

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    :blushing: Good morning Viv, Kackie, Kathy(pmjsmom) and any others who'd like to take on the gut'n'butt challenge

    Starting NOW do Jeanine's daugher's core rehab program EVERY DAY.

    Measure gutt and butt TODAY

    Check in whenever you like

    Remeasure June 3 (14 days).

    Reevaluate and post if you like.

    Today was day 2 for me (and Jeanine), was surprised at how little time it took and how I felt like I was able to do them at least partially. When trying to do abs work I usually feel like I'm just lying down unable to move any body part up off the floor.:blushing:

    Not sure yet, but there's a little "body awareness". Expect to be really aware tomorrow, but I'll persist!:bigsmile:

    For any who missed 'em, here are the excercises.
    Jeanine's DD has gone down 3 sizes to a size 8 since March 15, all while recovering from surgery. Now that's what I call inspiring!

    Topic: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR MAY Tue 05/18/10 04:31 PM Laura - here is my DD's core rehab program:

    Marching - lie on your back lower level is just raise each leg so that it is parallel with the floor. 10 raises each leg
    When you get to where you can do 30 easily, start extending each leg after you raise it, then pull it back and down. The trick is to go slow.

    Abdominal curls - lie on your back with legs bent, feet on the floor. Hands behind your ears, elbows out. Curl up getting your shoulders off the floor. 10 time, again get up to 30. This one never changes.

    Side Planks with bent knees - Lie on your side up on your elbow, upper hand on side. Legs bent back at the knees, make sure your body is in a straight line. Raise your hips off the ground. Start with 5 on each side and get up to 30. It never gets over 30.

    The exercises are done every day for 10 weeks then 3 times a week.

    Pretty easy and quick, but it sure made a difference.


  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hi everyone...

    Well, in 6 days I'll be back home! It's been fun spending this time with my brother and his family, but I'm used to having lots of time alone, and I miss it. I want to be able to turn on my computer in the AM and check throughout the day with my favorite sites (mfp, poker stars, e-mail) and also have silence when I need it. I wonder if as we age we need more ME time? I know I do.

    Hi to everyone here, but especially Mimi, rj, myny,Rebel and Kackie. I apologize if I've left anyone out. My brain is officially overloaded. I really need to get home!

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hi all,

    Yes, I'm in for a 2 week abs challenge. I did not check my measurements, but I will tonight.

    The exercises are all done slowly and the pelvic lift (yes like the yoga move) does have a hold at the top.

    At work, so have to go now. I will check out the rest of the posts later.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I have been MIA for a couple of days. Wednesday was a "lost day." I came home Tuesday night with a chill. It was warm enough inside my condo (74 degrees) for the AC to come one, but I was sitting with a polar fleece jacket on --freezing--and I ached from head to toe, so I took a hot bath and went to bed early. I got little sleep, due to apparently having a fever. It was a L-O-O-O-NG night. Every time I got out of bed, I felt very weak and shaky. I got so warm, I turned on the AC manually in the middle of the night. Finally by about noon, I began to feel like it wouldn't be a mistake to eat something, so I had half a protein shake and a Fiber One muffin.

    By Wednesday afternoon, I was not aching quite as much and it appeared my fever had broken, but whatever this was, it came at a bad time. I need to spend time finishing up my studying hours for my insurance license and I ended up not studying for two days. :grumble:

    Today I am alive and kicking once again. I took it easy yesterday, didn't even go out with the doggies. Times like those I really appreciate the "doggie door" option!!!

    We all laid around all day and alternated between watching tv in the big chair and laying in bed dozing with the tv on. I slept well last night, and woke up at 5:30a!! Best part was rolling over and remembering how awful it was to have to get up earlier than that when my workday started at 5a!! I finally got up at a more civilized hour--8:30a.

    One good thing that came out of my illness was that over two days I dropped 2.5 lbs!!--No doubt some of it was water, but it puts me a pound away from my lowest weight, so maybe by next week I can actually adjust my ticker in the right direction again.!!

    Congrats to Vicki on the new addition to your family.:flowerforyou:

    Laura--hope you have a nice uneventful flight. Wave at me if you fly over the Portland/Vancouver area on your way to Medford.:bigsmile:

    WindMoonRain and Patti0909--Welcome, this is the place to be. Warning, posting to this thread can become addicting--and a great replacement for mindless snacking, as I don't know of anyone who can eat when they are keyboarding!!! Patti--after you say "no" the first time to something offered at work it gets easier. Also, if you substitute a glass of water for a mindless snack, you will feel full so it will be easier to stick to your decision to "just say no."

    Ainslieglen--You have done well at maintaining contact and your routine while you were on your visit. You will be home before you know it.

    Donna--Congrats on the loss. You could meet your May goal. All that grass you mowed last week will reappear just in time for some more cardio!!

    Cindy--How wonderful that you can educate a "young un" to a healthier way of life. It is a testament to how well you have done that your family would look to you as a resource to help another person in need of direction.

    To all those joining in the "gut n butt" challenge, I wish you well. Until I get my licensing exam out of the way, I can't get involved in anymore excuses not to study. Maybe we can have another later in the summer....

    Now, for some fun before I depart. This morning, I had the Bonnie Hunt Show on as I was doing hair, etc. and she had a comedienne from Australia on named Julia Morris. I had never heard of her, but she was a riot. Below is a link to the Bonnie Hunt show website video area, where you can search for her segment. It is about 5 minutes long and is hilarious. She addresses the issue of feeling "hot" in a particular dress and then seeing herself in a picture later and perceiving things much differently. Her comments about PMS are also right on.

    Here is the link:

    If you want to see more of her, she has several clips on youtube. The one from the 2008 Comedy Gala is also a hoot.
    You should be able to get to the neighborhood of her clips with this link, which brings up the comedy gala clip, and should show other options to click on off to the right side of the page:


    I am sure Viv and Jackie have probably seen her, as from the clips, it looks like she has spent some time on UK tv as well.
    Hope you enjoy her.

    Well, I have to finish getting ready to go out. I am staying at my parents' place this afternoon so the cleaning person can get in, as they have an appointment during the time she usually comes in.

    See you later,

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Hi everyone. Just a quick post to say "Hi." I see lots of you have good news. I'll go back and respond more personally when I have more time later (or tomorrow!). In the meantime, congrats to everyone who has upped their exercise and stayed in their calorie targets. Good going!

    Today is my birthday - I turned 62 and am officially "retired!" Does that mean life is supposed to slow down? :noway: :wink: I missed my birthday target of 224 (100 lbs less than my all-time worst weight 9 years ago) by 4/10ths of a pound. Almost there! When I hit that target, I'll post some pics from the old days and a current one. It sure feels good to be getting closer to "overweight!"

    This is a great group. I appreciate the difference you have made in my life. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi everyone. Just a quick post to say "Hi." I see lots of you have good news. I'll go back and respond more personally when I have more time later (or tomorrow!). In the meantime, congrats to everyone who has upped their exercise and stayed in their calorie targets. Good going!

    Today is my birthday - I turned 62 and am officially "retired!" Does that mean life is supposed to slow down? :noway: :wink: I missed my birthday target of 224 (100 lbs less than my all-time worst weight 9 years ago) by 4/10ths of a pound. Almost there! When I hit that target, I'll post some pics from the old days and a current one. It sure feels good to be getting closer to "overweight!"

    This is a great group. I appreciate the difference you have made in my life. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Happy Birthday from one May baby to another. My big five oh is next Thursday. Congrats on your weightloss so close to your bithday goal. You should be proud.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Donna - our first cat got sprayed by a skunk. Seriously, he smelled so bad that even HE couldn't stand himself. He'd lay in one spot, then move a few minutes later. Do you think he got the message that you should stay away from animals with a white stripe down their back? NOOOOO! Sure enough, he got skunked again. As I recall, our vet told us that really, tomato juice doesn't do much good. We had to get this special "skunk off" spray. I think that was the one and only time he actually let dd#3 hold him while he was being sprayed and didn't run away....lol

    Robin - bet you look at yourself every time you pass a mirror! That's just great!

    Congrats Vicki!

    Cindy - It does feel good when you are teaching someone younger. I remember taking a class in strength training a few years ago. Here I was, twice the age of most of the students, but I was lifting sometimes twice as much weight! Boy, did that feel good, so I know how you're feeling

    Happy, Happy birthday mimi! I remember when FIL retired he used to say "I don't know how I found the time to work". Well, now that dh is retired, I completely understand his feeling!

    Welcome all the newbies. Pull up a chair, pour yourself a tall glass of unsweetened tea and jump right in!

    Well, for the last 2 nights I have been sleeping on the floor in the bathroom with PJ. Note: a tile floor is HARD! Anyway, this a.m. Vince took PJ back to the emergency vet place. When we picked PJ up after the surgery, they said he should be eating by now. Well, he wasn't. When Vince took PJ there, his bp was dangerously low, systolic was like 30. They did get his bp back up, it doesn't look like there's any internal bleeding, but they want to find out why his bp went so low. Wouldn't be surprised one bit if Jessica came here. Whenever he'd walk, it was like he was dragging his back legs. At first, we thought it was because he was on the pain killer. Jessica said that what he's on is a controlled substance, so we know it's strong. Now we're not sure that's what was causing him to walk funny.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I just wrote a really long post and my computer erased it. I will write it again in a little while. aaaaaaarrrrrrggggggghhhhhh!
  • arborsong
    arborsong Posts: 98
    Sorry for the inconvenience. I'm once again trying to figure out this ticker in my signature.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Jeannie & auntiebk: This is day 2 for me with our "butt & gutt" and I did measure...nothing has changed there for some time so I need this. I am not sure I am doing the "marching" one correctly. QUESTION? Do you alternate each leg while the other is just off the floor, or is one on the floor while the other one goes up and down? Is head on floor or up like a sit up? Anyone want to draw a picture? Sorry, I must be slow today!:ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell:

    Barb: Glad you are feeling better. Yuk to being sick!

    Mimi: Good to hear from you and congratulations on your progress. That is a great birthday present to yourself!!! Happy, happy:flowerforyou:

    ainsleiglen: I know what you mean about private space. I do think we all need more alone time now...not all bad! It's fun to go away and visit and it's fun to come home! Enjoy the time you have there as best you can.

    Cindy: glad to hear from you and how wonderful of you to help a young person!

    Take care everyone! Kackie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    Today is my birthday - I turned 62 and am officially "retired!" Does that mean life is supposed to slow down? :noway: :wink:

    Happy, Happy Birthday Mimi! :flowerforyou: I am 62 also (March 30th).....AND I'VE ONLY JUST BEGUN!!!!!:laugh:
    Have a great day!!!!!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Sometimes my food items go into the wrong day or wrong time. Maybe that happened to you. Also, sometimes I check them off but forget to press the Add to Dairy button. Or I press the button but I've forgotten to check them off! (And, yes, I work with computers for a living. :laugh:) I think it's easy to get confused -- even though I think this site is the easiest of the ones I've tried -- because there are about 5 different ways to do everything.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Happy Happy Birthday MImi.
    Vicki M
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday Mimi!:flowerforyou: I can hardly wait to be retired....(hugh sigh)

  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Hello, me again lol. Boy did I ever mess up on my food intake!:sad: My SIL#2 came over and wanted to go out for lunch, her treat. Big mistake! We went to New Century Buffet (Chinese) I can't log in what I had, because I don't even know what I was eating. All I know was I had some rice, tons of shrimp and crabmeat, did manage to have steamed peapods (alot of good that did) and some baked lobster something or other. They don't have an online nutritional info page so I couldn't plan ahead. :grumble: Plus no excercise today :noway: I am glad I'll be mowing this lawn again tomorrow. I could kick myself!!!!! :explode: I guess I'll have to work twice as hard this coming week to fix what I messed up.

    Mimi.... Happy Birthday!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Michele.... I know what you mean about your cat not being able to stay in the same place, Lady did the same thing lol and by the way, I couldn't find you on fb :cry:

    Well I guess I will get off of here and finish beating my self up.:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ...everyone!!

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Newbies and ...:heart: welcome to the world to Vicki's new family member!! Birthday greetings to Mimi too!
    I have read all the posts and again marvel at how you all keep track of who's who, who's doing what and how well etc.
    HOW DO YOU DO IT? I get very confused ...but that's not hard!! I do appreciate your comments.

    Anyway ...today ..:noway: :noway: .I COULD NOT BELIEVE THE SCALES!!!
    Overnight... I ...wait for it...:sad: .Put on....3lb!!!155.75lb to 158.5lb !!! How ,I don't know. I was in my calories - admittedly I used those I'd "earned" from the Zumba etc. I had to do a double check with a different pair of glasses and it was correct. Oh my ...what to do!!
    I can't afford to throw the scales out of the window so they're still there ....:grumble: smirking in the corner!!
    Today ...once again ..I'm in my calories but no exercise.

    :wink: I was given some exercises by the doctor today but I don't think they count as calorie burning!
    "Walking two fingers" ...up a wall,gradually raising the arm higher until I feel any muscle strain - gradually increasing the height etc. is one! ...... hopefully I'll hear from the physio soon to start exercises proper for my arm and shoulder!!

    :smile: I hear we're in for a warm weekend here - DH and I started early as we ate al fresco tonight, sat by the lit chiminea, wine glasses to hand .... long may it last. Such a change from last week!! We went out to buy plants for the tubs and hopefully tomorrow we'll set to and plant them out .

    Anyway ..'tis late here and we're off "up the wooden hill" to bed
    :heart: Jackie
  • lilchook
    lilchook Posts: 20
    hello all, from Australia. i have been using MFP for a few weeks now and although i haven't lost any weight i have re jigged my lifestyle. i have always been under my calorie allowance and increased my exercise without any loss but as i keep saying i feel so much better so there is a plus. i think i am going to adjust my eating style to a low carb regime for a while as i had success with this in the past. i am not much of a meat fan and not really into supplements etc. but will give it a go to try to shake my last 6 kgs loose. it gets harder as you get older doesn't it? anyway best of luck to you all. just wanted to say hi!
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    To the ladies that are doing Jeanine's DD's core rehab program:
    I started this just a few minutes ago. I don't really know if I did the leg lifts correct or not. Are you supposed to lift your legs a few inches off of the floor, or lift them straight up? Or bend the knees like you are marching? I never said I was the brightest bulb in the socket :laugh:
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Jackie.... The way I keep up with who says and does what is, I open another window by holding down the control key and hit N. You then have 2 windows open. I flip back and forth, post in the first window and search posts in the other.