

  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    Friend's facebook status today, " One of my all natural diet pill customers lost 6lbs her first week! This is what 6 pounds of fat looks like! (attaches photo)".

    I wanted to post so badly that unless her friend burned 21000 calories that week, it was just water weight.

    Diet pill friends are getting on my nerves!!!

    Yes!!!!! I got THREE separate PMs on Facebook from the same FB acquaintance. She was trying to get me on Advocare. I finally said, "do I LOOK like I need to lose weight to you?" and attached pics of my progress which was made possible through diet and exercise alone. They are all about SALES, and I told her I wanted no part of her pyramid scheme. Not to mention, what an insult! I have never once posted, "help me lose weight; I think I'm fat". Sure, I talk about working out at the Y but that is something every person should do is get 30 minutes a day of exercise. I do it for health reasons, not vanity. UGH! Rant over.
  • xaMErica
    xaMErica Posts: 284 Member
    I couldn't do a single leg squat yesterday to save my life :frown:

    I do have a bad knee.... :cry:

    BUT! I am working on making it stronger! :wink: So I can do as many single let squats as I want!
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    One of my facebook friends had a status awhile back that said, "Anyone have any good weight loss advice? I'm willing to try anything, pills, workouts, whatever diet you throw at me. I need this weight gone and I need it gone now!"

    When I suggested MFP to her, she said, "Elli, I need something that's not going to take forever. I don't have the patience for that and can't wait that long."

    MY BIGGEST PET PEEVE: "I don't have the patience." Okay, so you have the patience to sit on your butt for years, eat garbage and wonder how you got so overweight, but you don't have the patience to lose 1.5 pounds a week and keep it off for the rest of your life? Give me a freakin' break. There is no magical weight loss secret. The way to do it is to get off your *kitten* and stop eating garbage.
  • mrsburghart
    mrsburghart Posts: 166 Member
    When people say, "celebrities look good because they have personal trainers and chefs", as if the average Joe can't possibly attain a healthy figure. It's such an excuse! I hear it all the time when women post-partum say that they'll never lose all the weight. It is totally possible through diet and exercise. And of course, discipline.

    ^^^this along with a friend of mine who lost a bunch of weight and got pregnant. The whole pregnancy she was eating Doritos and drinking mountain dew and would claim "it's ok, I'm pregnant. I can eat whatever I want. I lost weight before, I can do it again." (she didn't btw) I wanted to strangle her!

    Another pet peeve of mine..."I'll start tomorrow" or "I'll start Monday"
  • DavidC1857
    DavidC1857 Posts: 149 Member
    The only right way to lose weight is TDEE-20% and lifting heavy things. Your macro's must be (whatever mine are).

    If you do a fad diet (anything other than the above is a fad diet), you will die (<--sarcasm) and gain all the weight back.

    (This ought to take the thread to at least 8 pages)
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    I can't stand "muscle weighs more than fat" Drives me nuts. 1 pound = 1 pound regardless of what it is made of. Muscle is denser than fat so 1 pound of muscle takes up less space than 1 pound of fat!

    Biggest pet peeve in excuses? "I'm scared" WTF is there to be scared of? Being fit, being thin, living longer?

    But muscle does weigh more than fat. If you took the same volume of each, muscle would weigh more.
    Thank you! Thank you!

    If the argument is that 1 lb of muscle = 1 lb of fat then, I guess everything in the world weighs the same.
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    Running is so bad for your knees. - No it is not, being fat and out of shape is bad on your knees. Countless studies have shown runners have healthy, stronger knees into old age. Maybe because their knee are surround by muscles forged from all that running.

    I don't have the time - get up early.
    I'd rather get that extra hour of sleep - I'd rather get that extra 5 to 10 years of active life
    I can't afford it - stopping buying your expensive coffee for 3 months, spend that money on a pair of running shoes, no gym required or go on the internet and download any of the countless free workout at home programs
    I have health issues - then find an exercise that you can do, unless you're Stephan Hawking there is an exercise program that you and your body, with all your health issues can handle.
    I will stop know before I get frustrated!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member

    2) I actually heard this: "I can't squat because I have bad knees.... besides, it's not like i use that in my everyday life."

    WHAAT?! No. You have bad knees BECAUSE you don't squat.

    And if you don't think you use it in everyday life, i'd like to know how you get on and off the toilet. :huh:

    What are some of the "myths" and excuses you can't stand to hear????

    Hold it sister, don’t generalize, judge, and try to assume that you know everything. I don’t squat because I CAN 'T, AND I SHOULD’N according to my doctor.

    I have bad knees because I have arthritis and torn meniscus in both of them. They are bad because of my problem; they are not bad because I don’t squat. And I am sure that I am not the only one having that problem.

    Just eat what you want, exercise to your heart content and stop worrying about somebody else exercise routine.
  • briggsy13
    briggsy13 Posts: 161 Member
    I used the excuse "I don't have time" for years. It was bogus. It just wasn't a priority then. I still find myself feeling lazy some days but know its worth the work in the end.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Running is so bad for your knees. - No it is not, being fat and out of shape is bad on your knees. Countless studies have shown runners have healthy, stronger knees into old age. Maybe because their knee are surround by muscles forged from all that running.


    Anecdotal: As a former hockey player and guy who spent a lot of time at or near 300lbs, for the majority of adult life; my knees ALWAYS hurt .. until I started running. Now it's my hips .. heh. But my knees are better than they were when I was 18
  • wannabeloser08
    I literally had someone tell me.....

    Her: "I can't drink water... it makes me sick. I don't like the way it feels in my stomach, sloshing around, i get nauseous."

    Me: Walked away in silence..... :noway:
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    The only time I can think of to "suck it up and deal with the pain" is when I did a really hard workout and my muscles are sore. If I feel as though ANY of my joints are going to blow apart when doing an activity I typically err on the side of caution and stop.

    When my muscles are sore from a hard workout .. I poke at them all day. I dunno. I like that pain.

    You have to analyze your pain. Feel it, experience it .. I ask my boys (14 & 16 yrs aol, hockey and lacrosse players) "Are you hurt or are you injured?" If you're not injured, then suck it up and get out there for your next shift.

    That's my point.

    To say that anyone with an injury or who has excruciating pain when they do certain exercises should just "suck it up and work through it" is rather ridiculous IMO. That's just asking someone to hurt themselves further. My husband has what he calls a glass shoulder. It bothers him a LOT when he does certain shoulder exercises so he doesn't do those exercises that cause him to have sharp, shooting pains in his shoulder which brings him to his knees.

    That is unfortunately, the point.

    Chronic tendon pain (which is the vast majority of chronic knee or shoulder pain) is chronic because the body has stopped healing it.

    Reinjuring it in a controlled manner to force inflammation (inflammation = healing) prompts the body to heal and strengthen the problem parts.

    Study the research, the same stuff doctors study (if on the up and up with current research), single leg squats done on an angled surface is the best exercise there is for chronic knee pain. The point of the angled surface is to make it hurt more, to increase the load on problem tendons. You are supposed to work through pain.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    The only thing I can't stand is when people try to shove down someone's throat what THEY do and how if it worked for THEM it HAS to work for me.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    2) I actually heard this: "I can't squat because I have bad knees.... besides, it's not like i use that in my everyday life."

    WHAAT?! No. You have bad knees BECAUSE you don't squat.
    No, I have bad knees after 10 years of playing football, followed by 35 years of officiating the sport.
    Due to a side impact injury while officiating a game back in 2000, I have several screws holding my R knee together -- actually the top section of my lower leg was broken off.
    So, eliminate this one from your list of myths.
    You may not be capable of enduring the combination of words, but the condition is definitely NOT a myth.
  • Sheacat
    Sheacat Posts: 24
    I can't stand "muscle weighs more than fat" Drives me nuts. 1 pound = 1 pound regardless of what it is made of. Muscle is denser than fat so 1 pound of muscle takes up less space than 1 pound of fat!

    Biggest pet peeve in excuses? "I'm scared" WTF is there to be scared of? Being fit, being thin, living longer?

    But muscle does weigh more than fat. If you took the same volume of each, muscle would weigh more.
    Thank you! Thank you!

    If the argument is that 1 lb of muscle = 1 lb of fat then, I guess everything in the world weighs the same.

    ok, sorry, the science teacher in me is screaming here. 1 pound is 1 pound is 1 pound. 1 pound of feathers = 1 pound concrete. Volume is NOT the same as weight. Take the feathers and concrete as an example, if you fill a five gallon bucket with feathers and another with concrete, then yes, the concrete is heavier. However, saying that a pound of one thing weighs more than a pound of another is crazy talk. /end rant
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I can't stand "muscle weighs more than fat" Drives me nuts. 1 pound = 1 pound regardless of what it is made of. Muscle is denser than fat so 1 pound of muscle takes up less space than 1 pound of fat!

    Biggest pet peeve in excuses? "I'm scared" WTF is there to be scared of? Being fit, being thin, living longer?

    But muscle does weigh more than fat. If you took the same volume of each, muscle would weigh more.

    The response "No, muscle doesn't weigh more than fat because 1 lb = 1 lb" is a pet peeve of mine (which has nothing to do with fitness). Seriously, I can't decide if it's more rude, pretentious or ignorant.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    While I too share your exasperation with people who opt to not be fit and then complain about it. Please be careful how you throw around comments about pain. I do not do squats or lunges because I've had reconstructive surgery on my knee 4 times and the pain is excruciating. I work on exercises to continue to gain muscle strength, but your comment was hurtful. In this community I think we all need to try to stay a little more judgement free.

    Many, many people have fixed their long term knee problems by full range squatting, going from a lifetime of pain to pain free. And speaking from experince, if hurts like hell at first, like my knee is going to rip apart and kneecap pop off.... (when I first started my knees hurt too much to do a single BW squat).

    Many people actually did listen to the advice to suck it up and deal with the pain, and have come out the other side, and see knee based excuses as related to exercise about like the excuses fat people make. In the process learning that many doctors are flat out clueless when it comes to the knees, and give about the worst advice possible.

    I've had to completely reconstruct all of my lower body movement patterns on my own, but over the course of a couple years, walking with a limp permanently has become the ability to do jump-switch single leg squats with virtually no pain.

    my husband has bad knees, but he always does squats. His knees pop and crack a LOT less than they did when he wasn't working out.
  • fluffymcfluffster
    fluffymcfluffster Posts: 51 Member
    I am BIG boned and genetically challenged...

    I have learned that my big bones are surrounded by fat. That makes them look even bigger...

    LOVE THIS!!! I am not even sure if I am big boned as the fat around them makes it hard to tell...

    ..on a side note, not really a myth/excuse but as I never post, throwing something out just as I am. I hate when people say - just don't eat that or just don't drink that or just exercise every day. In theory, they are right but I didn't get fat by being known for my willpower!!!
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I can't stand "muscle weighs more than fat" Drives me nuts. 1 pound = 1 pound regardless of what it is made of. Muscle is denser than fat so 1 pound of muscle takes up less space than 1 pound of fat!

    Biggest pet peeve in excuses? "I'm scared" WTF is there to be scared of? Being fit, being thin, living longer?

    I really hope your are just joking. If you are being serious then I have to tell you that this is one of the most idiotic things I have ever heard. Weight is a function of density. Would you say that gold weighs more than feathers? 1 pound of gold = 1 pound of feathers correct? So why then do we say that gold weighs more than feathers? For the same reason that muscle weighs more than fat. It takes less fat to equal 1 pound then it does fat just like it takes less gold to get to one pound then it does feathers. By your logic everything weighs the same because 1 pound of X will weigh the same as 1 pound of Y.
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    I can't stand "muscle weighs more than fat" Drives me nuts. 1 pound = 1 pound regardless of what it is made of. Muscle is denser than fat so 1 pound of muscle takes up less space than 1 pound of fat!

    Biggest pet peeve in excuses? "I'm scared" WTF is there to be scared of? Being fit, being thin, living longer?

    But muscle does weigh more than fat. If you took the same volume of each, muscle would weigh more.
    Thank you! Thank you!

    If the argument is that 1 lb of muscle = 1 lb of fat then, I guess everything in the world weighs the same.

    ok, sorry, the science teacher in me is screaming here. 1 pound is 1 pound is 1 pound. 1 pound of feathers = 1 pound concrete. Volume is NOT the same as weight. Take the feathers and concrete as an example, if you fill a five gallon bucket with feathers and another with concrete, then yes, the concrete is heavier. However, saying that a pound of one thing weighs more than a pound of another is crazy talk. /end rant