Don't eat proteins and carbs in the same meal?



  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    The thing I don't like about these kinds of things is that even if you say "If it works for you, then do it," well do you want to keep doing that the rest of your life if it works for you? Weight loss and health is a lifelong battle. People are saying that you do not need to go through these pain in the butt diets to lose weight. You will eventually get burnt out and I believe that this causes a lot of people to give up. Just watch what you eat and exercise. If this didn't work for you before you may just need to give it time and tweak a few things. Goodluck with your journey =)
  • stargazer008
    Who the eff told you this QUACKERY?
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    What the hell is a "neutral food"? Doesn't everything have some level of one of the three major macros: carbs, protein, and/or fat?

    Swiss Cheese?

    You win.

    Nice sword
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    if you eat a normal dinner, then follow it with a fruit cup.... the fruit will start to rot in your stomach before it gets digested

    I eat fruit with almost every meal. In fact, nearly every meal I eat is a combo of lean protein, some veggie, some carbohydrate, and fruit, although occasionally one of those pieces will drop out of the mix. The only time I have digestion issues, in general, is when I eat and then lay down... acid reflux.

    But, certainly, if your digestive system just doesn't do well mixing foods up, then I would certainly avoid it.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    if you eat a normal dinner, then follow it with a fruit cup.... the fruit will start to rot in your stomach

    lol wut...
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    no, you tried to make it sound like this was a magic diet that was oh-so-successfull because you lost .2 lbs overnight.

    i smell a troll.

    There is no need to be rude or name call.

    I didn't read the OP like that at all. She said so far she'd had success (true - 2 lbs is initial success) and ask for the experiences of others. Most have no experience, but for some reason felt the need to reply anyway, often in a condescending or rude manner. What's up with that?
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member

    There is no need to be rude or name call.

    I didn't read the OP like that at all. She said so far she'd had success (true - 2 lbs is initial success)

    You need to check your decimals on that one.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    1) I am replying because I want to help.

    2) This diet is 100% nonsense. Calorie and nutrient intake does matter. How you combine them on a per meal basis does not.

    3) I am telling you that it is nonsense because you are placing a restriction on your eating habits and this restriction is not doing anything to help you achieve your goal. If I told you you HAD to wear red shoes and sit on a bag of potatoes every time you eat, and you also have to eat at a caloric deficit, you would lose weight. But you would lose weight because of the caloric deficit, not because of the red shoes or the bag of potatoes.

    It is for this reason that I believe it is important to write this post.

    Best of luck to you.

    This is a "non snarky" post that gives you the info you need.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    People can do what they want, but when they try to convince other people their nonsense is somehow reality then people should pipe up.

    Who am I trying to convince? I'm not pushing this onto anyone. I wanted to know if anyone else had tried it...obviously noone that has responded as of yet.

    I do understand what everyone is trying to is not falling on deaf ears. Though, I think what I am saying is falling on deaf ears. I know calories in/calories out. I know to exercise. I know to eat right. AND I also know not to eat 6000 calories a day. I am not stupid even though some seem to be treating me that way. And most of all, I KNOW my body and if I eat over 1800 calories a day... I gain weight. I have had my thyroid checked, it is fine. Not every body is the same regardless of what others think. I have a very slow metabolism but I am trying to boost it by doing strength training not just cardio, which I do also.

    If I am successful with this way of eating and it helps me to lose the weight, I will post a success story. I am not considering this to be a diet, I am considering it to be a change of the way I eat. If anyone looked at the chart that I posted the link for then you would know that the carbs not to mix with protein are the starches and sugars.

    Well then you would put it in success stories and tell us what worked for you.

    That's not what you did.

    You posted a question in the Food and Nutrition forum. And people have attempted to correct your misconceptions.

    Her questions were: Has anyone else tried this way of eating? If so, what have been your results and experiences from it?

    Most people responding are only qualified to answer the first question.
  • losingdreamie
    Maybe 1200-1400 isn't enough calories, you may just need to increase them based on your activity.
  • Irontri7
    Irontri7 Posts: 143 Member
    Yeaaaaaa. No.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member

    Her questions were: Has anyone else tried this way of eating? If so, what have been your results and experiences from it?

    Most people responding are only qualified to answer the first question.

    Does it really matter? If the premise is faulty, the conclusions will be as well. People are trying to educate the OP and others -- Something you seem to be vehemently against. This is how diet urban legends get started. They are trying to subvert that. I don't see why you have such a big problem with that.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I've read the opposite... that you should always have protein with carbs.
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member

    There's absolutely no reason why you should feel the need to do this.

    Read some success stories and you'll be surprised that true success is found by those that stop trying any fad diets like Atkin's, Sugar busters, cabbage soup diet, Hay diet, HCG, etc....

    I have been eating normal healthy foods prior to trying this and I have been eating them in moderation. I don't eat take-out. I cook every meal at home. I do not splurge and eat until I feel like I'm going to bust. But even with doing what I had been doing, their had been little if any results. I have lost 50 lbs within the past 3 years and I feel that is a bit slow.
    hey, if it works for you go for it....nevermind the patronizing "we know it all" brigade...<sigh>
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,276 Member

    There's absolutely no reason why you should feel the need to do this.

    Read some success stories and you'll be surprised that true success is found by those that stop trying any fad diets like Atkin's, Sugar busters, cabbage soup diet, Hay diet, HCG, etc....

    I have been eating normal healthy foods prior to trying this and I have been eating them in moderation. I don't eat take-out. I cook every meal at home. I do not splurge and eat until I feel like I'm going to bust. But even with doing what I had been doing, their had been little if any results. I have lost 50 lbs within the past 3 years and I feel that is a bit slow.
    hey, if it works for you go for it....nevermind the patronizing "we know it all" brigade...<sigh>

    Yea... because it is better to follow a fad diet that the OP can not even back up with science then it is to follow the words of those who have been there, done that, and have the citations.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    Her questions were: Has anyone else tried this way of eating? If so, what have been your results and experiences from it?

    Most people responding are only qualified to answer the first question.

    Does it really matter? If the premise is faulty, the conclusions will be as well. People are trying to educate the OP and others -- Something you seem to be vehemently against. This is how diet urban legends get started. They are trying to subvert that. I don't see why you have such a big problem with that.

    How do I seem "vehemently against" people educating others?
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Maybe because you keep defending the OP and by proxy are perpetuating the food combining myth? Whatever, I'm off to Dennys for a Bacon Sundae.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Maybe because you keep defending the OP and by proxy are perpetuating the food combining myth? Whatever, I'm off to Dennys for a Bacon Sundae.

    What "food combining myth"? If someone wants to combine their food, why do you care? The OP didn't ask anyone else to do it.
  • AliBuffer
    You've gotten some MAJOR bashing on this, so I thought I'd weigh in. :)

    I used food combining, or what you're calling the "Hay diet" all through college and still use it to this day when I want to cleanse and drop a few lbs.

    It does work. I'll back you up there. I like the idea of knowing that certain food acids digest differently in your body.

    I read a book that described everything you should/shouldn't eat in detail. There is more than just what you mentioned in your post: they also don't think we should drink milk. EVER. Apparently, we are the only mammal that never gets weened from the tit... but, like I said. That's further in depth than what you're doing. You're on the right track though.

    Now, I can't say that that is ALL you should be doing -- you should be exercising and watching your caloric intake, as well -- but it does help your body DIGEST the food you do take in.

    If you feel like food combining is going to work for you, keep it up girl! Your skin, hair and nails will thank you also.

  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member

    I used food combining, or what you're calling the "Hay diet" all through college and still use it to this day when I want to cleanse and drop a few lbs.

    What are you cleansing, out of curiosity?