C'mon MFP!!!SHow your inner NERD !?!?!?!?



  • Haltermania
    Haltermania Posts: 288 Member
    My real job is me being Darth Vader, little do you all know my twin brother is the one that died because the force is not strong with him. i am currently re-building MY death star, i believe you all refer to it as the space station. Once it is complete I shall be recruting. Join me and together we can concur the galaxy

    ...which is why you're wearing a St. Patrick's day hat...

    it is my disguise on this planet, i have to blend in, can you imagine the PR i would get if i force choked someone? i would get more news the the kardashins
  • jessiwebb
    jessiwebb Posts: 31 Member
    I've actually considered auditioning for King of the Nerds. Stephen Moffat has killed my heart ninety million times. Joss Whedon has utterly destroyed my emotions with every project he takes on. SyFy channel: Face Off, any B Creature Feature, especially Sharktopus. History Channel: All of it. BBC: Merlin, Sherlock, Being Human, Robin Hood, Doctor Who. Premium TV: Game of Thrones, Spartacus. Comic books: All of Captain America, the Avengers (all arcs, but most especially digging Uncanny), Aquaman, Injustice, Lady Mechanika, Justice League Dark - the list goes on forever. Firefly. Star Wars. Lord of the Rings. HUGEST Harry Potter nerd in the world. Star Trek (tv series, looking forward to the new one). Reading: Everything. All of it. Any words. I'm an author of high end science fiction and fantasy. I'm a grammar nazi. Currently hanging in my bedroom is a gigantic picture of Bilbo Baggins. I follow NASA blogs and science blogs.

    I laugh at chemistry cat on a daily basis.

    Total nerd over here.

    oh - and my 95,000 characters on World of Warcraft. XD
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    My son's initials are C.C.C.P.O.

    That's all I got.
  • Fit_NYC_
    Fit_NYC_ Posts: 1,389 Member
    hmmm... where do I begin... SciFi aficionado, avid reader, gamer, ComicCon veteran... just to name a few qualifications!
  • jessiwebb
    jessiwebb Posts: 31 Member
    In for nerd/geek duty!
    I like gadgets,,,,I have a fitbit! Combining fitness with gadgets,,,COOL!.
    I still watch cartoons, (btw anyone out there watch Adventure time??) Still read sci fi or fantasy books.
    I work in the computer industry...nuff said..!

    aha - What time is it? ADVENTURE TIME! I have AT magnets on my fridge... 'Course, I also have Piccard facepalming. XD
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    I have a beer tattoo, four star wars t-shirts, an unhealthy obsession with greek / norse / celtic mythology (Njal's saga sitting in my bathroom right now), a room with SNES / N64 / PS2 / gameboy, and a glow-in-the-dark octopus being attacked by little scubadiver frogmen.

    I'm also totally naked right now, except for my homemade, squirrel-skin loincloth, practicing my conan the barbarian-esque grunts and howls, swinging a 20" kukri knife about the room. But I don't consider myself nerdy. Just special.
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    My name is jewel - and I am a nerd (insert "Hi jewel")

    Tardis Screen Saver on phone
    Game of Thrones
    Walking Dead
    Star Wars
    Brown Coat
    Castle (it's all about Nathan Fillion)
    Star Wars tattoos *coming when the $$ comes in*
    True Blood
  • robertthesnail
    I once got second place in a statewide chess tournament.

    I once owned thousands of star wars and magic the gathering cards.

    I am going to graduate school for a field that basically amounts to fighting back against computer hackers.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    i love Warehouse 13. anything sci-fi, I zoom on it! Gigantic Dr Who fan, Star Trek...anyone like Johnny Sokko and the Giant Robot?
  • More_Dakka
    More_Dakka Posts: 119 Member
    I cosplayed as Finn from Adventure Time last summer. See my profile pics
  • j4zepedajj
    Well I own and use a TI-92 Titanium graphing calculator (daily)

    and I am able to listen to any part of any of the star wars movies and know what scene its on!!

    I own a Ninja sword

    I watch Sci Fi and can play the Trumpet!

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    what ya got!?!?!

    I'm a video game developer. I'm expert level at nerdy.

    My devices are named things like HAL, and Bishop.

    I make beer, and will spend this summer, if time works out, trying to crossbreed two different strains of yeast for brewing use.

    When I do normal stuff like curing meats, I go overboard and research the hell out of it to find the most archaic, artisinal method to do it, so I can geek out on the information available, or lack of information, which allows me to experiment in a semi-controlled uncontrolled manner.

    I don't really play video games anymore though. Go figure. ;)

    ETA - oh and i'm drawing up plans for the creation of a long range quad rotor copter with long range capability and a packet sender that will give me a real time feed from the two mounted cameras, one regular, one IR. I'll be using it out in the mountains to scout locations for this fall's deer hunt, if I can get it done in time.
  • JessieJanie
    JessieJanie Posts: 428
    I named one of my kids Leia, I have a tattoo of lyrics from Firefly, and a ridiculously extensive knowledge of comic books.
  • KikiD22
    KikiD22 Posts: 114 Member
    I have been to 1 Anime convention here in Chicago ..................it was an experience. Drunk at 1 am watching anime porn in the convention center!!!! For real cant make this up!

    Ahh... ACen. Yup, been there, done that. A little too much jailbait walking around for my tastes.

    Been to C2E2?
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Dr. Who theme song is my ring tone... I've watched all the new seasons that are on Netflix, twice. And am working thru the classics now.
    And Firefly is awesome.
  • Tavysh
    Tavysh Posts: 204 Member
    I still have my massive star wars collection from when I was a kid sitting in my office and I still pick stuff up all the time to add to it.
  • lazyusername

    As for television/film, I absolutely adore The X-Files, Star Trek: TOS, MST3K, The Twilight Zone, old sci-fi movies (and the awfully wonderful CGI travesties they play on SyFy).

    And video games-- the Final Fantasy series (and most other RPGs) is near and dear to my heart, as is Metal Gear Solid 1-3.

    Bookwise, I'm not really into comic books. I do like Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, most of Asimov's work, Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, authors like that. Next in my reading list is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. In addition to fiction, I gobble up non-fiction books all the time. Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan are incredible authors. /dreamy sigh

    Is that nerdy?
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member

    As for television/film, I absolutely adore The X-Files, Star Trek: TOS, MST3K, The Twilight Zone, old black and white sci-fi movies (and the awfully wonderful CGI travesties they play on SyFy).

    And video games-- the Final Fantasy series (and most other RPGs) is near and dear to my heart, as is Metal Gear Solid 1-3.

    Bookwise, I'm not really into comic books. I do like Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, most of Asimov's work, Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, authors like that. Next in my reading list is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. In addition to fiction, I gobble up non-fiction books all the time. Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan are incredible authors. /dreamy sigh

    Is that nerdy?

    Will RPGs get any better than SNES RPGs? Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, FFIII, Earthbound?!?!?!?

    Bummer about the comics. The first two league of extraordinary gentleman are nuts (but I'm an English teacher, so maybe it's just me) and the Slaine series is my absolute favorite (based on celtic mythology). You will LOVE hitchhiker's guide, but a ton of the jokes are about grammar and other things English dorks might find interesting. I hope you enjoy it!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Dr. Who theme song is my ring tone... I've watched all the new seasons that are on Netflix, twice. And am working thru the classics now.
    And Firefly is awesome.

    Oh that reminds me.
    My cell phone ringtone is the Legend of Zelda overworld theme.
    My text message received sound is the Legend of Zelda "Item Acquired" sfx.