Is it rude not to cater for allergies/special diets?



  • This is quite the sticky situation. While I understand it's a Bride and Groom's special day, one can not use the excuse "It's MY day!! If they don't like it, too bad!!" because if the day is really about the Bride and Groom, why is there catering, favors, and other things aimed at the guest? Because the bride and groom want to share that special day with their family and friends and celebrate the beginning of their life together. If one goes as far as to say "It's MY day!! Whatev!!", then elope and have that special day all to yourself. When it comes to allergies, if a guest is known to have a specific allergy, place a note in their invite stating that food/cake will be served with that allergy food. As far as diets/food choices, I think it's safe to say that people know when they go to a wedding there will probably be food there that they don't like or can't eat. If it's someone in the bridal party or a close family/friend, have an extra plate made for them that is fitting to their needs (after all, that bridesmaid just shelled out a bunch of money on hair, makeup, nails, bridal shower, bachelorette party, and a dress she'll never wear again....honestly, she'll never wear it again). Other guests should know their specific food choices might not be available that evening. Why not pack a small meal to take instead of going through the food line? Considering how hectic weddings can be for a bride, I'm doubting she'll single a packer out and go all Carrie on them asking why they're not eating her delicious dry chicken with watery spaghetti sauce and side of a stale role. If asked why one packed, a reply of "I'm on a diet and have to eat specific food." "I'm a vegetarian, so I brought my own salad." or "I just lost 30 lbs. and don't want to set myself back." should be a good enough reason. It seems silly to shell out a bunch of money trying to fit the need of every single person attending the wedding just because Todd won't eat meat, Jane won't touch potato salad, and Francis absolutely despises cheese and crackers.
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