I'm delighted to announce that my fiancée Yo Lazarov...



  • xxDearyen
    xxDearyen Posts: 20
    Congratulations to the both of you! : ) The amount of dedication you guys have put in is inspiring. I'm working towards reaching that level of fitness as well. Want it ;__; Trying to learn more about it.

    I am curious to see a recent picture of her, out of competition though. As wonderful as it is to win at competitions, I feel that bodybuilding competitions have the tendency for competitors to be overly tanned and unnaturally posed. I know the purpose of this is to emphasize muscle groups and appear as cut as possible, and it's great in terms of the competition-- but I think a natural picture of her and her achievements would look even more lovely : ) (but that's just more my kettle of fish..)

    Also, I noticed her workout deals with a higher range of reps versus a lower range (8-10). Did she work with lighter weights generally to reach that range? Is there an advantage to doing this range of reps?
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Congratulations to the both of you! : ) The amount of dedication you guys have put in is inspiring. I'm working towards reaching that level of fitness as well. Want it ;__; Trying to learn more about it.

    I am curious to see a recent picture of her, out of competition though. As wonderful as it is to win at competitions, I feel that bodybuilding competitions have the tendency for competitors to be overly tanned and unnaturally posed. I know the purpose of this is to emphasize muscle groups and appear as cut as possible, and it's great in terms of the competition-- but I think a natural picture of her and her achievements would look even more lovely : ) (but that's just more my kettle of fish..)

    Also, I noticed her workout deals with a higher range of reps versus a lower range (8-10). Did she work with lighter weights generally to reach that range? Is there an advantage to doing this range of reps?

    Its all available on www.team-wild.com - all the supplements we use, all the foods - everything! :o))
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    She looks lovely. Congrats to her.
  • Yo_Lazarov
    Yo_Lazarov Posts: 56 Member
    We are humbled and touched by your support and kind words.:flowerforyou: An amazing community (minus the necessary evil)! :tongue:

    This is an amazing experience for us and a dream come true.

    We have started this journey in 29th of October 2012 and our results in 5th of May have brought overwhelming tears of joy and happiness. I never thought I could overcome stage fright and performance anxiety, however I owe my boost in confidence to Matt, the only person who has believed in me from day one and never ever put me down! :heart:

    To the body language experts that commented on my facial appearance/expression, trying to read the feelings and thoughts I was experiencing, I am sorry to disappoint but your interpretation could not be further from the truth. Try again?

    As a child I have dreamt and hoped of earning a medal in sports, today I can proudly say I have fulfilled a lifelong dream and our results -Body Fitness Champion and Overall Winner- are a collaborative effort. The feeling is indescribable and overwhelming!

    Matt has been there throughout the process - a pillar of support, coach and dietitian and all-in-all AWESOMENESS.

    We trained when tired, trained when ill, we trained when we thought we have nothing left to give, we made no excuses.

    We recorded it all and offered everyone the front row to view our journey. Even when that meant facing insults and getting harassed by those who think it is acceptable to do so.

    If you have a dream - pursue it! Be relentless and focus on your goal without distraction. It takes time to reach your goals, but time will pass anyway... as they say.

    If you would like to see and know how our diet and training was and is please see our website. We have covered the topics extensively in both articles section and on pages.

    Have a browse and let us know your thoughts! If you would like to follow our journey as we attempt to earn our pro card and compete for the honor of being a World Champion, please do so at:

    Website: http://www.team-wild.com/
    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/teamwildtv
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TEAMWILDTVC/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/teamwildtvc
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/teamwildtv

    Thank you once again for your very kind words! Matt and I hope to see you around!

    PS: If you haven't got a positive or neutral thing to add, please refrain from harassing us and this community with your negativity. Not needed or welcome. Please carry on in your path. Our life, my appearance (the hair color choice, my chest, our lifestyle is only our decision to make). So thank you for the unsolicited advice.:flowerforyou:

    Sorry I have to be blunt.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I truly feel some comments made on this thread are reflected on the individuals internal emotional issues and battles, on the world around them rather than the way I and/or Yo look.

    Indeed, look at the posters making the comment and their own look, style and dress sense and one gets a good idea of how one may percive the world around them, their personal self worth and reasoning why they feel the need to come onto a thread where it is nothing but than that of success and happiness and make it about something else, about men and women, people being forced and coerced and supposedly unhappy, despite repeated demonstrations by myself, Yo and videos to the opposite.

    Comments really in the negative sense are simply best guesses and say more about the poster than anyone honestly take from my or Yo's input on the thread.
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    you pased within 500 yrd of us going to alton towers - eeek .

    can i take it that if you re both turning proffessional and hope to get further with this lifestyle, you have little choice but to resort to all means possible to compete at that level on a level playing field.. ?

    I will rephrase it...

    Is yo a "natural" bodybuilder , and i only ask out of curiosity having worked with "jamie reeves" and seen what it takes to be the worlds strongest man and do it "proffessionally".
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    sunglasses_and_ocean_waves Posts: 2,757 Member
    Why is it that no one can not love the way Yo looks without having personal issues? I can appreciate muscles as much as the next person, and I'm attractive and secure enough to not suffer the *jealous* thing. Why would I be jealous of some chick on the internet anyway? I don't happen to love her look. I'm glad you do. I'm glad she does. She's extremely accomplished, and I'm not sure why you require nothing less than the full adoration of strangers on the internet. You can be proud of her without hundreds of people validating you two.
  • FootsoreRambler
    FootsoreRambler Posts: 80 Member
    Why is it that no one can not love the way Yo looks without having personal issues? I can appreciate muscles as much as the next person, and I'm attractive and secure enough to not suffer the *jealous* thing. Why would I be jealous of some chick on the internet anyway? I don't happen to love her look. I'm glad you do. I'm glad she does. She's extremely accomplished, and I'm not sure why you require nothing less than the full adoration of strangers on the internet. You can be proud of her without hundreds of people validating you two.

    You can not love the way Yo looks, or the way I look, or the way anyone else looks, without having issues. However, there is (hopefully) a difference between what you think in your private brain, and what you actually say or write. And when someone enters a thread where it is clearly and unequivocally stated that the OP does not want negativity, and feels the need to rain on the parade, well -- then 'issues' seem to be likely. We all fumble through things that involve strong emotions as best we can. Winning, losing, celebrating, grieving -- it all involves a mixture of the beautiful and the ridiculous. And what's 'beautiful' and 'ridiculous' is different for each person. But here's the thing. Civilized people? They have a filter. They don't need to go up to grieving people and say, 'That shirt you are wearing is NOT mournful enough for the occasion.' And likewise, they don't need to go up to a person at a time of great celebration and say, 'Nice work, but it doesn't meet my personal standards of true perfection.' I mean, if ever there was a DUH in the world, that would be it. It's incredibly egotistical to assume that everyone else needs to know whether something is your cup of tea or not when you are trying to acknowledge a milestone in someone else's emotional journey. It's not about you.

    (That's the general you, nothing personal.)
  • Yo_Lazarov
    Yo_Lazarov Posts: 56 Member
    Hello everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Yup, it's me - Yo. Hope all is well?:happy:

    I have read each comment on both threads with major anguish, I must admit. It will get easier I'm sure.

    Although by now you'd expect I'd be accustomed to the feedback on MFP (funny to think the site is called 'my fitness pal' lol)- judging from our previous threads that received a wave of resistance littered with insults, I still find myself wondering...

    Matt and I never claimed to be the best at anything or be the ultimate physical ideal for anyone - because we aren't, we just came here hoping to share with you our hopes and dreams and invite you along the journey, if you wish to do so.

    I don't have the most perfect anything, just in the process of self-discovery. I may have a quircky personality, an imperfect smile or change my mind about my haircolor too often, but aren't we all?...

    I'm fulfilling a lifelong dream at the age of 32 with a wonderful man that sticks up for me and with me through the thick and thin. I never thought I could be this happy or be able to pursue my dreams of earning a medal and being an athlete. Life is full wonderful surprises.

    As someone who works in psychiatry I am accustomed to offensive language and behaviours that often leave to desire. I can deal with that, just as I learn to deal with facing the world through pursuing my ambitions and my transformation while further prepping with Matt for competitions.

    Some will love it, some will hate it and we can appreciate that. There is a saying where I come from that does not translate too well, but it's something like this: when you're slapped in the face, turn the other cheek. So yup - take it with a pinch of salt, or take it in the chin and learn from it.

    They say:

    "Life will bring you to your knees and keep you there. Permanently. If you let it.
    It's not about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit. And keep moving forward. Keep moving forward.
    If you know what you're worth, go out and get it. But you have to be willing to take the hit."

    So far we have overcome major odds in life, I hope this just gets better. We know we cannot please everybody, but we hope you will allow us to continue in our path.

    So THANK YOU for your feedback, as Matt said it is definetly food for thought.:smile:

    To the dozens of positive comments we receive daily, we THANK YOU wholeheartedly!

    It brings a massive smile on our faces knowing we have touched you in some way. We greatly appreciate your feedback and often find ourselves with tears in our eyes reading touching messages. You motivate and inspire us to work harder!!!:smile:

    So THANK YOU once again and look forward to hearing from you.:flowerforyou:
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    I'm super excited to see this! Have been waiting for this since your guy's last post! Congratualtions on your success. I admire your dedication! Just amazing. You look awesome
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Thanks, I'm definitely not eating too much but maybe too little as every week my calorie burns seem to go up and last week I burned off around 3000 calories through workouts but only ate 1000 calories net. I'm also gonna try doing low carb for a while so see how I get on with that.

    People like you guys are an inspiration to everyone on this website and I hope that one day I'll be able to look half as good as Yo does.

    I remember a thread you posted looking to drop body fat, but rejected every solution. Maybe now you can see that lifting will help?
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    Congratulations to both of you! I'm so glad all your hard work was rewarded. The level of commitment you both have is humbling. Please ignore any negative posts & don't let it take away from your huge accomplishment.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    For those interested and positive in mind see

    to see all of the professionally captured photo's from the day. For those that don't care... have a great life :o))
  • acmerunner
    acmerunner Posts: 10 Member
    thats awesome!!!! way to go!!!
  • EmmieChunk
    EmmieChunk Posts: 13
    congratulations!. you look amazing Yo and congrats to you both for getting engaged.

    youre both such an inspiration to men and women you really are!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Wonderful accomplishment!!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Congratulations Yo! Great work to both of you; your dedication really shines! You both are so inspirational, and through all the nastiness, ever so classy. Keep up the fantastic work :)
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    For anyone doubting how much Yo means to me and the fact I'd do ANYTHING for her was the fact that Gaspari my ex sponsor said stop supporting her or we will let you go because she is doing the WBFF. I refused to bend for a sponsor over my fiancee and they dropped me...

  • dabasshasspoken
    Wooohooo!!! That's friggin awesome!!!