biggest loser challenge week 1



  • freehold1979
    Im really late joining in both am determined to both challenges this week.
    About me, Im a 31 yr old Medical secretary who has been overweight pretty much my entire life. The only time other than now that I have had a significant weight loss when I was 16 and loss my mother. I lost over 100 lbs in about 6 months and kept it off for quite a few years. My boyfriend was one of the reasons for gaining it all back plus an additional 100lbs cuz he thought no one would look if I were chunkier ( silly man)
    So my goal for the 18 week challenge is to lose between 60-80 lbs. I know it wont be easy but nothing worth it usually is:flowerforyou:
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    Jumping in here too! My name is Jenn (and I happen to know another Jenn on this thread LOL). I left this thread up on my browser and it's been there since Tuesday and I'm finally joining in. I'm 40 and I'm hoping to lose 29 pounds and end up at 140 at the end of this. I'm 5' 9" and my starting weight on Monday was 169. I don't care so much about the actual weight number, but hate how I look and feel about myself right now. I will attempt to catch up with the push ups, but I'm not sure on that. I will definitely try for at least the 50 per day.

    My biggest deal right now is eating. Moneywise things are not good right now. So I'm feeding us whatever I can get the cheapest, which is how in the last 6-8 months I've gained back the 20 pounds I had lost, and then some. It was like having to try to starve myself to eat just a little of whatever we were having since it was stuff that was not very healthy. Then I would just be hungry and eat even more. This last week I've spent more than I should have, but picked up some healthier stuff for me. I really need to figure out a way to balance buying healthy stuff that we can afford. My job situation looks no brighter for the next school year (I'm a laid off teacher, subbing as much as possible and also working part time at a kids clothing store) so I've got to figure out something.

    I did break down and buy the 30 day shred at Target. I really wish I could join a gym (I was down to 130 and going to the gym all the time 6 years ago and loved it - felt great, etc. - I really miss that), but that won't happen any time soon. I just said what the heck and spent the $10. I did the first day today and I'm beat. I'm not hugely overweight, but I'm HORRIBLY out of shape and my pants are getting to the point where I can barely button them and everything is hanging WAY out over the top. Not comfortable or pretty, but I can't get new pants, so that's more motivation - need to get back into these!! LOL I was exhausted by the end, but I did it all. 6 hours later, I'm quite sore - but feel good about it.

    I joined here in Jan or Feb, but this is my first time actually posting. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all and us all kicking some serious butt!!

    Challenge: 350 pushups (trying for at least 175)

    Monday: 0
    Tuesday: 0
    Wednesday: 0
    Thursday: 0
    Friday: 0
    Saturday: so far I'm going to say about 20 from the shred and hopefully doing small bits I can get in 100 total.

    I need to do a siggy, but for now:
    SW: 169
    Goal: 140

    *wave* Jenn! xoxoxo You can do this!

    OK--I've been away for a few days...not away on vacation, just not posting online for a few days. However, I completed my 50 push ups a day...woohoo!

    Sorry to say that I do not weigh in every week--just once a month with my trainer...sorry!

    I'm ready to begin crunches for next week! Eating out only 1x is going to be the tough one for me....yikes!

    I hope everyone had a great long weekend!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Completed my 25 push ups for the day.. and did 50 crunches. Got in tons of cardio :)

    My weigh in day is coming up..havent weighed in since May 6th. I am trying once a month weigh ins in hopes that I see bigger numbers than 1.5 or 2.. and so I stay accountable for a WHOLE month because I have to wait that long to see my weight change (if any). I used to weigh in each week, but than I would be like oh its ok I can have "that" this weekend because I've lost 2 lbs this week. So I've got a week left to push really hard!!!
  • futuredispatchhottie911
    I think that's what I am gonna do maybe try once a month maybe I would do better.
    Completed my 25 push ups for the day.. and did 50 crunches. Got in tons of cardio :)

    My weigh in day is coming up..havent weighed in since May 6th. I am trying once a month weigh ins in hopes that I see bigger numbers than 1.5 or 2.. and so I stay accountable for a WHOLE month because I have to wait that long to see my weight change (if any). I used to weigh in each week, but than I would be like oh its ok I can have "that" this weekend because I've lost 2 lbs this week. So I've got a week left to push really hard!!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    hey a9116143t - are you creating a new topic thread for week 2?
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    I HIGHLY recommend the once per month weigh-in, if you can do it. I have many friends who prefer not to do it that way, and some I know weigh in either every day or more than once a day. I would go seriously nuts. I agree with the above poster--for me it keeps me motivated and accountable for longer periods of time and seeing a bigger drop doesn't hurt either.

    I also read on this site something that has stuck with me. We don't wear signs around our neck with our current weights on it....NOBODY knows our weight by looking at us...they just know how we look...and if there's anything I've found by being's you can be down mega inches with very little lbs lost and feel GREAT.
  • need_to_lose
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    The new thread is Biggest loser week 2
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Ok, week 1 weight loss 3.6 :)
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    You guys did awesome.:happy:
    I didn't lose but I've been on a plateau. I need to just do a flying Peter Pan off of
    Maybe in week 2.
    I'm at work so later everyone.
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    is it too late to join this challenge?
  • RaneeC
    RaneeC Posts: 6 Member
    I just joined My Fitness Pal and was wondering if I can still join this challenge?
  • futuredispatchhottie911
    Yes of course it is never to late to join
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    what all do we need to do??
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    kizzym - you just need yourself! last week our challenge was 25 push ups and 25 crunches everyday. to drink 8 glasses of water daily.. and we could eat out once.

    this is the link to our post for week 2, Im guessing someone will create a new topic thread for week 3 tomorrow.
  • beckymac001
    beckymac001 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I was hoping I would be able to start at week three. I'm pretty excited about discovering a new, healthy lifestyle.

    Current Weight: 245
    18 wk challenge goal: 190
    Goal: 160-170

    It's a lot of weight, I know, but I am ready for this challenge. I'm ready to push myself beyond the limit. And ready to meet some great friends along the way!