Why do people say men and women can't be platonic friends?



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I wonder this myself. I have mostly male friends and very few female friends. As far as I can tell my male friends only think of me as a friend. But who knows. It definitely has happened a few different times where a male friend has confessed his attraction for me. I hope they are not all my friends just because of my boobs :frown:

    we would need to see those to tell you. prolly tho' the answer is yes. do you have a magic 8 ball lying around to help you decide?
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    I can be friends with women.

    If they're attractive I'll probably want to sleep with them.

    If they're not attractive then I probably won't.

    I just assumed that's how it works for you ladies as well . . .

    Pretty much. That's why most men can be friends with me.

    Teresa.... do I need to spank you today? I would bang in a heartbeat!
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I live with my worst guy friend who used to be my best guy friend until paleo.

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Men and women can be friends.

    Men and women cannot be close friends without an obstacle between them, i.e. SO, work connections, any other excuse that she can come up with... LOL!
  • tallulahthunderbird
    tallulahthunderbird Posts: 138 Member
    I don't know, but I hate that. I have some very close male friends and some of my lady friends always feel the need to comment on it.
  • OneEyeUp
    OneEyeUp Posts: 373 Member
    i have several male friends who have never been anything other than that: friends. it is very likely that either they or i have, at some point in time, been attracted to and entertained the idea of taking things a little further with the other. i think it helps to try to befriend people who you aren't attracted to at all...but that makes me sound shallow.


    This is a very common delusion. Women simply don't understand the male mind. We do nothing for women without at least a 0.5% hope that sex will come of it.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    You can not have a man friend as a platonic friend.

    If you have a friend there is a reason for it and male/female is because of an attraction/physical/sexual

    If female/female it is because of empathy/attraction/physical/envy and sometimes sexual.

    This is the short version

    Negative, ghost rider.

    a friend is someone that you are emotionally attached to? It is a relationship.

    A friend is someone that you share thoughts etc with.

    You can have male/female acquaintances that you hang out with, but they are not friends. You can be friendly with these` friends` but IMO to have someone that you call a friend takes a lot of time and care.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I disagree as well. I was over in China for 4 months and was close friends with several of my coworkers who were there long term as well. There were late night dinners, drinks, commutes, and working in pairs or as a larger group. There was the occasional good natured flirt, but no serious moves on anyone's part.

    I'm also good friends with another couple, both the man and the woman. I probably wouldn't hang out with him, just the two of us though.
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
    All of you women who believe that you can have male friends who don't want to bang you, ignorance is bliss.

    Agreed. Some of us know better though.
  • writetomab
    writetomab Posts: 226
    I have loads of women friends who are great mates!!!
  • wykyd
    wykyd Posts: 68 Member
    Grown ups. It's a good thing.

    Yes. I've had male friends (both straight and gay) and while yes, many have probably wanted to hook up, there are at least some who have not. And even of those who have wanted to, most kept it to themselves. Even so, occasionally thinking you want to "tap that" doesn't mean you can't be friends.

    To quote, Grown ups. It's a good thing. :tongue:
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    All of you women who believe that you can have male friends who don't want to bang you, ignorance is bliss.

    It doesn't matter if men "want" it. What matters is if the relationship remains without sex. THAT'S the definition of "platonic".:tongue:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    All of you women who believe that you can have male friends who don't want to bang you, ignorance is bliss.

    yes. bliss for the men they are friends with. but guys try this trick. tell your female friends your gay. they'll change their tops in front of you. i did. and also showed him my pants tags inside the jeans and etc. etc... etc..... forever. like i would never go up to a male coworker and be all damn my jeans feel tight today i think i bought the wrong size they are riding up my snatch, can you see the tag and hold out my jeans for him to look down my pants. ever. never ever. but gay male friend/coworker. suddenly ok. wha?
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I disagree... I only want to bang 64.82% of the guys on my FL.

    Sorry, 35.18%.
  • Maribel_1986
    Maribel_1986 Posts: 457 Member
    Grown ups. It's a good thing.

    Yes. I've had male friends (both straight and gay) and while yes, many have probably wanted to hook up, there are at least some who have not. And even of those who have wanted to, most kept it to themselves. Even so, occasionally thinking you want to "tap that" doesn't mean you can't be friends.

    To quote, Grown ups. It's a good thing. :tongue:

    I agree
  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
    I have made out with every single one of my male friends. Except my husbands brother... because he is not my friend. Yet.
    Friggin love this....lmao!!!
  • samanthajade124
    samanthajade124 Posts: 217 Member
    All of you women who believe that you can have male friends who don't want to bang you, ignorance is bliss.

    We can agree to disagree. You cannot group all men together. And I don't consider myself to be ignorant either. I just tend to want to know reasons behind things, and wanted some other perspectives.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    i have several male friends who have never been anything other than that: friends. it is very likely that either they or i have, at some point in time, been attracted to and entertained the idea of taking things a little further with the other. i think it helps to try to befriend people who you aren't attracted to at all...but that makes me sound shallow.


    This is a very common delusion. Women simply don't understand the male mind. We do nothing for women without at least a 0.5% hope that sex will come of it.

    no matter the motivation, if nothing happens, by definition it's platonic.

    http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/platonic love
  • Deak2013
    Deak2013 Posts: 30
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    You can not have a man friend as a platonic friend.

    If you have a friend there is a reason for it and male/female is because of an attraction/physical/sexual

    If female/female it is because of empathy/attraction/physical/envy and sometimes sexual.

    This is the short version

    Negative, ghost rider.

    Excellent response; much more creative than anything I could come up with. And I wholeheartedly agree.

    My best guy friend is gay, so that would explain the lack of interest LOL. However, I have several other male friends who I am just platonic friends with. No attraction on either of our parts.

    I've also had male friends in the past where we did take things a step further and became, or attempted to become, more than friends. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not so much.

    Either I'm hideously ugly so none of my hetero (and single) guy friends are attracted to me, or sometimes men and women CAN be "just friends."