When people ask for advice, stop being rude and degrading!



  • mommiejohnsonof6
    mommiejohnsonof6 Posts: 217 Member
    It's probably because they thought that once they lost weight they would like themselves more. Turns out they wren't ugly because they were big, they were ugly because they were small.
    well spoken!!1
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Has Anyone ever heard of Jillian Michaels. Was it rude when she said "everytime I look at a bagel I can feel my *kitten* getting bigger"? or when she is yelling at someone on the treadmill that "The only reasons to stop are puking, passing out, or dieing"?

    Seriously some people need thicker skin

    People from The Biggest Loser have gone on record to discuss how much they were abused on the show, and that the production is hardly close to reality. In general, I find that Jillian has a very loud mouth that can be incredibly irritating. I think her methods can be counterproductive for people who are very new to fitness, chasing them away instead of inspiring them to discover new ways to enjoy being active, instilling the idea that everyone must follow the same road at the same pace.

    And anyone who doesn't like her style of training can feel free to change the channel or not hire her as a trainer. Some people do like her advice and methods though. She's been successful and the Biggest Loser is pretty popular, so you can't completely discredit her.

    Anyone who doesn't like advice that I may give (or the advice of anyone else on this site) can skip over it or put me on ignore. Some people do like what I have to say though. I've been relatively successful and I have friends who regularly ask me questions, so you can't completely discredit me.

    Do you see what I'm saying?

    It goes back to - we're all different and we all want support in different ways.

    I agree that Jillian works well for some and not well for others. I've tried her several times but I don't find her to be a good fit for me presently, I may give her another go in the future. I was just making the point that her brashness isn't a magic pill and that successful trainers don't have to be that way.

    And my point is that niceties and over the top positive confirmations aren't a magic pill either. What works for some might not work for others.

    Therefore.....people are entitled to their own opinions and means of expression.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Maybe it's just my personality, but I read most things with a sarcasm filter. But hey, maybe people are just being mean, no skin off my nose. The way I see it, I barely care what people I have to face in reality think so if some random internet stranger says something I don't like, I'm not losing my **** over it.
  • flower_chops
    flower_chops Posts: 59 Member

    That's the thing about the internet - it's pretty representative of real life. You won't like everyone and you won't like what everyone has to say, but we're all entitled to our own personalities and means of expression.
    No, the internet is nothing like real life. It does give someone a chance to talk crap and be degrading towards others out of cruelness without being face to face confronted or with little to no repercussions of their actions.
    Absolutely this.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    But if the poster's intention was not meant to be offensive, then why should the deliverer of the message expect it to be perceived that way?

    Because it happens on numerous occasion and as you said tone is very difficult to convey. People don't give advice on here in a vacuum do they?

    Therefore unless you don't actually care how it will be received you can easily ask for clarification.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I know from my 10 weeks of being on here that when I eat healthier foods that are good for me and fill me up, I find it difficult to even get to the 1200 calorie goal and end up around 800-900/day.

    I don't really agree with your rant for various reasons.

    Here's my supporting/helpful advice, FWIW! You may struggle down the road by eating so little. I know you're losing and that is making you happy, but you may be setting yourself up for tough times later on. Just my opinion. Take it how you like.

    ETA: I didn't read this whole thread. Just read OP.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Well said and well put. People are here to better themselves and are asking for help, advice and encouragement. That's what this should be. If you are going to offer some constructive criticism, do in a kind way rather than rude.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

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    MyFitnessPal Community Manager
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