What's on your bookshelf at the moment?



  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    Just finished, "Becoming Marie Antoinette" by Juliet Grey. Finishing, "The Journal of Mrs. Pepys." by Sara George. Still wading through Antonia Frasier's, "Mary Queen of Scots."

    I have The Warrior Queens and The Wives of Henry VIII by Antonia Fraser in my TBR pile. I just finished The Red Queen by Phillipa Gregory and up next is Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel. I :heart: history and historical fiction!

    In that case I shall ask you this....Do you know of and entertaining and accurate account of the historical development of the city of Paris? I'm looking into a little project and I need some solid background reading....Any suggestion would be a great start?
  • chipstickss
    Blood, Sweat and Tea: Real Life Adventures in an Inner-city Ambulance

    This is free for Kindle on Amazon at the minute, has great reviews, not sure if it would take anyone's fancy xxx
  • islandbeez
    islandbeez Posts: 162 Member
    In that case I shall ask you this....Do you know of and entertaining and accurate account of the historical development of the city of Paris? I'm looking into a little project and I need some solid background reading....Any suggestion would be a great start?

    Sadly, I have no suggestions for you. Aside from a few books about Marie Antoinette, I have mainly read books relating to England/Scotland. But now I will be on the lookout to broaden my horizons!
  • SlankeTinuke
    SlankeTinuke Posts: 32 Member
    Today I am staring the gatecrasher by Madeleine Wickham/Sophie Kinsella! Hope it's good :)
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    Just finished, "Becoming Marie Antoinette" by Juliet Grey. Finishing, "The Journal of Mrs. Pepys." by Sara George. Still wading through Antonia Frasier's, "Mary Queen of Scots."

    I have The Warrior Queens and The Wives of Henry VIII by Antonia Fraser in my TBR pile. I just finished The Red Queen by Phillipa Gregory and up next is Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel. I :heart: history and historical fiction!

    Me too. I've read the whole Wolf Hall series. Brilliant. The Wives of Henry VIII--also brilliant! I have not read the Warrior Queens, nor The Red Queen. The Warrior Queens is probably next, if the library has it. my house is starting to look like the Library of Congress. lol. I wouldn't have it any other way...
  • jennifersmiles444
    jennifersmiles444 Posts: 118 Member
    When we went to France several years ago, I read anything I could about Paris. Two good books were: Paris of Henry IV by Hilary Ballon and The Illustrated Biography of George-Eugene Haussmann.

    I read Moby **** a couple of summers ago, and liked it. Melville has a wry sense of humor I didn't expect.
    Frankenstein is a wonderful story...lots to think about. Hint-read it twice.
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    When we went to France several years ago, I read anything I could about Paris. Two good books were: Paris of Henry IV by Hilary Ballon and The Illustrated Biography of George-Eugene Haussmann.

    I read Moby **** a couple of summers ago, and liked it. Melville has a wry sense of humor I didn't expect.
    Frankenstein is a wonderful story...lots to think about. Hint-read it twice.

    Thanks Jennifer for that sage advice I shall look those books up forth with! As for Moby D1ck isn't it fantastic I'm getting towards the end and can't seem to put it down (except to answer your wonderful post) as I think I mentioned to someone last night I read Frankenstein in my 2nd year at university a couple of years back it may even of been last year, but I wanted to revisit it as reading for academia and reading for the sheer thrill are two separate entities, I plan to indulge my love of the Gothic to it's fullest by reading Frankenstein then spending the morning visiting the Musee d'Orsay's dark romanticism exhibit then spending the afternoon down in the catacombs mwwwwwahahahahahahaha
  • lindseym1983
    At this very moment on my bookshelf there is a picture and a bottle of Patron! :D I win!!!
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    At this very moment on my bookshelf there is a picture and a bottle of Patron! :D I win!!!

    A picture AND a bottle of Patron? Wow you really like that Tequila!...
  • _Fatty2Fitty_
    _Fatty2Fitty_ Posts: 150 Member
    I wish i had good novels on my bookshelf, but unfortunately its just anatomy and physiology books and other nursing related books! Study study study!
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    I wish i had good novels on my bookshelf, but unfortunately its just anatomy and physiology books and other nursing related books! Study study study!

    It will be worth it in the long run! Then when you have graduated you can have as much literature as you wish for!
  • perfekta
    perfekta Posts: 331 Member
    I'm more than halfway through "<gaining> the truth about life after eating disorders" by Aimee Liu as well as in the middle of reading "Blow Him Away: How To Give Him Mind-blowing Oral Sex" by Marcy Michaels.

    Next up on the list is "A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" by Eckhart Tolle" and picking back up from where I left off in "The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath".

    And yes, I obviously read a variety of material ;)

    "A New Earth" is awesome.
  • emtbabe
    emtbabe Posts: 92 Member
    Jillian Michaels...Slim for life. And 15 magazines from Shape and Fitness I'm behind on!:(
  • perfekta
    perfekta Posts: 331 Member
    Skippy Dies by Paul Murray
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    For those of you who have read the 50 Shades series, have you read the Bared to You series?
    Yep, loved it, have you read the Black Dagger Brotherhood by J R Ward! Best ever!
  • BrittanyNBuchanan
    BrittanyNBuchanan Posts: 68 Member
    Working on 2 different ones of short stories......The complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft....The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
    Am alternating books with each story that I read.

    H.P. Lovecraft is amazing!!! I just finished The Call of Cthulhu And Other Weird Stories. Next for me is Jules Verne... Whichever one comes first on my Kindle.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    Just finished re-reading the 6th Harry Potter book. So on to the 7th. Then I'll probably switch gears and pick-up a classic....just not sure which one.
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    Working on 2 different ones of short stories......The complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft....The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
    Am alternating books with each story that I read.

    H.P. Lovecraft is amazing!!! I just finished The Call of Cthulhu And Other Weird Stories. Next for me is Jules Verne... Whichever one comes first on my Kindle.

    I will tell you another one you may want to have a look at if you haven't already, Metamorphosis (a collection of stories) by Franz Kafka. It is quite dark in places but also fantastically well written.
  • Tabby1216
    Tabby1216 Posts: 56 Member
    For those of you who have read the 50 Shades series, have you read the Bared to You series?

    Yes! Awesome series :love:

    Getting ready to start Light in the Shadows

    I will have to check that one out.
  • Tabby1216
    Tabby1216 Posts: 56 Member
    For those of you who have read the 50 Shades series, have you read the Bared to You series?
    Yep, loved it, have you read the Black Dagger Brotherhood by J R Ward! Best ever!

    Nope, haven't read it... It is now on my list. Thanks!