Not sure where to put this - My husband Sucks! LOL



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    In general, the heavier some one is at the start, the faster the changes will be seen on the scale....for a while. Then it starts to equal out and the real work begins.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Just remind him that men lose weight faster than women, but we live longer AND have multiple orgasms. That'll teach him to be cocky.

    but where would be be without their cocky? :wink:

    (I am gonna get reported ..........looks around sheepishly)

    OMG I love you!!!!! Let them report you..I will defend you till the end haha
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Just remind him that men lose weight faster than women, but we live longer AND have multiple orgasms. That'll teach him to be cocky.

    but where would be be without their cocky? :wink:

    (I am gonna get reported ..........looks around sheepishly)

    OMG I love you!!!!! Let them report you..I will defend you till the end haha

    We all need some fun now and then :laugh: :laugh:

    It is refreshing to here you joking about your hubs and helping him to get healthy.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Thank you :)
    Life is too short and would be boring without laughter!! We laugh every day..we both have a great sense of humor even if aimed at each other! (at least I like to think so LOL)

    These people would be horrified on a daily basis with us haha
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    he prolly just took a huge crap. don't sweat it.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    he prolly just took a huge crap. don't sweat it.

    haha someone said that earlier so I brought that to his attention tonight (giggle)..he claims he had not yet LMAO

    I also brought up the scale you know this meatball weighed himself 6 times!! LOL he said he weighed himself before and after the shower also just in case he "retained" water from the shower. I could hardly finish my dinner I was laughing so hard!!!
    FATJAKE5 Posts: 162
    Thank you :)
    Life is too short and would be boring without laughter!! We laugh every day..we both have a great sense of humor even if aimed at each other! (at least I like to think so LOL)

    These people would be horrified on a daily basis with us haha

    Do you girls realize you have been laughing for 6 hours? You are surely going to get a note from the up-tight, politically correct, can't take a joke, never had an orgasm police for sure!:bigsmile:
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    he prolly just took a huge crap. don't sweat it.

    haha someone said that earlier so I brought that to his attention tonight (giggle)..he claims he had not yet LMAO

    I also brought up the scale you know this meatball weighed himself 6 times!! LOL he said he weighed himself before and after the shower also just in case he "retained" water from the shower. I could hardly finish my dinner I was laughing so hard!!!

    LOL your husband sounds like a funny guy. i'm glad to hear he is making a healthy lifestyle change and he is lucky to have someone look out for him who is also on the same path. good luck to you both!
  • sjenkin6
    sjenkin6 Posts: 34 Member
    Sooo My husband FINALLY decides he wants to do something about his weight. I have mixed feelings on this as to ensure he does it right and healthy..I will be doing most of the work :/ (I am the cook in the house)

    He weighed himself sunday night while we were discussing him starting on Monday..297. I told him to weigh himself in the AM since he is technically starting Monday.

    Calls me from work Monday morning giggling and says.."I lose weight just thinking about dieting..already lost 4 pounds! Down to 293" I call him an *kitten* and explain..night time verse AM..night always weighs more. So 293 is starting weight..good to know.

    Official diet goes well Monday...he calls me yet again from work today to tell me his weight this AM was 288..WTH!!! (before yelling at him for being a man and having the ability to lose weight at a disgusting rate..I had to tell him NOT to weigh himself every day but more importantly if he does NOT to call me every time either LMAO)

    How the heck...?? I actually weighed myself to make sure the scale was not's not...5 pounds one day?!?! ugggg

    And this people is how Men differ from women!!! I need....Positive thoughts positive thoughts!!! :) Thankfully I am half way through my journey and have less to travel than him or I am not sure I could take him losing so much so fast!!

    He probably just took a good sh**, lol!
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Thank you :)
    Life is too short and would be boring without laughter!! We laugh every day..we both have a great sense of humor even if aimed at each other! (at least I like to think so LOL)

    These people would be horrified on a daily basis with us haha

    Do you girls realize you have been laughing for 6 hours? You are surely going to get a note from the up-tight, politically correct, can't take a joke, never had an orgasm police for sure!:bigsmile:

    ROFL...damn!! Always getting myself in trouble :(

  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    he prolly just took a huge crap. don't sweat it.

    haha someone said that earlier so I brought that to his attention tonight (giggle)..he claims he had not yet LMAO

    I also brought up the scale you know this meatball weighed himself 6 times!! LOL he said he weighed himself before and after the shower also just in case he "retained" water from the shower. I could hardly finish my dinner I was laughing so hard!!!

    LOL your husband sounds like a funny guy. i'm glad to hear he is making a healthy lifestyle change and he is lucky to have someone look out for him who is also on the same path. good luck to you both!

    :) He is and thank you!!!
  • skinnylynnie74
    skinnylynnie74 Posts: 154 Member
    :glasses: soooo glad things have lightened up in here!
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    :glasses: soooo glad things have lightened up in here!

    Right!!! Love laughter and can never get enough!!
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    My daughter is a school teacher, a group of the ladies did a weight loss pool each one putting in 50 dollars an overweight male teacher decides he wants in, he is single eats out three times a day and drinks lots of beer so the ladies decided why not that's an easy 50. dollars its a 12 week challenge he weighed in at 228. they are also considering body fat so its fair to everyone. Now they all regret letting the guy in he is losing weight like crazy he is now down to 189 doesn't work out said he gave up beer for Jack Daniels and Micky D's for Subway foot longs. It's not fair but that's life. Next week is the last week and everyone knows this guy will take home the 1,150 dollar jack pot.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    ohhh nooo!!!! That is one thing (weight related or not) I never do with my husband..NO bets for anything LOL
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Rec - LMAO...why yes they are :) Mine is hoping to be a smaller dooffus and when he gets a little closer to that goal..he will struggle just as I had and by then..I should be at if not near my own goal and can laugh (a lot!) and say hmmm remember how easy you said this was :)

    It will be hard, he will struggle with it. 295 to 280, easy peasy. 280 to 260 will be hard work. 260 to 240 will seem near impossible, be wrought with setbacks and fluctuations. He's not gonna have an easy time of it. I say taunt him every chance you get. :happy:
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Rec - LMAO...why yes they are :) Mine is hoping to be a smaller dooffus and when he gets a little closer to that goal..he will struggle just as I had and by then..I should be at if not near my own goal and can laugh (a lot!) and say hmmm remember how easy you said this was :)

    It will be hard, he will struggle with it. 295 to 280, easy peasy. 280 to 260 will be hard work. 260 to 240 will seem near impossible, be wrought with setbacks and fluctuations. He's not gonna have an easy time of it. I say taunt him every chance you get. :happy:

    bwaahaaa oh I intend to ;)
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    It's just proof that God is a man ; )

    Hang in there!!
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    It's just proof that God is a man ; )

    Hang in there!!

    LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^^^ I am an atheist but I totally agree with you !!!!! (does that make sense to anyone haha)
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    When heavy people start to lose weight they lose a big chunk of water weight to start. Chances are if he resumed normal eating at maintenance, he would only be down a couple of pounds. But that's not a bad start! Good job for him! At higher weights, little changes equal big results!

    The scale screwed with me this morning too. I cut my calories down to 1200 for a couple of days and fasted 12 hours for a laboratory test. I took my weight and I was down two pounds. I didn't log it though, because the scale lied. Bodybuilders know that when they drop water weight before a competition. My calorie deficit is about 500 over the course of the week - about a fifth of a pound. I was dehydrated from not eating or drinking before the test, and had less food weight in my system. So don't let your husband pay too much attention to the scale, because chances are there will come a point where it stops ticking down for a couple of weeks and it doesn't necessarily mean that he isn't losing fat! This is especially true if he takes up weight lifting! Conversely it may also drop below what he is actually losing in body fat, and give the illusion of progress so it is better to go by body fat percentage and clothing size than anything else.