Abercrombie and Fitch CEO "hates fat chicks"



  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    Meh, their clothes are poorly made and overpriced.

    Fun fact: The only time I wore Abercrombie and Fitch was when I was an overweight middle schooler.

    So true! Their "L" fits my big toe nicely. However, he is entitled to his marketing approach and preferences.. and we are entitled to view him as a creepy, tiny boy lover, with bad plastic surgery.
    PS Your Batman bra is the DIE for!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    As a consumer, you have the right to choose not to shop there.

    As the owner, he has the right to run his business in the manner he chooses.

    As a fat guy, I could really give a *kitten* one way or the other.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    TheRoadDog sums it up perfectly. except as the 'old gal' I don't care either.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Oh well, guess they don't want my money. I'll give it to another company. Do kids even wear this stuff anymore?
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I really don't care.

    And it's his store. He can cater to whoever he wants. I highly doubt his comments are going to lose him any business.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    They hate poor people too...They BURN thousands of pieces of unsold clothing every year instead of donating them, because poor people wearing their stuff it bad for their image....

    I've read that Louis Vuitton burns their older merchandise too rather than send it to an outlet.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    This is Mark Jefferies...clearly he was NOT part of the cool kids, and is trying way to hard to be one. Sorry buddy, your time has passed.


    Thanks now I know who to look for when I'm all decked out in his XXL t shirt and jacket. I'll probably find a bag or backpack to rock or anything else with their logo. It'll be a Fitch in.

    Don't waste your time in the A&F store being treated like crap. Goodwill is full of their clothes...Buy used. Don't give the man a dime of profit...

    QFT! I see plenty of their clothes, Hollister, American Eagle, & Aeropostale at thrift stores.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    But have you seen him? Good grief!
  • MissKais0912
    This is my opinion on this. I cannot believe someone would sink so low. You dont like fat people wearing your clothes? How do you think that makes them feel? If you say you werent a cool kid ( ceo) when you were younger.. your making those "fat chicks" feel the same way. wouldnt they like to wear "cool kid" clothes too? i belive everyone is beautiful and they are entitled to wear anything they want...

    i have thrown out EVERYTHING i own from that company.. it sickens me to hear this from A&F.. i really liked their clothing.. but im not encouraging this...

    my view on this company has changed completely...
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    He's fugly
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    The man states he "hates fat chicks" and you are all sitting here stating how ugly he is due to what may have been plastic surgery.

    The guy is a douche (duh, that's how you make lots of money), but, stop attributing that quote to him. He never said it. The article author made it up to cause controversy, and you're falling for it.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    I have not shopped at that store and do not defend any poor choices they make.

    But, that aside, it is important to know that there are a lot of plus sized only stores.

    Also, the vast majority of stores do not sell the xxs sizes. So, when there is a store that specializes in smaller sizes, only sells smaller sizes, or sells sizes in smaller sizes that are a size small (instead of selling an extra small that is actually a medium). Those are the stores I am going to shop at, and take note of and know that I will be able to go to that store and actually find clothing that fits me.

    Whenever I hear people complaining that a certain store only sells small sizes I go check it out because maybe that will be a place that will be easy for me to shop at, that will have a wider selection and will actually maybe even have some items that fit me. Small people need clothing and lingerie also. The reality is that anyone that is either larger than average or smaller than average is going to have trouble finding clothing, and as a result there will be companies that cater to smaller people and companies that cater to larger people.

    This. Great post. My sis and mum are very petite and have HUGE problems shopping. :(
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    Well, my beautiful all-American SKINNY daughters will NEVER wear A&F.
  • tlorance100
    tlorance100 Posts: 18
    I think he just spent so much time stuffed in his own locker back in High School that he is acting out. My 15 year old son read the article and said he's glad he only shops the clearance rack there. At least he realizes that those prices for a tee shirt made in China is just throwing money away.
  • Bedreviter
    Bedreviter Posts: 2
    I'm glad A&F exists, actually. It is an excellent indicator of douchebaggery in the wearer. If I see a man over the age of 20 wearing Abercrombie I just assume he's an immature, insecure douche. Without a word spoken. The accuracy of this identification method is bang on.

    I'd bet a pretty penny that the average A&F-wearing male is more open-minded and less judgmental and hateful than you, based on that comment alone.
  • Bedreviter
    Bedreviter Posts: 2
    They hate poor people too...They BURN thousands of pieces of unsold clothing every year instead of donating them, because poor people wearing their stuff it bad for their image....

    That is called protecting the brand. I'm sure you have done a much more thorough analysis of their market and brand than the highly paid professional market researchers at A&F themselves have done, but you should at least be open to their analysis and conclusion. Perhaps it is quite possible that they can't charge $150 for a pair of jeans if their target group spot poor people wearing that brand. For a lot of brands image is everything, and they need to protect that. If the brand is devalued the business lose money, and they have to let employees go. OMG, YOU HATE PEOPLE WHO HAVE TO WORK FOR A LIVING!!!!
  • phoenixrizez
    phoenixrizez Posts: 50 Member
    The man is CLEARLY an idiot. I understand wanting to identify a demographic and cater to it, but to deny that anyone who isn't small isn't attractive is delusional. Meh. I never had a desire to shop there anyway. The clothes are cheap and plan and apparently that cheap and plain appearance comes all the way from the top! Did you SEE this man's face? He is a poster child for delayed adolescence and the self esteem issues that accompany it...."good looking people attract other good looking people" my azz! How does he explain his participation in the company then? I'll wait..
  • FitnessCharl
    FitnessCharl Posts: 166
    Only time I have ever been in I tried a dress on, ripped it, then walked off smugly - In your face, that's what happens when the ticket says "L" when it in fact means "XXS"
  • tlorance100
    tlorance100 Posts: 18
    I hate entitled customers who think they deserve the royal treatment just because they have a pointless question to ask. What did you really need to know about a bottle of clothing line perfume? He told you what it was No.8 "or something". Ok, good enough. Guy is ringing up all your third world country made clothes that your kids are going to wear for 11 months and you're firing away stupid questions about perfume. It's perfume... spray it, smell it, buy it or don't. I used to work in retail and I swear some customers just ask #### just to they can be made to feel special. You don't know what kinda day that dude had, and I'm not making excuses for him but not everyone who works in retail can be a robot every second they're on the clock. Sometimes you'll catch them off-guard and it doesn't give you, the customer, the right to declare war which is what you clearly wanted. Furthermore, what is smug or snarly to you may just be their personality. You should've asked yourself WWJD because they way you acted was MUCH worse. Didn't the Lord teach you compassion? Kill with kindness? Ever think to ask yourself why he would be in a crabby mood in the first place, did you really think it was because of YOU?

    UGH. I hate some of the people in this country sometimes. Typical self-entitled Americans buying 30 items of clothing (for god knows what) and have the nerve to belittle a poor service worker until they get the last laugh. And at the end of the day, believe it or not, these are so-called people of God. LMAOOOOOOOOOOO. Peace out homie.

    Whoa! Are you for real? I worked retail for YEARS and that gives me very little patience with salespeople that are not friendly. After all, the customer is the true one giving a salesperson a paycheck. No customers, no job. It's that easy. If someone can't get over their problems and give good customer service, they need to find a new career.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    The man states he "hates fat chicks" and you are all sitting here stating how ugly he is due to what may have been plastic surgery.

    The guy is a douche (duh, that's how you make lots of money), but, stop attributing that quote to him. He never said it. The article author made it up to cause controversy, and you're falling for it.

    I'm actually not falling for anything... and I think you're missing the underlying point of what I'm saying. People assume he is shaming others and yet they sit here and do the same thing to him. I really don't give a *kitten* what some "well known" asshat thinks. I don't or at least try to not let others opinions of me influence my actions, at least when it comes to my health, fitness and nutrition.