If you can't say anything nice, get thee to internet forums



  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member

    I think you are right. I think that some of the most obnoxious posters would probably be okay people if you met them and befriended them. Some of us seem to have the ability to provoke those people (and I've gotta say, they are mostly men with few exceptions). Perhaps, what we see, is the aggressive, competitive, "male" qualities that should be softened by the cooperative, encouraging "female" qualities in our culture. Sometimes, it seems that the internet brings out the harshest behavior (that likely would not be tolerated in their own personal worlds). :wink:

    Interesting. Are we reading the same forums? There are a number of women here who are fast and furious when it comes to laying down some smack. I would say it is a level playing field in that regard.


    That's why I said MOSTLY men. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    We appreciate your antiquated views & philosophies. Thank you for furthering 50 year old stereotypes.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    That would be extreme bullying and I don't think anyone here is trying to minimize that by saying that there are different degrees of bullying. But a civil society promotes the more gentle aspects of human behavior and seeks to minimize the more aggressive qualities when inappropriately expressed. Some of the most gentle men I have ever known have been career military men, who direct their aggressive impulses at countering those who would victimize the weak and the innocent. THOSE are real men. And I would know because I am married to such a man (for over 40 years now). :smile:

    My worst tormentors were girls. Sorry.

    And degrees to bullying? Yes. There is NOTHING of the sort that happens here. Nothing.
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    Bullyng is more than just physical... just saying. Not saying that what the poster is referring to as bullying at all, :flowerforyou: but is is more than the fear of the physical. Me however I have a thick skin :D

    Bullying is more than the physical.

    Some of it is psychological. It is using psychological torture to egg others onto violent acts of self destruction.

    Amanda Todd. Killed herself due to bullying. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/11/amanda-todd-suicide-bullying_n_1959909.html

    And there are so many more. To hear people hear say that snarky comments - which NEVER cross those lines - cheapens every tragic death and horrifying self-image that comes of true bullying.

    I was agreeing with you, but adding that is not just the physical, the psychological bullying can and does have far reaching and long lasting effects on people. We are getting off topic hehe this is another thread :D
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member

    Too true, go heckle someone else on some other website all you haters out there :)
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    I was agreeing with you, but adding that is not just the physical, the psychological bullying can and does have far reaching and long lasting effects on people. We are getting off topic hehe this is another thread :D

    You were. I apologize. My hackles are raised. I didn't mean to stick you on the wrong end of that rant.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    I think you are right. I think that some of the most obnoxious posters would probably be okay people if you met them and befriended them. Some of us seem to have the ability to provoke those people (and I've gotta say, they are mostly men with few exceptions). Perhaps, what we see, is the aggressive, competitive, "male" qualities that should be softened by the cooperative, encouraging "female" qualities in our culture. Sometimes, it seems that the internet brings out the harshest behavior (that likely would not be tolerated in their own personal worlds). :wink:

    Interesting. Are we reading the same forums? There are a number of women here who are fast and furious when it comes to laying down some smack. I would say it is a level playing field in that regard.


    That's why I said MOSTLY men. :heart: :flowerforyou: It has been my experience to never expect a poster (male or female) who places a picture of his/her muscles as his/her profile picture, to be "gentle" in their responses.

    That's an interesting edit to your post.

    I personally distrust people with blue profile pictures - hey look, I can generalise too. :noway:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    I think you are right. I think that some of the most obnoxious posters would probably be okay people if you met them and befriended them. Some of us seem to have the ability to provoke those people (and I've gotta say, they are mostly men with few exceptions). Perhaps, what we see, is the aggressive, competitive, "male" qualities that should be softened by the cooperative, encouraging "female" qualities in our culture. Sometimes, it seems that the internet brings out the harshest behavior (that likely would not be tolerated in their own personal worlds). :wink:

    Interesting. Are we reading the same forums? There are a number of women here who are fast and furious when it comes to laying down some smack. I would say it is a level playing field in that regard.


    That's why I said MOSTLY men. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for continuing your support of sexist gender roles and stereotyping. These forums would be lost without your presence

    And thank you for demonstrating my point. :flowerforyou: :heart: To the contrary, I would like to see more men take a "gentle warrior" approach (I have been married to such a man for over 40 years--he has my utmost respect). There are some women who mistakenly think that if they act just like the men that they will be accepted in the "old boy" club. Unfortunately, that is not even remotely true.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    don't let one comment ruin your day.


  • bhmathews
    bhmathews Posts: 43 Member
    I completely agree with the OP. We are surrounded by so much information, it gets confusing when it contradicts what we think we know (1200 MFP daily calories, anyone?). We are all just trying to do the right thing to meet our own objectives.

    There is never a good reason to be snappy, judgmental or rude. It's easier to fire off words when you don't have to look someone in the eyes when you say them. There is no reason a person can't give their opinion or share their wisdom using civil language.

    yes, there is.

    there are members of MFP who are deliberately trying to derail others by promoting scams, quackery, and food phobias.

    i refuse to treat those people with kid gloves.

    ...and if everyone ignored them it would take any power they have to provoke. Every action/reaction needs fuel to sustain itself.

    Unless you have walked in someone's shoes, you have no idea what qualifies as bullying to them. My heart is breaking over the bullying response posted; this treatment of a person is abhorrent, cruel and almost impossible to imagine (almost). But bullying can be insidious and nearly silent, undetectable by others. I don't think we can judge what is hurtful to others.

    There is a wealth of information here on the boards, but to quote a source most of us love, none of us are "special snowflakes" that come prepared with the knowledge of how to find the information we seek. Really, is it so hard for someone to respectfully ignore a question they are tired of answering?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    I think you are right. I think that some of the most obnoxious posters would probably be okay people if you met them and befriended them. Some of us seem to have the ability to provoke those people (and I've gotta say, they are mostly men with few exceptions). Perhaps, what we see, is the aggressive, competitive, "male" qualities that should be softened by the cooperative, encouraging "female" qualities in our culture. Sometimes, it seems that the internet brings out the harshest behavior (that likely would not be tolerated in their own personal worlds). :wink:

    Interesting. Are we reading the same forums? There are a number of women here who are fast and furious when it comes to laying down some smack. I would say it is a level playing field in that regard.


    That's why I said MOSTLY men. :heart: :flowerforyou: It has been my experience to never expect a poster (male or female) who places a picture of his/her muscles as his/her profile picture, to be "gentle" in their responses.

    That's an interesting edit to your post.

    I personally distrust people with blue profile pictures - hey look, I can generalise too. :noway:

    Wow...we have gone from stereotyping based on gender to stereotyping based on physique and picture selection. Must be a generational thing.

    Oh, and :flowerforyou: as I am female and obviously gentler and softer than my male counterparts.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    I think you are right. I think that some of the most obnoxious posters would probably be okay people if you met them and befriended them. Some of us seem to have the ability to provoke those people (and I've gotta say, they are mostly men with few exceptions). Perhaps, what we see, is the aggressive, competitive, "male" qualities that should be softened by the cooperative, encouraging "female" qualities in our culture. Sometimes, it seems that the internet brings out the harshest behavior (that likely would not be tolerated in their own personal worlds). :wink:

    Interesting. Are we reading the same forums? There are a number of women here who are fast and furious when it comes to laying down some smack. I would say it is a level playing field in that regard.


    That's why I said MOSTLY men. :heart: :flowerforyou: It has been my experience to never expect a poster (male or female) who places a picture of his/her muscles as his/her profile picture, to be "gentle" in their responses.

    That's an interesting edit to your post.

    I personally distrust people with blue profile pictures - hey look, I can generalise too. :noway:

    *shrug* To each their own. Actually, the only reason why I have not posted a picture of myself is because 1) I do not have a digital camera (and wouldn't know how to use it if I did) 2) Don't have an ability to scan photos into my computer (I'm a bit technically challenged.) 3) Don't feel any particular need to do so. Perhaps, when I lose the rest of the weight I want to lose, I will rise to the challenge and post a picture of myself. :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    this thread has taken an interesting turn... :ohwell:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    OP, I read your other thread and it wasn't even that bad. It gets much snarkier. :laugh:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    That would be extreme bullying and I don't think anyone here is trying to minimize that by saying that there are different degrees of bullying. But a civil society promotes the more gentle aspects of human behavior and seeks to minimize the more aggressive qualities when inappropriately expressed. Some of the most gentle men I have ever known have been career military men, who direct their aggressive impulses at countering those who would victimize the weak and the innocent. THOSE are real men. And I would know because I am married to such a man (for over 40 years now). :smile:

    My worst tormentors were girls. Sorry.

    And degrees to bullying? Yes. There is NOTHING of the sort that happens here. Nothing.

    Yes, I agree that females can be aggressively brutal and that there is nothing like that here. But then, it wouldn't be tolerated either. Without the moderators, I have no doubt that the level of discourse would often descend to the lowest common denominator.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member

    I think you are right. I think that some of the most obnoxious posters would probably be okay people if you met them and befriended them. Some of us seem to have the ability to provoke those people (and I've gotta say, they are mostly men with few exceptions). Perhaps, what we see, is the aggressive, competitive, "male" qualities that should be softened by the cooperative, encouraging "female" qualities in our culture. Sometimes, it seems that the internet brings out the harshest behavior (that likely would not be tolerated in their own personal worlds). :wink:

    Interesting. Are we reading the same forums? There are a number of women here who are fast and furious when it comes to laying down some smack. I would say it is a level playing field in that regard.


    That's why I said MOSTLY men. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for continuing your support of sexist gender roles and stereotyping. These forums would be lost without your presence

    Did someone mention sexism and stereotyping?! Great! This is my cue to stick my controversial oar in and... Just kidding! I think it's better to just acknowledge positive responses and let the negative stuff wash over your head.

    I'm learning... :wink:
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    I completely agree with the OP. We are surrounded by so much information, it gets confusing when it contradicts what we think we know (1200 MFP daily calories, anyone?). We are all just trying to do the right thing to meet our own objectives.

    There is never a good reason to be snappy, judgmental or rude. It's easier to fire off words when you don't have to look someone in the eyes when you say them. There is no reason a person can't give their opinion or share their wisdom using civil language.

    yes, there is.

    there are members of MFP who are deliberately trying to derail others by promoting scams, quackery, and food phobias.

    i refuse to treat those people with kid gloves.

    ...and if everyone ignored them it would take any power they have to provoke. Every action/reaction needs fuel to sustain itself.

    Unless you have walked in someone's shoes, you have no idea what qualifies as bullying to them. My heart is breaking over the bullying response posted; this treatment of a person is abhorrent, cruel and almost impossible to imagine (almost). But bullying can be insidious and nearly silent, undetectable by others. I don't think we can judge what is hurtful to others.

    There is a wealth of information here on the boards, but to quote a source most of us love, none of us are "special snowflakes" that come prepared with the knowledge of how to find the information we seek. Really, is it so hard for someone to respectfully ignore a question they are tired of answering?

    you can't ignore them because there are many people who would fall prey to their snake oil if the rest of us were silent.

    your bullying comments are irrelevant to anything i posted. perhaps you meant them as a response to somebody else.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    OP, I read your other thread and it wasn't even that bad. It gets much snarkier. :laugh:

    I personally like the snark - I find it funny, but that's just my sense of humour. I've heard that having one is actually against the rules here. :wink:
  • jujuki47
    jujuki47 Posts: 84 Member
    to the " I remember when all this was just fields"LOL! hehehehe...
  • gettingmeback2013
    gettingmeback2013 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm a noob & I really, sadly, love the snark. It's like the Regretsy hoarde got tired of twiddling their thumbs & drinking whiskey & decided to workout instead. I wouldn't be checking in here as much at all if it was all rainbows & unicorns.

    It's the Internet after all.

    I agree with this. I also like the mix and find myself glued to a "snarky" thread. I enjoy drama...if it isn't mine. hahaha
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Any forum I've ever been on (I've been on a few for various interests) is like that. You just kinda get used to it.
    sometimes you get disgusted and leave. maybe we're just in a transition state and still learning how to deal politely with each other within the anonymity of forums? Or maybe it's up to everyone to educate everyone they come across? still, the line between jocularity and hostility can't always be conveyed whilst typing.

    No I completely agree with you. I'm just saying that sometimes you have to get thick skin if you want to post on a forum. There are always going to be people who disagree, especially on here. So many different methods and ideas floating a round. And then you get the @ssholes. Many people do use the anonymity of the internet to become someone they're not.

    I think you are right. I think that some of the most obnoxious posters would probably be okay people if you met them and befriended them. Some of us seem to have the ability to provoke those people (and I've gotta say, they are mostly men with few exceptions). Perhaps, what we see, is the aggressive, competitive, "male" qualities that should be softened by the cooperative, encouraging "female" qualities in our culture. Sometimes, it seems that the internet brings out the harshest behavior (that likely would not be tolerated in their own personal worlds). :wink:

    Being gender stereotyped is very, very hurtful...
