Beautiful Best Friend



  • skinnybunny_x
    It sounds like you don't deserve her friendship. Jealousy is a very self serving emotion.

    I love my close friends and celebrate them. They're like family. The fact that there is going to be someone better looking than you is just a fact of life. Put your big girl pants on & get over it. Instead of complaining about this, work on yourself by doing things that make you feel more attractive. Everyone is unique and has something to offer. It sounds like your friend is an all around positive person - often, someone's energy is just as big of a determiner as looks in terms of their level of attractiveness. Smile, have fun, be your true self. I guarantee you, you won't feel insecure any longer.

    Ladies ... we get a lot more done by being comrades & confidantes than enemies. Guys are never jealous of their friends like this - they slap each other on the back and move along. Why can't ya'all do the same?
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    It sounds like you don't deserve her friendship. Jealousy is a very self serving emotion.

    I love my close friends and celebrate them. They're like family. The fact that there is going to be someone better looking than you is just a fact of life. Put your big girl pants on & get over it. Instead of complaining about this, work on yourself by doing things that make you feel more attractive. Everyone is unique and has something to offer. It sounds like your friend is an all around positive person - often, someone's energy is just as big of a determiner as looks in terms of their level of attractiveness. Smile, have fun, be your true self. I guarantee you, you won't feel insecure any longer.

    Ladies ... we get a lot more done by being comrades & confidantes than enemies. Guys are never jealous of their friends like this - they slap each other on the back and move along. Why can't ya'all do the same?

    actually i think some of the guys weighed in on this thread!
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722

    maybe you should at least write her a letter saying all those things and burn it?
    a year is a long time to hold a grudge, and you need to get it out and be done with it.
    you could be right. 13 years of abuse would upset anyone for awhile i think. even her mom would say really mean things to me.
    i hate to say it, but the only time i wanna see her is when i lose my weight so i can see her face. she loved the fact that i was the fat best friend. it's shallow and petty but whatever, it'll make me happy lol

    it's like the person who bullies you in highschool. you wanna see their face when they see how far you've come.

    I've done that. In the end it really doesn't mean much beyond a slight thrill and a reason you can now slack off and get fat again.

    truly, you have to do this for yourself. And however justified you might be in hating her and holding all this anger inside you, I promise, there is no good to come from it, you can only hurt yourself more.
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member

    maybe you should at least write her a letter saying all those things and burn it?
    a year is a long time to hold a grudge, and you need to get it out and be done with it.
    you could be right. 13 years of abuse would upset anyone for awhile i think. even her mom would say really mean things to me.
    i hate to say it, but the only time i wanna see her is when i lose my weight so i can see her face. she loved the fact that i was the fat best friend. it's shallow and petty but whatever, it'll make me happy lol

    it's like the person who bullies you in highschool. you wanna see their face when they see how far you've come.

    I've done that. In the end it really doesn't mean much beyond a slight thrill and a reason you can now slack off and get fat again.

    truly, you have to do this for yourself. And however justified you might be in hating her and holding all this anger inside you, I promise, there is no good to come from it, you can only hurt yourself more.
    thanks for your advice
    i am doing it fully for myself, but that would just be a perk
  • skinnybunny_x
    It sounds like you don't deserve her friendship. Jealousy is a very self serving emotion.

    I love my close friends and celebrate them. They're like family. The fact that there is going to be someone better looking than you is just a fact of life. Put your big girl pants on & get over it. Instead of complaining about this, work on yourself by doing things that make you feel more attractive. Everyone is unique and has something to offer. It sounds like your friend is an all around positive person - often, someone's energy is just as big of a determiner as looks in terms of their level of attractiveness. Smile, have fun, be your true self. I guarantee you, you won't feel insecure any longer.

    Ladies ... we get a lot more done by being comrades & confidantes than enemies. Guys are never jealous of their friends like this - they slap each other on the back and move along. Why can't ya'all do the same?

    actually i think some of the guys weighed in on this thread!

    Just giving my two cents. I have a life outside of the internet & therefor I don't always read every single post on a thread.
  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    It sounds like you don't deserve her friendship. Jealousy is a very self serving emotion.

    I love my close friends and celebrate them. They're like family. The fact that there is going to be someone better looking than you is just a fact of life. Put your big girl pants on & get over it. Instead of complaining about this, work on yourself by doing things that make you feel more attractive. Everyone is unique and has something to offer. It sounds like your friend is an all around positive person - often, someone's energy is just as big of a determiner as looks in terms of their level of attractiveness. Smile, have fun, be your true self. I guarantee you, you won't feel insecure any longer.

    Ladies ... we get a lot more done by being comrades & confidantes than enemies. Guys are never jealous of their friends like this - they slap each other on the back and move along. Why can't ya'all do the same?

    actually i think some of the guys weighed in on this thread!

    Just giving my two cents. I have a life outside of the internet & therefor I don't always read every single post on a thread.
    I like your two cents. :wink:
  • skinnybunny_x
    Thank you!

    Btw, I find it absolutely atrocious that someone stopped you on the street to say that. The world is full of jerks! Speaking of this whole jealousy thing, I see it more and more nowadays ... really redundant and just plain immature. /end PMS RANT

    Off I go to eat some poppy seed ice cream. I'm getting too fired up today. ^_~
  • InnerConflict
    InnerConflict Posts: 1,592 Member
    Showing any weakness on the internet is like bleeding in shark infested waters.

  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    A friend once told me - no matter how beautiful or wonderful you think somebody is, somebody somewhere is tired of putting up with her/his BS.

    You're a nice friend for thinking your friend is so wonderful, but she ain't perfect.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    You should do what everyone's partner's and coworkes on here do:

    Sabatoge her by lowering her self esteem and over feeding her

  • BrainsOnGains
    BrainsOnGains Posts: 282 Member
    I have had one best friend my whole life. She is it. And she is GORGEOUS. Like jaw-droppingly gorgeous. And of course, I'm jealous. We go out together, I take hours to get ready, she pops out of the shower, wet hair, not makeup, sweatpants, and STILL everyone looks at her and wants her. Don't get me wrong, I DO NOT BLAME THEM. My problem is, should I hang around her even though I feel like crap about myself when I do?

    *Let me add in real quick, she is super smart, and really really talented, so I'm screwed on all levels.

    put down the haterade.