Eating pizza, pop tarts, & ice cream while losing weight



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    is there a person left on here that doesn't know that a calorie deficit = weight loss regardless of the food choice?

    these threads are so redundant

    I have been on this website for over a year and a half and I have yet to see people talk about how coronary heart disease doesn't discriminate based on weight

    i'm not down with policing health, i think everyone should have authority over what they want to do with their own bodies

    but i don't think people who choose "healthier" options think that they have to in order to lose weight, perhaps they just appreciate plaque-free arteries ... they're probably well aware that they can eat "junk food" and still lose weight

    sooo carrots or pizza, whatever floats your boat

    Plaque free arteries as they are losing weight on a caloric deficit, especially with some exercise...yep
  • ElliInJapan
    ElliInJapan Posts: 284 Member
    I'm not sure if there's much point after 20+ pages in this thread, but as someone who has done very boring and restrictive diets in the past (given by nutritionists, doctors, etc) and did manage to lose weight, but eventually gained it all (and even more) back, I found IIFYM liberating. Calorie counting on its own is liberating, as you can eat whatever you like as long as you stay under without the guilt you get when trying to follow a specific diet (and before anyone jumps on me, I don't mean eating "junk" food all day long, but having some chocolate or ice cream and keep losing, something that feels almost like a revolutionary act). And watching your macros (and micros) is such a great guide to do that reasonably, and moreover to see where your diet needs improvement. I still struggle for that, my fat and carbs are usually higher than I'd like, my protein still too low, but that's what I'm working on. I am making progress, a bit slowly, but still, I'm getting closer to where I want to be and at the same time I still live my life normally, going out several times a week, drinking a glass of wine almost every day and eating delicious food every single day. Why did it have to be so restricting and emotionally exhausting in the past?

    Anyway, what I want to say is that I get the point of your post, OP, and actually posts like yours helped me get started a few months ago. Please keep posting such threads, I'm sure they are useful to many others. :flowerforyou:
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    In because I'm jealous of all the fancy Pop Tart flavours you get int the US :grumble: Just strawberry or apple for me. :sad:
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    For the love of God people, EAT A REAL PASTRY.

    That being said, in for food porn.



  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Were there really Han Solo in Carbonite PopTarts? Because that's awesome.
  • weevil66
    weevil66 Posts: 600 Member
    Balls. I knew there was something I forgot at the market today...Pop Tarts.
  • 7opoundsin16weeks
    7opoundsin16weeks Posts: 211 Member
    yes you can eat all that crap and lose weight, though you would be losing muscle weight mostly and not fat
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    yes you can eat all that crap and lose weight, though you would be losing muscle weight mostly and not fat

    Why would he be losing muscle?

    Also, the OP lost 158lb - so he had over 300lb of LBM? Sounds legit!
  • shelbyss133
    shelbyss133 Posts: 20 Member
    Somebody say Poptarts?


    You would kyle lmao
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    is there a person left on here that doesn't know that a calorie deficit = weight loss regardless of the food choice?

    these threads are so redundant

    I have been on this website for over a year and a half and I have yet to see people talk about how coronary heart disease doesn't discriminate based on weight

    i'm not down with policing health, i think everyone should have authority over what they want to do with their own bodies

    but i don't think people who choose "healthier" options think that they have to in order to lose weight, perhaps they just appreciate plaque-free arteries ... they're probably well aware that they can eat "junk food" and still lose weight

    sooo carrots or pizza, whatever floats your boat

    i agree 100000% with this, that you can eat whatever you want... as long as its under your calorie goal for the day.. and still lose weight. However I can say that within these types of posts, I can tell you that *I* have been the one to say "choose better foods" because I was the 24 year old who was SKINNY, yet chose the burgers, pizza and fries over the grilled chicken & salads... and I ended up having clogged arteries and 2 strokes from blood clots to the brain.. YES at age 24. So while you can eat whatever the hell you want.. and still lose weight.. SKINNY doesnt mean HEALTHY. Chose wisely. :heart:
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Somebody say Poptarts?

    Look at that! SIX vitamins and minerals...and yet people still put them down.

    still laughing! you are hysterical:laugh: :laugh:
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I think there are, for some people, psychological push factors away from their chosen 'bad' foods, such as guilt or feeling dirty, but the biggest pull factor towards 'good' foods is the feeling they are being 'virtuous'.

    Virtue, or the feeling of it, is highly addictive, and our society praises people for being able to restrict both their food choices and their food quantities. I suspect that is why I was capable of undereating so badly when I started mfp: I was being 'good' by suffering hunger and everyone was very impressed.

    Now that I know I can lose on 2400kcal, no one will praise me on a day to day basis. Rather, I get odd comments on what I eat. A biology teacher told me he couldn't eat macaroni cheese because it was 'fattening' and when I told him how much BS that was had no comeback. If I choose the 'healthy' option at a restaurant I have to buy two of them, or have an icecream later.

    It's nice to have somewhere to come where enough people understand that I don't have to be 'virtuous' to be good at losing weight. If you choose not to be 'virtuous' in your food choices, you have to wait longer for the praise, right up until you are 'successful'. You can find validation on mfp, but you won't find much in real life.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I think there are, for some people, psychological push factors away from their chosen 'bad' foods, such as guilt or feeling dirty, but the biggest pull factor towards 'good' foods is the feeling they are being 'virtuous'.

    Virtue, or the feeling of it, is highly addictive, and our society praises people for being able to restrict both their food choices and their food quantities. I suspect that is why I was capable of undereating so badly when I started mfp: I was being 'good' by suffering hunger and everyone was very impressed.

    Now that I know I can lose on 2400kcal, no one will praise me on a day to day basis. Rather, I get odd comments on what I eat. A biology teacher told me he couldn't eat macaroni cheese because it was 'fattening' and when I told him how much BS that was had no comeback. If I choose the 'healthy' option at a restaurant I have to buy two of them, or have an icecream later.

    It's nice to have somewhere to come where enough people understand that I don't have to be 'virtuous' to be good at losing weight. If you choose not to be 'virtuous' in your food choices, you have to wait longer for the praise, right up until you are 'successful'. You can find validation on mfp, but you won't find much in real life.

    As a Christian, I know I have no virtue in and of myself. Any virtue or righteousness I might have belongs to Him and is caused by Him. Quite honestly, I would be the last to look down on anyone for anything--least of all, for making food choices that I would not make for myself. Everyone is different and has different nutritional needs. My choices are based on basic experiments with my own body and what has worked to build my health (the back side of that is making poor choices in the past and suffering ill effects from it).
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Eh, I'd rather have this. Kir Royal first. ;
  • Sqauterina11
    Sqauterina11 Posts: 60 Member
    i now want to eat a shed load of sugary food....... can feel the sugar hangover already!
  • srk369
    srk369 Posts: 256 Member
    here is some s'mores pancakes.


    cinnamon roll protein powder
    pancake mix
    egg whites
    almond milk
    FF cream cheese
    chocolate chips
    marshmallows (yes thats right)
    graham cracker broke up over the top
    sugar free syrup

    119c 19f 58p

    i eat stuff like this everyday and im cutting.

    Fixing the pic as I need to see these.

    ETA: hnnnnnnggg. Nice macros!

    I think I'm trying those this weekend. Yummmm

    Just had for breakfast today, and they were wonderful. High in protein and fiber...very filling!!
  • cHaRlIe0411
    cHaRlIe0411 Posts: 137 Member
    I've since gone vegan, so sadly no more pop tarts for me - I will miss those, though! I may need to figure out how to make myself some vegan ones because I'm sure it can be done.
    Vegan pop tarts? If you could make those I'm sure you would earn millions. Patent that thing if you figure it out.

    That was already accomplished:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Eh, I'd rather have this. Kir Royal first. ;

    So would I, but ^^that would involve me getting out of my PJs, getting dressed and going to a restaurant. An ice cream pop tart sammich involves me popping a poptart in the toaster and opening up the freezer...all in my PJs

    I do have to say though, that looks fantastic. I may need to get the fixins' so I can make at home - problem is, I cannot find the recipe. The only Kir Royal(e) I know about is (and could find on google) is an alcoholic drink..
  • ImpossibleGrl
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
