Triumphantly Dirty (Non-Clean) Eaters



  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I eat processed foods at least once a day, I am pretty broke so I stay in budget and canned veggies and 2 for 6.00 banquet chicken patties are cheap. Also my parents love me so they often buy me "healthy choice" microwave meals for work... which are still remade and not raw or organic. I also drink more alcohol than I should, eat chocolate daily, have a ton of creamer and sugar in my coffee. Only drink whole milks nothing low fat.. eat chips and whatnot.
  • savemama
    savemama Posts: 105 Member
    I'm glad that some people have success with weight loss while eating calorie dense/ nutrient light foods (lacking nutrients based on the number of calories). I've been trying to eat stuff like cookies and ice cream and fast food lately, and my weight is up, even though I do stay below my TDEE and exercise like a beast.

    Today was a wake up call for me when I had to let my belt out another notch. This belt has been a little too big for me all winter and spring.

    I just want to point out that dirty eating does not always end in triumph. Sure it's possible. It's also possible to run a 3 minute mile and to do 100 back flips in a row. It just isn't possible for me.

    Wanted to point out that "eating dirty" can also mean: coffee, alcohol, soda of any kind, chocolate, anything in a can etc.... So when people say they "eat dirty" they aren't necessarily saying they eat ice cream and fast food daily. Just that they don't prohibit non-natural items from their diets. ;)
  • youcantfoolme
    youcantfoolme Posts: 79 Member
    I eat whatever I please in no particlar order whenever I please. Moderation seems to be key. I haven't had really any trouble losing weight although because I can't really exercise like I want to right now (heart problems) I have upped my calories a bit to slow down the weight loss because I don't want to be too flabby and all that jazz. Food should be tasty and enjoyable. Don't eat it if it isn't.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    With you there. I guess eating dirty can work, but only if you totally obsess about macros and calories all the time. I prefer to not count em to much and eat what I want as long as its predominantly veges and salad. Its simpler thats all. And the other health benefits are reaped its not just about losing weight.
    it doesn't seem healthy to me to spend an entire lifetime worrying about the quantity of the food eaten , I'd rather know that what I'm eating doens't really need to be controlled.
    I do like one cheat meal a week and I drink a little wine but try to limit it to two glasses only tops at a time.

    Huh? If people want to hit their macros, eating clean or dirty has nothing to do with it. Also, I would not exactly call it obsessing - it really is rather easy, especially as we have this lovely little thing that shows macros at the same time is shows calories.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I want to see successes from people who don't have clean diets!

    For reasons I'm not willing to get into, clean eating is not an option for me right now, and I really need the motivation. I know you guys are out there so if you can show me pics and give me tips on how to make it work, I'd be really grateful. I feel like a minority on MFP who doesn't eat clean and I could use the support!

    (Just for background, I did lose 20+ pounds last year without a clean diet but I reset my ticker this year after falling off the wagon into the Land of Self-Induced Plateau. Back on it though!)

    p.s. no preaching, please. If I could eat a cleaner diet, I would! I've read it all already. c:

    Define clean?

    I eat alot of fruit and veggies but I also have pizza, takeaways, chocolate... I am lifting to and running but Its currently falling of me

    Yeah, this is what I'd like to know as well.

    What is "clean" to you, exactly?

    If clean is never eating fast food, pizza, ice cream, etc., then I would be a "dirty" eater.

    If clean is hitting your macros while staying at your calorie goal, then I would be a "clean" eater.

    Today (I guess technically yesterday) I went shopping for clothes and bought some size small and size 4. Two days ago I weighed in at the smallest weight and leanest body fat that I have recorded since way before starting MFP. I can squat and dead much more than my own body weight, bench over 100, and OHP close to 100 pounds. Yet, I just enjoyed some red velvet cake flavored ice cream. But since I was at my calorie goal and hit my macro goals, I guarantee you that you the results will still keep coming.
  • ajbemine4ever27
    ajbemine4ever27 Posts: 75 Member
    well whatever dirty eating means (like eating fastfood and not hitting my macro) I think that's probably me lol.
  • MoRiv1986
    MoRiv1986 Posts: 380 Member
    Bump for later.
  • Wanting2BSkinny
  • JayStu
    JayStu Posts: 332 Member
    I have lost 74lbs so far and I eat pretty much what I like as long as I am below my calories for the day(try to stay close to sodium) and I drink alcohol.
  • aronao
    aronao Posts: 112 Member
    I try to be somewhere in between clean and dirty. I need my treats and deprivation just doesn't work with me.
  • Tonijking
    Tonijking Posts: 18 Member
    I've lost 24lb so far its probably a lot slower than those that eat clean but Im losing and that's what matters :)
  • ultrafishboy
    ultrafishboy Posts: 63 Member
    Let's see Copycat Peanut Butter Eggs are 55 cal ea. Reese's peanut butter eggs are 170 cals each. Just ate a copycat, and it was fabulous! No brainer. And, the copycats are in the food database already!!!! Others like 'em too.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I stay in certain numbers but i dont have the time or patience to eat clean all the time. Or money really. 80/20 rule for me keeps me enenergetic and happy
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    So far, so good... I need daily treats. An apple or (more) greek yogurt just ain't gonna cut it! I try to avoid fast food, but this past week I had McDonalds, Taco Bell and diner food with questionable nutrition facts. I just did not eat all of the meals.

    I am mentally preparing myself for a time when I will need to cut back on the treats, but I generally meet my macros without really planning anything, just open the app to keep tabs as I go about my day.

    Oh, and our local farm/creamery just opened for the season, so super fresh/yummy ICE CREAM will be had today :smile:
  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    bump for later :)
  • ezloshead
    ezloshead Posts: 167 Member
    I've lost 12lbs so far. If it fits my macros it sits on my plate. I eat fast food, pizza, chocolate, chips, and every now and then some ice cream. I just eat a lot less of it.
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    I eat a lot of meat and vegetables. I eat a lot of pretzels and frozen yogurt. I eat homemade protein bars and drink diet dr. pepper. I've lost 30 pounds and you're welcome to creep my profile pics. I eat what I like and it works for me.
  • drewmmm
    drewmmm Posts: 130 Member
    I literally eat junk every day (take a look at my diary,it's public), there are weekly days that I go out and eat something deep fried, and I have cookies in my purse at all times. I have good meals too, but I don't eat so well most of the time. I'm not proud of that, but it just shows that calories in-calories out really works that way. I've lost 24 lbs altogether, 10 of which are in the normal bmi.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    I dropped a mess of weight last summer at a pizza joint, eating plenty of the greasy greasy merchandise. And the bonus to eating dirty to begin with is that the eating habits scale back up into something permanent pretty easy so it took an activity restriction to gain any of it back, and even then not much.
  • christinebryant80
    christinebryant80 Posts: 130 Member
    Im also a dirty eater, my hubby works at a Wimpy's and brings food home all the time. I just stay in my calorie goal for the day and when I know he's bringing home a burger I just do some Zumba, What a great workout I luv it soo much. I also started lifting weights which helps a lot as well. I only started MFP 2 weeks ago but hav lost 5 lbs. So I would say even if your not a clean eater you can still lose weight.
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