For those of you that invite others to objectify you:



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    It feels pretty good to be knowledgeable about the topic, and to have a mind open enough to be able to think critically about one's own opinions and change them when they realize they are wrong. It also feels good for my opinions to be respected by strong, intelligent, respected people. So, yeah.

    Looking at the post above mine... it feels good not to be called a 7th grader by a grown woman.

    On the whole I agree with and respect all that you've said...
    unfortunately, I felt the need to highlight that you are acknowledging that you are letting your self worth increase, based on a woman's assessment of another man's character. So in essence, your behavior would cause her to rate you higher, and that makes you feel better.

    seems kind of ironic.

    I want people to judge me based on the content of my character and intellect.

    But in an internet forum, do you feel that your character and your opponents character is being fully represented? It's all a partial assessment, with insufficient information. You may have shining character as it relates to discrimination against women... but do you have the same strength of character in all areas? Probably, but we don't know for sure.

    Your debate opponent may have been judged as a 7th grader, but is his character adequately represented? I'm thinking that his humor is being judged - but is his humor = his character... Probably not.

    I guess what I'm saying is that allowing judgment to bolster or harm your self worth, regardless of what category that judgement is falling under (looks, intellect, character, etc), is a fruitless endeavor - because NO ONE can see the true being that is you.

    Trust me, my self worth is not being altered by this thread. The point is that I have no problem with people judging me to be worthwhile because they think my ideas and character are good. That's not a problem.

    Judging people isn't somehow automatically wrong.

    The problem is when people, especially women, are judged based on their appeal as a piece of meat. That's a very different concept.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    It feels pretty good to be knowledgeable about the topic, and to have a mind open enough to be able to think critically about one's own opinions and change them when they realize they are wrong. It also feels good for my opinions to be respected by strong, intelligent, respected people. So, yeah.

    Looking at the post above mine... it feels good not to be called a 7th grader by a grown woman.

    On the whole I agree with and respect all that you've said...
    unfortunately, I felt the need to highlight that you are acknowledging that you are letting your self worth increase, based on a woman's assessment of another man's character. So in essence, your behavior would cause her to rate you higher, and that makes you feel better.

    seems kind of ironic.

    I want people to judge me based on the content of my character and intellect.

    But in an internet forum, do you feel that your character and your opponents character is being fully represented? It's all a partial assessment, with insufficient information. You may have shining character as it relates to discrimination against women... but do you have the same strength of character in all areas? Probably, but we don't know for sure.

    Your debate opponent may have been judged as a 7th grader, but is his character adequately represented? I'm thinking that his humor is being judged - but is his humor = his character... Probably not.

    I guess what I'm saying is that allowing judgment to bolster or harm your self worth, regardless of what category that judgement is falling under (looks, intellect, character, etc), is a fruitless endeavor - because NO ONE can see the true being that is you.
    we never know anyone 100%. every day we judge people on what we witness of their words and deeds.

    where and how you use your 'humour' is open for judgement.
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    i see a vast difference between wanting to be judged on your moral integrity and intellect and wanting to be judged on how appealing a slab of meat you are.

    What is the difference you see? I would be very interested to see you unpack that.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member

    Trust me, my self worth is not being altered by this thread. The point is that I have no problem with people judging me to be worthwhile because they think my ideas and character are good. That's not a problem.

    Judging people isn't somehow automatically wrong.

    The problem is when people, especially women, are judged based on their appeal as a piece of meat. That's a very different concept.

    but you're missing the point?! it's men AND women? this isn't a women post so we can rate you thread we're talking about, infact more men post to get rated themselves

    good god...

    i'd love to see your reaction if a woman genuinely and completely randomly (without me having said it) as a joke rated you 9 or something you'd probably climax your pantyhose
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I'm going to just leave this here -

  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    The objectification of human beings by the opposite sex has ensured the continuity of our species. If that is wrong I don't want to be right.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    i see a vast difference between wanting to be judged on your moral integrity and intellect and wanting to be judged on how appealing a slab of meat you are.
    Why do people think this is an either/or thing? Am I the only one who understands that we see each other and ourselves differently depending on context?
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    The objectification of human beings by the opposite sex has ensured the continuity of our species. If that is wrong I don't want to be right.

    The problem is that we aren't living in caves anymore struggling to pass on our genes. Society has gone beyond that, and now so must individuals.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member

    Trust me, my self worth is not being altered by this thread. The point is that I have no problem with people judging me to be worthwhile because they think my ideas and character are good. That's not a problem.

    Judging people isn't somehow automatically wrong.

    The problem is when people, especially women, are judged based on their appeal as a piece of meat. That's a very different concept.

    but you're missing the point?! it's men AND women? this isn't a women post so we can rate you thread we're talking about, infact more men post to get rated themselves

    good god...

    i'd love to see your reaction if a woman genuinely and completely randomly (without me having said it) as a joke rated you 9 or something you'd probably climax your pantyhose

    I think he's extending the point, rather than missing it.

    The point is no longer about the rating threads.. it's about judgment of appearance on the whole, and judgment of women's appearances in particular.

    Yes, it happens that women are judged based on their appearances, and sometimes (maybe oftentimes) the good looking woman with the nice rack gets hired by the male employer.

    BUT... I would stand behind the fact that same male employer would hire a clean cut "unattractive" (based on his judgment) woman over a slovenly dressed man - due to same reasons for discrimination.

    And now that there are a lot more women in places in power, I also stand behind the fact that often the converse is true... a good looking, sharply dressed man, will win out over a scrawny, poorly dressed, or "unattractive" male when the employer doing the hiring is female.

    People tend to surround themselves with those they are attracted to - regardless of whether that attraction is based on the visual or the intellectual.
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    No offense, but if i were you I would be more worried about staying in a job where the boss has "called me fat like 3 times".
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    And now that there are a lot more women in places in power, I also stand behind the fact that often the converse is true... a good looking, sharply dressed man, will win out over a scrawny, poorly dressed, or "unattractive" male when the employer doing the hiring is female.

    or male. People give preferential treatment to attractive people even of same gender.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    I just want people to smile when I pop up on their news feed. I don't care if it's because of my winning smile, my always-on-target sense of humor, my yoda like wisdom, or my long, dancer's legs.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Can we all just calm down for a minute? I have a serious question about my TDEE.
  • DTorres2282
    DTorres2282 Posts: 242
    HAHAHA do I look seriouse...
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    Can we all just calm down for a minute? I have a serious question about my TDEE.

    bang it
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    HAHAHA do I look seriouse...

    Seriously, should I be eating back my exercise calories? Also I eat 1200 calories a day. Go...
  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    The objectification of human beings by the opposite sex has ensured the continuity of our species. If that is wrong I don't want to be right.

    The problem is that we aren't living in caves anymore struggling to pass on our genes. Society has gone beyond that, and now so must individuals.

    It's still intrinsic in our genetic code. And good thing too, because without it at it's basest form, we would lose the urge to procreate. And that would lead to our eventual extinction. How much stock you choose to put into someone else's objectification of you is solely up to you. But you can't stop it from happening. Nor should you want to. Hopefully you have other redeeming qualities on which people will judge you, but again, that's solely up to you to develop.
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    Can we all just calm down for a minute? I have a serious question about my TDEE.

    put it'll go blind.
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    When you post things like "bang, date, marry?" or "cute, hot, or sexy?" and ask people to objectify you, you are training them to think of everyone around them in those terms. You invite them to make a value judgement of your body, and they begin to make those judgements about others. I speak not just on behalf of women but of everyone on this site. Our culture places way too much value on judgements about people. Is it not enough to just be what you are? Do you have to be "bangable" or "flirty" or have all of these other labels attached to you? And if you do, could you handle that somewhere other than a site for folks who aren't satisfied with their bodies anyways? I realize an ego boost is nice, and I don't mind getting ego boosts every so often, but maybe the place for that is your personal profile or a "hot or not" site.

    I can't tell you guys what to post or what to think- the purpose of this post is to invite some discussion about how we create these labels and values for each other and ourselves even as they make us uncomfortable or sad. Many women feel that a "male-dominated culture" has set up these cages of self-judgement for them, but then they go out in pants that say "juicy" across their butts or ask others how hot they are from 1-10. I try really hard to avoid these types of discussions, firstly because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and secondly because I feel that I have value in and of myself, not just when I'm given a number or a name.

    What do you guys think? Do you like it when people tell you you're a certain type of person? Do you like it when people rate you? Do you think others like it when you rate them?

  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I avoid those threads because I think they're stupid. But it has no effect on me whatsoever if others do. In short, who cares?

    Anyone perceptive enough to realize that gender issues are one of the biggest problems in western society.

    see, this is why you make me swoon. CRITICAL THINKING!
This discussion has been closed.