C'mon MFP!!!SHow your inner NERD !?!?!?!?



  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I do not grok some MFPers.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    <---- that should be enough, but Nooooo.

    GM for a D&D group.
    Firefly, Princess Bride and Dr. Who ring tones/message alerts.
    Read LOTR 17 times (5 of those reading aloud to other - GFs and the such)
    Saw original SW in 1977 eleven time.
    Saw original trailer for Star Wars at a Star Trek convention.
    Own more than fifty 20 sides dice.
    Attend Celtic fairs throughout the year so I can watch the Jousting
    Am a Boy Scout Leader.

    My nerd cred, as humble as they are.
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    I own a Kitt replica from the 80's tv show Knight Rider. top that! lol

    You are so cool ♥
  • milf_n_cookies
    milf_n_cookies Posts: 2,244 Member
    I go to Comicon every year, I know Star Wars by heart, have seen every episode of Star Trek ever made, I would marry Captin Mal if I could. I graduated Summa Cum Laude, in the top 5 of my college class, while taking care of newborn triplets.

    I'm a nerd. I love it.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Show it? I have no idea how to hide it.

    As is evidenced by my collection of Avengers art work hanging in my living room.


    those are so beautiful. i'm jealous. i was jealous when you bought them. LOL.

    And just so we're clear, NO this is not a picture of my actual living room. Just a picture of the portraits I bought.

    if the OP needs anything else explained to him I can use smaller words, to save him the trouble of privately message anyone else disparaging me.

    (seriously? I still can't get an eye rolling smiley up in this piece?)
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    My geek is showing:

  • MelyndaWaldner
    MelyndaWaldner Posts: 442 Member
    I play video games, draw, watch anime, read manga and collect anime figurines.

  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    i'm not a nerd, at least I didn't think I was a nerd....

    but I've seen a lot of these shows, and a lot of them are on my bucket list, and I own a lot of the apparently "nerdy" hardware.

    oy...i just might be a nerd.
  • MelyndaWaldner
    MelyndaWaldner Posts: 442 Member

    Just waiting for the tube.....

    hahaha thats awesome
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member

    Just waiting for the tube.....

    Camden <3
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    If I could afford it I would happily buy a stormtrooper outfit and wear it around town just for the hell of it.
    I already owned 2 xbox's that were working perfectly, however when they released the limited edition star wars one I brought that as well.
    For my birthday just gone my nana brought me a cake in the shape of Yoda, I'm 32. She's awesome.

    I am currently wearing star wars boxers:tongue:

    You could say I'm a bit of a Star Wars nerd. But that would only touch the surface. I have replicas of weapons from The Chronicles Of Rid**** film as well as a replica of the sword Blade uses in the films.

    I tend to have trouble sleeping so watch films to put me to sleep. I've lost count of the amount of times I've fallen asleep watching episodes of Farscape.

    If I had the money I'd happily attend comic-cons etc... dressed up. Alas, in England we don't really have them.

    A nerd, with an english accent... are you single?
  • EvilDollee
    EvilDollee Posts: 386 Member
    I have a large collection of Manga, Anime, FF action figures, I've played most MMORPG, RPG and FPS games out there. I've even named my dog after a character from Mortal Kombat (Raiden), I've cosplayed (went to high school like an anime girl for months) my collection of epic fantasy books fills up 2 closets along with science books. I've had lightsabers but while fighting with my brother, they broke. My choice of movies and shows? Super heroes, horror, fantasy, time pieces, supernatural and ghost hunting types. But the nerdiest thing that will come out from me is that this thread is more "geek" than "nerd". O_o Don't hurt me.
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    My pets are named after HP characters.

    I buy books instead of using my Kindle because I like the smell.

    I want a tattoo that reads "Bad Wolf" ......you'll get it if you're a similar geek as me.

    My dream job is to open my own bookstore.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member

    Its all good buttercup...this isnt a NERD contest.....We are SHARING our inner nerd out here on this MFP thread......
    reveal yourself!!!

    you asked for it:

    i've been a fandom nerd since before i knew what fandom was. mostly, as a writer, i tend toward fanfic as my contribution. i write slash. if you know what that is, google my screen name to find me on AO3. if you do not know what it is... google me anyway. :devil:

    i read Marvel and Dark Horse comics - and DC but only the Bats (though i did try Fables and that was pretty well done for DC). i'm addicted to superhero movies.

    i own Elektra - not b/c i even like the movie's take on the character, but b/c Colin Cunningham is in it and i'm THAT much of and SG-1 nerd. i own all of SG-1, including Ark of Truth and Continuum and the original movie. i also own all of the released seasons of Leverage and Supernatural. i'm working my way through BtVS and Angel as money allows... but there's this TARDIS blu ray holder for the complete Doctor Who that might jump the line. Richenbach Falls makes me cry every time i watch it. and i'm excited that Moffat is writing in a new character for his murderous ways. also the epic geekgasm of my Sherlock boys branching out into more fandoms... there was a supersonic squee in there... and the international trailer for Trek Into Darknes might have made my knickers hit the floor.

    i've worn through 3 copies of Good Omens and finally got HHGttG in hardback so that i might stop killing it. every summer, when i have the dulldrums from too much sun (i'm a ginger), i pull out HP and re-read it. the veil will NEVER not make me cry. my TBR list is taller than i am, but i keep getting new books.

    and VVV that's my dog... Weasley.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I have been to 1 Anime convention here in Chicago ..................it was an experience. Drunk at 1 am watching anime porn in the convention center!!!! For real cant make this up!
  • mojo75
    mojo75 Posts: 314 Member
    crap tried to load a picture but no luck :(
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    I'm a gaming nerd.
    My daughters name is Tali.

    /thread. :P
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    We just visited a new building we aquired and I was told I was like a giddy schoolgirl walking through the data centers. ALL THE TOYS! I can also recite all the verbs of being from memory.
  • EvilDollee
    EvilDollee Posts: 386 Member
    I play video games, draw, watch anime, read manga and collect anime figurines.
