Jillian Michael 30 Days Shred (May 1 - May 30)



  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    welcome to the team sumblondchic
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Day 28 done! I would have felt better about today if I didn't have a giant blister on the bottom of my foot walking to breakfast in new sandals, ouch!
  • booluviemomma
    Soooo.....skipped yesterday completely and blew my diet. Not even gonna log my food, cuz I think I'll just get discouraged! I'm hoping the fact that I did an extra workout a couple days will make up for my skipped day. So today is day 24. 6 more to go!

    I'm wondering if anyone is seeing any weight loss? I have lost about 4 lbs, but I keep fluctuating up and down from 215 (starting weight) to 211. I went from no exercise at all and eating tons of junk and big portions at the beginning of the month to staying within 1400-1700 calories per day depending on how much I exercise. I have done the shred every day, sometimes twice. I am seeing a huge size difference, but not much weight. I know that muscle weighs more than fat, but this fat has to burn off eventually. So I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing the same thing? Or has some advice or encouragement? Thanks!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I posted this before but I think it makes a lot of sense and dispells a lot of myths. It's not really discouraging, it might help us all to be more realistic:
    You are not going to see majoy weightloss working out for 20 minutes per day. I am proud of myself for making exercise a daily habit, but I will have to really cut my fat intake and up the cardio to see weightloss. I am getting stronger, but the reality is that most of us, especially women, cannot build enough muscle to burn more fat. The reality is, heavy people burn more calories just by existing than lighter people, whether the weight is fat or muscle. The latest studies show, "While resistance training was recommended for its beneficial role in potentially improving muscle strength and power, the physiologists found no evidence that increasing muscle mass enhanced weight loss, especially when combined with dieting."
  • capturethemoments3
    I finished the first 10 days on level 1 and today I moved on to level 2. Boy is it a big difference. I just know that one day all of those planks will pay off!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    ok, glad the url worked for you. It sounds like you are doing well, nutrition-wise. when you weigh as little as you do, it takes more to burn calories. Another article by the same author has some more adivce:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Day 29 done! I felt pretty good about today. I do the girly-style walking pushups, and I don't jump on the lunges, on accounta this blister! and that makes my knees hurt, I think, I don't land right... One more day and I consider myself shredded:)
  • devoneyk
    devoneyk Posts: 15
    I am day 2 on level 3 and wow those jumps are seriously brutal at times! I think it's that last rock star jump that really kills my knee. Otherwise I really enjoy this level, I have a whole new set of sore muscle groups so I guess that is good :):) Good job everyone lets keep it up :)
  • booluviemomma
    Day 25 and level 2! Gotta admit that I have been loathing every second of this workout since moving to level 2. But just five more days and I get a break!
    Keep it up!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Day 30 complete! I am shredded:) But seriously, it was hard today, didn't get any easier for me.
    I am going to take tomorrow off, maybe Thursday too. Try and find something new...
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    oh, and p1nkpr1ncess, be good to yourself! if you're having surgery your body needs rest, don't push yourself and hurt your recovery.

    Yeah I know, I know, hun! Lol

    Well I had my minor surgery on Monday and they told me to wait 48 hours before I attempt to exercise - which brings me to 3pm this afternoon! So I'm going to take a walk to pick my daughter up from school and if that goes ok might do some light shredding later! I am already missing it so much and I only missed it yesterday as I did Level 3 on Monday morning before my hospital appointment :)

    So fingers crossed that I will be feeling upto it - I'm feeling a lot better today! :)

    Keep it up ladies, you're all doing so brilliantly!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I cannot workout in the mornings because of the eating issue. I can't workout hungry, but I can't workout with a belly full of food. I just think we wake up dehydrated and hungry and could not perform well under those conditions. Some people recommend something small with a little carbs and protein but low fat, like yogurt, fruit and cheese, or bread with a little peanut butter but I would have to get up that much earlier to eat first so I don't. I work out after work and before dinner.
  • booluviemomma
    Day 26 down, 4 more to go! I think I can, I think I can...
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    I had a go at Level 2 today - 48 hours had passed since my surgery and I was feeling quite good! If there was something I didn't want to do I just picked another move from another Level and did that instead!

    So I'm hoping to carry on with the plan as of tomorrow morning! Woohooo!!!

    Shred me baby!!
  • devoneyk
    devoneyk Posts: 15
    Well I just completed day 3 of level 3 today, and right when I finished UPS dropped off Jillian's other DVD I ordered...No More Trouble Zones. I popped that thing in right away and did a few circuits! WOW my muscles are burning but it feels so good :wink: I think I am going to combine these two! I feel great Today! Now tomorrow when I wake up may be a whole different story lol.
  • capturethemoments3
    I did level 2 day 4 today and am feeling great. I also have the problem of when to eat when I workout. I cannot workout after eating because it causes my stomach to hurt but not eating makes me feel weak and sick. It is quite the problem. I have to workout in the morning because I work second shift. Maybe I will try something small next time I do the shred.
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    So yesterday was Day 30!! I am shredded!! I feel so good since doing this DVD, the last few days I've been doing 2 shreds a day though and it's fab!

    I'm going to continue doing the shred everyday as my morning workout! I'm gutted that I can't find any of Jillians other DVDs that are available in the UK - all of the ones on Amazon are US region ones :(

    Well done everyone and those who are going to carry on keep up the good work! :)
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    So after at least a week off from Jillian, I did Level 1 again. Boy did it feel good. If I had more time this morning, I might have tried to fit in another workout, but I only have so much time in the morning. After doing my measurements on Friday (I do them every 2 weeks), I have lost another 2.25 inches. So in the last month I have lost about 9 inches, not too much weight and gained back 2 lbs over the last week :grumble:

    I am going to keep going with the Shred, but going to also get back on my Wii Active as well as going to the gym. I want to get down at least 5 lbs in the next 2 weeks (brother's grad).
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    good job everyone on your work out. :)

    sorry i havent been on the shred myself.. i just got really weak.. so im building back up . hopefully sooner or later ill get back into gear and do the whole month :)
    im sooo proud of you guys means a lot of all the effort you put :) i hope you got the resulted you wanted :)