Black Team week ? -- Pollyanna Challenge



  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    My no feel dood.

    I'm thisclose to breaking down and taking a pill. Water weight is positively painful, and the blood pressure is inching up past the acceptable range.

    I wanted to run tonight, but forgot about Faith's spring concert-- which was lovely. One of these days I'll be able to actually attend a concert of hers and NOT cry-- sheesh.

    But, there went my running time.

    Way aggravating day with the kids-- either they were really horrid, or I was short of patience because I felt like poop-- or both. But, they didn't get done 1/2 of what they were supposed to while I was finishing up the painting.

    House looks better, still no laundry done....alas, tomorrow's another day. MUST GET CARDIO in tomorrow. I know that will help with at least the blood pressure if not the bloating.

    Sarah tees off tomorrow at 12:30 out in Kansas-- you can follow it online if you're so inclined at

    Not sure if I should type til midnight, then turn in-- or turn in now and get up early-- decisions, decisions.....

    Later, my good team.

    Marla- I hope you start feeling better soon. Can't imagine what you're going through.
    Best to Sarah - we'll be routing for her!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    feeling cruddy......but not as cruddy as Marla so I wont complain.

    Here is my story:
    Work 2 wks like a nut to be ahead of the game to go on vacation:sick:
    go on vacation and have a great time:love::flowerforyou: :glasses: :drinker: :blushing:
    come back to training meetings.......get behind:frown:
    pull up my continueing education credits for 5//05/11 and find out it is 05/31/10:noway::sick:
    Rush to start said credits:grumble:
    get call from DH that I need to drive 20 miles to get the permit to put in our sewer line:sad:
    LEARN I am an intrigal (sp) part of DIGGING said sewer line:angry:
    Hope, pray and plead that the permit is hard to get. :ohwell:
    DH gets in in one freaking day:huh:
    We have 2 yrs to put the bad boy in, but DH doesnt work like must be now NOW NOW!!:sad:

    So on top of all the other crud I must help with the line. I know how I will be getting my cardio this week!!:wink:

    Pray for me!:tongue:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Thanks for the laugh Jeannie. Digging is fun, fun, fun. I STILL have callouses. Big ones. Even with wearing gloves.

    Tamara- girl, you are below your goal weight, you work like a dog, you eat well most of the time, never caving to the crap, cut yourself a break! Remember, weight fluctuates!

    Donna- 3 boys, 1 girl. The girl is Jordan- could go either way with the name. She's also fairly non girly, pretty low maintenance, minimal drama- thank goodness for all of that! She's a good kid, probably overall the 'easiest' of all of them.

    The oldest (14) has some depression/anger issues, smart kid, but lazy and very immature for his age, he takes a lot of work but all in all, he's a good kid. The next one (13) is too smart for his own britches, can't tell him anything, cause he knows it all. You know the type. Drives us nuts sometimes. However, he is highly motivated, has his future planned already and let me tell you, hes got dreams! He's mature far beyond his years and has a good grasp on people and being able to read and understand them (except teenage girls- he's got some issues with them). People often mistake him for a 15 or 16 year old and he JUST turned 13.

    Then there is Jordan who is 12, she's polite, does what we ask her to do, gets the occassion girl hormone pissy attitude, but otherwise is pretty easy to deal with. She's very social, loves being around friends and comes up with some of the funniest darn stuff. Then there is the baby (10). He's a sweetheart, loving and the resident whiner. Love him to death but I want to hide from him when he starts the whining. As the baby, life is unfair, just ask him, he tells me daily.

    That's our house in the quick consolodated version. :happy: The oldest and the girl belong to DH, the 13 and 10 year old are mine. We are blessed that our kids meshed together as well as they did. We don't face a lot of the challenges many do with trying to combine kids from previous marriages. We have normal, typical sibling stuff, like they have always been together. We've had DH's kids living with us for over 5 years now and first introduced them 8 years ago, so I guess the fact that they were young helped. They hit it off from the start and have always gotten along.

    So today, I am thankful my kids. They are a bright spot in my life.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay-- now I know I'm getting old-- popping in with the daily health report--

    Took a pill before bed-- woke up at 2am having to pee like a freaking race horse.

    179 this morning-- woo-hooo-- (sarcasm)

    And my hands, which had been feeling so much better-- swelling had been going down...turning my own keys..... Hurt so freaking bad this morning I could spit.

    Damn it-- and my headache is coming back. Total fudgesicles.

    Oh well-- in the spirit of the Pollyanna challenge, let's see--

    I'm glad I don't have cancer. This is annoying, for sure-- feel like crap, look worse....but I'm not dying.

    Perspective is a wonderful thing.

    Have a blessed day, my friends.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    I forgot my reasons yesterday:
    #4 It's important to look in the mirror and like what I see

    And today:
    #5 I want to know I am doing everything I can to keep my body healthy
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    heading shopping-- bank, errands, et cetera--

    Called a new doctor-- have an appointment for Monday.

  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Well I worked really hard this week to lose 3 pounds which I was very happy with. I just inhaled a turkey burger for lunch. Yes, I could've taken it out of the bun but oh em gee, it was soooooooo good!

    I am thankful I left the fries alone, there!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I'm happy to be back in my happy range...AND to not feel all gross and bloaty the week before TOM.

  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    today i'm thankful for an awesome neighbor! we live in a side-by-side duplex and have had quite a few doozies living next to us, but right now there's a family with a sahm and it's been so nice, we take turns babysitting in a pinch, and today i am sooo grateful because dh's car has been in the shop waiting for a part that we ordered from ebay. well, the part came today, but i had no car to get it there. i took a chance and asked and she was able to give me and riley a ride to the mechanic to drop off the part. now the car will be done today and we'll once again be a two car family!!! :drinker: wooohooo!!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,936 Member
    I am thankful it's sunny outside. I am thankful that we've had absolutely no rain thus far and aren't supposed to get any until Sunday afternoon/evening and Monday. I am thankful for pay day. I am thankful it's Friday. I am thankful for my family and friends. Oh, and I'm thankful for taco salad.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    heading shopping-- bank, errands, et cetera--

    Called a new doctor-- have an appointment for Monday.


    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    I am thankful that my american friend is going to the doctors on monday - why to go Marla.

    I am not in a good place today folks, woke up at 6am with a weird feeling in my tummy and up until 2 hours ago (12hours later), I have had a really bad upset tummy. I took the day off from childminding today - that was alot of phone calls :laugh: , and have only had my own to manage. This is when it hits home that I am here on my own, no back up to help me, but it is 8.30pm now and the munchkins are just having some supper and then we are going to bed. Samuel is going to be the best big brother and let Thomas in after sea cadets, so that I can go up with the little ones. I won't sleep but at least I can relax until Tom gets back.

    I will say night all, and hope that you all have a good weekend.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Lori I am good about my whinning here..

    Marla- glad you are going to a new dr..

    I am off to my mom amd stepdads house my brothers house main water line broke this morning and my brother need my dear hubby to help fix it!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Lori I am good about my whinning here..

    I am NOT good with mine right now. I had a mini freak out this morning. It was up to 159 (150-153 being my acceptable) on Monday. I figured a good week of exercise and eating and it'd be in my ok range again, because that's how it usually works. Well, I was 155.4 yesterday and 157.4 today! EEEEKKKK! It is not leaving as fast as I had hoped it would. :grumble:

    I knew yesterday wasn't a perfect day eating wise, but I did not expect the scale to be up 2 pounds today, so it sort of sent me into a 'mood'. I'm sure there will be better days ahead. We are going to Mobile for the weekend for DD's soccer tournament. The thought of eating out for 2 days is not making me happy. We've all seen the reports on restaurants, even when you think you are making good choices, sometimes they are dreadful!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    I'm thankful that I have a husband that doesn't mind cooking when I have a headache.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am thankful I have not taken our gun and SHOT that freaking squack box called a television:angry:

    Good night:smooched:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Welcome to Marla's Rationalization of the Day!

    But, bear with me-- this makes sense.

    So, I headed out for our bi-weekly massive grocery shopping-- payday every two weeks, dontchaknow.... And of course it always takes us out during the lunch hour. So, as per the norm, I stopped at Mickey D's (McDonald's to you, my British chum) for the blessed dollar menu.

    Because I'm SOOOOOOOO freaking bloated and wanted to avoid the sodium which is crammed into stinkin' everything there........ I ordered as my lunch a vanilla ice cream cone. 150 calories. 60 mg of sodium.

    Anybody buyin' it?

    Seriously-- I was hungry, and even the dressing for the side salads has too much there you have it.

    And how bizarre is this...... I'm leaving Sam's Club, driving down the parking lot to the Wal-Mart and passed the Fashion Bug (clothing store) who was having a sidewalk sale. Jeans on racks outside for only $5.

    Intrigued, I pull over, park the van and meander over. I'm lookin' at these jeans, find a size 8, hold it up and I swear they were, like, two and a half freaking feet wide! I checked again, and the tag clearly read 8.

    I turn to Rebekah...."Size 8? Size 8 what? Hundred?" Then turned to the Spanish lady next to me, "Ma'am, does this look like a size 8 to you?" She laughed and shook her head. Could be she just didn't understand the American crazy lady...I don't know.

    Found another size 8 that were just as big....says "Rodeo Cut" on the label. Rodeo Cut? Are these cut for the cattle? It was unreal.

    Needless to say.... patient shopper extraordinaire that I've told you all I am.... I packed it in and hoofed it back to the car post haste....

    Heading out for a run-- terribly cranky today. My poor kids have born the brunt-- never really sure in these types of days whether I react to their sour dispositions or cause them with my own. Either way they're ying to my yang of ill temper today (and yesterday, to be truthful.)

    haven't run all week-- I'm sure that's part of it.

    Later, my peeps-- have a great weekend.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Thankful to have gotten in 30 minutes on the exercise bike for 7 miles and 275 calories. Under on my calories and I'm not hungry, go me !
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thankful to have gotten in 30 minutes on the exercise bike for 7 miles and 275 calories. Under on my calories and I'm not hungry, go me !

    Especially wonderful since you had a headache, and a good excuse to not exercise-- way to go, Bobbi!

    I'm going to keep a positive spin here, in the spirit of Pollyanna.......I'm glad I had a miserably hard 2.5 mile run. Haven't run at 180 since my first 5k, April 19, 2009. Many of you will remember that I had a gallbladder attack that night, and spent a week in the hospital having it removed. I weighed 182 then and lost 10 pounds in the hospital-- and never looked back. I've gotten as low as 164 following my Solheim Cup trip in late August-- then the psoriatic arthritis hit and my body has been hell.

    Up 16 pounds from my lowest-- although, I hovered rather in the 167-170 range for most of September/October-- I did well through the holidays-- I just looked at my weight charts.

    Somewhere along the line, this ol' body went flooey--

    I won't bore you any longer with rehashing it all-- I was running along, totally chugging, feeling miserable especially in the humidity tonight-- but so thankful that I can look myself in the eye, and stand before you all and know that I've done all I can do, and will continue to do it, to fight this.

    If I'd backslidden and jumped back into my old ways, I would be too ashamed to come here and face you-- I wouldn't have signed up for the half marathon, the 5ks-- I wouldn't be here daily to encourage and be encouraged. That is what's keeping me going-- knowing that there is just something on the fritz right now. And while I'm very discouraged, I still can take from it positive-- eventually, this has to work itself out....hopefully this new doctor will be the answer.

    anyway-- I know I'm blathering....I'm emotional tonight. I feel like crap. I talked to my dad for the first time in years today and cried.... Sarah played well, but we had to hear the standard 'she didn't do well enough" bull****-- I'm just weary.

    So, my friends-- I'll take my sorry butt to my typing, and hope to hit the hay in decent time tonight--

    love to all.......
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Marla- I hope so much that this new doctor is the answer! My fingers are crossed!

    Night gang. Tired!