it's late but I would like to join too. I have a big trip coming up in July (the husband and I are going to Miami/Key West/Jamaica) and I want to lose 24 more pounds by then. I have always been very shy about posting my weight. My husband doesn't even know how much I weigh but here goes:

    SW - 213
    CW - 189
    Goal weight - 165 by the end of the challenge
    Ultimate goal weight is 130

    I am currently doing a very low carb diet, have dropped my A1C levels tremendously and my cholesterol too so it's really working which is very motivating. I am walking 5 miles a day and drink tons of water. I am cutting off of coffee due to the extra carbs in the sweetner packets and creamer. I am also going to lay off of beer (not a big drinker but am a social drinker) until the challenge is done. I still can't believe I posted my weight on here. It sounds like there is a great group of people on this challenge and that's why I wanted to join. Good luck all. I hope we can all succeed together. I will post again soon!

    Danielle :smile:
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    Hi everybody! I didn''t do well at all last week! I went over on calories everyday! It was ToM and that is always so hard for me!!! I got back on the wagon today. I did go over on calories, but not by much and I made sure I got my workout in at the gym. I really want to get that scale moving again (in the downward direction, LOL) so thanks for the great motivation, everyone! Y'all are doing so well!! :happy:
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    I'm a day late posting, but I know that I weighed 110 yesterday. A solid 110, not a hold your breath and move around on the scale 110. So I'm doing pretty good on that goal. I am also trying to get back into running (which for me is always going to be running/walking...bad knees due to what we use to call "pigeon toed." Who knows what the pc term is now!). I went once last week, but I'm going to try to go 2 times this week. I am stoked for July. I'm feeling pretty confident for July!
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Hello everyone!

    I've been a bit "quiet" for the past couple of days. That's because I just found out I have a UTI, which partly explains why I have been so tired lately. :ohwell:
    To make matters worse, I'm at a stand still weight wise after that kilo I lost during my carb de-tox last week. Tomorrow is another day, however, and I intend to do everything in my power to get the scale moving on a negative course again!

    A BIG WELCOME to all the people that just joined us in this challenge. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It's NOT too late to make a new start and lose a respectable amount of weight by the 4th of July!
    Congratulations to all the "losers"! WTG!
    Those of you who "fell off the wagon", pick yourself up, dust yourself off and grab one of those hands extended to you so you can climb back on board!
    This is turning into a wonderfully supportive group and I couldn't be any happier! Thank you all, keep it up!

  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Well, after a bad weekend (diet/weight loss wise) I had gained 2 lbs back. :grumble: So yesterday I was kind of pouting about it but had a dr. appt. and talked to her about the weight loss battle and she said some things and got some support here on MFP and got my head back on straight today. Recorded everything I ate, though I ate too much pizza at supper, so I made myself workout some tonight. I HATE working out, I know how necessary it is but I HATE it! I usually try to get my workouts in doing "normal" stuff like housework, walking the dog or having fun playing golf with my husband & daughter. Tonight I did walk the dog for 20 minutes and then did 20 minutes on the elliptical, it was in 3-4 minute spurts during commercials while I was watching Biggest Loser. But hey, it all adds up right? And it's a start. I'm proud of myself for making myself do anything at all so that feels pretty good. :bigsmile: Hoping in the next couple days I start seeing the scale go the other direction.

    Good luck to all and welcome all newbies!
  • DanielleBryan
    I love that you are always so supportive even when you're having a down week. You are an amazing person. Hope you get through the UTI quickly and start seeing that downward scale result again soon. Your positive energy is inspiring. Keep it up! It helps us all!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    We're at hump day! I just want to check in on everyone (and have everyone check in on me!). My big goal was to "run" twice this week. Well, I'm not exactly a hardy girl...so the cold weather (it feels like March!) and rain has thwarted me thus far. BUT! I have not used that as an excuse to do nothing. I have my trusty rebounder at home and can do weights at home as well. So, its not exactly the way I envisioned it, but sometimes you have to be flexible in order to stay on goal.

    How is everyone else doing this Wedneday?
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Today has been a good day for me :) All week I have stayed under my calorie goal and my water intake has been anywhere from 80-100 oz. of water daily so for me that is awesome LOL.

    Exercise has been a bit harder for me but I do try! I have been walking every night after work for at least 30 minutes. I also have been pretty active on the WII ....I am hoping the more I lose the more active I will get and be able to workout harder but for now this is it for me until I lose a lot more!!

    Itrotter- Sounds like your doing well :) Tell me it gets better with the more weight lost? I have never been a real fan of exercise even when I was thin but I am hoping that when I get to goal or get at least the next 100 lbs. off that it will get better :)
  • sslopez24
    sslopez24 Posts: 110 Member
    Today was a great day for me! I started a boot camp class at a small all girls gym (5:30AM-6:30AM). It was fantastic! It worked out muscles I wasn't using on the treadmill. I was just jogginh/walking on my treadmill and hit a plateau. Well the plateau is gone. I weighed myself this morning and I had lost 1.2 pounds. :bigsmile: This new change in workout on MWF is going to help me reach my monthly goal and then some!:smile: I am also drinking a lot more water(48oz),. This is compared to just the 16oz I was drinking when I started.
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Just checking in I finely got the scale to move for me agine and it feel wounderful. On Monday I did my c25k week 6 day1 and well I did the 2 five min runs okay but the 8 min run didn't go as well. I had to walk for 30 sec during it and start walking about a min before it was done. So I am going to do day 1 agine and hopefuly I can do it today. Food is going really good but water I really have a hard time at if it just tasted more like a&w I'd be good to go. I have another 3.4lb before reaching my next goal and then it is time to set up new goals and rewards. So I need to start thinking of them. Well talk to you all latter.
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Hello everyone! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I fell asleep in the late afternoon on Wednesday, so here I am, it’s 3a.m Thursday and I’m wide awake and posting! LOL :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: srosebar, no matter how bad yesterday was, it’s the past, it’s gone forever and it can have no effect on today. Today is a NEW day and the great thing about new days is that you wake up with the slate wiped clean and it’s up to you what you are going to write on that slate!! Don’t worry so much about the exercise, studies show that a 30 minute walk at a normal pace is PERFECT for weight loss!

    :flowerforyou: Danielle, you are too kind, thank you. It’s the people posting here that have been inspiring ME this last month!

    :flowerforyou: ltrotter you are doing great considering the weather, keep it up!

    :flowerforyou: soontobeskinny, keep drinking that water, it will wash away all the nasty fat you are burning!

    :flowerforyou: slopez you are doing great!

    :flowerforyou: ndfcdf way to go! Some people use sugar-free flavoring in their water (Crystal Light) to make it more palatable.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Everyone I haven’t mentioned keep up the effort, it’s worth it!

  • angela75022
    angela75022 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm in!!

    My goals:

    Stay under Calories
    Exercise harder (or take longer walks)
    Drink more water
    Only weigh in once a week
    Lose a pound a week
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    I'm in!!

    My goals:

    Stay under Calories
    Exercise harder (or take longer walks)
    Drink more water
    Only weigh in once a week
    Lose a pound a week

    Welcome to the challenge , the people here are WONDERFUL!! Good luck with your goals and post often :)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So have had a rough weight week so far TOM puffed me up. As of this morning I am back to last weeks weight so hopefully I will lose something tomorrow. I am really enjoying working out. I am sure that I am over doing it but I really like it I am averaging about 1300 calories burned a day. this is based on my HRM. Before when I was using machines and Wii estimates I would be burning around 1900 cals per day. I burn so much less than those things say I do. But I am feeling so strong. yesterday I was able to jog for 25 minutes on the tread without a walk break. I slowed it down a bit from before. I was not enjoying the running anymore and I realized that running at 5.5 was tiring me out to quickly so I slowed down to a jog at 4.5 and was able to really go. Tomorrow I aim for 30 minutes.

    I hope you are all doing well.
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    I'm in!!!

    I was at almost 200 lbs last July and started the HCG diet. Since then I've lost about 50 lbs and still have about 15 to go... So I hope to be close to my goal by then. For the fourth of July I back to my home town and would love to look great and have everyone say "oh my heck you look awesome!"

    So count me in. I'm just getting ready to finish my first round of P90X and will be starting it again as soon as I'm finished, so hopefully it will help me kick my weightloss into gear.

    Start weight (7/2009):195lbs
    Current weight: 160 lbs
    Goal weight: 140/135 lbs
  • Sebastiansmommy
    I'm in!!!

    I was at almost 200 lbs last July and started the HCG diet. Since then I've lost about 50 lbs and still have about 15 to go... So I hope to be close to my goal by then. For the fourth of July I back to my home town and would love to look great and have everyone say "oh my heck you look awesome!"

    So count me in. I'm just getting ready to finish my first round of P90X and will be starting it again as soon as I'm finished, so hopefully it will help me kick my weightloss into gear.

    Start weight (7/2009):195lbs
    Current weight: 160 lbs
    Goal weight: 140/135 lbs
    Welcome to this wonderful challenge!:flowerforyou:

    And Rjadams, I'm sure you're gonna have a great loss this week, cuz you work your butt off everyday.Your workout are very inspiring to me.:flowerforyou:

    Hi all, just checkin in. The week has been up & down food wise. I realise I really need to get my sodium intake under control. On a good note the 2nd half of the week is going great. I must admit I took a peek on the scale and I was pleasantly surprised at the number:happy: . My weigh ins are on Monday usually, but I"ll post my weight loss on Sunday according to what the scale says. And I must admit I've been slacking on my attempts at push ups, but as soon as I post this I'm gonna go practice:bigsmile:

    Good luck to everyone else with week 3 weigh in

    ~ Jessica
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Its not Sunday, but this is my mid-week check in. My mini goal for the week was to go running (er, walking with some running thrown in) two days this week. I have been putting it off, and off, and off, so today, after work, i just put on the shoes and went for a run. Its nice when you're able to conquer yourself.

    So, here's to conquering ourselves!