30 Day Shred - Starting April 15 2013



  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    feeling better -- going to attempt Day 2

    My plan was to do 5 days rest then 5 days then rest, then on to level 2. However being sick yesterday pushed me back. My new plan is to do it as often as I can without too many rest days but sometimes life has other plans ;)

    Some exercise is better then no exercise :)

    Glad you're feeling better!!
  • tabertha1
    tabertha1 Posts: 5 Member
    im in.. gonna start today... :)
  • vckygrgry
    vckygrgry Posts: 2 Member
    Day 3 of level 1 for me today feel better than yesterday not as achy. Not sure I can fit in at weekend will that have a massive effect?
  • MRL1107
    MRL1107 Posts: 74
    When you guys log the 30DS on your excercise log what do you put it under?
  • princessnik7
    princessnik7 Posts: 144 Member
    When you guys log the 30DS on your excercise log what do you put it under?

    I think most people log it as circuit training, however if you have a HRM they add it using that.

    Yesterday was day 2, man it was hard to push through cause I was so sore from day 1, but Today is Day 3 , and my daughter has softball practice today at a park where I can walk, but still keep an eye on her so I will add that cardio today as well.
  • Well...I survived day 2. I was a bit more sore than I had anticipated, but muddled through. I will continue with level 1 for the 10 days, then off to level 2. Hopefully I will be at Natalie level and not have to do Anita modifications by then. I still do the wimpy push ups. I guess I better start practicing some planks between now and then to get ready for the plank burn. I am actually going to see Jillian tonight for her "Maximize Your Life Tour". I'm super excited.
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    Day 3 of level 1 for me today feel better than yesterday not as achy. Not sure I can fit in at weekend will that have a massive effect?

    I don't think so..I'm going to be doing 5 days on 2 days off, 2 weeks on each level. I definitely think my muscles need time to heal so 2 days off a week should be good I would think. Somewhere I read that Jillian said on her old podcast that she recommends doing it 2 days shred then 1 day cardio, 2 days shred, 1 day cardio, and then one day rest.
  • eringrace10
    eringrace10 Posts: 135 Member
    On day 3 on 30 ds, combining it with davina McCalls power of three and three thirty minute workouts. Very nearly didn't workout this morning but kicked my own butt so glad I did, do you think it would be ok to do the full 50 minutes for 6 days and just 30 30ds for Sunday as my rest. Also anyone in England looking for a training buddy?
  • I've ordered it, but it hasn't arrived yet, but I'll start when it gets here. Good luck to all. I'll take some before pictures too and hopefully will see some results :wink:
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    today is the day for day 1 of 30DS - great to see all of you working out too!
  • melissa112
    melissa112 Posts: 99 Member
    Just done day 4, my calves are really sore :( I think I must have been doing the jumping rope in a funny way or something because both yesterday and today I felt like I was going to get cramp, and both my calves are tender to the touch now, almost as if bruised. Really don't want this to get worse. The cardio in itself was fine but kept feeling as if my calves were sore, but not in the good way.
  • N_Bridgeman
    N_Bridgeman Posts: 45 Member
    Ok, I want in too!! I need some more accountability! Im going to start today :) Feel free to add me.
  • Day 2 down.. Shoulders were so sore last night. *Tip* if you cant get the side lunges down, i do squats instead it burns just as bad .
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    Just done day 4, my calves are really sore :( I think I must have been doing the jumping rope in a funny way or something because both yesterday and today I felt like I was going to get cramp, and both my calves are tender to the touch now, almost as if bruised. Really don't want this to get worse. The cardio in itself was fine but kept feeling as if my calves were sore, but not in the good way.

    My calves did the exact same thing...I had to keep stretching them out for a couple of days just to be able to walk, sort of in a lunge position, stretching the calf of the leg behind me. That seemed to really help. I've also been stretching the hamstrings a lot the last couple of days. This morning, I did extra stretches after the dvd and I'm not as sore in the calves today.
  • Hi! I've starter yesterday, Can i join the group? :-)
  • MRL1107
    MRL1107 Posts: 74
    When you guys log the 30DS on your excercise log what do you put it under?

    I think most people log it as circuit training, however if you have a HRM they add it using that.

    Yesterday was day 2, man it was hard to push through cause I was so sore from day 1, but Today is Day 3 , and my daughter has softball practice today at a park where I can walk, but still keep an eye on her so I will add that cardio today as well.

    Thanks!! PS What's HRM?
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    Today is my D5 of L1, 30DS.... definately seeing a difference in my endurance, especially on the core exercises. Someone asked about cals to use in MFP... I found a thread from a while back where someone said that the "Circuit Training, General" seemed to show pretty accurate calories to his HRM so that's what I use. Of course, if you don't give it all you got that may not be accurate.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone's results! :)
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    When you guys log the 30DS on your excercise log what do you put it under?

    I think most people log it as circuit training, however if you have a HRM they add it using that.

    Yesterday was day 2, man it was hard to push through cause I was so sore from day 1, but Today is Day 3 , and my daughter has softball practice today at a park where I can walk, but still keep an eye on her so I will add that cardio today as well.

    Thanks!! PS What's HRM?

    HRM = Heart Rate Monitor
  • melissa112
    melissa112 Posts: 99 Member
    Just done day 4, my calves are really sore :( I think I must have been doing the jumping rope in a funny way or something because both yesterday and today I felt like I was going to get cramp, and both my calves are tender to the touch now, almost as if bruised. Really don't want this to get worse. The cardio in itself was fine but kept feeling as if my calves were sore, but not in the good way.

    My calves did the exact same thing...I had to keep stretching them out for a couple of days just to be able to walk, sort of in a lunge position, stretching the calf of the leg behind me. That seemed to really help. I've also been stretching the hamstrings a lot the last couple of days. This morning, I did extra stretches after the dvd and I'm not as sore in the calves today.

    Thanks, I did do some extra stretches straight after the dvd cool down. In fact I did double what it told me then some calf exercises but they still hurt. Did you carry on with the dvd even though it hurt?

    Mt left arm is the same actually, hurts on the outside of the bottom of my arm.along the bone so I know its not supposed to hurt there. Could hardly lift it to drive earlier yet the other is fine so I've done something wrong :(
  • grace42d
    grace42d Posts: 156 Member
    Just finished my first day of the shred. I was really sore becuase of workouts I did the last 4 days, but got through it! 29 days to go!