25 TO LIFE month 2



  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    So with great hesitation and trepidation I stepped apon the scale....wah!!!! I am only down a pound after having gone up three to four last week due to Alice and bad choices. At this point, I am officially 2 pounds heavier then my lowest weight. But that's not going to get me to reverse all the good I have done thus far. I am going to forge ahead. I know part of it is I haven't been drinking my water and
    the other half is that our treadmill died 3 weeks ago and we haven't yet bought a new one!! I have been running outside but unfortunately it's been cold and wet every day for the past 4 days. I don't run when it's 40 degrees and raining. I like being on a treadmill because you can change it up...faster, elevation, etc when I run outside I ten dot run the exact path and speed so I think my metabolism has gotten used to the outside run and therefore hit a new plateau. I am going to try and really kickit up this week and drink all my water. I need to be a little more dilligent about not eating something that I can't account for calorie-wise as well.

    Here's to hoping for a 2.5 weight loss this week. I am going to shoot for it anyway!

    Good luck to everyone else with weigh in today!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Well here we are again. I dropped 2lbs:drinker: last week 210 this week 208. but feel horrible about the week end did not stick to my food and did not exercise again. But I know I will next week end. This was my last week end working and it is so hard bringing enough food to eat with me and I dont feel well all week end. Hope everybody did well.
  • Julie1984
    Julie1984 Posts: 33
    I just weighed in- 180 this week, down from 180.6 last week. Not a huge loss, but I'm happy about it because my weight has been fluctuating between 180.5-182 all week, so I thought I might have to report a gain.

    I'd like to see a 1.5lb loss this week- can't wait to see the 170's. Also, I need to try to stop going over on calories.... this past week I kept having just a bit too much to eat in the evenings.
  • motheroftwoboys
    Well I'm pretty happy this today. I had been stuck at 174 for the past two weeks, and this morning I weighed myself and I'm down to 171.2. I can't believe how far I have come. I never thought I would see 70 or 60's.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Okay, got on the scale and I'm still 169. Not going to grovel b/c I didn't gain, so that's good. I'm trying to stay in the 60's, NO MORE 70's!! Considering I ate White Castles last night (2) and had the brunch food, I did okay staying where I am. So, with all the compliments I got, I totally need to up the ante! Got a free Turbo Jam butt & abs. It's fun. Want to get more of them. Need the cardio one. I only burned 237 with this one. Kids are home this week and it's suppose to be BEAUTIFUL THIS WEEK! Thank God. Maybe I'll dust my bike off and go riding with them this week.

    Good Luck everyone

    and Happy Birthday iluv!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Thanks dear! :wink:
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I forgot to weigh in this morning again... I didn't even want to get out of bed. Just thinking about going to work this week is getting on my nerves. lol

    However, I was able to button my pants this morning (the one pair of pants I have left). Which is great news. Hopefully that will put me on the right frame of mind. I am munching on some oatmeal as we speak and have a healty carrot soup for my lunch. I am going to have some rainbow trout for dinner with stewed tomatoes and butternut squash. AND I went out on Saturday nad he a little pre=party. So...we made some snacks and whatever we had left, I called my mom and she picked up the left overs (she's not on a diet) :tongue:

    Plan on getting in my 60+ mins on the Crosstrainer tonight. I also have to do some number crunching to see if I can do some yoga courses or, if not, find a good yoga video. Its hard to do the DVDs after years of havin your own handson instructor.

    ttyl :flowerforyou:
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    182! Whew. I was quite bad last week and thankfully I'm not in too much trouble. I can't promise any great stride this week b/c my attention will be on my exam, but added some pesto to a butternut squash last night and a pinch of parmesan with fantastic results! So here's hoping!

  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    I also do not have the internet at home, so I am only able to log during the week. The weekends are very difficult bc I can't look up the calories in things. I did manage to keep track somewhat..but it was hard!

    Any suggestions on how to make it thru the weekends? I live high up in the mountains and NO-ONE offers internet out here so far... its difficult to keep it "to the calorie" when you have to guesstimate so much..and I am one of those 'by the book' kind of people who truely feels guilty if the rules are broken.

    Having a few meals you know fit your dinner/lunch/whatever count picked out before the weekends might help. You can also try printing off (or jotting down) a few sheets with your favorite foods/treats on it so you can reference when you're away?
  • weightlossinprogress
    weightlossinprogress Posts: 132 Member
    My weight was 185 this mornig - down only 1lb, not bad considering that I had a couple of bad days last week!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member

    Good job everyone! Hey no gain, no pain! haha!
    staying the same (me) 1 or 2 pounds fabulous!!! I'm just glad I didn't go back into the 70's!
  • roxinsox
    roxinsox Posts: 9
    Hi guys! I just joined the site a few days ago, and this sounds like a great way to keep me inspired, so I'm going to join this challenge!

    April 7, 2008: 195.0 lbs
    Today: 189.4!!!!!!!!!

    That seems like a lot of weight loss for one week, but I gained that last 5 lbs. really recently, so I expected them to come off pretty quickly. My goal is to lost about 1.5 lbs a week, so my mini-goal for next week is to be down to 188 lbs. I want to get down to about 160, and I want to be in better shape. It's so nice to see the 80s!!!!

    And really great job, everyone!
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I bought a intermediate/advanced yoga DVD today. I will try and pop that in tomorrow. I am exhausted. Rush home to cook a healthy meal to which my brother picked up 1/2 of :wink:

    I usually for a few days worth so I can relax when I get home. I do Plan on going to the gym tonight though. *yawn*

    I think I will refrain from weighing myself until next week
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    Weighed at the gym this evening still at 180. I am about to get frustrated :explode: .
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    Last week: 191.2
    This week: 189

    My mini goals:
    189 - April 14 -- Yea! :happy:
    185 - April 25 -- End of BL contest at work
    175 - June 15
    165 - Aug 1
    159 - Sept 20 -- AF 1/2 Marathon

    Finally seeing the 180's!!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Ugh! I am so frustrated!
    So you all know yesterday was my birthday, and you may have read that this past week I felt the curse of the woman.
    So yesterday was the first time during my whole diet so far that i got almost all the way to 2000 calories. I am so disappointed in myself. I know that if i wasn't logging calories i wouldn't even KNOW i got to 2000, but i only got about 400 some odd calories worth of exercise total yesterday, so i went over my recommended cals by about 300, and im feeling super guilty.
    Today is weigh day at the gym, So i wont be able to log my progress until tomorrow morning ( i have no internet at home which is REALLY making this hard!)
    I hate to complain to you all, but i know ya'll understand, whereas the folks here at work could pretty much care less.
    Thanks!!! ( i pray so much that the water weight is gone by now... i dont know if i can handle going up a pound instead of down, bad timing birthday!)
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I was so frustrated last night. I went to the gym in my condo and it was totally packed. I used to go at 5:30 and then it started getting busy, then at 7pm (busy) and then at 8/8:30 (busy).. so i finally started going around 9pm...and I usually got a machine. I went down y esterday and it was totally busy. And my gym is only open until 11pm. I am getting frustrated. I am actually trying to go and these stupid things are stopping me. What annoyed m more is that I realized it was my neighbours who make so much noise. They are always chatting and laughing until the wee wee morning. *sigh*

    So I came upstairs and tried out my yoga DVD which is proving to be difficult because I was a lot thinner when I started yoga way back when. My big everything is making the positions quite hard and there is so much pressure on my wrists - but its okay...I will stick with.

    BTW: Pants are feelign loose again.... down 3 lbs. woohoo
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Okay, I got one for ya!
    I went to the dr. today b/c my hip has been bothering me. I have to go see an ortho, b/c he thinks it's a nerve or something. But that's not my point. This is my point.
    It's time to get on the scale.
    Now, I had a digital scale that was giving me crazy readings throughout the day, so I went and got an old fashioned dial one. Every now and then I get on the digital one and it reads about 6 to 7 pounds more than the other one, which is why I like the other one better. :laugh: Well, guess what the dr. scale read! Just like the digital one!:mad: :angry:
    It said I was 176!!! Here I am thinking I'm 169 and now I don't know what to do?!!!
    I actually feel more like I'm 176, b/c I know I was around 167 when I got married, and I know I can't fit into my wedding dress.:explode:
    I suppose I should just stick with the higher one, but I don't want to. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    i just despise scales! Im going to the gym as soon as i get out of work...that will be the moment of truth! My dial scale at home is so iffy, im startnig to wish i had saved the money buying it, and just use the one in the locker room. Ill report asap! (nervous!)
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I guess u should go with the higher number but at least you know you are losing weight and it shows.

    No worries. When I had lost a lot of weight and went to the dr. his scale made it look like I gained 7 lbs. I was like.... oh no... sorry.....that ain't happening. I actually think I ignored his weight and remained with mine :wink: