How is doing c25k? Lets support each other



  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    Week 4, Day 3 - Lacking motivation today. I want to do it. I am going to do it. I should have already done it. I know I will feel good once it is done but I cant seem to get my butt up and get ready.

    Not sure what it is that is making me feel this way!
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    feel free to add me, guys!

    I just did W2D1 yesterday & I'm loving it so far!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Week 4, Day 3 - Lacking motivation today. I want to do it. I am going to do it. I should have already done it. I know I will feel good once it is done but I cant seem to get my butt up and get ready.

    Not sure what it is that is making me feel this way!

    You'll feel so much better after your done, you wont regret doing it so get out there and do it!

    I am only on week 1, I cannot imagine I will ever be able to run for 30 minutes =(
  • 1258936
    1258936 Posts: 115 Member
    completed W4D1 this am and I feel GREAT! Like I can conquer the world, great. I don't know when the last time I ran a 1/2 mile was, but I did it twice today! WOO-HOO. I am so grateful to have a healthy body that can rise to this challenge, I kept expecting to be sore, to be get shin splints, to have a hard time catching my breath, and instead, I find with the proper mental attitude I can and have achieved all the goals in c25k to date.
    Great big thank you to who ever designed this program, I wouldn't even know what to do without it. Great big thank you to everyone on this thread, you give me something to look forward to, and you encourage me with your challenges and success.
  • Dom821
    Dom821 Posts: 27 Member
    I did Week 1 Day 2 this morning. I felt like I was struggling the first few run sets but the second half felt a lot better. Felt amazing once I was finished though.

    I ran further today then I did on Day 1 according to my run app so thats a bonus :happy:
  • bryionak
    bryionak Posts: 110 Member
    Finished Week 4 Day 1. Did really good. Also did P90X Chest & Back today. My pace was a little slower because my kids ran/walked with me the first 14 minutes or so. Really proud that the 5 min runs didn't hurt much and felt like I could have done more.
  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    Today is Week 3 Day 2 for me. Not looking forward to it as I decided I would add in some body weight exercies on my off days. Too many squats. Walking is painful today. haha Still, going to get my butt out there even if I have to super power walk. Now, where did I put my leg warmers... :p
  • Nightterror218
    Nightterror218 Posts: 375 Member
    My problem doing the c25K on a treadmill is I tend to push myself too much in the early run sections and die in the end. Just finished week 4 day 1. I did week 1 and 2 at 7MPH runs and 3.5 MPH brisk walks. Week 3 was at 6.5 and 3.5. Week 4 was at 6.3 and 3.2.

    What pace do people go at if they know. Too much snow/ice to go outside.
  • FITmrsroe
    FITmrsroe Posts: 28 Member
    I'm so stuck on my c25k :( so frustrated! I should be on week 5, but did HORRIBLE on week 4 last week. So badly that I've reverted back to week 3 this week. I love week 3, I feel so good doing it! But I want to conquer week 4! and I just can't! HELP! :(
  • ElliInJapan
    ElliInJapan Posts: 284 Member
    I just did week 6 day 3 yesterday, but I think I'll do it once again tomorrow before moving onto week 7. I find it hard now, both mentally and physically. I need to make a good playlist - I start getting bored after a while. And I feel overheated after running, let's say, 15 minutes or so - I don't know what to do about that.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I'm so stuck on my c25k :( so frustrated! I should be on week 5, but did HORRIBLE on week 4 last week. So badly that I've reverted back to week 3 this week. I love week 3, I feel so good doing it! But I want to conquer week 4! and I just can't! HELP! :(

    I'm on W4D3 next and I am definitely repeating it, it is HARD!!! I totally sympathise. I definitely vote for repeat :0) No shame in that.
  • Apicius
    Apicius Posts: 61 Member
    I finished the C25K a few months ago, and still run two-three times a week for 20-30 mins. I had trouble running the first minute in week one, so it all can be done, I made it thru the whole thing doing time rather than distance.

    I had a doctor checkup, and my heartrate has gone down from 80bpm to 60bpm, lowest ever!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I finished the C25K a few months ago, and still run two-three times a week for 20-30 mins. I had trouble running the first minute in week one, so it all can be done, I made it thru the whole thing doing time rather than distance.

    I had a doctor checkup, and my heartrate has gone down from 80bpm to 60bpm, lowest ever!

    Wow, that's wonderful! Awesome :)
  • qasim91
    qasim91 Posts: 25
    I'm on week 3 and it has all been easy for the most part. 30 minutes without stopping is far way at the moment though.
    I haven't felt my muscles ache afterwards yet, I don't know if that's normal or not. Only time they hurt slightly was today because I did 2 days in a row without rest in between.
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    I did W2D1 last night, feeling ok at the moment but only jogging 90 secs. Looking forward to progressing. :)
  • 1258936
    1258936 Posts: 115 Member
    W4D2 Conquered. I go for distance rather than time as I run on an indoor track and I find it easier to count laps vs tracking time (my phone and I don't always get a long). When I run that 1/2 mile portion I just keep telling myself, "I can do this. I can run until my legs are bloodly stumps and it won't bother me. I can do this. I can do anything I want" and I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I'm starting to believe myself, I can do this!
    I go for a swim afterwards, 680 total yards, then a soak in the hot tub. I love the Y.
  • mycrobemini
    mycrobemini Posts: 122 Member
    My problem doing the c25K on a treadmill is I tend to push myself too much in the early run sections and die in the end. Just finished week 4 day 1. I did week 1 and 2 at 7MPH runs and 3.5 MPH brisk walks. Week 3 was at 6.5 and 3.5. Week 4 was at 6.3 and 3.2.

    What pace do people go at if they know. Too much snow/ice to go outside.

    Wow, impressive!

    I've been following the guideline that says to run as slow as you can, and to not worry about speed until later. So I "run" at 4mph, and walk at 3mph. My theory is that *when* I make it to the end of the program I can start working on speed. Right now, I'm just trying to convince my legs and lungs that we can run!
  • mycrobemini
    mycrobemini Posts: 122 Member
    I finished Week 3 last night, and it really felt the best so far. I'm pretty worried about Week 4, but I know I can do it, even if I have to repeat a few days.
  • Quest529
    Quest529 Posts: 103 Member
    Week 4 COMPLETE :) Day three was done on the treadmill and it was awesome! I ended up running the final 5 minutes between 5.2-6.2 mph. I really wanted to get to two miles in the actual workout time frame (minus the warm-up and cool-down). I ended up going about 1 min 30 sec. over into the cool down to meet that goal, but it felt awesome. I think I could have kept going too, but I wanted to end on a high note.

    I'm comfortably sore today, which is nice. I like feeling like I accomplished a good workout :) Week 5 Day 1 tomorrow...
  • Dom821
    Dom821 Posts: 27 Member
    Week 1 is finished!! Looking forward to running for a bit longer next week.