My Online BF Dumped Me Because I'm Fat :( :( :(



  • AmbyrJayde
    AmbyrJayde Posts: 257 Member
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    Umm, I met my fiance online... over two years ago, still together, living together in fact...

    But ot the main point it didn't seem he dumped you for weight, but he dumped you cause he's crazy
  • Jaylello
    Jaylello Posts: 212 Member
    5 foot 5, 260 pounds. Sending obese soldiers to Afghanistan is a great idea.
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    Options it might just be be prepared to have weirdos hit you up about what they want to do to you and about the size of their junk

    So true. I had a friend who kept getting requests by guys to lick her feet. Finally she agreed and drove to a gas station where the guy got in and licked her feet for like 20 minutes. She ended up thinking it was funny and did it every weekend for a few months.

    Edit: No sex. Just feet.

    I met my partner on POF! There are a TON of wack jobs on that site, most of the time it's hilarious, but also mildly uncomfortable. ANNNND, tons of men with foot fetishes! I had a feet licker once - no sex, just feet licking. It was awkward, and I was on my phone the hold time. It makes for a good story.
  • Querida0323
    Ok I want to clarify, crazyness aside- since you already know they can't divorce, would you have really been okay with never marrying him?? Ok on to my comments.
    1) I'm filipino too (well american-filipino, born and raised here in the US), and to be honest... he may be associating you to her. We do tend to look similar.
    2) Don't settle for someone with soooo much baggage.. I hope you don't let your heart suffer too long over someone who isn't worth the drama. Let the professionals take over.
    3) You were really nice in watching over him and tending to him to the best of your ability.
    4) He was dangerous and I'm glad you're ok overall.
    5) I'm going to be honest. One of my good friends went through something similar: He and a girl were chatting it up long distance and started their relationship online. He flew to where she was and when he arrived, she saw him and broke up with him then and there at the airport. she wasn't attracted to him physically. Lets be honest, I know this hurts, but have done many webcamming- it's not the same as seeing them in person. He may have not been really attracted to you. Plain and simple. It sucks to hear it, but it's Honesty.

    don't cry or hurt over this too long. Life's too short. Pick yourself back up, get yourself back in health and when you start Loving yourself again, the better guys start coming around. (Hugs) Stay awesome, but only to the people who deserve it.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    While I am sorry for the way your were treated, I can't see where he dumped you because of your weight. It's not right the way he acted, but I think the weight thing is all in YOUR head sorry.
  • mytime1986
    mytime1986 Posts: 117
    I am so going to that site when I get off of work.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    This part scares me a little from you OP.

    I included the "wet wipes" part because I also thought it was his way to get rid of me. That if I went back inside the resto to get it, he could escape from me. Which exactly what happened. And why exactly I chased him.

    Wait escape? Was he being held hostage by you? Sorry but if someone wants to 'escape' then I guess you can't detain them. You are scaring me a little.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    He did not dump you because of your weight at all. Do not get sucked back in to his games. How dare he treat you like that on a first date. Do not allow anyone to make you feel worthless. Imagine how quick things would go down hill if you were in a real relationship with this man. How embarrassing to go on like that in public. Work on yourself for yourself you will meet the right person at the right time. If your not happy with your weight change it. If you are going to meet men online meet them sooner than later. Go on a date without getting wasted so you can see what type of person they really are.
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    Options it might just be be prepared to have weirdos hit you up about what they want to do to you and about the size of their junk

    So true. I had a friend who kept getting requests by guys to lick her feet. Finally she agreed and drove to a gas station where the guy got in and licked her feet for like 20 minutes. She ended up thinking it was funny and did it every weekend for a few months.

    Edit: No sex. Just feet.

    I met my partner on POF! There are a TON of wack jobs on that site, most of the time it's hilarious, but also mildly uncomfortable. ANNNND, tons of men with foot fetishes! I had a feet licker once - no sex, just feet licking. It was awkward, and I was on my phone the hold time. It makes for a good story.

    I always asked POF members to let me lick other things besides their feet and I just got declines. =(

    Apparently people are sensitive about their armpits.
  • TehNoms
    TehNoms Posts: 86 Member
    This part scares me a little from you OP.

    I included the "wet wipes" part because I also thought it was his way to get rid of me. That if I went back inside the resto to get it, he could escape from me. Which exactly what happened. And why exactly I chased him.

    Wait escape? Was he being held hostage by you? Sorry but if someone wants to 'escape' then I guess you can't detain them. You are scaring me a little.

    This scares me more than a little.
  • TehNoms
    TehNoms Posts: 86 Member


    I thought he was so sexy when i was obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer :love: Actually who am I kidding, I still do haha

    Great, Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and a couple seasons of Angel gets two nods, but Supernatural gets NONE?!

    I actually had to do a double and triple take when I saw him in Supernatural.

    Gah he was so freakin sexy as Spike.
  • SCtolulu
    SCtolulu Posts: 154 Member
    ^^ Thank you. Yes I have been trying to really stay away from him. Even if he still sends me messages everyday, I know it's just because of his phone. I agree with you and the other people here, he must have a psychological disorder or something. Because I had not really seen anyone do something like that in public.

    Thanks again.

    Why do you still have his phone? Shouldn't you have dropped that off by now at the front desk?
  • TehNoms
    TehNoms Posts: 86 Member
    Guys, seriously, I have been looking for answers that this guy cannot give me. I cannot tell the whole story to my family or friends cuz it's embarrassing. I am here to ask other people's opinion. There are people here who give advice that really make sense and actually make me feel better. But I noticed, the people here who actually say I made this up are the ones who have been "trolling", judging and accusing. And what's their basis? The vodka? The margarita? The wet wipes? I know it is so easy to talk to people like you're some bad*ss over the internet. But I hope if you got nothing good to say then please just keep your words to yourselves. Some people here are just so mean and obviously trying so hard to sound smart and tough. I hope at least these people feel better after they do this.

    I just wanted to make sandwiches, not war.
    Sorry =(

    Make Waffles, Not War!
    (I own a tshirt with this on it)
  • TehNoms
    TehNoms Posts: 86 Member
    ^^ Thank you. Yes I have been trying to really stay away from him. Even if he still sends me messages everyday, I know it's just because of his phone. I agree with you and the other people here, he must have a psychological disorder or something. Because I had not really seen anyone do something like that in public.

    Thanks again.

    Why do you still have his phone? Shouldn't you have dropped that off by now at the front desk?

    Or after the way he treated her, supposedly, why not in a trash can? Anyone would consider it after being cussed at and puked on.
  • marieskee
    marieskee Posts: 120 Member
    Sorry this happened to you! He may have needed some love while he was deployed. He was away and lonely, he needed someone to love him and you were his escape for the moment! You are not the one with the problem. He has to live with himself and what he has done! If he was so hurt by his wife, why would he turn around and cause you the pain she caused him? In any event worry about yourself and your health because if a person loves you it has to be on the inside first.
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    Fried mayo sounds disgusting.

    Once, one of my mothers made me mayo brownies fro a recipe in reader's digest. Awful. Just awful. I love mayo and I love brownies, but they don't go together. Peanut butter and potato chips on the other hand do!
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    Fried mayo sounds disgusting.

    Once, one of my mothers made me mayo brownies fro a recipe in reader's digest. Awful. Just awful. I love mayo and I love brownies, but they don't go together. Peanut butter and potato chips on the other hand do!

    You can't taste the mayo! It's just the same as butter or oil. You're basically just putting fat oil whatever to get the outside all toasty!
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    Fried mayo sounds disgusting.

    Once, one of my mothers made me mayo brownies fro a recipe in reader's digest. Awful. Just awful. I love mayo and I love brownies, but they don't go together. Peanut butter and potato chips on the other hand do!

    You can't taste the mayo! It's just the same as butter or oil. You're basically just putting fat oil whatever to get the outside all toasty!

    Not true.I always lick the pan after, so I taste it.
    The way I see it, if I have to count the calories for the oil, I'm going to get every last drop!
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    Here for the grilled cheese. ..
  • Foxxy18
    Foxxy18 Posts: 119 Member
    Holy crap... This guy sounds like he had a mental disorder! Sorry this happened to you hon! x
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