Black Team week ? -- Pollyanna Challenge



  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Richie- You're in my thoughts. :heart:

    Marla- Glad you have a doctor that has a brain and some's hoping that water gets moving.

    Well...for those of you not on FB, this day I am thankful that I will be marrying my best friend in the not-so distant future. That's right kids, my sweetie proposed this evening. See the new pic. I'm hoping for summer or fall 2011. :heart:

    Congratulations Shuntae!!! Beautiful ring. Was is a romantic proposal?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Tamara, you are so sweet-- thank you.

    Come on, Rise and Shine, everybody, and give God the glory, glory!!

    181.5 today-- the incredible shrinking woman has begun to deflate. I've already begun to double the medicine. Doctor said if I don't see results fast enough, double it up. Not sure how fast she wanted me to deflate, but personally, I want this crap outta me-- so I decided to double up. Not sure, either, why she told me only 1/2 a pill daily when everything I've read online said a full pill is the standard dose?? So, either way, per her guidance, I've upped it to 1/2 pill twice a day. So far, so good.

    Heading to type-- later.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Richie- You're in my thoughts. :heart:

    Marla- Glad you have a doctor that has a brain and some's hoping that water gets moving.

    Well...for those of you not on FB, this day I am thankful that I will be marrying my best friend in the not-so distant future. That's right kids, my sweetie proposed this evening. See the new pic. I'm hoping for summer or fall 2011. :heart:

    CONGRATULATIONS SHUNTAE!! WOOT! That is so cool. :flowerforyou:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    "my little nerdster" :laugh:

    My little derelict came over today-- problems with the car title that his father signed over to him. My dope of a husband checked off the box that says, "We hereby certify that the odometer has met its limits and has been reset to zero."

    Uh-- hello? Get some freaking eyeglasses already, old man-- sheesh.

    Anyway-- so he came over looking grungier than usual. Asked to shower here-- apparently the car he's living in doesn't have a bathroom. Go figure.

    I had to leave while he was here-- saw when I got back that he'd used my computer to check around to the grunge bar/concert places in nearby Allentown, PA-- yeah, that's a smart course of action, you little dumbass. He entered into an $815 per month arrangement with his college to pay off his debt, and just bought car insurance for $100 per month-- so he has nearly $1,000 in obligations and what's he do? Buy drugs and concert tickets? This is not my kid. :noway:

    And then onto my little choker-- Sarah was -1 in her second round with 6 holes to go-- a shoe-in not just to qualify, but shooting par the rest of the way probably guarantees her medalist honors.

    She ends up bogeying 5 of her last 6 holes and is out.

    Story of her life. Wow-- and now, of course, we hear all the color commentary from her caddie--

    No freaking wonder my blood pressure is up.

    Have I told you lately how very much I hate the game of golf?

    Sorry to hear about Sarah! poor thing
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    :heart: good morning folks, did a good bit of emotional eating yesterday. Saw my Dr and had an abnormal mamogram so it is off to the surgeon today. They need to do a biopsy. I am more worried about the new procedure where you lay on your stomach and the girls hang down like you are in a milking machine.............some folks said this is very unconfortable .........alittle painful.....I think I have a low tolerance for pain I had a biopsy done on my uterus and it was painful.....I think I will ask the surgeon for a med to keep my nerves in tact..........have to wait to the 14th to get the procedure done.........small town. I resolve not to eat and eat today...........instead I will do something elce had to take the day off as the appointment isn't until sub will work a portion of the day.
    Marla, I have a nephew similar to your son. My family did an intervention on me Mothers day more handouts they said...........he has to learn.............I have been enabling for about 12 years.... last year he got married to another nonworker.......I think that's when my boys saw I was being used you know if you can't take care of yourself why are you bringing someone new into the and your husband are smart to do the right thing now. Hugs to all of you Richie.

    You are in my prayers Richie:heart::heart:
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Hello all, I am thankful today that my hubby is home, he walked through the door at 5.45 this morning. However I am now having problems getting onto my laptop so am on here through my phone!

    Hope everyone has a good day, and I will try to come back later once I can get to a big screen !
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,935 Member
    Congratulations Shuntae! I am very happy for you! We need proposal details stat!:heart:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Congratulations Shuntae! I am very happy for you! We need proposal details stat!:heart:

    I couldn't agree more!!

    Come on, Shuntae.... Dish.

    On bended knee or what?
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Congrats Shuntae !:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Richie- You are in my thoughts and prayers.:flowerforyou:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    I am so thankful that daughter #2 arrived safe and sound last night. She is one beautiful preggo, love seeing my granddaughter growing. Daughter #1 arrives Friday, a memorable Memorial weekend for the Howards.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I have been having one of those "what the heck is going on here" months. I have gained 10 pounds since joining the gym. Upped my calories lowered my calories. Stopped going to the gym everyday. Did double times. I just don't know what to do. Everyone around me is losing and here I am gaining. my 12's are starting to get a little tight but not bad but how am I supposed to not drive myself crazy?

    one of those days I guess. Softball started so I have been using that for my cardio and been doing TRX 3 days a week.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Sorry to keep you all in suspense...last night was insane with phone calls, and they have been making me work today!

    BF (or fiance, now) always said that it would be some random day that I wasn’t expecting it, and was he ever right! I left work on time yesterday because I just couldn’t take any more of the crazy…and he was still home when I got there – was getting ready to go to the gym. So, I walked in the doorway and peeked over at my laptop to see if I had any mail. In doing so, I noticed that something was under the mail. Didn’t think much of it; just figured it was an anniversary gift he wanted to give me now. I went in the bedroom to put my bags down and take my shoes off, and after chatting with him for a bit, I went to look at the mail and check my running group to make sure we were still on. I picked up the mail and saw that the box under it was from Helzberg so of course I *had* to open it. Guess what I saw? Mmm Hmmm.

    He came out into the living room, got down on his knee and asked me to marry him.
    My exact words, “Hell yeah, I’ll marry you!” :love: :love: :love:
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Shuntae, great way to be proposed to - congraulations :drinker:

    I am having a lovely day with my hubby and he has collected John from school, gone to the supermarket and cooked dinner - so already at work and he only landed at 5am :laugh: :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Sorry to keep you all in suspense...last night was insane with phone calls, and they have been making me work today!

    BF (or fiance, now) always said that it would be some random day that I wasn’t expecting it, and was he ever right! I left work on time yesterday because I just couldn’t take any more of the crazy…and he was still home when I got there – was getting ready to go to the gym. So, I walked in the doorway and peeked over at my laptop to see if I had any mail. In doing so, I noticed that something was under the mail. Didn’t think much of it; just figured it was an anniversary gift he wanted to give me now. I went in the bedroom to put my bags down and take my shoes off, and after chatting with him for a bit, I went to look at the mail and check my running group to make sure we were still on. I picked up the mail and saw that the box under it was from Helzberg so of course I *had* to open it. Guess what I saw? Mmm Hmmm.

    He came out into the living room, got down on his knee and asked me to marry him.
    My exact words, “Hell yeah, I’ll marry you!” :love: :love: :love:

    Awwwwwwwww-- :cry: :heart: that's precious. Bravo to the Mr. for the knee-- too wonderful!

    Love you, Shuntae-- so happy for you!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Shuntae, great way to be proposed to - congraulations :drinker:

    I am having a lovely day with my hubby and he has collected John from school, gone to the supermarket and cooked dinner - so already at work and he only landed at 5am :laugh: :laugh:

    Yayyy-- happy the hubs is home, Tanya!!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    uh-oh-- seems we have major suitor number two in the works for Sarah-- here we go again.

    This gentleman has truly been just her friend for a couple years, had a girlfriend, talked Sarah through her heartbreak over Christmas when suitor number one bailed because he didn't like the courtship deal--

    Ugh-- she says THIS one's a keeper-- we'll see.

    How many more times with how many more daughters?????? Crap.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Sounds like everybody is doing well. I spent the entire morning outside at field day with my youngest. It is blazing hot out there. I took him to lunch with his little pal and his mom. I am tired right now. I think I need a nap. The sun wipes me out! Just want to sleep......
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,935 Member
    Sorry to keep you all in suspense...last night was insane with phone calls, and they have been making me work today!

    BF (or fiance, now) always said that it would be some random day that I wasn’t expecting it, and was he ever right! I left work on time yesterday because I just couldn’t take any more of the crazy…and he was still home when I got there – was getting ready to go to the gym. So, I walked in the doorway and peeked over at my laptop to see if I had any mail. In doing so, I noticed that something was under the mail. Didn’t think much of it; just figured it was an anniversary gift he wanted to give me now. I went in the bedroom to put my bags down and take my shoes off, and after chatting with him for a bit, I went to look at the mail and check my running group to make sure we were still on. I picked up the mail and saw that the box under it was from Helzberg so of course I *had* to open it. Guess what I saw? Mmm Hmmm.

    He came out into the living room, got down on his knee and asked me to marry him.
    My exact words, “Hell yeah, I’ll marry you!” :love: :love: :love:

    Love it! :cry: The waterworks have started. How sweet!!!!! Couldn't be happier for you!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Sooooooo-- check this out.

    My son goofed on the car insurance-- seems he indicated that, yes, he had prior insurance. Uh, no, son, WE had prior insurance for your car. You got the, "Oh, you have prior insurance," rate instead of the, "Oh, you're an irresponsible, dip**** 19 year old driver with 4 points on your license and no prior insurance" rate. His rate will definitely double, if not triple. New Jersey car insurance is wayyyyyy expensive.

    AND THEN-- if it couldn't get worse-- aforementioned suitor number two, who works with David, told Sarah that he thinks David is soon to be fired from the golf course where he works for failing to perform an assignment (no doubt for chronic lateness, too) and then for backtalking the notoriously ill-tempered (but had a soft spot for my son) general manager when he confronted David about his lapse.

    At the very least, his hours have been cut sorely back, and rumor has it that a decision has yet to be made to fire him-- but could be imminent.

    And all this while I believe the lad is still living his car, buying drugs and concert tickets, and making the most disgusting "music" imaginable to post to his facebook. Best thing that happened to me thus far is getting angry about this, instead of heartbroken.

    One should be heartbroken over someone who's been disadvantaged-- this kid has had every opportunity-- has squandered them all. Sad, but more infuriating. I hate to have a kid live on the streets-- believe me. But, having him here living here, free food, room and board and helping him get his financial feet under him to get back to college obviously didn't help him either. Why must some people hit below rock bottom before they presumably learn and pick themselves up??? Aarrggghh-- :grumble:

    Oh well-- again, not much I can do but pray for him. I expect the call from the cops any day that he's been arrested for something-- fingers crossed that he doesn't hurt anybody but himself. :noway:

    Laundry awaits-- later.