What diet method are you using and Is it working for you?



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I calculated my TDEE and subtracted out 18% of those calories (because I wanted to split the difference between the recommended 15-20% deficit). I eat 0.35 grams of fat per pound bodyweight a day as well as 1 gram of protein per pound body weight as minimums. I don't restrict food groups or certain foods as long as my calories and macros are met.

    This "diet" is in conjunction with 4 days of weight training and 2 days of cardio per week.

    Yes, it is working. I am losing weight and body fat while gaining strength and confidence and watching my former flabby areas such as thighs and abs tighten up.
  • paulbuxton
    paulbuxton Posts: 12 Member
    I am doing what I call the Veg Box diet. I get a box of random veg delivered once a week and plan my meals around whatever comes in the box. This means I tend to eat vegetarian a couple of times a week. Other meals I will stop by my local butcher or use some of the salmon fillets I have in the freezer.
    I combine this with approximate calorie counting but I don't stress too much if I am under or over my goal for the day.
    Have been trying to hit 10k steps everyday using my fitbit, and have started couch to 5k. Once I have finished the C25K I will start adding in other activites (planning to start rock climbing again and cycling to work).

    Working fairly well, and I get to try out new recipes by trying to use up the different veg!