For those on LCHF/Paleo here is a cool infographic



  • devodev44
    devodev44 Posts: 50 Member
    I need to post this outside my office door or at least hang it out there when people wonder where that terrific smell of bacon is coming from.
  • mushroomcup
    mushroomcup Posts: 145 Member
    Oh my gosh, it's the bagels! You've opened my eyes. I'm going paleo. This must be why.... /looks down

    Waiiit a minute. Sneaky sneaky! I'm totes mcgoats NOT fat, and I love bagels! Nice try, OP, but I'm definitely not giving up my processed carbs.

    For the record, I have nothing against people following paleo. I know there are a lot of people who do it and feel awesome on it, and that's great. I just found this graphic hilarious and not at all convincing that I should change my lifestyle.
  • just_fur_luck
    just_fur_luck Posts: 141 Member
    I am disappoint that we're on page 5 and no one has taken that bacon and eggs and put them on that cream cheese bagel to make a delicious brefiss sammitch.

    Also, yes, Reddy has a six pack. How could he not at 135 pounds.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I am disappoint that we're on page 5 and no one has taken that bacon and eggs and put them on that cream cheese bagel to make a delicious brefiss sammitch.

    Also, yes, Reddy has a six pack. How could he not at 135 pounds.

    at 125 i didn't have a sixpack.

    riddle me that`
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I am disappoint that we're on page 5 and no one has taken that bacon and eggs and put them on that cream cheese bagel to make a delicious brefiss sammitch.

    Also, yes, Reddy has a six pack. How could he not at 135 pounds.

    at 125 i didn't have a sixpack.

    riddle me that`

    Is shakeology paleo?
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I am disappoint that we're on page 5 and no one has taken that bacon and eggs and put them on that cream cheese bagel to make a delicious brefiss sammitch.

    Also, yes, Reddy has a six pack. How could he not at 135 pounds.

    And he was never overweight.

    Calories in, calories out. Stick to getting that right and you can be paleo or whatever else you want. I do recommend you brush your teeth though.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Calories in, calories out. Stick to getting that right and you can be paleo or whatever else you want.


    But (you knew that was coming right?)

    To be consistently in a calorie deficit does not require counting calories.

    But calories do count ;)
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    tumblr_m0yr1iDl0I1r19jfr.gif I don't think many PCOS patients with insulin resistance will entirely agree with you. I do both (eat clean and keep an eye on calories) and it's the only thing that has ever worked.

    Same here and it's been working great since 1/1/13.

    good to hear, but you represent 4.6% of the population. infographic still wrong.
    It's been working great for me too!!!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I am disappoint that we're on page 5 and no one has taken that bacon and eggs and put them on that cream cheese bagel to make a delicious brefiss sammitch.

    Also, yes, Reddy has a six pack. How could he not at 135 pounds.

    at 125 i didn't have a sixpack.

    riddle me that`

    Is shakeology paleo?

    why do you ask?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I am disappoint that we're on page 5 and no one has taken that bacon and eggs and put them on that cream cheese bagel to make a delicious brefiss sammitch.

    Also, yes, Reddy has a six pack. How could he not at 135 pounds.

    And he was never overweight.

    Calories in, calories out. Stick to getting that right and you can be paleo or whatever else you want. I do recommend you brush your teeth though.

    hey welcome back - whatever happened to hunter gatherers aren't healthier than those on western diets? or did you not read my sources like you didn't read your own?
  • badgerbabs
    badgerbabs Posts: 49 Member
    The bagel with low-fat cream cheese is, however, far more likely to make you diabetic over the long haul.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I am disappoint that we're on page 5 and no one has taken that bacon and eggs and put them on that cream cheese bagel to make a delicious brefiss sammitch.

    Also, yes, Reddy has a six pack. How could he not at 135 pounds.

    And he was never overweight.

    Calories in, calories out. Stick to getting that right and you can be paleo or whatever else you want. I do recommend you brush your teeth though.

    hey welcome back - whatever happened to hunter gatherers aren't healthier than those on western diets? or did you not read my sources like you didn't read your own?

    Didn't get to it yet. Got important auditions coming up, had to go practice. I was tempted to stay in all day and make sure everyone on the Internet agrees with me, and to meticulously duplicate the work of the Horus study authors who tried to find evidence based approaches to answering the question "are chronic diseases like atherosclerosis a symptom of modernity?"

    I did check your profile though, and I am now much more interested in another question. Do you find vigorous training affects your voice?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I am disappoint that we're on page 5 and no one has taken that bacon and eggs and put them on that cream cheese bagel to make a delicious brefiss sammitch.

    Also, yes, Reddy has a six pack. How could he not at 135 pounds.

    And he was never overweight.

    Calories in, calories out. Stick to getting that right and you can be paleo or whatever else you want. I do recommend you brush your teeth though.

    hey welcome back - whatever happened to hunter gatherers aren't healthier than those on western diets? or did you not read my sources like you didn't read your own?

    Didn't get to it yet. Got important auditions coming up, had to go practice. I was tempted to stay in all day and make sure everyone on the Internet agrees with me, and to meticulously duplicate the work of the Horus study authors who tried to find evidence based approaches to answering the question "are chronic diseases like atherosclerosis a symptom of modernity?"

    I did check your profile though, and I am now much more interested in another question. Do you find vigorous training affects your voice?

    it can if you let your muscles tighten up. after intense workouts i do a little alexander technique lie-down to let my muscles release. i also try to stay as hydrated as possible and stretch like crazy. i get voice issues when my right hip flexor is tight. everything's connected, so it's important to listen to your body. i'm sure you know that tho. :)
  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
    The reality is that paleo works for a lot of people, then again, so do carbs.
    Everyone is different! If my daily overall carbs go over 15% I gain weight, on the other hand, if my daughter eats more than 25% protein she gains weight. It all comes down to DNA, we differentiate 'proteins' and 'carbies'. My sister is completely paleo and it works well for her, her daughter eats the same foods obviously, and is heavier than she should be. Again, it's all about each individual person's DNA.
  • just_fur_luck
    just_fur_luck Posts: 141 Member
    I am disappoint that we're on page 5 and no one has taken that bacon and eggs and put them on that cream cheese bagel to make a delicious brefiss sammitch.

    Also, yes, Reddy has a six pack. How could he not at 135 pounds.

    at 125 i didn't have a sixpack.

    riddle me that`

    Because you were 14?
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I am disappoint that we're on page 5 and no one has taken that bacon and eggs and put them on that cream cheese bagel to make a delicious brefiss sammitch.

    Also, yes, Reddy has a six pack. How could he not at 135 pounds.

    And he was never overweight.

    Calories in, calories out. Stick to getting that right and you can be paleo or whatever else you want. I do recommend you brush your teeth though.

    hey welcome back - whatever happened to hunter gatherers aren't healthier than those on western diets? or did you not read my sources like you didn't read your own?

    Didn't get to it yet. Got important auditions coming up, had to go practice. I was tempted to stay in all day and make sure everyone on the Internet agrees with me, and to meticulously duplicate the work of the Horus study authors who tried to find evidence based approaches to answering the question "are chronic diseases like atherosclerosis a symptom of modernity?"

    I did check your profile though, and I am now much more interested in another question. Do you find vigorous training affects your voice?

    it can if you let your muscles tighten up. after intense workouts i do a little alexander technique lie-down to let my muscles release. i also try to stay as hydrated as possible and stretch like crazy. i get voice issues when my right hip flexor is tight. everything's connected, so it's important to listen to your body. i'm sure you know that tho. :)

    Yeah I'm am AT nut. I default to semi supine as well.

    But I'm noticing I can have issues when I'm pushing it hard, and trying to nail down whether it is deficits, radical body change in short time, big workouts, or a combo of things. I'm sorry to go off topic but I'm hoping to collect as many answers as I can from various sources of anecdotal evidence.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    The reality is that paleo works for a lot of people, then again, so do carbs.
    Everyone is different! If my daily overall carbs go over 15% I gain weight, on the other hand, if my daughter eats more than 25% protein she gains weight. It all comes down to DNA, we differentiate 'proteins' and 'carbies'. My sister is completely paleo and it works well for her, her daughter eats the same foods obviously, and is heavier than she should be. Again, it's all about each individual person's DNA.

    Really? because so many people out there say there are no special those people drive me insane. Our bodies aren't supposed to work the same, we are supposed to be diffferent. But they will ram it down your throat if you say it doesn't work for you. Not sure how people think they are so smart and yet come here and say stupid things that prove you don't have a clue.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    The reality is that paleo works for a lot of people, then again, so do carbs.
    Everyone is different! If my daily overall carbs go over 15% I gain weight, on the other hand, if my daughter eats more than 25% protein she gains weight. It all comes down to DNA, we differentiate 'proteins' and 'carbies'. My sister is completely paleo and it works well for her, her daughter eats the same foods obviously, and is heavier than she should be. Again, it's all about each individual person's DNA.

    Really? because so many people out there say there are no special those people drive me insane. Our bodies aren't supposed to work the same, we are supposed to be diffferent. But they will ram it down your throat if you say it doesn't work for you. Not sure how people think they are so smart and yet come here and say stupid things that prove you don't have a clue.

    Not sure who you mean but I didn't see anyone here say that. Doing what works for you is pretty damn logical.

    On the other hand, we sort of all are very, very similar. So dig a bit deeper and you often find the differences are merely conceptual, or that there is an action in common actually leading to the same result, which if quantified can be related to others to alleviate frustration.

    This is sort of a super duper important topic in that regard, because if it can be proven that modern diets based on grain cause chronic illness, we are essentially saying the carrying capacity of the planet is even lower than we thought. Interesting developed world vs. developing world conflict there!
  • FlippinNora
    FlippinNora Posts: 41 Member
    I am almost certain I am pre-diabetic. The reason I'm not 100% certain is, quite honestly and very stupidly, I am not going to go and get that confirmed but, some things were changing.

    One thing which was so frustrating was this weird thing of not losing weight. I am a really good yo-yoer. I mean, I am fantastic, if there is one thing I know, it's how to lose weight (not keep it off, but...) and I know without a shadow of a doubt that when I commit, I lose. Only I wasn't. In fact I've spent the last 6 months having many a WTF? moment. Why couldn't I lose - I must be eating more than I think, it's my meds, it's my Implant - it's the weather, whatever!
    I also started getting random skin infections and not through injury or anything else, they would just happen and be really painful. I would wake up shattered and be ready for a rest by 11am and sometimes actually going for a sleep at 11am!

    Anyway, after much, much research and internal arguments and resistance and feeling that paleo/primal flies in the face of everything I've known and believed and been taught, I'm doing it.

    For the first time in a year I can get my wedding ring off, for the first time in ages I don't feel as tired and for the first time in ages...I am actually losing weight AND gaining my life back. I had lost my faith in my body entirely - I was considering surgery and I can not tell you how low I got to be considering that.

    The reason I'm kind of bearing my soul like this in public is because, I know what people think of paleo/primal etc. but, somehow it's working for me where nothing else did. How can anybody knock that? You've found your way and have your beliefs and that's great. I shared those but, it wasn't working - maybe I had abused my body more than you, maybe I'm further down a bad road than you were. What works, is what works. Why knock it?
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    The reality is that paleo works for a lot of people, then again, so do carbs.
    Everyone is different! If my daily overall carbs go over 15% I gain weight, on the other hand, if my daughter eats more than 25% protein she gains weight. It all comes down to DNA, we differentiate 'proteins' and 'carbies'. My sister is completely paleo and it works well for her, her daughter eats the same foods obviously, and is heavier than she should be. Again, it's all about each individual person's DNA.

    Really? because so many people out there say there are no special those people drive me insane. Our bodies aren't supposed to work the same, we are supposed to be diffferent. But they will ram it down your throat if you say it doesn't work for you. Not sure how people think they are so smart and yet come here and say stupid things that prove you don't have a clue.

    Not sure who you mean but I didn't see anyone here say that. Doing what works for you is pretty damn logical.

    On the other hand, we sort of all are very, very similar. So dig a bit deeper and you often find the differences are merely conceptual, or that there is an action in common actually leading to the same result, which if quantified can be related to others to alleviate frustration.

    This is sort of a super duper important topic in that regard, because if it can be proven that modern diets based on grain cause chronic illness, we are essentially saying the carrying capacity of the planet is even lower than we thought. Interesting developed world vs. developing world conflict there! one here has said it yet. But they've said it me in fact because I said that doesn't work for me I need to be in low carbs to lose and they came off with you must be one of those special snowflakes.