What secretly annoys you, but shouldn't?



  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    When people complain to me about how busy and exhausted they are.......:explode:
  • mgore0404
    mgore0404 Posts: 65 Member
    Now, don't get me wrong here - I'm not blaming the person (I think it is GREAT when people make healthy choices), but I sometimes think that the universe is being a bit unfair when a person with unhealthy eating/exercise habits can suddenly decide to eat healthy and start exercise, and almost immediately drop 10+ pounds, whereas I have for a long time eaten somewhat healthy and worked out regularly, and thus struggle to lose every single darn pound.


    Also what is the size of the person, for example I am 300 pounds and I drop weight like you wouldn't believe when I am being healthy, so size plays a big part in it. I am guessing (I haven't looked at your profile) you are smaller than me and I will loose weight faster for a while until it catches up with me, from what I have been told the smaller you are the harder it is to loose the weight, so good for you on the healthy eating all the time :flowerforyou: I'm still a work in progress

    Now answer to your question. I get annoyed at people who value materialistic things, I know its silly, but I can't stand when someone comes up to me and says look what I have or am getting. It's not jealousy its more like I wish I could give everything up for God and just give what can help the poor. So maybe what I really hate is the value that people put into things, when the stuff isn't valuable at all, but only the love for each other and man kind that is valuable, and it hurts to see what materials can do to people's mind set, okay sorry for the ramblings, Probably half of it doesn't make since except in my own mind :heart:
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    When women at the gym pretend that they are unaware of their *kitten* cheeks hanging out below their shorts, or their nipples showing through their shirt! If my @$$ cheeks hang out, I am quite sure that I am aware!
  • Nige_Gsy
    Nige_Gsy Posts: 163 Member
    Those damn "love handles" ... just can't shift them. Any practical solutions please?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    it annoys the s**t out of me when someone holds the door for you when you're 20 feet away so you're forced into a weird walk/run. Jeez! just freaking let the door close already!

    wow so much for hospitality..would you rather I slam it in your face?

    No, I get what they're saying... if you're WAY back, holding the door is a nice gesture, but a tad excessive at that point. I understand the person who's holding the door, too, though, because you don't want to be rude. There's that debate, "Are they too far away? Will it seem lame if I let it close? WHAT DO I DO???"
    I've also had plenty of people let the door close RIGHT in my face when my hands are full. I tend to wrestle open the door and thank them (or really, their backs) for their courtesy.

    right, next time I will just let it shut....lol
  • bluebirdlx
    The person who has "tried EVERYTHING and I still can't lose weight!" .... Really? You've tried EVERYTHING? Because from where I'm standing you haven't gone one day without eating crap and you never exercise for more than two consecutive days.
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    When I go into the hardware store and they have plenty of duct tape and plastic sheeting, but are all out of blood stain remover.

    Right? that is the absolute worst... also being out of lime...

    and then when your sister shows up while you're in the process of killing someone....
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    people that make excuses for why they can't do things they see others doing

    young kids in the gym spending more time texting and flexing their wanna be abs in the mirror than actually working out. move the hell out of my way i am trying to workout here

    naked old men in the locker rooms who don't use a towel... i dont care to see you and your balls dragging across the floor when i am going to take a leak

    This! I was in the gym today and wanted to use a piece of equipment. There was a girl sitting there texting away...I finally said excuse me, are you going to actually use this or just use it as a chair? Just annoys me...go text somewhere else! I know it shouldn't annoy me, but it does..Rant over.
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    No. 1
    When someone who is overweight or out of shape asks for my help with diet (meal plans) fitness, weight loss, etc. and they Debate with me about the information I give them. It's usually family that does this the most! Sigh!

    No. 2
    When you hold the door for someone and they breeze through and don't say thank you

    No. 3
    When you are on an elevator, you get to your floor and before you can step out, some freak who is in a hurry steps in and turns and stands in the middle so you can't get by them to get off. Like this will make the elevator get to your desination faster???
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    The person who has "tried EVERYTHING and I still can't lose weight!" .... Really? You've tried EVERYTHING? Because from where I'm standing you haven't gone one day without eating crap and you never exercise for more than two consecutive days.

    OMG - I love you for posting this!!!!!
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    People who dawdle around in a supermarket, go zero mph and generally get in my way.

    Don't you know what you want to buy. Don't you know where it is?

    I want to punch you in the back of the head to get you moving, you slow muthaf*ckas.....

    Get your *kitten* into the trolley and get to the checkout........ or get out of my way!

    I feel much better now..... Thanks!

    Holy cow I laughed so hard reading this I cried! I can so relate...LMAO
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    People who dawdle around in a supermarket, go zero mph and generally get in my way.

    Don't you know what you want to buy. Don't you know where it is?

    I want to punch you in the back of the head to get you moving, you slow muthaf*ckas.....

    Get your *kitten* into the trolley and get to the checkout........ or get out of my way!

    I feel much better now..... Thanks!

    Holy cow I laughed so hard reading this I cried! I can so relate...LMAO

    My missus thinks I've got mad trolley-rage, but I think I'm living at a different speed to other people!
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    These are the same people who block whole grocery aisles with their shopping carts, park in the left lane of the highway going 50, pull out too close in front of you only to not accelerate... if it's not evident, I have road rage issues... I listen to a lot of Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me in the car to keep my blood pressure down. *sigh*

    I think the list of things that annoy me that shouldn't is WAAAAY too long...

    **Edited to note that this is a response to several posts ago about people blocking sidewalks and stuff... not the posts right near me. Cuz that would be weird... and it wouldn't makes sense, would it?
    This and also when people are crossing through a parking lot and you have to stop but they don't cross straight through but just kind of walk down the middle of the parking lot really slow, arrrrr! People that walk really slow in the supermarket and block the aisles when you need to reach and get something. But then again, I don't know how to walk, If I could just run everywhere without looking uncivilized I would.
  • biddy81
    biddy81 Posts: 122 Member
    These are the same people who block whole grocery aisles with their shopping carts, park in the left lane of the highway going 50, pull out too close in front of you only to not accelerate... if it's not evident, I have road rage issues... I listen to a lot of Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me in the car to keep my blood pressure down. *sigh*

    I think the list of things that annoy me that shouldn't is WAAAAY too long...

    **Edited to note that this is a response to several posts ago about people blocking sidewalks and stuff... not the posts right near me. Cuz that would be weird... and it wouldn't makes sense, would it?
    This and also when people are crossing through a parking lot and you have to stop but they don't cross straight through but just kind of walk down the middle of the parking lot really slow, arrrrr! People that walk really slow in the supermarket and block the aisles when you need to reach and get something. But then again, I don't know how to walk, If I could just run everywhere without looking uncivilized I would.

    I like it when I'm driving through a parking lot and people don't look at all, or pause, just walk out in front of me. In general, yeah, you have to be able to walk to your car or to the store, but don't just ASSUME people will stop! Many people don't, and they ARE in cars that are BIGGER than you. When I see someone stop and look, I will always stop and wave them through for remembering that they're not the only/most important people in the world.
  • Lola_Rogers
    Lola_Rogers Posts: 107
    guests.. yes. i know sounds terrible but i don't like having people round.. i can tolerate family members to some extent :) I'm like dogs.. dont like people entering my territory. so i have no friends as you can guess:)
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    When people say they stopped nursing because their 2 month old "self weaned" ummmm... they don't really do that! I would respect you more if you had just said, I hated it. I'm done.