The udder truth



  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Before I started losing weight, I was drinking more than half a gallon of milk a day (about 12 cups) and eating at least a serving of cheese 1-3 meals or snacks a day. OP listed several conditions "linked" to dairy; if this were true, you'd think that I'd be the poster child for all that's wrong with dairy. Many of those "conditions" are kind of bogus - for example, low fat dairy in considered part of a healthy diet for diabetics; I have never heard dairy cited as a potential cause. Many people are sensitive to dairy, so naturally they would have diarrhea. My mom is sensitive to hydrogenated oils; that doesn't mean that they will give YOU the runs. (My mom has Ulcerative Colitis and is sensitive to many foods...but still, being sensitive to dairy is different from getting diarrhea because you're exposed to a dairy product.) How about acne and cramps? I eat or drink massive amounts of dairy 365 days a year, but my cramps and acne always come once a month, right around the time I get my period. Funny thing is, my mom also gets acne and cramps around her time of the month, but she only drinks water and can't really stomach dairy because of the IBS.

    I realize that the dairy industry has its flaws, but at least milk comes from nature. So maybe, in your mind, I'm in denial. However, I'm far more concerned with companies pushing to add sucralose/Splenda to milk to increase sales. Not only would this ruin one of my true joys in life, but it is an unnatural substance that is digested differently from sugar, and according to a nutritionist I knew, it is linked to Multiple Sclerosis and holes in brain mass. (I haven't done my own research on that one, but if you want to take up a campaign....) OP, I know nothing about you except what you post on here, but it seems like you have beef with dairy - and that ain't Kosher! (Sorry...Jewish humor.) You seem to have a passion for bashin' my favorite food group, and trust me, dairy isn't the devil.

    Just as a side note, I didn't want to open your link because I wasn't sure if it was trustworthy - BUT, it looks like a blog. That blog may be a reputable source, but generally, blogs are not a great resource.

    It was actually her own blog.

    Linking it here was just a way to get more traffic to her own info.

    Now she can claim to be really popular as sooooo many people read her blog.

    Very sad.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Just as a side note, I didn't want to open your link because I wasn't sure if it was trustworthy - BUT, it looks like a blog. That blog may be a reputable source, but generally, blogs are not a great resource.
    It was actually her own blog.
    Linking it here was just a way to get more traffic to her own info.
    Now she can claim to be really popular as sooooo many people read her blog.
    Very sad.

    Wow. I've just had a read of her blog and she is suggesting that we need to upgrade our kitchen gadgets. A blender for $648.95?!!!!! Gulp. Not to mention her pricey suggestions for a juicer (yes, the expensive blender doesn't do that), dehydrator and citrus press (anyone else just do like me and whack the citrus fruit in the microwave for a few seconds then simply cut in half and squeeze in the palm of my hand? Works just fine).

    Total price? An eye-watering $1,440.

    I'd definitely lose weight using this approach as I wouldn't be able to buy any food (or pay my electric and rent that month either).
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    I'm sure people can find "facts" on both sides. As I have stated several times before, people don't have to be mean to anyone and attempt to gain an audience of laughter while making another person feel bad for her opinion/fact/belief. It's also a "fact" that the OP has read, and believes studies that have shown these things to be TRUE to her, with scientific back up and I may very well be wrong but I'm sure she cited that several times in the beginning of this post.

    Thank you kindly for educating me on the differences of people stating opinions and stating facts. I'm not sure how I made it through life/college without knowing that. :noway: It just boggles my mind. You just have to love all of the support on MFP :drinker: Thanks again!

    Actually she never quoted a single credible scientific source as back up for her claims and the link on the first page goes to her OWN blog. So this entire thread has just really been clever spam to get more people to look at her (misinformed) blog.

    I am actually still waiting for someone to post a single credible scientific study that states dairy is bad for you if you don't have a intolerance to it. I suspect I will be waiting a very long time.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    this thread is still going???

    oh, and i loved the Brando posts LOL hilarious
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    ^^^^^^ love it :laugh:
  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    Wait, what? Where does it come from? The store?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Yay milk! :drinker: I've discovered a new love for it. Good 'ol bio-available calcium. Absorbs better then the alternatives and is great in homemade shakes, cereal, coffee, and baileys!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    omg that is amazing lol