Book Club: Women Food and God (Author: Geneen Roth)



  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Oh, one more thing. About the Eating Guidelines, I have been paying attention to how certain foods make me feel. Like restaurant food, if I eat it, I don't have the urge to workout. My mind tells me I "should" work off all of those calories but I don't WANT to. I have a similar reaction to starchy foods or sugar. My coworker just offered me a cupcake and I really don't want one because I know how it will make me feel. I'm eating watermelon instead. Can you believe it?? Sometimes I still can't. :drinker:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Well, I have some thoughts on the final chapters. I had another aha moment in chapter 14, "what will kill her is wanting another life than the one she has". It clicked in my head that I have been "dieting" to get to a life other than my own. What I really need to do is embrace my situation, my life, as it is. That doesn't mean giving up, that means keeping focus on my goals while accepting where I am now. It's like working toward career goals or money saving goals, it's not a separate thing. It's something that you incorporate into your life so you can learn and grow. It has made choosing what's good for me easier.

    I hope everyone else is able to get something out of this book. I'd still like to discuss the book at whatever pace anyone else wants.

    :heart: Ahhhhhhh.....well put my little grasshopper! I love it! I think jealousy or wanting what someone else has or is ..... is TOXIC! if you get that early on in will go far! Thanks for sharing your "aha moment." And, how cool is it that you notice that when you eat out or carbs your will to exercise changes. These two things are tied together, is more complicated than I am able to explain. (Geneen Roth, where are you? :laugh: ) But knowing that you want to be the best YOU can be so you must feed yourself and treat yourself well is really big........ :wink: yeah, I am glad we took this journey. Once again, I have learned so much from this book....(thanks Geneen Roth!) AND....I have learned so much from my book club buds..............:smooched:

    By the way...Geneen Roth will be on Oprah next week (I think on Tues. but check your TV Guide to be sure.) It may be a rerun......but even if it is.....I want to watch her so I can see if I can learn a little more from her. Want to join me and then have another discussion in wrapping this up? I saw her on "O" the first time around this summer which is what inspired me to buy her book (Thanks Ms. Oprah!). Maybe she will talk about some of her other books and we can read them and discuss.....any thoughts?:flowerforyou:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Chapter 6:

    Wow. Page 83 really brought tears to my eyes. Again, I was reading this chapter waiting for that “Ah HA!” moment to hit. Boy did it ever!

    “When you believe without knowing you believe that you are damaged at your core, you also believe that you need to hide that damage for anyone to love you. You walk around ashamed of being yourself. You try hard to make up for the way you look, walk, feel. Decisions are agonizing because if you, the person who makes the decision, is damaged, then how can you trust what you decide? You doubt your own impulses so you become masterful at looking outside yourself for comfort. You become an expert at finding experts and programs, at striving and trying hard and then harder to change yourself, but this process only reaffirms what you already believe about yourself – that your needs and choices cannot be trusted, and left to your own devices you are out of control.”
    I haven’t been comfortable in my own skin in God knows how long. I grew up with a VERY judgmental mother, and I have since become very judgmental. So I then believe that everyone is also judging me, and everyone does to some extent. I’ve tried to change but have failed miserably. Like my mother, it’s easier to put others down than to focus on what’s going on with me. That’s only a small piece of the puzzle I’m sure. In my eyes, no matter what size I get down to, I don’t see myself being happy. I’ll focus on the skin that hangs over my c-section scar that will never go away unless I get surgery. I’ll focus on my nose or my double chin or something else that I know people will judge me for. How do I change this pattern of behavior??? It seems there are sooo many layers of this subject that it’s almost overwhelming. I’m not sure where to start; I don’t know how to change. I don’t know how to NOT see myself as unbroken, as discussed in chapter 5. :sad:

    At this point, I almost feel more lost after reading this book. I would love someone else’s view on my responses. Can anyone help?? I’ll go back to chapter 5 in the meantime and re-read these last 2 chapters. Maybe I’ll get the light bulb moment that will help me understand the second time around.

    :flowerforyou: I know at the beginning of our discussion it was requested that we not get believe me I am not trying to be "preachy." I am just simply sharing who I am. :heart: Let me just tell you a little story that helped me see myself in a different light....I was once with my daughter as she was going off on a Christian teen retreat for a long weekend. I got to join her in a "send off" type of ceremony. Here the parents were all invited to join friends and Christian counselors in prayer for our young ones as we sent them off for the weekend. One of my precious daughter's counselors (who is now a dear friend of mine) prayed for these teens by saying so sweetly and sincerely to God: "Dear God, please bless these young ones this weeked as they grow closer to you. Help them to know you more this weeked. And more than this, help them to see how precious and loved they are. Help them to see themselves through YOUR eyes Lord. Amen" Ok....I was wipig my eyes as I heard this most sincere prayer by someone who knew earnestly that most of our problems in life boil down to the fact that we do not see ourselves as worthy....worthy of love, friendship, good relationships, respect, honor, good health and on and on and on. Well, I had a talk with myself on the way home that day. I had to ask much does God really love me? Man, He loves me so much that he sent his son to die a gruelsome, bloody death......for me. (I love my kids so much. I can't imagine sending them to death so others could live....I have sent my son off to war and that is as close as it gets....) So my sins would be forgiven and so I could live eternally with Him........................enough said! I am loved, adored, cherished by God are you dear one. :heart: This changes everything. He believes we are very worthy of love, friendship, good relationships, respect, honor, good health and on and on and on! Yay! I do have to remind myself of this constantly though....because I am human.... I recall over and over that I make mistakes....that I fail....that I think God has posed tests to me and I have failed miserably. BUT, because of my faith, because I am a child of God, because I simply asked Him to come into my heart and live there and be with me... because it is just too hard to do this alone and He is the one I want to carry me through.....HE GIVES ME GRACE......I remind myself that I am forgiven.....I must dust myself off and try not to fail and try to be the child He would be proud of.....and I know in my heart of hearts that he loves me even more for humbling myself and asking for forgivness and asking that He make me a better person. It doesn't get any sweeter than this...........or any more peaceful than this................

    I thank God that this youth counselor crossed this mom's path and God spoke to me through him. He does that in a sweet way throughout life. I have to remember to acknowledge that it is Him when it happens. If I get so busy in my daily business of lists and planning and accomplishing and screwing up then I won't notice these little messages He sends me. I have a feeling He has sent all of us to send His message to us through each other. Man, he is so cool like that. :smile:

    :embarassed: Well, that is much more than you asked for, and maybe you didn't. :flowerforyou: But it is truly from my heart and I pray for you dear one. You are sooooooooooooo worthy of what God has waiting for you. It is my prayer that you will one day see yourself through God's eyes. God bless you in this journey. This is from my heart.....:heart:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Chapter 6:

    Wow. Page 83 really brought tears to my eyes. Again, I was reading this chapter waiting for that “Ah HA!” moment to hit. Boy did it ever!

    “When you believe without knowing you believe that you are damaged at your core, you also believe that you need to hide that damage for anyone to love you. You walk around ashamed of being yourself. You try hard to make up for the way you look, walk, feel. Decisions are agonizing because if you, the person who makes the decision, is damaged, then how can you trust what you decide? You doubt your own impulses so you become masterful at looking outside yourself for comfort. You become an expert at finding experts and programs, at striving and trying hard and then harder to change yourself, but this process only reaffirms what you already believe about yourself – that your needs and choices cannot be trusted, and left to your own devices you are out of control.”
    I haven’t been comfortable in my own skin in God knows how long. I grew up with a VERY judgmental mother, and I have since become very judgmental. So I then believe that everyone is also judging me, and everyone does to some extent. I’ve tried to change but have failed miserably. Like my mother, it’s easier to put others down than to focus on what’s going on with me. That’s only a small piece of the puzzle I’m sure. In my eyes, no matter what size I get down to, I don’t see myself being happy. I’ll focus on the skin that hangs over my c-section scar that will never go away unless I get surgery. I’ll focus on my nose or my double chin or something else that I know people will judge me for. How do I change this pattern of behavior??? It seems there are sooo many layers of this subject that it’s almost overwhelming. I’m not sure where to start; I don’t know how to change. I don’t know how to NOT see myself as unbroken, as discussed in chapter 5. :sad:

    At this point, I almost feel more lost after reading this book. I would love someone else’s view on my responses. Can anyone help?? I’ll go back to chapter 5 in the meantime and re-read these last 2 chapters. Maybe I’ll get the light bulb moment that will help me understand the second time around.

    I really don't know if I can shed any light on your responses but I can tell you what I think has worked for me.

    When my girls entered their teen years they started having all sorts of the usual doubts about skin, hair, clothing, etc. We talked about how often they REALLY noticed these things on other people, which turned out to be almost never--unless someone was exceptionally different they did not notice if they had a pimple or not, for instance.

    I started to listen to my own reassurances and now remind myself that others are noticing my 'faults' just about as much as I am noticing theirs, ie. almost never!

    Who, other than your husband or kids--who love you--will be seeing your c-section scar?
    When I think of the people I know and love I realize that I don't really remember if they are good-looking or not because to me, since I care about them, they are beautiful!

    (I am assuming that your profile picture is you--if so, you are a very beautiful woman and have no need to be worrying about what others may be thinking of you!)

    I really don't know if this will help or is even what you are looking for but I hope you know that I care.

    Now, for your previous post about needing some quiet time for yourself: You need to listen to Fab50 and TAKE some time! It may seem difficult right now but it can be just a short amount of time at first. (It is so hard to get this time when you have young kids--I know. )
    The thing is--now there are times when I have TOO much time for me and sometimes wish for those chaotic years! Peace and joy to you, always.:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: You are a wise is a good teacher if you allow yourself to stop and learn the have done just that. I have learned so much from your responses. I am focusing on taking time to be here feel what I am feeling.....I am noticing that I don't feed all of my feelings now with food. I like these changes. I am so glad to be at this stage in my life and I am glad your path has crossed mine. Thanks for shining your light on others. Life is hard and we can help each other through by what we have discovered on our journey...,..I wish you well. :heart:
  • carilyn39
    carilyn39 Posts: 91 Member
    i just saw oprah yesterday when she discussed the book. very interested in this will read all your thoughts after i get the book..:wink:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    i just saw oprah yesterday when she discussed the book. very interested in this will read all your thoughts after i get the book..:wink:

    Awesome...we would love to hear your thoughts....I missed her this time....I will check out O's website and see if it was a new interview. Hope you enjoy the book! It caused me to really examine why I had some really bad habits and gave me some new interventions to change those habits. It is not what I thought it would be but it was a nice surprise! :flowerforyou:
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    I watched it last night. It was a new one with audience questions. I liked her first interview the best. You could tell in this one that people read the book but didn't actually do the work. I'm so grateful that we were able to discuss each chapter and take it step by step. I was telling my husband about it as we watched but he just kept rolling his eyes at me. LOL!

    I think this goes beyond just a food relationship and more into what we think about ourselves. That thinking is what we project to the world but it's false. We are not even giving the world our true selves. Once we do the work to figure that out, we can be comfortable in our own skin.

    AWESOME! I just went on and if you login you can access the 15 week online workbook for the book. I'm excited because my mom won't join MFP but at least she can go on Oprah and create a journal.
  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I finally got a copy from the library and I'm really enjoying it! 1/2 way through.
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    I finally got a copy from the library and I'm really enjoying it! 1/2 way through.
    Hi Steph. Are you reading through the whole book first or are you doing the work for each chapter? Sharon (FabulousFifty) posted some great questions for 2 chapters at a time. Oh, and keep a journal because thoughts come at you so fast, you'll want to capture every emotion to see where it leads.
    I can tell you that working through this book is the best thing to ever happen to me. I wish you all the best. :flowerforyou:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks, EboniA... I find the book to be a lot of information, but no practical application so far besides some meditation. I'll check out the questions being posted.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Good for you! I hope you look at our discussion point and ponder and journal your thoughts. Go slow and take your time to get through it. I had to kind of "marinate" in some of her ideas. I couldn't relate to her "God." Mine is different. BUT, she did help me to really understand why I was overeating and that I should really let myself feel what I feel. I am an emotional eater and this book helped me to work on this bad habit that contributed to the scale creeping up each year. body is lighter and so is my heart........this is my prayer for you! :heart:
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Oprah just reran the original interview with Geneen Roth today. Wow, what timing! I have been eating all day and feeling out of control. I needed a refresher on this topic and I plan to reread my posts. I kind of got obsessed about what I was eating and how much and started focusing on all the things I was doing wrong. Oops, I need to get back to the kindness.

    I hope anyone who saw this for the first time on Oprah will go through the discussion questions posted here while reading the book. It's certainly a process and takes time to retrain years and years of habits.