Over 200 New Year New Me Part 19



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Blue- absolutely not we will not leave ANYONE behind, I for one would miss your comedy! We will stick together until everyone crosses that finish line!!! This is a lifetime journey...and we are all in it together

    WE LOVE YOU!:heart::flowerforyou:

    Couldn't have said it better myself Cris. We are in this journey together no matter what! Through thick and thin we are all working towards our goals but some might take longer than others and that is ok. We are here to help each other out on this journey.:heart::flowerforyou:

    I'm only part way down page 10 (from last night?) but I wanted to say "EXACTLY!!!"

    BlueNote- it's not like we can just hit our goal weight and be done with this! WE need to stick together and support eachother at any weight! So I can promise you that when you get to your goal weight we'll have met, had coffee and told eachother orange cat stories :bigsmile: and hopefully we'll all celebrate your reaching your goal weight with an "Over 200 No More" cruise vacation!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Im on like beer 6 or 7...who knows...dont worry baby is asleep. I can handle my booze and know my limit.. Just had enough this week and been stresing my self out so here I am.

    julie- seriously you looks so good in that dress!

    ok back to relaxation time with my fiance...Ill log these beers in the morning. I have a feeling ONEdarland wont last too long:sad:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Thanks girls!

    I was looking at this one


    And it sounds/looks good but wanted to know what ya think. It does take regular AA batteries. I have a food scale but it's not digital, it give me inaccurate reaading all the time.

    Let me know what you think of this one.

    UP to page 12... I have this scale! I have the red one and I LOVE IT!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Pos_me.......... -2..........0.96%
    Lildebbie ........-3.2.......1.14%
    cogirl................. -4.0 .......1.54%
    raiderape.........-1.0.......... 0.36%

    Checking in for Thursday-
    calories - over by 800+ (I had a bottle of wine -oops!):drinker:
    Water- yes!
    Exercise - we don't count chewing right?

    Proud- we had 16 people for dinner - lots of fun, good mix of people and our last two guests didn't end up getting here until almost 10PM! I managed to eat about a lb of strawberries and only a little of the bread and stuff. Could have been much worse!

    Checking in for today-
    Calories - right at 1100 ish
    Water - great!

    Proud - I was going to really focus and get lots of work done today! But I didn't let my good intentions get in the way of taking a nice 45 minute walk after lunch :bigsmile:

    I'm caught up on reading - I have a dog show (photography) this weekend so I'm not sure if I'll be checking back in much but I love you guys!!! You're the BEST!

    My goal for THIS week is to actually do that last couple week's challenges. I didn't even come close to getting 7 hours sleep this week! Last night I went to bed around 2AM and was up at 6AM making those who slept over some breakfast!

    George came out of his room last night around 10:30 and asked "Who are these people and when are they going home?" Ken introduced people who came after George had gone to bed and then explained that we were just sitting down for dinner. Poor George. Such a culture shock!

    Thursday night I had a beer too (forgot to log that)... omg good beer is so worth the calories!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Raider - Good luck with the clomid. I was on it and injections 1st month and none of my eggs grew up enough :sad: the 2nd month they upped the injections and not clomid and that is when i got pregant. My hubby was soo scared when we went in for 1st ultransound that there wasn't like 4 or 5 :smile: i had like 4 or 5 good sized eggs. I did insemenation...we drive by the hospital where we did everything and always says "Abby that is where you were made :) " OUr good friend just did clomid and got pregant too ...good luck to you !!!!

    Well the babe's chicken wasn't what i was hoping, he broguth home the leftover pieces so it iwas real small and not that much of it and mostly thighs ( i really dislike thighs). I had some mashed potatoes (that we made) and like 2 bites of the chicken then we had to go to the gym (to get there for hubby's spin clas) we were starving when we came out so we went to wendy's...i had a grilled chicken sandwich and baked potato....not all that good.

    So lets say i probably am not struggling to get cals, but i don't think i will go over. I burned 490 at the gym and then i did some swimming, i don't wear my hrm in thepool so just guessed and then i took it down some, and just put 100, so 590 total.

    I will be back later to check in.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in -

    Cals - 2000
    Exercise - 590 ( 35 min arc trainer, 23 min bike , 15 (150 m ) swimming.
    Water - 56 oz
    Proud - I am very proud that i have logged my cals, exercised everyday (and stayed under my cals with my exercise calls) every day for 2 weeks now..okay 2 days shy...but you get the picture :smile:

    Well ....i went back and looked at the nutritional information for the pizza place we are going to tomorrow and i was looking at the serving size and not cals :ohwell: :ohwell: So it will be more but it is okay. We are working out in the morning and I am soo looking forward to it...I might be going over tomorrow but all worth it.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies! Hope everybody had a fabulous Friday night. Just sitting at work being bored. 2 1/2 more hours to go! :laugh: then it's fun in the sun with a bunch of little kids!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Kdub: Congrats on getting through all of those papers with time to spare!

    Momma: I guess I haven't seen any of the nastiness, but I have seen that a lot of the other threads just don't have the same degree of support that we do. I am so, so glad that I stumbled upon this thread!! I talk about you guys and my boyfriend says, "Who? Someone from online?" He doesn't quite get my obsession but I tell him that without you wonderful ladies, I wouldn't be as successful as I have been.

    Spy: Yay on buying a dress and showing us! That's so exciting. Was your finace shocked or doesn't he know yet? My boyfriend's jaw about hit the ground when I showed up in a dress for my birthday dinner since I'm not girly, either.

    mstahl: I love the idea of us going on a cruise when bluenote gets under 200!! Count me in! I really wanted to go on the Jillian Michael's wellness cruise this year in October but have too many things going on this year so my financials couldn't handle it. I may save up to do it next year if they do it again.

    So last night at the races, I actually did okay on the eating. I wanted to eat the junk food so bad that I skipped the beer and opted for a diet soda instead, to save calories. I ate a pretzel with cheese (not very tasty), a corn dog (tasted pretty good) and some butter pecan ice cream (sooo worth it!). I'm proud of myself for not getting more food, because trust me, I wanted it! I'm also proud that I took the stairs whenever we went to the second level to look at the horses before betting and my friend took the escalator. I even jogged up the stairs and wasn't winded or anything. People sure looked at me funny because all night, I never saw another person go up the stairs, although everyone had to walk down the stairs. In the three hours we were there, I only spent $15 (the cost of the food, basically) because I won back enough to break even on the betting. It was really fun!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: under by 6!
    Sodium: over by 1365
    Water: Fail!
    Exercise: The stairs at the racetrack
    Proud: I didn't lose any money betting on the races and stayed within my calories!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Good Evening ladies!!

    Well today I have been busy doing some yard work and then getting my living room ready to paint next weekend (taping and priming). I can't wait to get it finished!!:happy: :happy: Also great job on all of the exercise and staying under your calories!!

    lildeb - Thanks for the positive thoughts. Luckily we haven't started the shots yet.

    Cris - Hope you got some well deserved relaxation with the fiancee last night!!

    mstahl - So glad that your dinner party went well!

    Heather - That is great that you did so well at the horse races! It is always so much fun to bet and at least win your money back.

    Oh I almost forgot!!! I am an Aunt!!!! My niece was born this morning at 2:43 AM after 32 hours of labor!! I was able to see one pic and she is soooo precious. My little Miss Addison May!!! I can't wait to go and see her and her mom and dad in July!! Hope it goes by fast!!

    Well, I will talk to you later!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Raider: Congrats on being an aunt!! I love the name Addison May...I bet she's beautiful!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Heather - Thanks! From the one pic that I have gotten she is very beautiful!!

    Okay, so checking in for today:

    Calories: Over
    Sodium: Over
    Water : 64 oz (not as good as normal)
    Exercise : Mowing the lawn and painting/priming the living room.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!! Talk to ya'll tomorrow!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    raider - Congrats on your niece !!!!

    So i started thinking and decided to change my starting weight...my "real" starting weight was 318 last memorial day, we started working on loosing weight lost some then got off july 4th and not back on track till October. I keep saying well i lost soo much since october, and soo much since may...so decided just to change it since my journey started back in may when i hit my high !!! So i really haven't lost like 8 lbs in 2 days :laugh: :laugh: Makes me feel good i am close to a total loss of 50 lbs!!! once I hit that i will change my ticket to the next 50 lbs makes me feel better .
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    LilDebbie - I agree on moving your weight to the high at the beginning of your journey! You deserve to take credit for every pound you're down!

    Today I was at the dog show - it was pouring down rain this AM, then super hot and humid then another rain storm... and I wasn't feeling well :sick: :frown: :sick: :frown: I took about 1/5 the photos I normally would take.

    Tomorrow should be much nicer! :drinker:

    Checking in:
    Calories - 400 over :huh:
    Water - good
    Exercise - not much

    Proud - I ate very well at the show - just fresh fruit, 1 hard boiled eggs, lots of water and a little pack of peanut butter!

    THEN tonight I had a chicken pot-pie that was 1020 calories WTF???:explode: :grumble: :angry: :mad: :grumble:

    I got lots and lots of puppie kisses which really makes the work worth the effort.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Mstahl - Thanks :smile: hubby kept telling me that.. So were you showing dogs or just there as a spectator.

    Checking - 1800 cals
    Exercise - 33 min on arc trainer, 30 min on bike, 10 min strength training (533 cals total )
    Water - not very much just at gym and at lunch.
    Proud - That even though I was "splurging" i still only hit a net around 1200 cals, i fore sure thought i would be over today...!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Little Spy - LOVE LOVE LOVE the dress, you look so cute!!!! :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I'm reading all about your crazy swimsuit and the spanx and Awestfalls bikini and I have a request......can your next crazy dressing room outfit be a bikini over spanx ???? ROFL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: and with huge shades, of course.....

    Your wish is my command. :tongue:

    Thanks for the compliments on the dress! I really do love it. And it will definitely be worn with a pair of fishnets and chucks because the reality is I'm just not any other kind of girl. :tongue:

    I think my fiance is kind of excited about it. I showed him the picture I took of myself in the other dress and he seemed to like that one more. It's a lot more form fitting... I guess "sexy" would be the word. I have a hard time thinking of myself wearing a dress like that without being incredibly self conscious.

    I got contacts yesterday so that I could wear them when I'm running & playing tennis because my glasses annoy the crap out of me slipping down my nose when I'm sweaty. :laugh: I was wearing my contacts & trying on the dresses at the store and I kept thinking it had to either be the store mirrors or my contacts making me look that good in the dresses. :laugh: But I got home & tried on the dress in my own mirror wearing my glasses and it looks just as good! :tongue: I mean, not that I think I look *good* -- just so much better! :laugh:
    Sorry, I'm rambling. I'm pulling a Cris tonight. :wink: Beer #4 (& I'm the heaviest lightweight you'll ever meet, lol).
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Thank you all for your kind words of support. :heart: I don't expect you to be around when I finally hit the finish line, but I know that we will still be in touch - that means a lot to me! :flowerforyou:

    Been busy singing Friday and Saturday, so not much time to read all the posts. Litspy - both dresses are very cute and look great on you! Congrats on the contacts. Contacts kill me, so I rarely wear them anymore. I always seem to get eye infections with them.
    I posted a new pic of me, and the one on my ticker is from December, so you guys can see the difference. Not a huge diff, but I can see it in my face and neck. Plus, I picked the pic with me wearing my SEATBELT just for you girls! :tongue:

    Whoever said something about the Muscle Milk, thank you! I bought a few of the bars and the shakes, and today I ate half of one of the bars for lunch before my bike riding - it made a HUGE difference in my stamina on the bike! And it tasted REALLY good! And it was big, so I didn't feel like I was being cheated! :laugh: I ate the other half after the workout - I wasn't hungry again for three hours! All this time I thought I was supposed to eat carbs before & after working out - well, the protein kept me full a LOT longer!

    check in:
    cals: almost to half of exercise cals
    water: 100!
    exercise: 50 mins bike, arms, PT exercises
    proud: I went to a friend's house after my gig and I didn't pig out! I only ate three lemon pepper chicken wings and veggies! No alcohol, either! I am very proud of myself! It was the first time I controlled myself in front of my faves! (I LOVE lemon pepper wings, and, well, you all know about the goldfish!) I'm also proud that I got the nerve to take a pic and post it. I love you girls! :heart:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    BlueNote- You look GREAT!!!!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :smooched: :flowerforyou: I LOVE that you picked the picture of you wearing your seat belt. I have a friend who gained a ton of weight (had been too thin in high school and college) and I remember when she couldn't latch her seat belt. At the time I thought "how does that happen?" and then as I was gaining weight I would notice my seat belt getting closer and closer to it's limit, and having the latch slowly disappear under my "hip" - and I realized how easy it would be...

    I can't imagine staying at my target weight without hanging out here for the next few (dozen) years!

    LilDebbie - I'm a photographer at dog and horse shows in the summer. I only do three dog shows and this is the first one of the season. I don't really make enough to cover my expenses so it's partly for the experience and partly for the puppy kisses! LittleSpy photographs kids, I photograph puppies :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    blunote - Love the new picture !!!! YOU look great!!! Believe me i will be here for a long time. One of my "get skinny goals" is next time i fly on a air plane to sit in the seat my big butt fit in the seat without overflowing onto hubbies and to buckle the seat belt without the extention...i really hate asking for one sometims i suck it in so hard to squeeze it on just so i don't have to ask :sad: to be able to actually sit down and pull some slack on it is such a goal for me.

    Mstahl - That is cool...

    Julie - you had me in dress mode yesteday. I had to go to the store to take back and exchange stuff my mom got me for my bday. they had these dresses , i don't go anywhere i could think to wear it and they were way out of my budget :sad: so i didn't get them.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Blue- this is the first time I've seen your smiling face and Im so happy you put a pic up!

    I've been horrible all weekend...not jsut bad...horrible. I dont know whats wrong with me but I've def lost my focus. Getting under 200 was such a huge goal for me and now that I am there I feel so ...aimless? Yea, I want to be at 150, but I dont have that same drive...I dont know if any of this makes sense. I am not quitting, and I sure as hell am not going back to 255lbs. So I need to refocus and get some kind of meaningful goal in my head to keep me going.

    Be back tomorrow to full blown stlak mode. Hope everyone is having a good weeknd!

    Raider- congrats on your neice!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Blue- this is the first time I've seen your smiling face and Im so happy you put a pic up!

    I've been horrible all weekend...not jsut bad...horrible. I dont know whats wrong with me but I've def lost my focus. Getting under 200 was such a huge goal for me and now that I am there I feel so ...aimless? Yea, I want to be at 150, but I dont have that same drive...I dont know if any of this makes sense. I am not quitting, and I sure as hell am not going back to 255lbs. So I need to refocus and get some kind of meaningful goal in my head to keep me going.

    Cris, I agree with everything you just said!! Blue, you look FAB and can totally tell the difference. Cris, I'm also at a bit of a blah moment. I have less motivation to work out and feel more eh about eating right. I'm still tracking all my food, but I'm having a hard time getting motivated to keep on keeping on to reach the 180s. However, I haven't been in the 180s in almost 6 years, so I would LOVE to get back there.

    Checking in for Friday and Saturday:

    Cals - OVER. Went out to celebrate a friend passing all her tests and becoming an registered architect. Went to a beer garden (only 2 beers...) and then to Katz's (where Sally faked "it" in When Harry Met Sally) for some of the best pastrami in the world. Total cals = 1723
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - none
    Proud - that I logged everything, even though I was less than thrilled about my intake

    Cals - OVER. I was doing OK until I decided I needed ice cream at the end of the evening. Total cals = 1728
    Water - not so good, like 36 oz
    Exercise - helping my brother and sister in law move, walked about a mile
    Proud - no beer for me. I had a white wine spritzer and that's all the alcohol, even though those around me were guzzling.

    Today we're taking some friends in from out of town to brunch and then to walk around Central Park. With all the walking, I'll probably walk between 3-4 miles, not bad, but not awesome.

    Talk to you later!
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