Over 200 New Year New Me Part 19



  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Good Morning Ladies!

    blue - Your pic is beautiful!! You can definitely see the difference in your face and neck. That is AWESOME about your seat belt!!!

    mstahl - Hope you are feeling better today!!

    lildeb - You are definitely on the right track for your goal on the airplane!!! And I agree that you should use your highest weight. You are almost at the 50 lbs mark!! :flowerforyou:

    Cris & elmox - You will definitely get your mojo back! I know you girls will. Sometimes we hit speed bumps along the way and we learn to get over them. This is just a speed bump that ya'll have hit because you reached a mini goal. You ladies have accomplished so much and will accomplish so much more!

    Thanks for all the Congrats!! I am so excited that it was a GIRL!!! MY BIL & SIL didn't know what the gender was until she came out. If it was a boy the poor thing would have been called Billy Bob! Could it have been anymore county bumpkin?? LOL!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Well I'll be back later! Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    bluenote-I have never seen a picture of you before!! You are looking so fabulous girl!!! :drinker: Can definitely see the difference! And I'm glad you liked the muscle milk and protein bars you had! Awesome job controlling yourself as well!

    Raider-Congrats on being an auntie!! That's so exciting!!

    Cris and Elmox-I know what you mean about feeling aimless. I haven't hit the 100's yet but I've hit that block several times. I find that when I'm pushing myself really hard for awhile and I reach a big milestone that I want to slack off. Its usually temporary. You will find your way back. You just want to relax and not have to think about what to do and what not to do 24/7. You just wanna feel "normal". At least that's how I feel..that's actually how I was feeling going into the weekend. I didn't track calories I didn't care what I ate. I had a good time...

    speaking of lightweights...My friend Rickey and I finished 2 bottles of rum last night. Yep. I'm usually a light weight and I'm surprised I'm not hugging the toilet all day. 2 bottles of the 1.75 liters. GEEZE! But it was a good time!! :laugh: There were so many people passed out all over my parents house last night by the time I went to bed there were no beds, couches, chairs NOTHING left to sleep on I ended up sleeping on the floor in the hallway. Woke up to a 4 year old laying next to me, she asked me to go get her some milk so I did...as soon as I did the kid starting pukeing. This was at 5 AM...happy Sunday right!? haha...but she's a cutie and my future niece by marriage, so I took care of her till her dad got up. Anyways..that's my rambling story about my weekend! Time to clean my apartment..
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    speaking of lightweights...My friend Rickey and I finished 2 bottles of rum last night. Yep. I'm usually a light weight and I'm surprised I'm not hugging the toilet all day. 2 bottles of the 1.75 liters. GEEZE! But it was a good time!! :laugh: There were so many people passed out all over my parents house last night by the time I went to bed there were no beds, couches, chairs NOTHING left to sleep on I ended up sleeping on the floor in the hallway. Woke up to a 4 year old laying next to me, she asked me to go get her some milk so I did...as soon as I did the kid starting pukeing. This was at 5 AM...happy Sunday right!? haha...but she's a cutie and my future niece by marriage, so I took care of her till her dad got up. Anyways..that's my rambling story about my weekend! Time to clean my apartment..

    Now THAT's what I call a party! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Just got back from an ALL DAY wedding shower for my cousin and his future bride. After everyone left, we first cousins sat around the kitchen, drank wine, and reminisced about the good ol' days. It was very cathartic because they are all my older brother, Ray's age (who died three years ago) and so the stories were mostly about him or included him. I loved listening to them. I could have sat there all night. I miss my brother terribly. It was good to hear that they missed him also. :heart:

    check in:
    cals: close to the edge - mostly wine
    water: still managed to get 90 oz. in
    exercise: did it all plus the squats!
    proud: I could talk about my brother Ray without crying every single second. :indifferent:
  • velvetechos
    velvetechos Posts: 234
    Raider - congrats on your neice! Babies are so fun! Especially little girls - although I may be biased, I only have much baby experience with my own and mine is a little girl ;)

    Bluenote - that is amazing - to be able to go to an event like that, drink wine, and still be near your calorie goal! Good work!

    Sorry I'm not that caught up at the moment everyone - it's been a HECTIC weekend, woo. I've managed to get in some workouts though, and I've been under my calorie goal (not by much, still in a good range, but happily under) each day, have been under the daily limit on sodium each day, and have drank plenty of water! That goes for Friday, Saturday, and today!

    Something I am proud of? Logging in five days in a row (my first five days now on MFP), and meeting my goals every day except for the 47cals over on Thursday for my mom's birthday :) Here's to a new week!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Jess & Blue - Glad to hear that your weekends were good and fun!!

    Well today I didn't do much of anything but lounge around the house. I should have gotten up to exercise but of course I didn't. :frown:

    Well in it is:
    Calories Over (darn ice cream!)
    Water : okay 64 oz
    Exercise: A big fat 0!
    Proud: Nothing today.

    My goal for myself this next week is to exercise AT LEAST 4 times this week. (Sunday thru Sunday) I know I can, I know I can.....

    Stalk more tomorrow!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hope all yall had a good weekend.!!

    Weekend seems to be flying by...TOM is definetly coming this week..been very cranky this weekend...but that given , i ate under cals and exercised, fri night, yesterday morning and this morning (of course this morning got cut short cause hubby was whiny and wanted to go ).

    Sooo..here is my check in

    Cals - 1525
    Exercise - 35 min arc trainer (300 cals burned), .75 mile (against my will , i was going to do 20 min but only got to do like 4 do to my whiny husband).
    Water - nada...
    Proud - That i have not gone over my cals in weeks and i am doing soo good with my eating, exercising everyday i think helpsl

    I am soo excited this weekend i got a 4 day weekend, i am taking a "me" day on friday i don't know what i am doing but no work, no kids, no hubby, just ME !!! Then of course the 3 day weekend for memorial day.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Blue, I am sorry to hear that your brother died. I know it has been 3 years but I just could not imagine how hard it still must be. My brother died about (Wow I just realized 20 years ago this year) He was much older than I. 15 years!!! We were never raised together he has a diff mom than I. Oh how my dad was heartbroken. Never saw him cry in my life and he cried like a baby. I still remember my moms brothers sitting in the living room crying with my dad. I was so touched never saw any of these men cry and here they sat crying with my dad. My SIL called and asked for me then told me my brother died and I had to tell my dad then hung up on me. Yeah, I was 19 yo. She was always a jerk and never really was too fond of me. Any who it was so sad!!! I can't even imagine losing one of my siblings that I was raised with and am real close to. So my heart hurts for you!!! I am proud of you for being able to talk about it without crying.:flowerforyou: Also, I am glad that you posted a pic of yourself.:heart: You are quite lovely!