Abercrombie and Fitch CEO "hates fat chicks"



  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    People can sell what they want to who they want. People can by what they want from who the want. Enough said.
  • Glampinupdoll
    Glampinupdoll Posts: 234 Member
    I have not shopped at that store and do not defend any poor choices they make.

    But, that aside, it is important to know that there are a lot of plus sized only stores.

    Also, the vast majority of stores do not sell the xxs sizes. So, when there is a store that specializes in smaller sizes, only sells smaller sizes, or sells sizes in smaller sizes that are a size small (instead of selling an extra small that is actually a medium). Those are the stores I am going to shop at, and take note of and know that I will be able to go to that store and actually find clothing that fits me.

    Whenever I hear people complaining that a certain store only sells small sizes I go check it out because maybe that will be a place that will be easy for me to shop at, that will have a wider selection and will actually maybe even have some items that fit me. Small people need clothing and lingerie also. The reality is that anyone that is either larger than average or smaller than average is going to have trouble finding clothing, and as a result there will be companies that cater to smaller people and companies that cater to larger people.

    In addition to plus size only stores... Do Gucci and Prada market to the middle and lower class? Nope. Do people get mad at that? Nope. It's the same thing, it's a business deal with it
  • Diyah13
    Diyah13 Posts: 76 Member
    I don't shop there, and it looks like I won't ever be shopping there. How narrow-minded.
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    As a fat chick, I don't give a rats *kitten*. He is entitled to his preferences. Why do people think that they are the only one who is allowed to have an opinion? Get over it.

    Hehe Spot on! ^

    Common people- its his business and its a free country (or used to be)...so he markets only to skinny teenagers.. who cares?? I am not a teenager. I don't care.
    The guy just straight up says (with no tact) what other CEOs think and do... (There are tons of companies that market only to certain stereo types.) Whats the big deal? Just don't shop there (Its ridiculously over priced for the quality!)
    What adult wants to look like a teen prep kid anyway?
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    In addition to plus size only stores... Do Gucci and Prada market to the middle and lower class? Nope. Do people get mad at that? Nope. It's the same thing, it's a business deal with it

  • jelk8881
    jelk8881 Posts: 49 Member
    I have never like there store anyway cause its one of those preppy stores. I just like it when they have those live male models lol. I have never worn a plus size or XL so his statement doesnt really offend me that way. With saying and not making those sizes I believe he is going to lose a lot of business. This is just another reason for me not to like that store so way to go.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Really, who gives a crap? They get to market to whomever they wish and I get to shop wherever I choose. (I happen to be a size 6 who would never shop at that store, but not because the CEO is a *kitten*).
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    All the cosmetic injections have finally made they're way to his brain... I wonder how his stockholders feel about all this?
  • xtrasmall
    xtrasmall Posts: 66
    This is old news. People still care about Abercrombie and Fitch?
    Also, this.

    haha this
  • nicolej1016
    nicolej1016 Posts: 89 Member
    THe 10/10 hbb's on the other hand mire hard and get D so its all good.

    I don't even understand what you said there.

    Glad it's not just me, because I didn't understand it either :laugh:
    That's what smelling too much of the A & F perfume will do to you...
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    They hate poor people too...They BURN thousands of pieces of unsold clothing every year instead of donating them, because poor people wearing their stuff it bad for their image....

    Actually, a lot of places destroy merchandise rather than donate them. Hell, even bookstores destroy their stuff rather than donate them to libraries. That's just how it goes sometimes.
  • spirytwynd
    spirytwynd Posts: 141 Member
    I guess everyone has their opinions. He gets his. I get mine. I don't really have a temptation to shop in his chain. But then again, I tend to shop at Goodwill. ;-)
  • Nocardio23
    Nocardio23 Posts: 58
    This whole thread is a joke. You know what, if you guys want to nail girls in a spur of the moment, go right ahead. See how far it gets you. Sorry for having morals, and not being an animal. Seems to be the going rate around here. Have funs with your kids, and STD's. But to tell ya' the truth, I doubt any of you are getting laid in the first place. Why? Because a guy who actually does get laid, doesn't have to kiss and tell. Least off all, on the INTERNET! You guys really need to get lives. I can't believe I've even contributed to this garbage. I must be in need of a life of my own, just on the basis of sharing my thoughts with you morons. Have fun bragging to each other about how many sluts in you banged in under 2 minutes. I'm sure it is a great experience for all of you.
  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member
    Hansel is so hot right now....
  • ridofthegoodies
    ridofthegoodies Posts: 38 Member
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I'm glad A&F exists, actually. It is an excellent indicator of douchebaggery in the wearer. If I see a man over the age of 20 wearing Abercrombie I just assume he's an immature, insecure douche. Without a word spoken. The accuracy of this identification method is bang on.

    I'd bet a pretty penny that the average A&F-wearing male is more open-minded and less judgmental and hateful than you, based on that comment alone.

    Cool story, bro.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    I'm actually not falling for anything... and I think you're missing the underlying point of what I'm saying. People assume he is shaming others and yet they sit here and do the same thing to him.

    I agree about that point.

    I was addressing everyone who is putting "hates fat chicks" in quotes, as if he said it.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I'm actually not falling for anything... and I think you're missing the underlying point of what I'm saying. People assume he is shaming others and yet they sit here and do the same thing to him.

    I agree about that point.

    I was addressing everyone who is putting "hates fat chicks" in quotes, as if he said it.

    Alright we need to pump the breaks right here. I don't know how this sort of thinking got started but it needs to stop. Not every asymmetrical situation is born from hypocrisy. We imprison people who commit violent crimes but we don't want to be imprisoned ourselves. I want some people to be treated differently than me. It is possible to do something that will make you deserving of hostility from others.

    This man has said shameful things and as a result he deserves to be shamed for it. If you go around saying "Well your shaming him so you are no better." you are making people like this bullet proof because holding someone accountable might mean you have to shame them. This guy said things that should cost him business and people who call him out on it are fully justified.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    I'm actually not falling for anything... and I think you're missing the underlying point of what I'm saying. People assume he is shaming others and yet they sit here and do the same thing to him.

    I agree about that point.

    I was addressing everyone who is putting "hates fat chicks" in quotes, as if he said it.

    Alright we need to pump the breaks right here. I don't know how this sort of thinking got started but it needs to stop. Not every asymmetrical situation is born from hypocrisy. We imprison people who commit violent crimes but we don't want to be imprisoned ourselves. I want some people to be treated differently than me. It is possible to do something that will make you deserving of hostility from others.

    This man has said shameful things and as a result he deserves to be shamed for it. If you go around saying "Well your shaming him so you are no better." you are making people like this bullet proof because holding someone accountable might mean you have to shame them. This guy said things that should cost him business and people who call him out on it are fully justified.

    You just equated imprisoning criminals to mocking someone's personal appearance for a shallow remark that he made. Its not making him bulletproof, its holding yourself to a higher standard.

    Boycott his business, that's way more of a stance than attacking his personal appearance which sometimes people have no control over.