The udder truth



  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I make my milk from oats. It's quick, easy, and cheap. Sho cheep!

    How do you make milk from Oats?

    ^ you milk them! You can milk anything with nipples :flowerforyou:

    Honey... those aren't oats...

    but they sure do a body good.

    You boys make me warm and fuzzy....

    ON THE INSIDE... geez. Get your mind out of the gutter... :wink:

  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Wow, you guys are brutal. She did some research and wanted to share what she learned. The facts are out there, but you have to find the research not paid for by the dairy industry. BTW, your hormones are directly linked to what you eat. To claim that something is completely hormone driven & has no correlation to what you eat is ignorance at best. Every part of your health is linked to what you eat.

    Thank you. I don't know why people get so aggressive. I am not trying to convert people, I just have come to know a lot of people, though meeting lots of raw foodists and vegans who have had so many health benefits- myself included- and I want to encourage others to research the same way I did. I used to be the same way, so I don't get mad when people are aggressive like this. My favorite food on the planet was cheese, and I used to eat a high protein (meat) diet.

    I have personally had so many benefits- weight loss, sleeping better, acid reflux, clearer skin thicker hair and nails, MORE energy, and over all I am so happy. Why wouldn't I want to share this with others? If they don't want to listen, I understand.

    Well, I greatly improved my health when I gave up my 20 year vegetarian/vegan/raw vegan habit and started eating meat again. Here's what improved for me when I added meat, eggs, and healthy saturated fats back into my diet (I am lactose intolerant so I can't have much in the way of dairy, but I do use whey protein isolate with great success): anxiety, depression, hair falling out in clumps, cold all the time, digestive issues, acne, no energy, grey complexion, unexplained skin rashes, trouble with tendons/ligaments, joint pain, etc.

    It seems I had the opposite experience to yours. I lived as either veggie/vegan/raw vegan for 20 years, and raised a child for 13 of his 18 years as a veggie, and at one point a vegan as well. He is also much healthier and happier with animal products added back into his diet.

    Plenty of others share my experience as well--so it's not like dropping animal products is the solution for everyone. It isn't. If being a vegan works for you, and you love it, I that's great that you've found a way of eating that is agreeable with your body. But behaving as if you're morally superior, and somehow healthier than those who don't follow a vegan diet is what causes people respond negatively to these posts. Well, and the unsubstantiated claims, of course... China Study is a really poor source to quote, just FYI. I think someone else pointed that out already, though.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member


    And tigers and skunks...OH MY! :tongue:

    And piglets!

    We are the only mammals that drink Milk after infancy thats a TRUE FACT

    That is sooooo not a fact. Adult animals will drink milk if they can get access to it. The thing is that humans are the only ones who have figured out how to do it effectively.

    But... a lion would still drink the milk of a nursing caribou, probably before it would eat the meat, if its managed to catch one... do you know why? Because milk as an easy source of protein that you don't have to chew!

    Even if it was a "true fact," it wouldn't prove anything other than that humans are different than other mammals. No giant leap for mankind there. Oh, did I mention that humans are the only mammals to build rockets?
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member

    That is sooooo not a fact. Adult animals will drink milk if they can get access to it. The thing is that humans are the only ones who have figured out how to do it effectively.

    But... a lion would still drink the milk of a nursing caribou, probably before it would eat the meat, if its managed to catch one... do you know why? Because milk as an easy source of protein that you don't have to chew!

    We have to separate our adult males from the lactating females because they fight the babies for access to the milk. If I put out a tray of milk the adult goats will drink it (if the chickens and cats don't get to it first. Non human animals will drink milk.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    After reading the <strike> powerful data and research based </strike> arguments presented by the anti milk posters on this thread I went and made a fish pie for dinner.
    The fish was in a milk based sauce and the mash on top was made with milk and butter and I gratin-ed the top with the help of a grated chunk of mature cheddar. It was delicious (if I say so myself) and I enjoyed every calorie of it (earned by doing a bit of a jog + brisk walk in the park).

    Anyway for the record the biggest consumers of cheese in the world are Greece 31.1kg per person per year, France 26.1 kg (against USA 14.8 kg)
    All that dairy is affecting the health of the Greek and French in terrible ways, you just have to look at their life expectancy at birth to see how they are dropping like flies ie France: life expectancy at birth over 81 years, Greece just over 80 years (it's around 78 years for the US)
    Remind me again how eating dairy is going to send me to an early grave.

    As for all the "toddler x stopped eating dairy and he no longer has glue ear/ eczema", that's an anecdote, not data. It also fails to take into account that both conditions tend to improve with time and many babies and toddlers outgrow both of them with no intervention of any kind.
    You might have well have said, my child stopped eating dairy and 6 months later I had to buy a new pair of shoes. Not eating dairy made their feet grow.
    If you want to go along and use anecdotes my youngest has childhood eczema. For the longest time he didn't like dairy products (not sure if it was the taste of the texture which offended him but no milk/cheese/yoghurt passed his lips once he moved on to solids and had stopped getting Mummy Juice) move along to around his 2nd birthday and his tastes are evolving and milk is suddenly where it's at, cheese is yummy and he can't get enough of yoghurt, his eczema is also improving, no open sores any more and any flare up is easily tamed with emollient creams. Should I conclude that dairy made his eczema better or just that he is outgrowing the worst of it ?

  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Wow, you guys are brutal. She did some research and wanted to share what she learned. The facts are out there, but you have to find the research not paid for by the dairy industry. BTW, your hormones are directly linked to what you eat. To claim that something is completely hormone driven & has no correlation to what you eat is ignorance at best. Every part of your health is linked to what you eat.

    Thank you. I don't know why people get so aggressive. I am not trying to convert people, I just have come to know a lot of people, though meeting lots of raw foodists and vegans who have had so many health benefits- myself included- and I want to encourage others to research the same way I did. I used to be the same way, so I don't get mad when people are aggressive like this. My favorite food on the planet was cheese, and I used to eat a high protein (meat) diet.

    I have personally had so many benefits- weight loss, sleeping better, acid reflux, clearer skin thicker hair and nails, MORE energy, and over all I am so happy. Why wouldn't I want to share this with others? If they don't want to listen, I understand.

    um because scare mongering is really not cool, nor is doing the preachy thing either. And funny - I still drink milk and lost weight, so guess I am an alien freak!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    on a side note, I will say congrats on the troll thread of the day ..this has been a blast....
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Dairy isn't the only thing linked to those things.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Awesome! Thank you for the information! I think it's really sad that someone can't state their opinions without being attacked on here. But I hope you know the ones who get so upset and think that their opinions are more valuable then yours are more than likely the unhappiest and most uneducated of us all. Thats what I remind myself whenever I see such bitter people getting so angry on here anyway :wink:
    I myself am trying to get off the dairy aunt and uncle who have been farmers all of their lives hate to hear it. But for the most part this is proven for MY BODY- I feel better and my skin and hair looks better when I don't have much dairy.
    Thanks again for your input ! :flowerforyou:
    We ARE after all one of the only mammals that drink another animals milk into adulthood. Most animals STOP after infancy and you don't really see an adult elephant drinking from an adult giraffes breast. Just saying :drinker:

    sorry, but the rest of us have a right to call BS whenever we want...

    So you are saying that when someone posts what others think is garbage that it should not be refuted? interesting notion...

    No, no I'm not saying that. I'm saying that people don't have to be MEAN. Whats the point? I'm pretty sure that if she posted it- she believes it to be true. I don't agree with a lot of things that people post- but I don't start arguing with them , I may state my opinion, nicely and then move onto a Topic that I agree with. I don't have to get people laughs and giggles while making someone else feel bad for posting what they believe to be fact.
    Ironic post is ironic!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I make my milk from oats. It's quick, easy, and cheap. Sho cheep!

    How do you make milk from Oats?

    ^ you milk them! You can milk anything with nipples :flowerforyou:

    Honey... those aren't oats...

    ^ it was an attempted joke, sorry it did not get through :happy: I am all hopped up on dairy over here :drinker:

    :laugh: It was funny. My joke may have been a little obtuse. In fact it's probably better that you didn't get it!

    wait oats have nipples? Be Right Back, I got a date with a box of quaker instant oats right now....
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I make my milk from oats. It's quick, easy, and cheap. Sho cheep!

    How do you make milk from Oats?

    ^ you milk them! You can milk anything with nipples :flowerforyou:

    Honey... those aren't oats...

    ^ it was an attempted joke, sorry it did not get through :happy: I am all hopped up on dairy over here :drinker:

    :laugh: It was funny. My joke may have been a little obtuse. In fact it's probably better that you didn't get it!

    wait oats have nipples? Be Right Back, I got a date with a box of quaker instant oats right now....

    as long as you don't look the quaker in the eye while you're doing it...
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I'm calling bull on this. Sorry lady but I went YEARS without having any dairy and felt like complete crap. I was told I was lactose intolerance (they were clearly wrong, I know that now.) Once I started eating cheese and drinking milk I felt 10 billion times better.

    Have fun not eating dairy.. I really don't care what you say, I know how my body feels. Those years without dairy products were the WORST.

    This actually makes NO SENSE what so ever Dairy did not make you feel better maybe some nutrients that can also be found in dairy made you feel better but not the Dairy How is it bull?! GOOGLE it see for your self.

    Did you not just say some of the things in dairy could have made me feel better? :grumble:

    I don't really care what you have to say, it was clearly what I was missing from my diet. You are one of the people that is "DAIRY IS BAD"... go ahead go without dairy but it is something I need in my diet.

    lol like i said you make no sense you can go with out dairy you just simply choose not to! i can go with out tea i just simply choose not to and if i decide to stop drinking it will feel ****ty but thats not because I NEED it

    You do know I'm saying dairy, not just milk.

    I went years with any dairy products, my doctors never explained to me how to eat without dairy so I ended up missing out on a lot of nutrition I needed. That is why I felt bad.

    As soon as I started adding dairy products back into my diet I started to feel better. I KNOW you can go without dairy, but I didn't do so well without it.

    So to keep telling me I make no sense is kinda pointless, huh?

    LACTAID WHICH IS IN DAIRY CAUSES CANCERRRRRR! this is me dumbing it down for you
    Clearly you do not know what Lactaid is. But go on. This is hilarious!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Awesome! Thank you for the information! I think it's really sad that someone can't state their opinions without being attacked on here. But I hope you know the ones who get so upset and think that their opinions are more valuable then yours are more than likely the unhappiest and most uneducated of us all. Thats what I remind myself whenever I see such bitter people getting so angry on here anyway :wink:
    I myself am trying to get off the dairy aunt and uncle who have been farmers all of their lives hate to hear it. But for the most part this is proven for MY BODY- I feel better and my skin and hair looks better when I don't have much dairy.
    Thanks again for your input ! :flowerforyou:
    We ARE after all one of the only mammals that drink another animals milk into adulthood. Most animals STOP after infancy and you don't really see an adult elephant drinking from an adult giraffes breast. Just saying :drinker:

    sorry, but the rest of us have a right to call BS whenever we want...

    So you are saying that when someone posts what others think is garbage that it should not be refuted? interesting notion...

    No, no I'm not saying that. I'm saying that people don't have to be MEAN. Whats the point? I'm pretty sure that if she posted it- she believes it to be true. I don't agree with a lot of things that people post- but I don't start arguing with them , I may state my opinion, nicely and then move onto a Topic that I agree with. I don't have to get people laughs and giggles while making someone else feel bad for posting what they believe to be fact.
    Ironic post is ironic!

    IDK idiocy is idiocy ...and I feel a need to call it out..

    Hey, I can "believe" that watering plants with electrolytes will make them grow...but i don't have to start a thread on MFP about it now do I? And if I do I should be called out on it....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I make my milk from oats. It's quick, easy, and cheap. Sho cheep!

    How do you make milk from Oats?

    ^ you milk them! You can milk anything with nipples :flowerforyou:

    Honey... those aren't oats...

    ^ it was an attempted joke, sorry it did not get through :happy: I am all hopped up on dairy over here :drinker:

    :laugh: It was funny. My joke may have been a little obtuse. In fact it's probably better that you didn't get it!

    wait oats have nipples? Be Right Back, I got a date with a box of quaker instant oats right now....

    as long as you don't look the quaker in the eye while you're doing it...

  • fatburnd2012
    That's very strong. I don't believe dairy is the cause of all of those ailments.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Awesome! Thank you for the information! I think it's really sad that someone can't state their opinions without being attacked on here. But I hope you know the ones who get so upset and think that their opinions are more valuable then yours are more than likely the unhappiest and most uneducated of us all. Thats what I remind myself whenever I see such bitter people getting so angry on here anyway :wink:
    I myself am trying to get off the dairy aunt and uncle who have been farmers all of their lives hate to hear it. But for the most part this is proven for MY BODY- I feel better and my skin and hair looks better when I don't have much dairy.
    Thanks again for your input ! :flowerforyou:
    We ARE after all one of the only mammals that drink another animals milk into adulthood. Most animals STOP after infancy and you don't really see an adult elephant drinking from an adult giraffes breast. Just saying :drinker:

    sorry, but the rest of us have a right to call BS whenever we want...

    So you are saying that when someone posts what others think is garbage that it should not be refuted? interesting notion...

    No, no I'm not saying that. I'm saying that people don't have to be MEAN. Whats the point? I'm pretty sure that if she posted it- she believes it to be true. I don't agree with a lot of things that people post- but I don't start arguing with them , I may state my opinion, nicely and then move onto a Topic that I agree with. I don't have to get people laughs and giggles while making someone else feel bad for posting what they believe to be fact.
    Ironic post is ironic!

    IDK idiocy is idiocy ...and I feel a need to call it out..

    Hey, I can "believe" that watering plants with electrolytes will make them grow...but i don't have to start a thread on MFP about it now do I? And if I do I should be called out on it....

  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Hey, I can "believe" that watering plants with electrolytes will make them grow...but i don't have to start a thread on MFP about it now do I? And if I do I should be called out on it....


    ETA: DANGIT! Too slow!
  • fatburnd2012
    If I listen to every person on MFP who list what's wrong with every food item , then I would never eat. Stay under your calorie limit, exercise, and stop stressing.

    You said it so well girl!
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    I agree with you whole heartily, since I am a vegan! Ever since I have been off of dairy my skin has cleared and feel better in general. I have also had dairy sensitivity all my life and when I gave it up I saw how extreme my sensitivity was. Dairy products are really unneeded in my opinion and also harm animals in the process. Stay healthy :flowerforyou:
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Now I am wanting some ice cream.. Ice Cream anyone??