

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    First of all--welcome to our newcomers :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: . This is a wonderful group to belong to. Everyone is so supportive and helpful!

    Vicki--congratulations on your new family member! So glad he and momma are doing well!

    Barb(weaklink)--thank you so much for the links to Julia Morris! She is a very funny lady. I now have a playlist of her bits on youtube! I'm glad you are feeling better.

    Michele--I sure do hope you get good news about PJ soon.

    Kackie and Donna56--I not sure of that first move either--it seems too easy so I don't think I'm reading the directions correctly or something.

    Well, I still have not heard from my 18 year old, Jenny. I don't kow if she went to Texas or is still here in Washington somewhere. I'm trying to just believe that "no news is good news" for now.

    Everyone have a good evening. I am not looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow. I know I am back up in the 200s:cry: . It will come off again--I just need to get through this rough patch!:smile:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Mimi! Many more, too!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good evening ladies;

    My little friend came by this evening and worked out on the elliptical, then we did a little Zumba dance i found on you-tube and then we did part of 30 day shred. I got tickled at her though because she went to Chic-fil-A and got a small peach milkshake. She said it was over 700 calories. She said "I just didn't know"! Haven't all our eyes been opened when we started logging our calories!

    30 day shred is hard! I've heard people talking about it on here but push ups every day is going to be tough! I'm going to try it again tomorrow but I'll have to do it apart from Jaidy. She isn't up to that yet. I told hubby I wanted him to try it with me.

    My BF called to day just boo-hooing. She & her husband have been having financial troubles and when she went to get some money out of an account she thought had a certain amount of money in she found that he has practically liquidated it. Their marriage has been rocky for some time and this will probably do it in. I'm still just sitting here shaking my head. It won't surprise me if she takes me god-daughter and moves to her parents an hour and a half from here. Oh, why can't people just do right! I'm so out of suggestions for them.

    Well, I hope everyone has had a good day and has made good choices.

    Hi to lilchook! I think the internet is so interesting in that you can meet and become friends with people clear across the world from you. My daughter has always wanted to come to your part of the world.

    Oh, by the way, my daughter is going on the Mercy Ships in July. She will be doing a short rotation of Medical Missions. They wanted her for the whole month but she can't get off work for that long. She says she is going back next year for 3 months.

    Stayed under my calories today and still have exercise calories left over so I don't know if I'll have anything else before I go to bed or not.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Today is my birthday - I turned 62 and am officially "retired!" Does that mean life is supposed to slow down? :noway: :wink: I missed my birthday target of 224 (100 lbs less than my all-time worst weight 9 years ago) by 4/10ths of a pound. Almost there! When I hit that target, I'll post some pics from the old days and a current one. It sure feels good to be getting closer to "overweight!"

    This is a great group. I appreciate the difference you have made in my life. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Mimi....♫♪ Happy Birthday to you♫♪ You have been a wonderful addition to our group! Hope you had a great day! ♥

    :heart: Rebel:heart:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening friends, I am exhausted.:yawn: I walked over to my daughters and picked up the grand kids to brings them back to my house. My daughter has one of the strollers that a baby can sit in the front and a toddler can sit or stand in the back. Rowan weighs over 15lbs and Matthew weight about 25lbs. A lot of our walk was over grassy areasand by the time we got back to my house I was soaked through my jeans with sweat. Hubby and I are going to the ocean this weekend and I am hoping to burn a lot of calories walking the boardwalk.
    :happy: Happy Birthday MiMi
    :wink: Welcome lilchook , you will love our little group.
    :drinker: Jackie- what did you eat yesterday? Did you have something with a lot of sodium? I find when I eat something high in sodium and don’t drink enough water I bloat.
    :drinker: Donna-don’t beat yourself up. Tomorrow is another day.
    :drinker: Rebel- I want to know how you got those cute little music notes on your post
    :drinker: Kathy- where and how did you get the happy birthday graphics on your post?
    :love: Michelle-continued prayers for you and PJ
    :yawn: :yawn: Well time to go to bed.:yawn: :yawn: Everyone have a sunny Friday, Rose
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Happy Birthday, Mimi :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have been retired for almost six years and I love it........I have found so many wonderful ways to occupy myself and I agree with whoever said "I don't know when I had time to work" :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: When we came home from our trip we went out to lunch and ate Thai chicken curry for lunch so the first two days of weigh ins made my weight higher than it really was because of all the sodium, which was a great motivator for me to get back to "bare bones" eating........

    :flowerforyou: jackie, I'm glad there's better news about your mum :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: you do a lot of interesting eating, have you had a lot of sodium? that's always a reason for surprising overnight weight gain

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, how great to hear that you have become a mentor......you have so much to offer someone who is new to our healthy way of life.

    :flowerforyou: Patti, It takes practice to say no to people who bring treats, but it gets easier and after awhile people just get used to you not eating all the the "junk".......never, never, never give up

    :flowerforyou: ainslieglen, we just came back from staying with family so I know how you feel about wanting to get home again....our family was great, but I, too, like my space and my privacy

    :flowerforyou: Barb, glad you're feeling better:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I continue to think positive thoughts about PJ.........cats are so precious and it's so hard when they're hurting

    :flowerforyou: Donna, every day is full of life lessons and you got one at the Chinese buffet.....I'm sure you're a fast learner and won't do that again.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: lilchook, welcome, this is a great group.....you'll gets lots of good ideas as well as encouragement and support

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all of you, I read everything and take it all to heart.....thank you for being in my life.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member

    Happy Birthday Mimi
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Ok Alice, I think you win the "Happy Birthday" sweepstakes for most beautiful message this time around!! :flowerforyou: Great flowers!!:flowerforyou:

    Michelle, I am keeping you and PJ in my prayers. Even though we want to believe kitties have 9 lives, we want the one they are living now to be pain free and of good quality. I am hoping for the best.

    lilchook--Welcome--I think I missed acknowledging your arrival previously.

    Rose, Sounds like you have found a new cardio exercise that allows you to spend quality time with your grandkids. Enjoy it while you can, as they will outgrow that stroller sooner than you think!! Have a wonderful time at the beach!!

    I assume you will be far enough north that you won't be affected by the aftermath of the oil rig disaster. I just can't even find the words to say how badly I feel for those affected by that. It is just awful for all parties concerned.

    I have been trying to stuff my head with insurance law and other related info in prep for my license exam, and managed to study for over 4 hours today, despite the "assistance" (NOT) of three little doggies.:laugh: You should have seen Pepper, who decided that sleeping on the ottoman was NOT an option (just because Bradley was already in the spot to my right) so Pepper decided he was getting in my lap no matter what. He ended up laying on his back with all four paws in the air :noway: with his head in the crook of my left arm. :heart: Then he kept looking up and me and snorting (I think he was sniffing for evidence of dinner on my shirt, but he didn't find anything edible:bigsmile: . It is difficult to study when one is laughing, so after a few minutes of less than productive effort on my part, I relocated him to the ottoman and got back to business. Bradley snored through everything, as usual.

    The weather was very unsettled today. Rain, shine, and--throughout the day--hail. This unsettled stuff is supposed to continue for another couple of days. They even had snow up at Mt. Hood today that interrupted their preparations for summer activities. The noon news said that those who were not able to continue working on those preparations took the afternoon off to go snowboarding!!:noway: Bet THEY weren't too upset about the weather!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Well, good night all. I have to put my tired old brain to bed, and the rest of me too.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I wish I could retire. I'm so sick of my job. Plus I have so many other things I want to do with my time. But, alas, I have no retirement savings.
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Good Morning

    It’s another lovely sunny, warm day here :heart: :heart: :heart: and we’ve already had our elevenses out in the garden. It makes such a change to be able to sit out. I’ve been pretty good on the food front this week though not so good with the exercise. I usually get weighed Saturday but we won’t be home until Sunday evening so I’ll have to get weighed on Monday. I’ll just have to try and be good over the weekend. Not an easy task for me. :blushing:

    Cindy – Good luck with your student. She is lucky to have you as her teacher.

    Laura – Hope you get your Mom settle ok and it’s not too stressful getting her house ready to go on the market.

    Patti – I’m not good with temptation either. Maybe you could take some healthy snacks and have one of those instead. Not easy I know. Anyway don’t fret about your slip ups too much – what is done is done – just look forward to the good days.

    Ainsliegen – I agree, it’s lovely to visit family but there is no place like home.

    Barb – Glad you're feeling better now.

    Mimi – Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great day. You are so close to your goal. Well done! :flowerforyou:
    Michele – Sorry to hear PJs still not good Thinking positive thoughts for him. :heart:

    Lilchook – Hi from England. Good luck with losing that last 6k. I have relatives in Perth but I’ve never been. Maybe one day.

    Have a good day. Stay strong!
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning! I just rode the stationary bike twice as long because I was reading a book! The time went by so fast, I didn't realize I went longer than I thought! I love mysteries and the more I read, the more involved they get, so a good way to pass the time exercising. Off to a good start. Glad you are all doing well. Keep on keeping on! Have a good weekend.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Quote: Jeannie & auntiebk: This is day 2 for me with our "butt & gutt" and I did measure...nothing has changed there for some time so I need this. I am not sure I am doing the "marching" one correctly. QUESTION? Do you alternate each leg while the other is just off the floor, or is one on the floor while the other one goes up and down? Is head on floor or up like a sit up? Anyone want to draw a picture? Sorry, Quote.

    Kackie - Your head is on the floor and you alternate legs. One leg is bent with the foot on the floor while the other is marching. This is a slow exercise designed to concentrate on what the individual leg is doing. Every exercise is to be done slowly and each move deliberate.

    I just did mine for today, but I do admit to spacing yesterday. Does a cat on your stomach during the pelvic lifts count as a weight?

    I'm late and only scanned the posts. I hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to a good weekend.

  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Hello everyone.

    Michele... I want to say I am sorry about PJ still not feeling well. For some reason I thought he was a dog. I just realized after reading some posts this morning that he is a cat. I hope he gets to feeling better, they do have our love just like our kids do.

    Barb.... I also didn't realize you have not been feeling well, glad you are better.

    lilchook.... I too am fairly new to this group. These ladies are very inspirational and supportive. I think you will like it here.

    I have managed to catch soon2b's chest cold! :sick: :cry: I also want to mow the lawn today and it is spitting rain. We are supposed to get storms this afternoon, so I don't know if I'll get it in today or not. I won't be able to do it tomorrow because it is supposed to rain all day.:grumble: Oh well, it will still be there come Sunday or Monday. I just don't want it to get too high and be hard to push the mower.
    I got on the scale this morning just to see how much damage I have done by eating chinese yesterday, and to my surprise, the scale went up only 5 oz. I feel pretty good about that so, onward and forward I go :happy:
    I have to make myself some breakfast, probably just a bowl of cheerios, but I sure don't have an appetite :frown: and I hate eating when I am not hungry:grumble: I'll check back in later to see if anything is going on. I hope everyone has a good day! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    I wish I could retire. I'm so sick of my job. Plus I have so many other things I want to do with my time. But, alas, I have no retirement savings.

    I hear you I drag myself in to work these days. But I also have no "plan" aside from the 'freedom 72 Plan':laugh:
    Thats 20 yrs from now and hopefully by then my house will be paid off and my children will be educated. Oh well it is what it is!!

    Well things are getting back to normal for me. I have returned to the gym and am almost healed although my chest is still very tender. I have sworn off the scale until June 15 and am still sticking to that.

    I don't post much anymore but try to skim through the multitude of posts when I can so I can keep up with you.

    Have a great May long

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning all and Happy Friday!

    Only time to say HI, I have a lot to do before we leave for Oregon in a few hours and it looks like my boss worked pretty late getting things on my desk this morning...but wanted to pop in and give my weigh in update...

    I met my second goal of getting under 130 this am lost another pound so I'm 2/10 under 130 for a weigh in of 129.8:bigsmile: I am so happy to see that number, I just wish that I wasn't leaving on a trip because no scale and being way from my routine is always a killer for me...:ohwell:

    So these are my current weight loss thought:bigsmile:

    :huh: Why is it that when you are trying to lose weight it takes so long for every ounce to go away but you can pack it on in pounds in no time at all?

    :huh: Why is it that as you lose the pounds you have to have all those ugly stretch marks? (at least when you are pregnant you get the prize of a baby afterwards!)

    How come as you lose weight you start looking good in your clothes and then when you look at yourself naked in the mirror you still have all those excess rolls:noway: ?

    And last ...Why is it that as you lose you start seeing all those wrinkles:wink: they have been so well hidden when I weighed more....YUCK:grumble:

    That's all for now. Not sure if I will be able to finish my food posting today as I have no idea about lunch or dinner today and exercise will consist of walking at Denver International Airport and Portland Internation Airport and Medford Airport.

    Everyone have a good day and a good start to the weekend.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Drink, Drink, Drink your water and lets keep getting rid of the unwanted pounds.:flowerforyou:

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning every one

    Did the 30 day shred again this morning. Like ta Killed me!

    I'm off shopping but did want to check in.


  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning all, Its Friday. My official weigh in day. I have lost 2.8 pounds since last Friday. I feel awesome. DH keeps saying how good I look. More importantly I feel really good.

    Barb - glad you are feeling better. DH had the same thing.

    Laura - have a great trip

    to those that wish they could retire because they don't like the job just remember to be glad you have a job to hate. I wish I did I will start planing retirment when I can finally get working again. .

    Good job to those trying the gut busting.

    welcome to the newbies.

    welcome to the new grandson

    thank you all for your continued support and friendship. I would never have gotten this far without all of you. You brighten my day and I look forward to checking in and catiching up. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    To the ladies that are doing Jeanine's DD's core rehab program:
    I started this just a few minutes ago. I don't really know if I did the leg lifts correct or not. Are you supposed to lift your legs a few inches off of the floor, or lift them straight up? Or bend the knees like you are marching? I never said I was the brightest bulb in the socket :laugh:

    Donna - You lift them all the way up so that your leg is parallel to the floor. Remember these are being done by people recovering from surgery and designed to be done slowly and deliberately. The PT people said that going slowly helps engage the abs better than trying to whip through them.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    I think I answered the questions asked about the exercises. If I missed anyone, please pm me and I will post both the question and the answer here.

    We have a busy weekend planned. It's our 17th wedding anniversary and we have 2 graduations to attend. I wanted to be at 145 by now, but I am hanging in there at 151. I am confident that I will loose over the summer and grateful that with everything going on this past spring I did not put any weight on.

    Welcome to the newbies! Welcome to the grand babies! Happy Birthday to all of us May babies!

    Doobie - I like your idea of reading while on the stationary bike. I will try it this weekend.
    MacDame - I think we'd all love to retire and keep busy with more fun stuff. If you figure out how to, let us all know your secret.

    Well, here comes the boss, so this is it until tonight.


  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    Oh my page 20 already!!! :noway: I didn't think I was away for that long but 3 babies - congrats Laurel, BirdieM and Vicki :heart: and several newbies :flowerforyou: welcome, welcome:flowerforyou: and all sorts of news for everyone tells me that time passes faster than I realize.:ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday Mimi, hope you have a great day!

    Auntiebk and Jeanie: I'm up for the gutt n' butt challenge but am afraid to measure :laugh: perhaps tonight. I'll give it a whirl even if the floor looks along way down!! Well, okay, I think it's the undignified getting back up part that I don't like!! :tongue:

    :flowerforyou: Michele - sending prayers for PJ
    :flowerforyou: pmjsmom - yes no news is good news, my DD is 19 and never thinks that I worry about her - which, incidentally I do ALL THE TIME!!

    Mamacindy - my sister did a stint with Mercy Ships a number of years ago and loved it! :smile:

    Laura - the trouble with mirrors is that they tell us the truth :laugh: our house now is the first house I've lived in that came with a full length mirror, in the bathroom of all places - which I feel is too much truth at times!! :happy:

    Thanks to BirdieM, Laura Mimi and Barb(weaklink) for all the good suggestions on avoiding homemade Italian goodies. iGoogle is fun to play with too!!

    Have a great weekend every one! I've missed you all but catching up on 9 pages of posts was a great way to spend the morning! :happy: