Don't eat proteins and carbs in the same meal?



  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I thought I'd mention a good rule of thumb to follow. If you're considering a new diet/lifestyle that has a name, such as "the XXXXXX diet", it will be unnecessary/pointless at best and dangerous/counterproductive at worst. Don't waste your time.
  • TraceyG1971
    TraceyG1971 Posts: 123
    I had stated originally that I JUST started this diet and I wanted opinions from those that HAVE tried it. If you haven't tried it then how do you know if it works or not? I don't need the sarcastic remarks since it doesn't really help me on my weightloss journey. This is one reason I usually stay away from the message boards. The one time I try to reach out I get nothing but negativity. Do any of you think that negativity helps a person when they are trying to get in shape and lose weight? I have stated that I have been eating my meals in moderation.... for the day my caloric intake ranged from 1200-1400 and I still hadn't been losing any weight. So it's not just about cutting back. And for those that think I don't know about water retention, believe me I do. There have been times that I have actually retained up to 4 lbs of fluid and I can see and feel it when I do. Do I know if this way of eating will work for me? No, I don't but I am going to try since eating normally in moderation doesn't seem to fly for me.
  • unoriginalusername007
    Don't stone me people haha but I tried something similar to the Hay Diet before. I did see results, but at a point in time, I got sick of it and began eating normal. And I still saw results. So I mean with it or without it you can still lose weight really.

    I realized that it doesn't matter when you eat the food- it all goes to the same place. So it really doesn't make a difference separating proteins and carbs to different meals. I now follow a healthy diet of starches, protein, fruit/vegetable, and healthy fat at EACH meal and I lost a lot of weight.

    It's great to see you with such a sanguine way of thinking that this Hay Diet is the bee's knees, but I know now through experience that those antics are not necessary for weight loss. I'm not trying to be rude, and think it's great that you reached out to the boards (sorry you're getting such mean comments) I just know that's more complicated than it needs to be.

    I don't know how many diet regimens you've used over the years, but maybe paying to see a dietician or nutritionist even twice would be worth it, if nothing else has worked for you. They usually will have some wise ideas that could really help you. If you've really tried everything, even eating healthy with an adequate amount of calories, and nothing's happening, maybe there's a medical problem behind it like Thyroid or something. (Don't quote me on this, I just know sometimes there are indeed medical issues behind things like this)

    *EDIT* Aw don't be discouraged! I just saw you've lost 50 pounds in a few years. That's still fantastic! Just keep doing what you were doing. No diet's going to make the pounds come rolling off much faster. I know that averages out to 17 pounds lost per year, which might not seem like a lot, but everyone's bodies are different. Sometimes it's just genetics. I know that stinks as an answer but it's true. Some people honestly just lose faster than others, even if they're doing the same diet and same workout program.

    Wishing you the best of luck!

    (Not being snarky but jut a piece of advice if you continue following this Hay Diet- milk has 8-11 grams of protein in it for a cup, so if you're having it with your cereal at night thinking you're not intaking protein, you still actually are.)
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I had stated originally that I JUST started this diet and I wanted opinions from those that HAVE tried it. If you haven't tried it then how do you know if it works or not? I don't need the sarcastic remarks since it doesn't really help me on my weightloss journey. This is one reason I usually stay away from the message boards. The one time I try to reach out I get nothing but negativity. Do any of you think that negativity helps a person when they are trying to get in shape and lose weight? I have stated that I have been eating my meals in moderation.... for the day my caloric intake ranged from 1200-1400 and I still hadn't been losing any weight. So it's not just about cutting back. And for those that think I don't know about water retention, believe me I do. There have been times that I have actually retained up to 4 lbs of fluid and I can see and feel it when I do. Do I know if this way of eating will work for me? No, I don't but I am going to try since eating normally in moderation doesn't seem to fly for me.

    We are trying to help you with your "weightloss journey" by telling you that it can be much much simpler than you are making it. Isn't telling some one their is an easier way "helping"?
  • sammycat1
    sammycat1 Posts: 56 Member
    As usual threw myself into this after reading reams of material about it.

    I did this for several months and didn't gain, but didn't lose just sts.

    Don't think I felt any different. Definitely wasn't what I expected.

    You would need to give it a go and see. Everyone is different. Good luck :)
  • NakedLunchTime
    I had stated originally that I JUST started this diet and I wanted opinions from those that HAVE tried it. If you haven't tried it then how do you know if it works or not? I don't need the sarcastic remarks since it doesn't really help me on my weightloss journey. This is one reason I usually stay away from the message boards. The one time I try to reach out I get nothing but negativity. Do any of you think that negativity helps a person when they are trying to get in shape and lose weight? I have stated that I have been eating my meals in moderation.... for the day my caloric intake ranged from 1200-1400 and I still hadn't been losing any weight. So it's not just about cutting back. And for those that think I don't know about water retention, believe me I do. There have been times that I have actually retained up to 4 lbs of fluid and I can see and feel it when I do. Do I know if this way of eating will work for me? No, I don't but I am going to try since eating normally in moderation doesn't seem to fly for me.

    That is what people are trying to tell you though. Getting healthy is not about "trying" another random diet. It is about calories in vs calories out, moving your body, and trying to eat foods that do your body good as much as possible with treats in moderation (or a lot of treats depending on your activity level). You can eat carbs and protein at the same time. You lost because you burned more calores than you ate.

    It may be hard to stick to, but it really is that simple.
  • NakedLunchTime

    You're down .2 pounds. Two tenths of a pound. That isn't losing weight. That's . . . aye.

    One day of a two tenths of a pound change means nothing. I can fluctuate up to five pounds of (water) weight on any given day if I've had salty food, or a beer, or not enough water, or not enough sleep.

    And this!. I thought you lost 2lbs. I can lose 1lb on the scale by taking a long pee.....
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I had stated originally that I JUST started this diet and I wanted opinions from those that HAVE tried it. If you haven't tried it then how do you know if it works or not? I don't need the sarcastic remarks since it doesn't really help me on my weightloss journey. This is one reason I usually stay away from the message boards. The one time I try to reach out I get nothing but negativity. Do any of you think that negativity helps a person when they are trying to get in shape and lose weight? I have stated that I have been eating my meals in moderation.... for the day my caloric intake ranged from 1200-1400 and I still hadn't been losing any weight. So it's not just about cutting back. And for those that think I don't know about water retention, believe me I do. There have been times that I have actually retained up to 4 lbs of fluid and I can see and feel it when I do. Do I know if this way of eating will work for me? No, I don't but I am going to try since eating normally in moderation doesn't seem to fly for me.

    Strong logic, only first hand experience gives one the knowledge if something works or not
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    My weight fluctuates a lot, up 0.8, down 1.4, up .6, down .2, up 2.0....

    Also, did you know that cereal has carbs and milk has protein?

    Good luck OP. I'm really sorry you are having such a hard time with weight loss but I really don't think this is the answer. :smile:
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    I eat proteins and carbs together and I've lost almost 40 pounds since May of last year. Am I a special snowflake then? ;)
    Same here, calories in calories out
  • sweetzoejane
    sweetzoejane Posts: 153 Member
    This diet was developed in the 1920s.

    I would try something a little more modern, since we know so much more now about nutrition and stuff. How about eating a moderate calorie deficit and exercising? I think that is the best approach we have now. Many studies show this works. The Hay diet was studied once in a randomized trial, and not surprisingly, no additional benefits to weight loss or body fat were found with this diet.
  • TraceyG1971
    TraceyG1971 Posts: 123
    Dairy is considered a protein and a neutral. Here is one of the sites I visited that has a chart:
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    if you have 150 lbs to lose, then eating 1200 calories for a long time is probably what screwed you up. if you're 150 lbs overweight, your BMR could be quite high and by eating that low, you reset it too low and now you're stuck with this weight. the reason this diet is working (and i'm not sure you can call it "working" when you've only admittedly been doing it for a few days) is probably becuase you're allowing yourself to eat at a more reasonable deficit than you've been trying and failing for years.

    come back in 6 months. if you've stuck with it that entire time and lost all your weight, great. but like most others are saying, you're making this way too hard on yourself. if you were to eat at a reasonable deficit and exercise, you'd lose weight, even if you ate carbs and protein together at every meal...and you're more likely to stick with it because it's not so damn complicated.
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    I recently have started the Hay diet. Basically you eat protein with neutral foods but no starches/sugars and you eat starches/sugars with neutral foods but no protein. I have tried this for a couple of days and am already seeing the scale go down. I have had issues with losing weight and have been on many different diets.... Atkin's, Sugar busters, cabbage soup diet (thought I was gonna die with this, and have even lowered my calories to 1200 and still my weight didn't want to leave. I find that with the Hay diet I am more satisfied and my stomach doesn't give me grief like it would if I had meatloaf w/potatoes. For dinner last night, I enjoyed a baked potato with butter and a salad with onions, tomatoes and carrots with ranch dressing. I felt full and I felt like I cheated until I saw the scale this morning... it actually went down .2 lbs. Not to mention my midnight snack that was a bowl of cereal w/milk. I had my protein for lunch.

    Protein takes 4 hours to digest and carbs take 2 hours to digest but when eaten together it can take up to 13 hours to digest. No wonder people get heartburn and upset stomachs when eating protein and starches together. I really find this an amazing way to eat and it's something that I believe I can stick with for life. Has anyone else tried this way of eating? If so, what have been your results and experiences from it?

    the reason you aren't losing is because you are going onfad diets...

    CONSIDER IT A LIFESTYLE CHANGE... that's step one.
  • NakedLunchTime
    Dairy is considered a protein and a neutral. Here is one of the sites I visited that has a chart:
    That is all you took away from the good advice people have given you?

    Good luck with this diet.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    This must be why I got fat. It's not that I ate all that cheese and dough in pizza, it's that I ate them at the same time.

    I'll just eat the pound of cheese for breakfast, then eat the crust for lunch. No worries!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    You're making it really complicated. Simply and you'll have a better chance of sticking with it - FOREVER. It's not a temporary change if you want the results to last.
  • DoneBroughtSexyBack
  • NakedLunchTime
    This must be why I got fat. It's not that I ate all that cheese and dough in pizza, it's that I ate them at the same time.

    I'll just eat the pound of cheese for breakfast, then eat the crust for lunch. No worries!

    Now this is a diet I can enjoy :tongue:
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    If it is working for you and you know this is a way of eating you want to continue for the rest of your life then run with it. If you are thinking it's just temporary till you lose weight then you can go back to your old habits then you have a problem.

    Do what works for you for a lifetime not a temporary fix.