Black men prefer...White men prefer...



  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    [img] Gifs/jacksparrowscreams_zpsbe479b49.gif[/img]
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    best. thread. ever.

    and by "best", i mean worst.

    and by "ever", i mean since yesterday and until tomorrow.

    also, i like turtles.

  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    Also what about zombie guys? What do they prefer?
    Chicks with BIG.... brains! DUH!

    THAT explains a lot. In fact, just about everything. :P I do, however, prefer the living... alas, I'm not their type.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    [img] Gifs/jacksparrowscreams_zpsbe479b49.gif[/img]

  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Black men love me. Black women do not. LOL! But in all seriousness, I have curves and it can get hairy when I enter a club or something that is heavily populated with black people.

    This thread will be interesting. I'm scared.

    Most dudes don't like hairy, just sayin

    lol so she'll get hairy when around groups of black people :huh:
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member


    Calling bullshiat on this chart as an accurate reference - 25% and 30% look to be about the same, but just with different body shapes, so the fat is concentrated in different areas. Same with 40% and 45% (the wonder of wearing properly sized bikini bottoms!).

    I'd love to see a chart like this using the same person at different BF%. Until then - She. Na. Ni. Gans.

    I agree with this! I'm at around 18% BF I look nothing like top three - why? because my remaining fat is concentrated on my tummy. My arms and legs look JACKED but my tummy looks more like 25 to 30% pictures.

    Now one to the questions at hand - OP I think you're wrong. Men...people in general...have different preferences. You cannot classify them according to race. My boyfriend is white, blonde hair, blue eyes, from Hannover, Germany - about as WASP as you can get and he like fit girls with a nice "bum," big boobs, and "good thighs." I asked him and he said that he does not like stick thin nor does he like a seriously unhealthy body.
  • MustangSally74
    MustangSally74 Posts: 59 Member

    Omg! That is hilarious, don't care who you are!:laugh: :drinker:
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    When I dated a black man I was thin. When I've been with white men I've been both thin and not so thin. IDK I think every one, both male and female, has a personal preference regardless of their race.

    I like men with really big.......

  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Calling bullshiat on this chart as an accurate reference - 25% and 30% look to be about the same, but just with different body shapes, so the fat is concentrated in different areas. Same with 40% and 45% (the wonder of wearing properly sized bikini bottoms!).

    I'd love to see a chart like this using the same person at different BF%. Until then - She. Na. Ni. Gans.

    I agree with this! I'm at around 18% BF I look nothing like top three - why? because my remaining fat is concentrated on my tummy. My arms and legs look JACKED but my tummy looks more like 25 to 30% pictures.

    Now one to the questions at hand - OP I think you're wrong. Men...people in general...have different preferences. You cannot classify them according to race. My boyfriend is white, blonde hair, blue eyes, from Hannover, Germany - about as WASP as you can get and he like fit girls with a nice "bum," big boobs, and "good thighs." I asked him and he said that he does not like stick thin nor does he like a seriously unhealthy body.

    Who's measuring your bodyfat, and how? Looking at your profile picture, it seems pretty accurate, I'd put your bodyfat right at 20%? I understand you might carry extra here or there (I tend to as well, I'm around the 20-22% range, and depending on where you took a picture of my body, you'd definitely say either higher, or lower lol)...but overall you absolutely look closer to the 20% girl than the 25% girl.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    I suspect that both balck and white men prefer women who do not make assumtions about their preferences based on race. I could be wrong.....
    Lighten up Francis......
  • sbussert
    sbussert Posts: 72 Member
    best. thread. ever.

    and by "best", i mean worst.

    and by "ever", i mean since yesterday and until tomorrow.

    also, i like turtles.


    Thanks for this. I thought I was missing something.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    [img] Collection/whatdidyousayaboutmymother.jpg[/img]
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    Who's measuring your bodyfat, and how? Looking at your profile picture, it seems pretty accurate, I'd put your bodyfat right at 20%? I understand you might carry extra here or there (I tend to as well, I'm around the 20-22% range, and depending on where you took a picture of my body, you'd definitely say either higher, or lower lol)...but overall you absolutely look closer to the 20% girl than the 25% girl.

    I have a trainer and we measure with calipers at 4 sites: biceps, triceps, back, and my hip. We've stopped measure on my legs and are about to stop measuring on my arms. The skin there is literally like paper and the numbers aren't changing. As of last Friday I was at 18%.....but in my picture I was spot on at 20%

    edit: ...I have a little extra give in my skin around my tummy because I lost nearly 100 lbs so I doubt the skin will every be as tight there.
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    Never trust a big butt and a smile.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Who's measuring your bodyfat, and how? Looking at your profile picture, it seems pretty accurate, I'd put your bodyfat right at 20%? I understand you might carry extra here or there (I tend to as well, I'm around the 20-22% range, and depending on where you took a picture of my body, you'd definitely say either higher, or lower lol)...but overall you absolutely look closer to the 20% girl than the 25% girl.

    I have a trainer and we measure with calipers at 4 sites: biceps, triceps, back, and my hip. We've stopped measure on my legs and are about to stop measuring on my arms. The skin there is literally like paper and the numbers aren't changing. As of last Friday I was at 18%.....but in my picture I was spot on at 20%

    Exactly my point :).
  • LadyThanata
    LadyThanata Posts: 91 Member
    Well, lets try this. In my opinion white women who don't date white men are confused and should be treated for a mental disorder.

    Opinions can absolutely be offensive, as you can see above. Good thing that opinion was hypothetical (pulled from the fact that you prefer latin men, nothing more), and in no way really represents how I feel. It was simply to make a point.

    Anyhow, in general...I agree with you, a stated opinion is one thing, and should be acceptable within reason. A blanket statement saying 'this body type isn't womanly' just inconsiderate. I mean seriously, in just called half the healthy women on MFP 'manly'.

    Okay so you are saying that my opinion on a sampling of the population is wrong; however, by saying that I just offended half the women on MFP, you are speaking for the population as a whole? That seems contradicting to your argument.

    Also, if I choose to like a certain type of man, regardless of race or ethnicity, it shouldn't matter if I disregard the rest. It's called a preference and opinion. To make a valid point, it's as if you told me that you prefer to drink Tropicana Orange Juice and found disdain in all the rest. Because you don't drink Florida Natural, should all the people who do drink Florida Natural get offended? I think not!
  • LadyThanata
    LadyThanata Posts: 91 Member
    Most research says men in general like women 'thicker' then what women THINK men want. A national survey (in the US) had men choosing women at an average size of '12' as the ideal women, while women were asked what they thought men would chose and they selected like a '4' or something like that (don't remember specifically - I'm not going to get to a size 4 so didn't care. hehe).


    Give me 15-25% on that chart any day of the week.

    Uh oh...that makes me a stereotypical white man I guess. Or statistically, a liar...since the majority of men appear to want a size 12 lol.


    Actually, the girl at 25% probably is about a size'd be surprised!!

    Yeah, I was about to say that I'm sitting right at/below 25% and I wear an 8-12 depending on the fit/brand

    I like the 35% woman. Women need curves. I like a big booty and boobs, can't get them on a skinny woman.

    Both of your posts on this page actually actually made me go "WTF?!" You say you can't speak on behalf of black men because you haven't dated one. News flash, you can't speak on behalf of an entire race of men, at all!

    And I have a big enough butt and am close to 15% bodyfat so maybe you should do some research, lady.

    I date BOTH men and women, I'm an equal opportunity type of Gal. I love big *kitten* on a man as well.... But a woman, has to be womanly, and in my opinion a womanly type of woman is full figured, not sloppy.... but has curves, and some thickness.
    All of your posts make me stabby.

    My BF is 21%. If you're implying that I'm not "womanly," we're going to have an effing problem.

    Last time I checked, anyone with a vagina is womanly. Stating that a woman doesn't have a "womanly" figure, just because she has a low BF%, is completely ludicrous.

    Tact. Look it up, and then go get some.

    Regardless if you are 21% or 35% if you take offense to my opinion then it doesn't matter if you are 21% or 35%, you are definitely not confident in yourself!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I've been with white men (Two)- both thought I needed a diet. One ex was actually big into weight lifting and wouldn't have sex with me unless I went to the gym that week... at least THREE times! Hence... why he's an EX! LOL.

    Spanish men..... Loves curves. Every Spanish man I've been with ( Three in total) Has loved my curves and would get upset if I even considered myself to be fat or ugly. Plus.... Spanish men love food, and I can make empanadas that would make any Latina woman question my nationality, there THAT good! ( Spanish woman did give me the recipe.... hehe)

    Haven't tried a Black man... So Can't talk for that race!

    And don't worry, once you try a black guy you can use his preferences to speak for the entire race. Because we are a monolith
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    once you got white, you might say aight.

    I. Friggin. Love. You.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    My tastes vary. Generally I like a nice shaped butt, and curvy.hips are appreciated. But I'm not so concerned about bodyfat percentage. A woman deserves to be judged on more.than her body. (Call me ladies)
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