How would you plan a 5000 calorie cheat day?



  • likepepsicola
    likepepsicola Posts: 117 Member
    I wouldn't....I used to be able to eat that many calories in a day, but that was when I was overweight. If I tried to do that now, I would be in severe pain. The highest calorie days I have now are in the 2400 - 2600 calorie range.

    That being said, if I COULD stomach more food, it would probably go down like this:

    breakfast: french toast & pancakes with butter, maple syrup, nutella, & peanut butter. a bagel with cream cheese. glazed donuts. some bacon. quiche. full fat greek yogurt with honey. a smoothie (2500 cal)
    snack: potato chips (500)
    lunch: a cheeseburger with real mayo & avocado, fries, onion rings, & a milkshake (1460 cal)
    snack: watermelon, bananas, grapes. a blueberry muffin. frosted bsc, cookie dough poptarts, & frosted strawberry poptarts. (1600 cal)
    dinner: pizza. a salad with tons of full fat dressing & croutons. mac & cheese and pasta with pesto. a baked sweet potato with butter, sour cream, & cheese. sushi. chicken salad. (3400)
    dessert: reese's peanut butter cups, a milky way & a twix, pb m&ms, twizzlers, see's candy butterscotch square chocolates, a slice of cheesecake, a cupcake, a brownie, molten chocolate lava cake, a slice of apple pie, some oreos, some milanos, & some soft chocolate chip cookies. some pb&j on a spoon. ooh and some cookie butter. (4170)
    before bed snack: a lot of ice cream (preferably talenti sea salt caramel & ben & jerry's cinnamon buns) + some cinnamon toast crunch with almond milk + more reese's pb cups (1370)
    total = 15,000

    oops...might be a bit over.

  • likepepsicola
    likepepsicola Posts: 117 Member
    I'm not an ice cream person. Mcdonald's soft serve for about 170 cal usually satisfies my craving for ice cream so I wouldn't down a whole tub.

    I scanned through the thread and a lot of people ask why. With the way I'm eating now , I have one or two 1500-3000 cheat days a week but my weight this morning was 90.8 lbs so I think I can go for a higher calorie cheat day.

    How tall are you? 90.8 lbs is underweight unless you are 4'10". When you are underweight you tend to crave "cheat days", because a malnourished body wants to eat & restore weight. And YES you are most likely malnourished if you are underweight even if you are not eating a starvation intake of calories.

    I personally am 4'11" and 92 lbs and on the verge of underweight. I eat enough food (1200 - 2500 a day) and usually have no interest in "cheat days" or binging, I just like eating healthy amounts of food on a consistent basis, but when I dip even a little below my current weight my appetite goes out of control & I get binge urges.
  • BostonStrong617
    Brunch at IHOP in the morning. Cheesecake factory at dinner, including taking home a piece of cheesecake to eat right before bed.

    This is my dream.
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    First of all, my cheat day would not be more than 3000.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'm not an ice cream person. Mcdonald's soft serve for about 170 cal usually satisfies my craving for ice cream so I wouldn't down a whole tub.

    I scanned through the thread and a lot of people ask why. With the way I'm eating now , I have one or two 1500-3000 cheat days a week but my weight this morning was 90.8 lbs so I think I can go for a higher calorie cheat day.

    I am disappoint!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    That's a cheat week.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    First of all, my cheat day would not be more than 3000.

    "First of all" ? where is the second, third, or rest of the post?
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Pizza, fried chicken and lots of deserts enjoy
  • pinktiger8
    pinktiger8 Posts: 130
    I'm not an ice cream person. Mcdonald's soft serve for about 170 cal usually satisfies my craving for ice cream so I wouldn't down a whole tub.

    I scanned through the thread and a lot of people ask why. With the way I'm eating now , I have one or two 1500-3000 cheat days a week but my weight this morning was 90.8 lbs so I think I can go for a higher calorie cheat day.

    I am disappoint!

    Haha, I'm not too crazy for ice cream. When I do eat ice cream, it's Mcd, Costco frozen yogurt or some Dreyer if my family buys it. Nothing fancy.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    That's a cheat week.

    I'm clearly doing it wrong.

    That, and you did notice that OP is < 100 pounds, right?
  • pinktiger8
    pinktiger8 Posts: 130
    I'm not an ice cream person. Mcdonald's soft serve for about 170 cal usually satisfies my craving for ice cream so I wouldn't down a whole tub.

    I scanned through the thread and a lot of people ask why. With the way I'm eating now , I have one or two 1500-3000 cheat days a week but my weight this morning was 90.8 lbs so I think I can go for a higher calorie cheat day.

    How tall are you? 90.8 lbs is underweight unless you are 4'10". When you are underweight you tend to crave "cheat days", because a malnourished body wants to eat & restore weight. And YES you are most likely malnourished if you are underweight even if you are not eating a starvation intake of calories.

    I personally am 4'11" and 92 lbs and on the verge of underweight. I eat enough food (1200 - 2500 a day) and usually have no interest in "cheat days" or binging, I just like eating healthy amounts of food on a consistent basis, but when I dip even a little below my current weight my appetite goes out of control & I get binge urges.

    I'm 5'1. For my body, anything above 90 is alright. I was in the 80s this time last year and that's when it was the worst.
  • likepepsicola
    likepepsicola Posts: 117 Member
    I'm not an ice cream person. Mcdonald's soft serve for about 170 cal usually satisfies my craving for ice cream so I wouldn't down a whole tub.

    I scanned through the thread and a lot of people ask why. With the way I'm eating now , I have one or two 1500-3000 cheat days a week but my weight this morning was 90.8 lbs so I think I can go for a higher calorie cheat day.

    I am disappoint!

    Haha, I'm not too crazy for ice cream. When I do eat ice cream, it's Mcd, Costco frozen yogurt or some Dreyer if my family buys it. Nothing fancy.

    can't comprehend
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    That's a cheat week.

    Yeah no kidding
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    First of all, my cheat day would not be more than 3000.

    "First of all" ? where is the second, third, or rest of the post?

    I didn't need to add the rest. I made my point with 3000 being enough for a cheat day.

    Congrats on the 70 lbs loss.
  • Dlacenere
    Dlacenere Posts: 198 Member
    A jar of almond butter, a box of mac & cheese and a box of some type of granola or trail mix with milk
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    lots of alcohol lol
    waffles and eggs for breakfast
    and maybe chinese or mexican for dinner with more alcohol.

    any specific reason why 5000?
  • JessieTangerine
    JessieTangerine Posts: 91 Member
    I'm not an ice cream person. Mcdonald's soft serve for about 170 cal usually satisfies my craving for ice cream so I wouldn't down a whole tub.

    I scanned through the thread and a lot of people ask why. With the way I'm eating now , I have one or two 1500-3000 cheat days a week but my weight this morning was 90.8 lbs so I think I can go for a higher calorie cheat day.

    I am disappoint!

    Haha, I'm not too crazy for ice cream. When I do eat ice cream, it's Mcd, Costco frozen yogurt or some Dreyer if my family buys it. Nothing fancy.

    Seriously though, you may want to try some Talenti. It is awesome! Plus you wont have to wait in that horrible line :laugh:
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Wine and wangs.

    Cuz I'm classy.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Ummm beer, cake, chips and chocolates? :P lots and lots of chips... :P

    SOOOO easy to get to 5000+ haha I hate binging though >.< feels so guilty but yea it happens...
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    I would drink most of those calories.