Black Team week ? -- Pollyanna Challenge



  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Marla- very glad you had a doctor who listened for once! I sure hope the meds give you some relief. My fingers are crossed for you.

    I used to be the same way with jeans when my kids were little and before torn up jeans were in style. A hole in the knee meant the kids looked trashy and there was no way I would let them wear them anywhere. Now we pay for such torn, destroyed looking stuff. Go figure.

    Off to an honor's assmebly for my little nerdster. :tongue:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    "my little nerdster" :laugh:

    My little derelict came over today-- problems with the car title that his father signed over to him. My dope of a husband checked off the box that says, "We hereby certify that the odometer has met its limits and has been reset to zero."

    Uh-- hello? Get some freaking eyeglasses already, old man-- sheesh.

    Anyway-- so he came over looking grungier than usual. Asked to shower here-- apparently the car he's living in doesn't have a bathroom. Go figure.

    I had to leave while he was here-- saw when I got back that he'd used my computer to check around to the grunge bar/concert places in nearby Allentown, PA-- yeah, that's a smart course of action, you little dumbass. He entered into an $815 per month arrangement with his college to pay off his debt, and just bought car insurance for $100 per month-- so he has nearly $1,000 in obligations and what's he do? Buy drugs and concert tickets? This is not my kid. :noway:

    And then onto my little choker-- Sarah was -1 in her second round with 6 holes to go-- a shoe-in not just to qualify, but shooting par the rest of the way probably guarantees her medalist honors.

    She ends up bogeying 5 of her last 6 holes and is out.

    Story of her life. Wow-- and now, of course, we hear all the color commentary from her caddie--

    No freaking wonder my blood pressure is up.

    Have I told you lately how very much I hate the game of golf?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hello. Can one of you all run over and whip me up some dinner? I iz tired!:yawn:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Lori-- I absolutely love the jeans!:love: I've been toying with the idea of getting some of those ripped up jeans myself.:blushing: I really just love the way they look...

    Marla-- Wow, I have been out a while...I didnt realize that your son had moved out. I'm really sorry about that. I hope the new meds work out for you!

    Jeannie-- We did turkey bacon blt's tonight, doesnt get much easier than that:wink:

    Ok gang, I'm off to soak in a warm bath. I just stopped in to log my food and wanted to say hi again...twice in one day--what's the world coming to??:laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    RONI!!! HIYA sweety!

    BLT sounds yummy. I ended up making chicken philly sandwiches. they were really good! so glad my son went to the store and kept me from carry out!!:love:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Iam here..eating...tired..check back after the gym..
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good morning, can someone say tired?? Sheesh I cannot believe it is only Wednesday. :sick:

    Well the good news is I have 3 more days to get my inbox caught up............cuz if it was Friday I would be in BIG trouble:laugh:

    So I am grabbing my walking shoes and heading out to work. Think I will take a few strolls throughout the day

    Have a great day my friends!!:glasses:
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :heart: good morning folks, did a good bit of emotional eating yesterday. Saw my Dr and had an abnormal mamogram so it is off to the surgeon today. They need to do a biopsy. I am more worried about the new procedure where you lay on your stomach and the girls hang down like you are in a milking machine.............some folks said this is very unconfortable .........alittle painful.....I think I have a low tolerance for pain I had a biopsy done on my uterus and it was painful.....I think I will ask the surgeon for a med to keep my nerves in tact..........have to wait to the 14th to get the procedure done.........small town. I resolve not to eat and eat today...........instead I will do something elce had to take the day off as the appointment isn't until sub will work a portion of the day.
    Marla, I have a nephew similar to your son. My family did an intervention on me Mothers day more handouts they said...........he has to learn.............I have been enabling for about 12 years.... last year he got married to another nonworker.......I think that's when my boys saw I was being used you know if you can't take care of yourself why are you bringing someone new into the and your husband are smart to do the right thing now. Hugs to all of you Richie.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Morning to all,

    Had a rough night last night, and am mega tired today. Its 12.30 here, and all I have done all morning is yawn :ohwell: , luckily I have an impromtu day off, so only have at the moment 3 of mine to look after!! Samuel's school is closed as they have no water supply to the main building, Thomas is off with a bad headache, and of course Chrisopher is here as he's only 2 :laugh: :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a good wednesday and no weight change here - yet another mini plateau for me :laugh: :huh:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Well, Im glad we're not turning our weights in anymore...I don't even want to TALK about it this morning!:frown: Have you ever got on the scale and had one of those "I am sooo not believing this!" moments? And not as in the scale is my best Oh well, moving on and getting my butt back in gear:ohwell:

    I hope everyone has a great day!:flowerforyou:

    P.S. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers Richie:heart:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Roni- I am there with you I never get on the scale anymore unless its friday today I say what teh heck lets get on it..up 4 pounds...and I have eaten really good..So I go to the gym and my trainer says tamara whats wrong you seem upset..I said the scale is up 4 fricken pounds...she said what did you do yesterday for workout..I said I did 90 minutes of cardio and 2 classes abs class and cardio class., she said how sore are you?? I said I feel like I did something dfifferent I noticed in my abs when I did abs machine this morning..she said you could be retaining water...I talked to her for like an hour..I told her its hard..I dont wanaa gain the weight back..But dont want the scale o be up4 pounds from eating right also..She said no scale unitl friday..I agreed..She saId how many pounds under goal weigh are you, even with these 4 pounds I said 3,she said your doing fine...

    My friends, its gonna be a long hot day.

    5 am to 630 am-gym
    630-800am- kids to school and oatmeal
    830 am-dog and cat to vet..who I might add hate each other
    1010- last day for lunch with jade at school
    1230 awards ceremony for jade she is getting citzenship award
    150 in line to get jade from school
    3:00- home
    4:00 dinner
    5:00 baseball practice.

    and somewhere in between there I have to get the check book done and bills paid for the business..
    So yeah busy day. And the mood I am in right now could be disasterous!!! I am gonna try and keep my emotions under control!! Hope everyone had a good day...

    Richie- my thoughts go out to you!!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Richie - you are in my thoughts. I had a mammogram last year, and everyone had told me it hurts, but I didn't feel a thing - so I think it is all different for each person. Hugs from the UK
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hugs, Richie, my friend-- hang in there. You're stronger than you know. You'll be just fine!! You're a member of the Black Team, after all!!! And thanks for the words of support for my son-- to all of you as well. I'm at peace this day about our course of action. His actions upon being kicked out show that he's further gone than I could have imagined, and is beyond my help.

    He had to mind his P's and Q's for the most part living here, but there was no change in him. He has become a derelict, and likes it despite his professions to the contrary. He may come back for family gatherings, provided his hair is cut and his appearance isn't offensive-- beyond that, he's on his own to sink or swim.

    He has been given a good foundation-- if he chooses to ignore it, not much we can do about it-- and to tell you the truth, life is much nicer around here without him here, always having to worry about what he's gonna do next, what rules he's going to break, what temper tantrum he's going to throw, et cetera-- yeesh.

    No real movement in the water department yet-- 146fs495919.gif-- we'll see what happens. Ugh.

    Later-- endocrinologist appointment for Rebekah today-- need to fly.

    love to all-- hang in there one and all-- remember friends, that which does not kill us only makes us stronger!!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,935 Member
    Richie - You are in my thoughts friend!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Richie- You're in my thoughts. :heart:

    Marla- Glad you have a doctor that has a brain and some's hoping that water gets moving.

    Well...for those of you not on FB, this day I am thankful that I will be marrying my best friend in the not-so distant future. That's right kids, my sweetie proposed this evening. See the new pic. I'm hoping for summer or fall 2011. :heart:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Richie- You're in my thoughts. :heart:

    Marla- Glad you have a doctor that has a brain and some's hoping that water gets moving.

    Well...for those of you not on FB, this day I am thankful that I will be marrying my best friend in the not-so distant future. That's right kids, my sweetie proposed this evening. See the new pic. I'm hoping for summer or fall 2011. :heart:

    CONGRATULATIONS, SHUNTAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Woo hoo! Shuntae! What fun your next year will planning. What inspiration to work hard to look absolutely amazing in a spectacular dress that will turn heads! You are going to be a beautiful bride.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Congrats shauntae that is so exciting..

    Everyone its been such a long day I am off to bed.. 330 am comes early.

    511 dollars later left at the vet, I will have to work as much as I can..But my kitty and putppy needed it so glad my husband has been busy..Good night everyone!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    hmmmmmm-- a black team table at Shuntae's wedding reception? Quite an idea.

    Hey team-- productive day today. Had an endo appointment for Rebekah. Her sugar control hasn't been stellar, but better than last visit. Pre-pubescent hormones take their toll on sugar control, as well as on brain cells-- the ditz can't seem to remember half the time to take her insulin for food, et cetera-- ugh. But, all in all, a great visit-- t'was a real blessing to find this particular doctor. She loves him. I love him. Very high tech-- awesome.

    Was going to run, but my husband had real concerns about me running on my "sequoia legs," as he called them. My ankles are as thick as my calves, which are as thick as my knees, which are as thick as my thighs-- getting the lovely mental picture. Water is verrrrrrrrry slowly beginning to seep out. I actually sweat a bit ago and even dripped a drop on the floor during my weight lifting-- something I've never done, even at my healthiest, regardless of the heat/humidity. So, something is going, anyway.

    So, my running has been on hold past two days, but I've gotten my strength training in all week, and will hopefully run tomorrow if I have any relief in my legs. They still hurt to walk on-- so freaking swollen.

    But, oh well-- need to scoot-- have a great night.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Better mood here today my friends, Not that I was in a bad mood yesterday,just extremely tired...And I got on the scale like i wasent suppost to..I was up, but not due to me eating bad, probably due to the classes I took and water retainging..Like sponge marla...Marla you are an inspiration to me..anyone that can hold that much water and still think about going running, truley something to be proud of..

    My animals are much better..My doggies has a skin conditon which causes him to scratch all the stinkin time and this morning he is sitting next to me and not even moving..he is actually sleeping..OMG.. this god never slept due to itching!! 511 dollars later, the animals better be better!!

    Well off to work at 7 am this morning...working out from 5-6 am..Then off tomorrow gonna make a cheesecake and lava cake for our bbq on sat..I am so excited gonna be a blast!!!

    Hope everyone has an awesome day,I know I will..