

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I can't stand "muscle weighs more than fat" Drives me nuts. 1 pound = 1 pound regardless of what it is made of. Muscle is denser than fat so 1 pound of muscle takes up less space than 1 pound of fat!

    Biggest pet peeve in excuses? "I'm scared" WTF is there to be scared of? Being fit, being thin, living longer?

    Pretty much anyone who says this is referring to the density of 1Lb of fat vs 1 Lb of muscle and muscle displacing fat by volume...I don't know anybody who actually believes 1 Lb of muscle actually weighs more than 1 Lb of fat. Do you really think there are all kinds of people thinking that 1 Lb isn't a 1 Lb?

    At anyrate...I don't have time to exercise is the one excuse I can't stand, namely because I used to use it all of the time.

    Also, some people do have bad knees and shouldn't squat...not a myth.
  • blindedbyawesome
    blindedbyawesome Posts: 56 Member
    you have to die of something
  • niki87lewis
    niki87lewis Posts: 147 Member
    While I too share your exasperation with people who opt to not be fit and then complain about it. Please be careful how you throw around comments about pain. I do not do squats or lunges because I've had reconstructive surgery on my knee 4 times and the pain is excruciating. I work on exercises to continue to gain muscle strength, but your comment was hurtful. In this community I think we all need to try to stay a little more judgement free.

    At least someone else spotted this extremely insulting comment also. OP should really think before assuming everyone has the same capabilities as somebody else.

    Seconded. I have cruciate ligament damage to one knee, no amount of squatting is gonna help that!!! And yes I do squat, lunges are a different story!
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Cardio eats muscles.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    2) I actually heard this: "I can't squat because I have bad knees.... besides, it's not like i use that in my everyday life."

    WHAAT?! No. You have bad knees BECAUSE you don't squat.

    And if you don't think you use it in everyday life, i'd like to know how you get on and off the toilet. :huh:

    What are some of the "myths" and excuses you can't stand to hear????

    I must be doing it wrong. When I do squats, it hurts my knees really bad. I never had knee pain before,
  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member

    And if you don't think you use it in everyday life, i'd like to know how you get on and off the toilet. :huh:

    a system of ropes and pulleys?

    Sometimes I do need a system to get on/off the toilet after squat and lunge day. ;)

    I did deadlifts and lunges on Monday. Tuesday morning, I pretty much leaned against the sink, then rolled toward the toilet, using a push-up motion to help lower me down! :blushing: :laugh:

    OMG, I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I did dead lifts and lunges, AND calf lifts, on Saturday. I think I pushed a little too far too soon, and there are parts on my lower backside that are still sore. Sunday was actually not bad, but Monday was excruciating. Actually took a couple days off it was so bad. Gonna get back at it today.

    back on topic - It bothers me when people get themselves all worked up over little stuff like "muscle weighs more than fat". Everyone knows its a density statement, do we really need to write out 12 more words to explain it so some folks don't get bent? I could go on and on, I see similar examples around here all the time.
  • TKRV
    TKRV Posts: 165 Member
    you have to die of something

    HATE HATE HATE this one too.

    When I tell people I want to live to 100 (crosses fingers) I get the response that they don't want to be old and in pain for that long. Guess what, if you live a healthy lifestyle, chances are you will see 100 (or just be old) and still be kicking it like you're 70.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    While I too share your exasperation with people who opt to not be fit and then complain about it. Please be careful how you throw around comments about pain. I do not do squats or lunges because I've had reconstructive surgery on my knee 4 times and the pain is excruciating. I work on exercises to continue to gain muscle strength, but your comment was hurtful. In this community I think we all need to try to stay a little more judgement free.

    Many, many people have fixed their long term knee problems by full range squatting, going from a lifetime of pain to pain free. And speaking from experince, if hurts like hell at first, like my knee is going to rip apart and kneecap pop off.... (when I first started my knees hurt too much to do a single BW squat).

    Many people actually did listen to the advice to suck it up and deal with the pain, and have come out the other side, and see knee based excuses as related to exercise about like the excuses fat people make. In the process learning that many doctors are flat out clueless when it comes to the knees, and give about the worst advice possible.

    I've had to completely reconstruct all of my lower body movement patterns on my own, but over the course of a couple years, walking with a limp permanently has become the ability to do jump-switch single leg squats with virtually no pain.
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    "Why are you taking protein powder? That's going to make you gain weight."

    "Wahhhhh I gained 5 pounds since last Friday and I didn't do anything different except eat out every night this weekend..... it must be muscle."

    Women: "I would lift weights but I don't want to be big like those female body builders. Just toned and sexy."

    "What's a good workout to target fat in *insert specific area*?"

    "I ran a mile today so I deserve this cheeseburger."
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    2) I actually heard this: "I can't squat because I have bad knees.... besides, it's not like i use that in my everyday life."

    WHAAT?! No. You have bad knees BECAUSE you don't squat.

    And if you don't think you use it in everyday life, i'd like to know how you get on and off the toilet. :huh:

    What are some of the "myths" and excuses you can't stand to hear????

    Wrong. Some people have structural problems or injuries that make it imperative that they avoid squats.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    While I too share your exasperation with people who opt to not be fit and then complain about it. Please be careful how you throw around comments about pain. I do not do squats or lunges because I've had reconstructive surgery on my knee 4 times and the pain is excruciating. I work on exercises to continue to gain muscle strength, but your comment was hurtful. In this community I think we all need to try to stay a little more judgement free.

    Many, many people have fixed their long term knee problems by full range squatting, going from a lifetime of pain to pain free. And speaking from experince, if hurts like hell at first, like my knee is going to rip apart and kneecap pop off.... (when I first started my knees hurt too much to do a single BW squat).

    Many people actually did listen to the advice to suck it up and deal with the pain, and have come out the other side, and see knee based excuses as related to exercise about like the excuses fat people make. In the process learning that many doctors are flat out clueless when it comes to the knees, and give about the worst advice possible.

    I've had to completely reconstruct all of my lower body movement patterns on my own, but over the course of a couple years, walking with a limp permanently has become the ability to do jump-switch single leg squats with virtually no pain.

    Orthopedists the world over are thanking you in advance for the business.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member

    "I ran a mile today so I deserve this cheeseburger."


    And "if I'm craving [insert processed fast food rubbish here] it must mean my body needs it so I have it. Besides, if I don't then I will only binge on it later".

    This is why you're fat.
  • IronMikeFox
    IronMikeFox Posts: 458
    "There's nothing I can do about gaining weight & getting flabby. That's just part of getting older." My wife uses this one all the time.
  • ptjolsen
    ptjolsen Posts: 365 Member
    I can't stand "muscle weighs more than fat" Drives me nuts. 1 pound = 1 pound regardless of what it is made of. Muscle is denser than fat so 1 pound of muscle takes up less space than 1 pound of fat!

    Biggest pet peeve in excuses? "I'm scared" WTF is there to be scared of? Being fit, being thin, living longer?
    Great post. Sums up most of my daily thoughts.
  • BunkyBumBum
    BunkyBumBum Posts: 157 Member
    While I agree there are a lot of excuses out there, I have to add my 2 cents about squats.

    Some people, myself included, have joint problems. I can't squat without having popping, grinding, and pinch-like pains in my knees, so, I don't squat because I don't want to injure myself. I'm not exceptionally heavy, just 15 pounds overweight, but the joint problems are something I've had my whole life, even as a teenager. Not everyone is made the same, and for whatever reason, some people's joints just can't handle strain like that.

    Heck, lately at the gym I've been doing the over-head shoulder press weight machine, I do it on 20 pounds (which is next to nothing) but that's all I can do without causing myself pain. I get popping and grinding in my shoulders with 20 pounds, but if I bump up to 30 I get popping, grinding, and stabbing pains. My hope is that if I keep at it at 20 pounds whatever is messed up in there will set itself right and I can bump it up some more.

    Also, just to further prove a point about how everyone's body is different - I fell down the stairs a few years ago and got a very serious foot injury. It didn't break, but the bone on the front of my foot on par where my ankle is (cuboid I think) popped out and back in causing some tearing. My doctor gave me bad advice and said it would heal on it's own with no physical therapy. Years later I still have problems with it and they makes no sense. For instance: The elliptical's motion will eventually cause a pinching and "out of place" pain in my ankle that will last for days... the arc trainer doesn't. Why? I have no idea, they're similar, I even get more resistance with the arc, but the very slight difference in motion is what makes it so that I can do 30 minutes on the arc on hill intervals whereas after 10 minutes on the elliptical's lowest manual setting I have issues. I can walk down the street just fine, and usually I can jog a little, but if I walk on a treadmill it hurts and takes days to heal. Why? It doesn't make much sense, but the very minor changes in impact and range of motion have major influences on how my foot handles certain exercises.

    So, it's sort of a peeve of mine when people act like they understand everyone's anatomy perfectly. If everyone was a perfect model human that would be one thing, but each of us has life experience and often injuries that impact how our bodies handle various activities, even when outwardly we all look the same.
  • marcia724
    marcia724 Posts: 180 Member
    "I can't lose weight because I'm not eating enough calories...and going into starvation mode". I think most of the time this ISNT true.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    "I don't have time. I have to work an 8 hour job, cook dinner, and be a mom to a 2-year old."

    Sorry if I offer you cheese to go with that wine, but my coworker works a 12 hour job, has 4 boys, and is pregnant with her 5th and still MAKES time to stay fit and healthy. So your excuse is invalid! Get up and move your buns!
  • OBXbound4me
    OBXbound4me Posts: 245 Member
    I am BIG boned and genetically challenged...

    I have learned that my big bones are surrounded by fat. That makes them look even bigger...
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    "I'm too stressed to go to the gym." Excercise is probably one of the best things you can do for stress. -facepalm-

    Agreed!! Going to the gym/playing volleyball is how I destress from a day of work and a 3 yr old!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Many people actually did listen to the advice to suck it up and deal with the pain

    The only time I can think of to "suck it up and deal with the pain" is when I did a really hard workout and my muscles are sore. If I feel as though ANY of my joints are going to blow apart when doing an activity I typically err on the side of caution and stop.

    I really hope you're not a physical therapist because I'd run far away if you told me to "suck it up and deal with the pain".